About Donbass

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About Donbass. (Decree of the OB of January 13, 1931, approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee on January 15, 1931) Appendix No. 1 to clause 13. pr. PB No. 23.

Archive:  RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 810. L. 16-17.

Application No. 1

to item 13. pr. PB No. 23.

About Donbass.

(Resolution of the OB of January 13, 1931, approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee on January 15, 1931)

The Central Committee, in its resolution of October 2, 1930, indicated that in this period the mechanization of Donbass was a decisive factor in the development of the coal industry.

The Central Committee states that the implementation of this decision of the Central Committee has not yet unfolded with the necessary pace and scope, and the central factor is that measures have not yet been taken to ensure the maximum use of mechanisms (cutters, conveyors, jackhammers and the organization of all processes for hauling) . The directive of the Central Committee on the organization of production teams also did not receive its practical permission in most areas of the Donbass, and especially in the Shakhtinsky and Gorlovsky regions. Work on the selection of low-level personnel and their preparation for work on mechanisms has not been sufficiently developed. Meanwhile, the experiments of the best organization of labor on coal-cutting machines by the worker Kosaurov at the Volkovskaya mine, by the engineer Kartashev at mine No. 22, and the foreman Filimonov at the Capital mine, due to which the productivity of the coal-cutters increased to 5,000 tons per month against the average for the Donbass of 2,100 tons, speaks of the indisputable production technical possibilities of not only fulfilling, but also overfulfilling the plan.

Considering that the fulfillment of the fuel plan is a decisive condition for the implementation of the entire national economic plan for 1931, the Central Committee demands from the economic, party and trade union organizations of the Donbass a radical restructuring of all work, the mobilization of workers' activity to carry out these directives in the shortest possible time and a tough fight against all sorts of opportunistic manifestations taking place among individual groups of business executives and in a number of local party organizations.

In this regard, the Central Committee decides:

1 . To oblige the Board of Coal within a month to achieve the dissemination of the experience of Kosaurov, Kartashev-Filimonov at least 50 most important mines of the Donbass in order to extend these methods to the entire Donbass in the first quarter of 1931. At the same time, at the same mines and within the same time frame, carry out measures to ensure a radical improvement in haulage (drifts, tracks, rolling stock, mechanical transportation, etc.)

2 . Propose to the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions to resolutely improve the work on rationing in mine administrations and mines and to revise the existing output standards in accordance with the pace of mechanization of Donbass.

3 . a) The Distribution Department of the Central Committee, together with the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR, within a ten-day period, carefully select and send to responsible economic work in mines and mine administrations 60 qualified business executives from the students of the Industrial Academy and the Courses of Red Directors and 200 people last-year students of VTUs and technical schools:

b) At the same time, the departments of the Central Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions should carefully select 75 party, Soviet and professional workers for permanent work and 75 people from the composition of the last courses of the Komvos, for a period of 6 months, mainly for organizational and mass work;

c) The Supreme Council of National Economy, together with the NKTrud and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, within a month, select and send to the Donbass 1,000 communists from qualified workers.

4 . Propose to the Central Committee of the Union of Miners to agree with the board of "Coal" that in some mines of Donbass, in the form of experience, economic management and responsibility for the rational use of resources for the organization of hostels, laundries, baths and public catering for workers should be assigned to the relevant trade union bodies and their leaders.

Special Decree .

In order to strengthen the personnel of other fuel regions (including oil and peat regions), propose:

a) The Supreme Council of National Economy, within two decades, select and send 100 qualified business executives to responsible economic work from the students of the Industrial Academy and the Red Directors' Courses and 375 students of the last courses of VTUZs and technical schools.

b) The departments of the Central Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions to send 90 party, Soviet and professional workers for permanent work and 125 students of the last year of the Komuniversity for organizational and mass work for a period of 6 months.

The plan for the distribution of seconded persons to be instructed to approve the Secretariat of the Central Committee.