Letter from NI Yezhov to JV Stalin on the progress of the verification of party
documents. July 1935
Yezhov to I.V. Stalin about the Trotskyist organization in Ukraine
February 2, 1937
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for December 13, 1937.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested by the GUGB of
the NKVD of the USSR for January 10, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for February 3, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 4, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 7‐8, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 8, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 9, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for February 11‐12, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 10, 1938.
A Summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for February 13, 1938
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 14, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 16, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 17‐18, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for February 19‐20, 1938
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 21, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for February 22, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for February 23‐25, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those
arrested by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for February 26, 1938
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for February 27, 1938.
A Summary of the most important testimonies of the arrested
GUGB NKVD USSR for March 3‐4, 1938
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for March 7, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for March 13, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for March 17, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of the arrested
members of the anti‐Soviet organization at plant No. 21 for March 25, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of the arrested
members of the anti‐Soviet organization at plant No. 21 for March 27, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for March 26, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for March 28, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for April 1, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for April 2, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for April 3, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for April 4, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for April 8, 1938.
A Summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 6‐7, 1938
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB NKVD of the USSR for April 7, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for April 9, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for April 9‐10, 1938.
A Summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 11‐12, 1938
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR for April 13, 1938.
Summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 14, 1938
Summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 20, 1938.
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 23‐24, 1938.
A Summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 25, 1938
A summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 26‐27, 1938.
A Summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested
by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 28, 1938
Separate sheets from the reports with the testimony of those
arrested by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR
from P. F. Yudin
TO I. V. Stalin on meetings with the leaders of the leaders of CP of China , Including Mao Zedong
on 31 December 1950
Memorandum of the
People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria to I.V. Stalin
on the eviction of Osadniks from Western Belarus and Ukraine
Ezhov to
Stalin with a copy of A.I. Uspensky about the course of the Polish operation