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   To Stalin Top Secret Summaries Of The most important testimonies Of Those arrested 1937‐ 1938

Summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested by the directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 6‐7, 1938

Archive: AP RF. F. 3. Op.24. D. 407. L. 134‐156.

April 10, 1938

SECRETARY of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) comrade STALIN

I am sending you a summary of the most important testimonies of those arrested by the Directorates of the NKVD of the USSR for April 6‐7, 1938.

Peopleʹs Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR Peopleʹs Commissar for State Security (EZHOV)

Top secret

For the 4th DEPARTMENT

1. Kruchinkin N.K., former head of the NKVD Main Directorate of the

Military District . Interrogated: KOGAN, GERZON.

Kruchinkin gave initial testimony that he was a participant in an antiSoviet military conspiracy, in which Egorov was involved in 1931 during their joint stay in Germany.

During his stay in Germany, Kruchinkin established a traitorous relationship with the German General Staff through Captain von SPALKE.

For his anti‐Soviet work, Kruchinkin was associated with the participants in the military conspiracy BELOV, LEPIN and EFIMOV.

Kruchinkin also testified that, at the direction of Egorov, he was conducting subversive work in the border guard troops.

2. VK LEGKONRAVOV, former chairman of the regional executive committee of the DCK. Interrogated: GLEBOV.

Legkonravov confessed that he was a member of the anti‐Soviet organization of the Rights, into which he was recruited in 1932 by STOLYAR A.Ya. in the city of Gorky and was a member of the leading nucleus of the Pravotrotskyist organization in Gorky and Kirov.

On the instructions of the organization, he carried out sabotage work in the field of agriculture in the Gorky and then in the Kirov regions.

In 1933, having received a directive from the All‐Union Center of the Right on undermining the USSRʹs defenses in order to defeat in the war with the fascist countries, he organized sabotage and sabotage acts in the defense industry. In particular, the organization carried out a lot of sabotage work at the Izhevsk plant in the production of automatic weapons.

LEGKONRAVOV also testified that in 1934, through a member of the GOLDMAN organization, he established contact with Rykov, from whom he received directives on organizing terrorist and sabotage work.

According to the testimony of LEGKONRAVOV, the organization was preparing terrorist acts against the leadership of the All‐Union Communist       Party     of            Bolsheviks           and        primarily             against Comrade STALIN.

3. MARTYUSHIN GA, a former worker of the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Legislation, who returned from emigration in 1929, a former Socialist‐Revolutionary. Interrogated by GERZON and BREZGIN.

MARTYUSHIN arrived in the Soviet Union as a representative of the foreign delegation of the Socialist‐Revolutionary Party for anti‐Soviet work.

MARTYUSHIN testified that before leaving for the Soviet Union, members of the foreign delegation AVKSENTYEV and RUDNEV told him that in the USSR the SRs have the opportunity to do a lot of work, because in the OGPU ʺthe SRs themselves have been entrusted with the work on SRsʺ and that, as a result, the OGPU is not fighting the SRs.

In Moscow, MARTYUSHIN, through members of the Central Committee of the AKP, found out that the former SRs AGRANOV, SIDOROV, RESHETOV, ALEXEEV were working in the OGPU for the SRs.

In the Soviet Union, MARTYUSHIN did a lot of work to create a Socialist‐Revolutionary organization. MARTYUSHIN named the leaders of the Social Revolutionary organizations established in


Leningrad ‐ members of the Central Committee of the PSR V.I.

SUKHOMLIN; in Stalingrad and Kuibyshev ‐ BROWN, PODGORODSKY, KOCHETKOVSKY and NAUMOV; in Kursk ‐ a member of the CPSU (b) RYAZANOV.

4. GOLOVANOV VK, convicted in 1936, summoned from the camp. Interrogated: FIT.

GOLOVANOV showed that the main methods of struggle against the soviet power, the organization of the TKP ‐ ʺPeasant Russiaʺ, which he was a member of, were:

a)                   subversive sabotage work in all sectors of the national economy. In particular, sabotage activities in the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Forestry were carried out by AI SHVETSOV, in Glavmoloko ‐ by KOSTIN and BARAEV, in the State Bank ‐ by PARGIN, in the Vsekopromsovet ‐ by

OVCHINNIKOV (arrested);

b)                  the creation on the periphery of a wide network of insurgent cells to organize an uprising in the face of international complications;

c)                   terror against the most prominent leaders of the CPSU (b) and the Sov. government.

