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Report of the Regional Council of the Trade Union of Chemical Industry Workers of the Donetsk Basin - May 5, 1917

Truce and preliminary peace conditions between Russia and Ukraine, on the one hand, and Poland, on the other. 1920

Peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine on the one hand and Poland on the other. 1921

On the transfer of the Center of the Donetsk province from Lugansk to Bakhmut.

On the economic significance of Dneprostroy of Ukraine 1925

Energy resources of Ukraine- 1925

Development of agricultural electrification in Ukraine. October 3, 1925

Kirov and Kherson repair plants - Nikolaev region Ukraine 1925

Estimated power supply plan for Ukraine - 1925

Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic - Central Executive Committee of the USSR, 1928

Five-Year Plan for the National Economic Construction of the USSR (First Five-Year Plan) - 1928-1933 - Ukrainian SSR

Molotov's report on a trip to Ukraine, the Urals and Bashkiria on grain procurement matters. January 25, 1928

On Donbass - Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of January 17, 1929

Fundamentals of copyright 1930

 A. Melnyk's letter to the German Foreign Minister I. Ribbentrop for help Ukrainian independence

On the resettlement of collective farmers to Ukraine -1933

Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On Ukraine and Belarus"

About Donbass. (Decree of the OB of January 13, 1931, approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee on January 15, 1931) Appendix No. 1 to clause 13. pr. PB No. 23.

Speech by Comrade V.M. Molotov at the 3rd All-Ukrainian Conference of the CP(b)U July 6, 1932

"On the course of recruitment and resettlement of collective farmers in the steppe zone of Ukraine." December 9, 1933

Special report of the OGPU about counter-revolutionary manifestations during preparation for spring sowing in Ukraine. February 25, 1934

Special report of the SPO of the OGPU on the economic situation of collective farmers-migrants in Ukraine. May 12, 1934

the report on the results of the operational work of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR for the period from October 1, 1936 to July 1, 1938

From Comrade Molotov's speech. February 25, 1937

From Comrade Popov's speech. March 5, 1937

Materials of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR on the organized activities of the church-sectarian counter-revolution

Ukrainian SSR, Central Black Earth Region, Crimean ASSR

Information on the number of those convicted by the regional troikas of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR

On the resettlement of Iranians from the border regions of the Azerbaijan SSR to the Kazakh SSR." October 8, 1938

Liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi invaders, and inclusion of Western Ukraine

On the operation to eliminate the ROVS organizations

Draft order of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR N. I. Yezhov "On shortcomings in the preparation and conduct of mass operations" in Ukraine 1938

Integral migration - far east and Siberia

From the transcript of the report of V.M. Molotov "On the restructuring of the work of the Economic Council 1938


Memorandum of the OUN (Bandera) on the terms of cooperation between the OUN and Nazi Germany, 1941

On the declaration of independence of (Western) Ukraine and the creation of its government, 1941

Memorandum of I.A. Serova L.P. Beria on the results of the operation against the OUN in the western regions of Ukraine

Appeal of the commander of the Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army I. Klimiv (E. Legends) to the citizens of Ukraine with a call for an uprising

On the creation in the western regions of Ukraine of the People's Liberation Revolutionary Organization (NVRO)

on the mood of the population of Ukraine and the anti-German propaganda of the OUN

on the events in Western Ukraine in March 1942.

distribution of printed publications of the OUN (Bandera) in Ukraine

About the activities of Ukrainian nationalists in the western regions of Ukraine - 1944

Information about the development of the military industry in the period from 1917 to 1947

will continue