On this issue, GOLOVANOV testified that in November 1933 he joined the central terrorist group of the TKP organization ‐ ʺPeasant Russiaʺ, which was preparing to commit terrorist attacks on Comrades. STALIN and MOLOTOV. The terrorist attack was supposed to be committed at the Dynamo stadium during a sports festival. All members of the group were provided with weapons. Material funds for the organization of terrorist activities were supposed to be obtained through the members of the organization, the leaders of the All‐Industrial Council KOLYGIN and SINITSIN.

GOLOVANOV testified that the leader of this terrorist group was AI SHVETSOV, who headed the union center of the TKP ʺPeasant Russiaʺ, which also included KOSTIN, KUZNETSOV, GALEVIUS and RUMYANTSEV, and communicated with Zakordon.

GOLOVANOV also named a number of TCH peripheral organizations in the cities of Vologda, Gorky, Kuibyshev, Ivanovo.

5. VLADIMIROV MP, a former member of the CPSU (b) since 1899, one of               the          leaders of            the Shlyapnikov       organization. Interrogated: SHULISOV.

VLADIMIROV testified that after the X Congress of the Party, at an illegal meeting of the leaders of the ʺworkersʹ oppositionʺ

               SHLYAPNIKOV,        MEDVEDEV,        LUTOVINOV,        KOLONTAI,

KASHKIN, USTINOV, PEREPECHKO, VLADIMIROV, and others, it was decided to switch to an illegal position, to launch illegal work against the Central Committee , and at the same meeting the center of the organization was formed, consisting of SHLYAPNIKOV, LUTOVINOV and MEDVEDEV.

In 1921, at the congress of the metalworkersʹ trade union, the center of the organization decided to take over the leadership of the union in order to use the trade union for illegal anti‐Soviet activity. At this congress, the corresponding work was carried out by them ‐ VLADIMIROV.

In the middle of 1921, VLADIMIROV, on behalf of the center of the Shlyapnikovskaya organization, left for Sverdlovsk, where he headed an illegal group of Shlatnikovites. This group, under the leadership of VLADIMIROV, conducted subversive work against the Soviet regime, provoking the discontent of the workers of the Ural factories.

In            1923‐25. VLADIMIROV,                according            to            SHLYAPNIKOV               and LUTOVINOV, knew that SHLYAPNIKOV had established contacts with the Second International, where information about the illegal activities of the Shlyapnikovites in the Soviet Union was transmitted to them. KOLONTAI is involved in this connection.

In September 1932, at PRAVDINʹs apartment, there was an illegal meeting of the central Shlyapnikov group, at which the question of a bloc between the Shlyapnikovites and the Rights was discussed. The speaker was SHLYAPNIKOV. The meeting agreed with

SHLYAPNIKOVʹs proposal on the need for a bloc with the Rights.

In 1937, PRAVDIN and VLADIMIROV recreated (after the arrest) the Moscow group of Shlyapnikovites. The anti‐Soviet activities of this group are based on individual terror.

After the arrest of PRAVDINA VLADIMIROV in January 1938, he began to prepare a terrorist act against any of the leaders of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Soviet government, and for this purpose he processed I.T.Vorobiev, who had already recognized terror as a method of fighting the Soviet regime.

In 1935‐37. VLADIMIROV carried out sabotage at factories and in the research laboratory of the abrasive industry, for which he attracted the director of this laboratory P.V. KUTUZOV.

6. KAGANOV IZ, professor, head of the demonstration hall of the

Peopleʹs Commissariat of Trade before his arrest. Interrogated: PODOLSKY.

KAGANOV showed that for a number of years there has been an illegal united Central Committee of the Bund and the SS‐ovts in the central office of OZET.

The composition of the Central Committee, according to the testimony of KAGANOV, includes: WEINSTEIN ‐ former before. The Central Committee of the Bund, BOYARSKY ‐ a former employee of the Foreign Committee of the Bund, RASHKES ‐ ss‐sheep, MEREZHIN ‐ ss‐sheep,

LITVAKOV ‐ ss‐sheep, EDELMAN ‐ Bundist, KAGAN ‐ Bundist, ZISMAN ‐ ss‐sheep.

Kaganovʹs testimony establishes that the illegal Central Committee of the Bund had an agreement with the leaders of the anti‐Soviet organization of the Rights on joint sabotage and sabotage work. In addition, the Central Committee of the Bund regularly received directives from the leaders of the Second International.

KAGANOV, on the instructions of a member of the Central Committee of the Bund WEINSTEIN and an active Bundist VOLENSKY, in 1935 entered the anti‐Soviet organization of the right, operating in the system of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Trade of the USSR. During 1935‐38. KAGANOV carried out sabotage and subversive work in the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Trade in the field of imported equipment.

For the 5th DEPARTMENT

1. EGOROV Alexander Ilyich, former Deputy Peopleʹs Commissar of Defense. Interrogated by YAMNITSKY, KAZAKEVICH.

In addition, he showed about the circumstances of his establishment of contact with German intelligence:

In 1930, while at a resort in Sochi, he received a number of instructions from RYKOV about Ph.D. the work of the right in the Red Army. RYKOV said that the center of the Right is looking for connections           with       the          Trotskyists, Zinovievites       and        other c. formations. However, after the seizure of power between the ʺalliesʺ ‐ the members of the bloc, according to Rykovʹs assumption, a struggle for power should have flared up.

RYKOV from this drew the conclusion about the need for the right to have a strong and strong base, support both inside the country and outside it.

He suggested to Egorov to begin to develop organizational work, capturing by ʺhisʺ people mainly the highest command posts in the Red Army.

At the same time, RYKOV suggested to Egorov to find ways to establish contact with the leadership of the German Reichswehr. He pointed out that the Germans adhere to an ʺEastern orientationʺ and all the more willingly they will support the rightists, who will impress them not only with their foreign policy, but also with their internal one.

In accordance with these instructions RYKOVA, EGOROV and established contact with the German General Staff (General ADAM) in

1931, while he was studying in Germany.

Egorov informed DYBENKO and RYKOV about this connection and

the Germansʹ promises to support the rightists, who fully approved his activities and the obligations he had taken to supply the Germans with spy materials on the Red Army.

BUDENNY was not aware of the links between the right‐wingers and the German General Staff.

EGOROV considered it inappropriate to initiate the BUDENNY into this, since he had a special task to lead Ph.D. work among horsemen.

However, in 1934, EGOROV dedicated BUDENNY to the fact that, on Rykovʹs instructions, he had established contact with the Polish General Staff.

Egorov received this task at a meeting with Rykov in 1933 at the plenum of the Central Committee of the All‐Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks after he, Rykov, informed him about the course of his espionage activities in favor of Germany.

RYKOV pointed out to Egorov that after the Hitlerʹs coup the aggravation of relations between Germany and the USSR and Polandʹs transition to the channel of German policy were inevitable. Proceeding from this, Rykov suggested to Egorov to establish also contact with the Polish General Staff.

Rykov replied that this connection would simultaneously serve to popularize the right‐wing ʺfiguresʺ and would be a trump card in the future struggle within the anti‐Soviet bloc.

Egorov established contact with the Poles for the first time in the same 1933, in November, at a reception by the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, through the Polish ambassador to the USSR LUKASEVICH.

LUKASEVICH himself started a conversation with Egorov, pointing out his awareness of Egorovʹs belonging to the right. In this conversation, Egorov, opening himself as a rightist, agreed with Lukasevich to meet with the chief of the Polish General Staff, General


The meeting took place during Egorovʹs trip to Carlsbad for treatment in 1934. On the way through Warsaw, Egorov specially stopped there and, having phoned STAKHEVICH, met at his apartment.

At the beginning of the conversation, STAKHEVICH stated that he was already aware of Egorovʹs participation in the leadership of the rightwingers from LUKASEVICH and that he assured him of the full support of the right‐wingers from Poland.

In a subsequent conversation, Egorov and STAKHEVICH agreed on further systematic communication and that Egorov would inform the Polish General Staff about all the operational and mobilization plans of the Red Army.

Egorov also        negotiated           with       STAKHEVICH on           territorial compensation for the Poles for the support they would provide to the rightists in the anti‐Soviet coup.

The nature of this support was that the right was preparing the defeat of the Red Army and an anti‐Soviet coup, while the Poles supported the right in their struggle for power by armed force.

2. Gailit Ya.P., former commander of the Siberian Military District and the Ural Military District. Interrogated: BRENER.

Previously confessed as a participant in an anti‐Soviet military conspiracy, GAILIT additionally testified that, on the instructions of TUKHACHEVSKY, while in February 1937 at the operational war game in OKDVA, he personally contacted one of the leaders of the OKDVA conspiracy SANGURSKY (arrested) and together developed at the very beginning of the war with Japan, a defeatist wrecking operational plan for the army of the Blagoveshchensk direction, the commander of which was intended according to the GAILIT plan.

The main idea of this defeatist plan was to defeat the Red Army units in the Annunciation direction.

This defeat was ensured by the following sabotage measures:

1)                   limiting the armed forces in this direction even in peacetime, so that from the first day of the war it is not possible to take the initiative into the hands of the Red Army and, most importantly, to disrupt the Red Armyʹs crossing of the Amur River.

Failure to cross the Amur River would give the Japanese the necessary time to capture this powerful water barrier.

2)                   Disruption of the construction of a new railway line in the bend of the Amur River, the absence of dirt tracks in this area, deliberate nonuse of swamps in order to weaken the defense of the Blagoveshchensk UR.

3)                   At the beginning of the war, it was necessary to disorganize the planned approach of echelons with troops to the combat areas and incorrect operational and tactical decisions in the course of operations and disruption of the armyʹs rear services to enable the Japanese to smash the Red Army in parts.

3. LOZOVSKY AP, former head of the 10th department of the

Intelligence Directorate of the Red Army. Interrogated: YAMNITSKY, PAVLOVSKY.

Additionally, showed that due to the fact that Berlin in 1926‐1928. was the center of registration and supply of passports for illegal employees of the Intelligence Agency sent to Western European countries and America, LOZOVSKY, at the request of German intelligence at the end of 1926, was sent by the Intelligence Agency ‐ KRASTYN and BERZIN (arrested) ‐ to Berlin as the head of passport technology, the organization of which was entrusted to Berlin residency Intelligence Agency.

German intelligence, with its demand to send LOZOVSKY to Berlin for this work, pursued the goal of obtaining through him information about all illegal workers sent by the Intelligence Agency to a particular country, as well as to Germany.

Arriving in Berlin, LOZOVSKY contacted an officer of the German General Staff, Major ZONENBERG. On his instructions, LOZOVSKY carried out the following:

In accordance with the instructions of ZONENBERG, he carried out the issuance of passports for the intelligence agency through the Berlin police officer ʺSpeckʺ, who arranged registration in the police, received visas for passports, registered them at foreign consulates, etc.

Through ʺSpeckʺ, as a double, LOZOVSKY informed the German intelligence about all illegal workers of the Intelligence Agency who passed through Berlin.

LOZOVSKY named the German intelligence a number of agents of the Intelligence Agency, including: BIRKENFELD, STIGGA, TYLTYN, MICHELSON, BORTNOVSKY, FREYMAN, MILLER, NEBENFUR Karl, ZIGIZMUND (Pole), German).

Many of them were recruited by German intelligence, and LOZOVSKY personally in recent years has been associated with them in his espionage work. Such persons include BIRKENFELD (arrested), Karl MICHELSON (arrested), BORTNOVSKY (arrested), FREYMAN (arrested), NEBENFUR (arrested), STIGGA (arrested), MILLER


In addition, LOZOVSKY gave the German intelligence service three Berlin sources of the Intelligence Agency ‐ SHEIBE, HIBNER and an engineer of one plant (he does not remember his last name). As a result, SCHEIBE was sentenced to 5 years, HIBNER to 3 years and an engineer to 8 years.

4. HAKHANYAN GL, former member of the Military Council of the OKDVA. Interrogated: MALYSHEV.

Additionally, showed that pom. Commander OKDVA for material support DZYZA (arrested), and then SVINKIN (arrested), according to his ‐ Khakhanyan instructions, carried out sabotage in the field of supplying the families of commanding officers through military trade (Voentorg).

From SVINKIN KHAKHANYAN it is known that the head of the food department of the OKDVA ENTIN (not arrested) and the head of the transport and clothing department of the OKDVA KOSTYREV are participants in the conspiracy.

According to the instructions of KHAKHANYAN, SVINKIN disrupted the supply of food and fodder for the troops of the Ust‐Sungari fortified region in order to put these troops in a difficult position and disrupt the operational plan of these troops, on which the main blow of the OKDVA was laid in the war with the Japanese.

Mobstocks of flour and food fodder in the warehouses of the reserve committee by the members of the organization are rendered unusable and require immediate renewal. Grain is infected with a mite, and flour and oats have metallic impurities.

Khakhanyan and the head of the clothing department of the OKDVA KOSTYREV gave underestimated orders for winter uniforms for the OKDVA troops during the war.

The head of the Voentorg OKDVA AEROV, at the direction of KHAKHANYAN, artificially created interruptions in the supply of command‐and‐control personnel with bread and manufactured goods by overstocking and incorrect sending, accumulating some goods in some places, in others in order to cause discontent among servicemen and their families.

5. VINOKUROV BC, former head of the Political Department of the Amur Flotilla, division commissar. Interrogated: IVANOV.

VINOKUROV, who had previously confessed as a participant in a military‐fascist                conspiracy           and        an underground     SocialistRevolutionary organization in the army, additionally testified about espionage activities in favor of Japan.

VINOKUROV shows that the conspiratorial organization in the Far East, focusing on Japanʹs assistance in the fight against the Soviet government, did everything possible to make it easier for the Japanese to capture the Soviet Primorye. Mob documents of the Amur Flotilla were transferred to Japanese intelligence.

The organizer of the espionage work in the flotilla was the head of the intelligence department of the flotilla KYART (arrested). VINOKUROV established contact with KYART as a Japanese spy on the instructions of BERZIN Yan (former head of the RKKA Intelligence Directorate, arrested) and ARONSHTAM (convicted).

In addition, VINOKUROV testified that he and the commander of the Amur flotilla KADATSKY (arrested), on the instructions of BERZIN and ARONSHTAM, systematically supplied KYART for transfer to the Japanese with secret materials about the flotilla, up to special reports on the political and moral state of the fighters and individual characteristics of the commanders of the flotilla.

6. SHUMOVICH, former inspector of the headquarters of the MNRA army, colonel. Interrogated: SOLOVIEV.

SHUMOVICH, who had previously confessed to participating in the officerʹs monarchist organization and the anti‐Soviet military‐fascist conspiracy, additionally testified that he had penetrated the Red Army for subversive purposes.

From 1918 to 1921, SHUMOVICH for anti‐Soviet work in the officerʹs monarchist organization was associated with SHOCKE ‐ a former colonel of the general staff of the tsarist army (not arrested) and former. General HONDEL L (arrested), who headed the monarchistminded officers who served in the units of the 3rd Infantry Division, which at that time was commanded by GONDEL.

In 1918‐1919. for anti‐Soviet purposes, GONDEL, SHUMOVICH and

SHOCKE deliberately extended the formation of the 3rd rifle division.

In 1922, SHUMOVICH, being a senior assistant to the chief of staff of the 4th rifle division, established contact with a member of the officerʹs monarchist organization, a former officer of the general staff of the tsarist army GOLUBEV (not arrested), who was then the chief of staff of the division, and together with him conducted a sabotage work aimed at undermining the combat training of divisional units.

From 1923 to 1925 SHUMOVICH for anti‐Soviet work was associated with a member of the officersʹ monarchist organization, a former general, teacher of the Military Academy of the RKKA named after. Frunze SNESAREV (died).

In 1930‐34. SHUMOVICH participated in the Trotskyist organization that existed in the Belarusian Military District, into which he was recruited by the former chief of staff of the BVO BOBROV (arrested).

On the instructions of BOBROVA SHUMOVICH, he carried out sabotage work to disrupt combat training in parts of the Belarusian Military District.

For sabotage purposes, SHUMOVICH was connected by BOBROV with members of this organization MUEV, the former chief of artillery of the BVO (arrested) and KARPUNIN, the former chief of staff of the BVO (not arrested).

SHUMOVICH, who had recruited into the anti‐Soviet military‐fascist conspiracy, VAYNER (arrested), was associated with SHUMOVICH since 1930 on the basis of a common anti‐Soviet views when he was serving in the Belarusian Military District.

Together with VAYNER SHUMOVICH in 1930‐34. led subversive work in the units of the cavalry division, which at that time was commanded by WEINER. The former commander of the 31st cavalry regiment of the same division, VOROBYEV (arrested), took part in the subversive work carried out by VAYNER and SHUMOVICH.

In 1935, VAYNER, with the assistance of the former head of the RKKA Intelligence Directorate URITSKY (arrested), secured the appointment of him, SHUMOVICH, VOROBYEV, MISKEVICH (not arrested) and TIKHONOV (not arrested) to the posts of instructors at the headquarters of the MNRA, MISKEVICH and TIKHONOV were associated with VAYNER parts of the 3rd Cavalry Corps (BVO).

Before leaving for Mongolia, VAYNER SHUMOVICH, VOROBYEV and MISKEVICH warned that his predecessor, a former adviser in the MNRA SHEKO (arrested), carried out a lot of sabotage work in the MNRA units, that the MNRA was small in number, incapable of combat, poorly trained, so lacking in material ., and that upon arrival in Mongolia there is no need to raise combat training, but to recruit for anti‐Soviet activities the command staff of the MHRA from Mongolia.

7. POLYAEV M.D., former head of the personnel department of the

RKKA UVVS, colonel. Interrogated: IVKER, PAVLOV.

He gave initial testimony that since 1922 he has been a resident of the Romanian intelligence service.

POLYAEV shows that in 1922, as the commander of the reconnaissance squadron of the 51st Perekop division, being anti‐Soviet, he conspired with the pilot‐observer SMIRNOV (arrested), made a treacherous flight to Romania. Having been delivered to the city of Chisinau, POLYAEV and SMIRNOV were recruited by Captain MORDARE for reconnaissance work on the territory of the USSR in favor of the Romanian intelligence, and then sent to the city of Oradea Mare, where they studied for 5 months on special intelligence courses. After completing these courses, the Romanians, having created a legend about the forced landing of POLYAEV and SMIRNOV on the territory of Bessarabia, sent them to the USSR with serious assignments to create sabotage and spy groups in the Air Force units.

In June 1923, the Romanian officer TRUNESCU, who had previously served in the air units of the Rumarmia, established contact with POLYAEV. The latter, under the name TRUNOV (to be established), was introduced into the Red Army Air Force units, in which he served until 1927, and then, having received bruises in an accident, he was demobilized from the Red Army. POLYAEV kept in touch with him until 1934.

Since 1935, Rum Intelligence established an espionage connection with POLYAEV through its agent UDOLSKY Pyotr Konstantinovich ‐ a supply worker b. yellow dor. building, lives in Moscow (on Vorovskogo street, house number 26, apt. 10 or 11).

POLYAEV, on the instructions of the Romanians for 15 years, conducted espionage and sabotage work in parts of the Air Force of the Red Army, creating for this a numerous residency in parts of the Air Force of the KVO, MVO, VVA, Red Army, Research Institute of the Air

Force, and the Directorate for the Command of the Red Army. According to Polyayevʹs testimony, he was involved in espionage work of the 4th department of the Red Army command staff, quartermaster 2nd rank BORISOV Pyotr Antonovich (not arrested), the latter is a resident of the Special Department, involved in espionage work by POLYAEV in 1934. BORISOV informed POLYAEV about his

connection with the Special Department.

Along with this POLYAEV, Sergei Sergeevich VYUNTSOV, a cooperative worker, was recruited in Leningrad, whose apartment was used as a turnout (to be established).

Through TRUNESKA and UDOLSKY POLYAEV, he received remuneration for himself and the agents he had recruited.

8. ROSENBLIT FS, former head of the dental department of the Military Hospital, Moscow. Interrogated: IVANOV.

In addition, he showed that since 1926 he has been an active participant in the Trotskyist organization of America and a German spy.

In 1926, in ROSENBLITʹs own house, on 119th Street in New York, the nucleus of the American Trotskyist organization was born, initiated by the Brandlerian, a former employee of the RKKA Intelligence Directorate Felix WOLF.

In the house of ROSENBLIT, secret meetings of the leaders of the Trotskyist organization of America took place. There gathered James KENAN ‐ secretary of the political committee of the Trotskyists of America, Jay LOVESTON ‐ ideologist and organizer of the right‐wing opportunist group of America, expelled from the Communist Party in 1929, Max SHEKHTMAN ‐ one of the members of the Trotskyist political committee, and agents of German intelligence, former employees of the Intelligence Agency of the RKF: Felix (convicted), TYLTYN, IKAL Arnold, Murzin Dmitry (all three were arrested).

In the house of ROSENBLIT, there was a conspiracy between the Trotskyists Jay LOVSTON, James CANAN and German spies TYLTYN, WOLF, MURZIN on subsidizing the Trotskyist organization with funds and using the capabilities of the Trotskyist organization to compromise the Soviet Union and subversive counter‐revolutionary labor movement abroad.

In 1929, on the direct instructions of the former head of the RKKA Intelligence Agency BERZIN (arrested) between Jay LOVSTON and James KENAN, on the one hand, and TILTYN, on the other, an agreement was reached on the sale of counterfeit American dollars made in Moscow by members of the Latvian counterpart. organizations for the needs of the Trotskyist organization of America and the Lovstanites.

The Trotskyists singled out Nikolai DOZENBERG, the confidant of LOVSTON and KENAN, as the executor for the dissemination of forgeries. DOZENBERG managed to distribute counterfeits worth several thousand rubles, then it was discovered by the police.

In order to avoid failure, BERZIN took measures to ensure that DOZENBERG traveled to Romania, and then to China, while remaining in the service of the Intelligence Agency.

In addition, ROSENBLIT testified that his house was also a safe house for German intelligence.

9.           RITTER      AR, Assistant     Defense                Attaché                 in            Sweden,

Major. Interrogated: UTYANOV.

He gave initial testimony that he was a member of the Latvian spyfascist organization since 1935, to which he was recruited. early the intelligence department of the RKKA BERZIN (arrested).

On the instructions of BERZIN, RITTER recruited APSIT and SHMIDT (arrested) officers of the RKKA Intelligence Agency into the Latvian spy‐fascist organization.

Due to his work in the Latvian spy‐fascist organization, RITTER was connected with the head of the RKKA Intelligence Department, PERCON (arrested).

10.       MENCHUKOV EA, prior to his arrest, a researcher of the 8th department of the General Staff of the Red Army, a former general. Interrogated: PROKHOROV.

MENCHUKOV, who had previously confessed to participating in the military officersʹ organization, additionally testified that in 1927 he was recruited by the Italian intelligence agent PICCINO, the representative of the Italian firm Fiat in the USSR, for espionage activities in favor of Italy.

MENCHUKOV transmitted the following spy materials to Italian intelligence through PICCINO:

1)  on the structural structure of some artillery units;

2)  on changes in the organization of the rifle plant and infantry weapons;

3)  about the fighting qualities of commanders who graduated from the Shot school;

4)  about new changes in the organization of the infantry;

5)  detailed information about the Military Transport Academy;

6)  the development of the Red Army on the protection and defense of the rear in modern warfare and friend.

11. SHROT, former chief of the 1st section of the headquarters of the 9th rifle corps, major. Interrogated: RYABINKIN.

Additionally, showed that in the period 1925‐1937. transmitted the following spy information about the Red Army to German intelligence through its agents ADAM, SHILGAVOGO and IVANOV (all are being established):

1)   the dislocation of parts of the SKVO;

2)   data on the armament of aircraft TB‐3, R‐5 and I‐3;

3)   data on the state of artillery of the North Caucasus Military District and the provision of its ammunition;

4)   the deployment of the SKVO Air Force;

5)   data on T‐27, T‐35 ʺKarosi Loideʺ and ʺChristieʹsʺ tanks;

6)   information collections of the Intelligence Department of the Red

Army and the Intelligence Department of the Siberian Military District.

On the instructions of the German intelligence officer ADAM SCHROT introduced the latter to ZAKOLODKIN ‐ early. Intelligence department SIBVO (not arrested) and his assistants: SHESTAKOV (arrested), BIBIKOV and BABICHOV (not arrested), early. Sector of the Intelligence Department of the Siberian Military District NIKOLAEV (not arrested), with students of the intelligence courses of the Intelligence Department of the RKKA NOVIKOV (not arrested) and SVIRIDENKO (an arrest warrant was requested).

All these persons were subsequently recruited by ADAM with the participation of SCHROT for espionage work in favor of Germany.

For his espionage activities, SCHROT received 7,000 rubles from German intelligence through agent ADAMA.

12. KOLTUNOV IS, former deputy chief of the 3rd department of the VOSO of the General Staff of the Red Army, officer of the tsarist army, brigade commander. Interrogated: IVANOV, LIVCHAK.

Having previously confessed to participating in a military‐fascist conspiracy, he additionally testified that, according to the instructions of the leaders of the conspiratorial organization in the General Staff of the Red Army, he and other participants in the conspiracy launched sabotage in the development and maintenance of a wartime military transport plan.

The main document, the transportation plan, was developed in such a way that it did not make it possible to check the occupancy of certain road sections with transportation. Taking advantage of this, the conspirators planned the movement of several trains at the same time, which should have led to delays in military trains at the railway station. knots, to the sewing of knots and to the disruption of the transportation plan for the concentration of troops.

Head of the Secretariat of the NKVD of the USSR, senior major of state security