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Books and pamphlets by/ and collection of Stalin published in English 1925 - 1958(A large portion of the books and or articles within the books are available on the site- will be updated with links)
Leninism or Trotskyism? --- Chicago: Daily Worker Publishing Co. --- With G.E. Zinoviev and L. Kamenev. Preface by Alexander Bittelman. First American edition of "Trotskyism or Leninism?"
The Errors of Trotskyism: A Symposium. --- London: Communist Party of Great Britain --- Edited by J.T. Murphy. With Trotsky, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Kamenev, Sokolnikov, Kuusinen, Krupskaya. First UK edition of "Trotskyism or Leninism?"
The Theory and Practice of Leninism. --- London: Communist Party of Great Britain --- First UK edition of "Foundations of Leninism."The Theory and Practice of Leninism. --- Chicago: Daily Worker Publishing Co. --- Preface by T.B. First American edition of "Foundations of Leninism," translated from the French.
Bolshevism: Some Questions Answered. --- London: Communist Party of Great Britain --- First UK edition of "Questions and Answers."
China in Revolt. --- NY: [Daily Worker Publishing Co.] --- Includes speeches by Tan-Ping-Shan, Dmitri Manuilsky, and Nikolai Bukharin.
Questions and Answers to American Trade Unionists. Stalin's Interview with the First American Trade Union Delegation to Soviet Russia, September 9, 1927. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- Interview.
The Theory and Practice of Leninism. --- Sydney: The Communist Party of Australia --- First Austrailian edition of "Foundations of Leninism."
Leninism. --London: George Allen and Unwin --- Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Based on first Russian edition of "Voprosy leninizma." Issued w/DJ.
Leninism. --NY: International Publishers --- Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Based on first Russian edition of "Voprosy leninizma." Issued w/DJ. Same as UK edition with different title page. Printed in UK. -- The American edition was released on May 25, 1928.
The Workers' State: Lies About Soviet Russia Answered (Interview with Foreign Workers' Delegation). --- London: Communist Party of Great Britain --- Interview.1930
Political Report to the 16th Congress of the Russian Communist Party. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- Issued w/DJ. Same as UK edition with different imprint on spine.
Political Report to the 16th Congress of the Russian Communist Party. --- London: Modern Books --- Issued w/DJ. Same as US edition with different imprint on spine.
Rise of the Soviets and the Decline of Capitalism. (Extracts from the speech of J. Stalin to the Sixteenth Congress of the Russian Communist Party.) --- London: Modern Books ---1931
Building Collective Farms. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- Issued w/DJ. Same as UK edition with different imprint on spine. Collection of articles on collectivization and agricultural policy from Nov. 1929-July 1930.
Building Collective Farms. --- London: Modern Books --- Issued w/DJ. Same as US edition with different imprint on spine. Collection of articles on collectivization and agricultural policy from Nov. 1929-July 1930.New Conditions, New Tasks: Speech Delivered at the Conference of Leaders of Industry, June 23rd, 1931. --- London: Modern Books --- Speech Delivered at the Conference of Leaders of Industry.
New Conditions, New Tasks: Speech Delivered at the Conference of Leaders of Industry, June 23rd, 1931. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Speech Delivered at the Conference of Leaders of Industry.
New Conditions, New Tasks: Speech Delivered to the Leaders of Industry, June 23rd, 1931. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- Speech Delivered at the Conference of Leaders of Industry.
On Lenin: Lenin as Organiser and Leader of the Russian Communist Party: Article Written on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday. On Lenin: Speech at the Evening of the Military-Students of the Kremlin on January 28, 1924. --- Moscow: Centrizdat --- Edition of 3,000. Translated by R. Biske.
Our New Tasks: Speech at All Union Conference of the Directors of the Soviet Industry. --- Moscow: Centrizdat --- Alternate variation of "New Conditions, New Tasks." Speech Delivered at the Conference of Leaders of Industry. Edition of 5,000.
Stalin's Speeches on the American Communist Party, Delivered in the American Commission of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, May 6, 1929 and in the Presidium of the EKKI. --- NY: International Publishers --- Supposedly an edition of 100,000.
The New Russian Policy (June 23, 1931). --- NY: John Day Company --- Foreword by George S. Counts. Alternate version of "New Conditions, New Tasks." Speech Delivered at the Conference of Leaders of Industry.The Tasks of the Working Class in Mastering the Technique of Production. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers/London: Modern Books --- Speech at 1st All-Russian Conference of Workers in Socialist Industry.
An Interview with the German Author, Emil Ludwig. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Interview.
Foundations of Leninism. --- NY: International Publishers --- Revised Translation. This seems to be the first published version of this book under this title outside of the "Leninism" collection.
Interviews with Foreign Workers' Delegations. --- NY: International Publishers --- A report of Stalin's interview of and by First American Labor Delegation in Russia, 9/9/27 and with The Foreign Workers' Delegation, 11/5/27. No date listed, but listing of other 1932-dated publications appears in back.
Leninism. [Volume I] --- NY: International Publishers --- Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Second Impression of 1928 Edition, based on first Russian edition.
New Conditions, New Tasks: Speech Delivered at the Conference of Leaders of Industry, June 23rd, 1931. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Second Edition.
On Technology. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Topical collection. A collection of excerpts ... compiled by Comrades S.S. Gadziatsky, O.A. Litskevich and N.E. Pryakhin ... and edited by T.I. Raynov.
Questions Concerning the History of Bolshevism: A Symposium. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Includes letter to Editorial Board of "Proletarskaia Revoliutsiia." With pieces by L.M. Kaganovich and P. Postyshev.1933
Lenin and Stalin on Socialist Competition. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- With Lenin. Translated by D. Keen.
Leninism. [in two volumes] --- NY: International Publishers --- New Translation. Follows the one volume Ninth Russian Edition of 1933.
Leninism. [Volume 2] ---London: Modern Books --- New Translation. Follows the one volume Ninth Russian Edition of 1933.
Results of the First Five Year Plan. Report Delivered at the Joint Plenum of the Central Committe and Central Control Commission of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- Report to joint plenum of CC and CCC of the VKP(b).
Results of the First Five Year Plan. Report Delivered at the Joint Plenum of the Central Committe and Central Control Commission of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. --- London: Modern Books --- Report to joint plenum of CC and CCC of the VKP(b).Speech at the First All-Union Congress of Collective Farm Shock Brigade Workers. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Speech at the First All-Union Congress of Collective Farm Shock Brigade Workers.
The Results of the First Five-Year Plan: Report Delivered at the Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, January 7, 1933. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Report to joint plenum of CC and CCC of the VKP(b).
The Work in the Rural Districts. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- Speech delivered at joint plenum of CC and CCC.
The Work in the Rural Districts: Speech Delivered on January 11, 1933, at the Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. --- London: Modern Books --- Speech delivered at joint plenum of CC and CCC.
To the Collective Farm Shock Brigade Workers. --- NY: International Publishers --- Speech at First All-Union Congress of Collective Farm Udarniki.
Work in the Rural Districts: Speech Delivered at the Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, January 11, 1933. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Speech delivered at joint plenum of CC and CCC.
Leninism. [in two volumes] --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Issued with DJ. Edited by J. Fineberg. Follows the one volume Ninth Russian Edition of 1933. Volume 2 was published first, Volume 1 followed with a 1934 date on the title page. Edition of about 8,000.
Foundations of Leninism. --- NY: International Publishers --- Tenth Anniversary Edition.
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- From the First to the Second Five-Year Plan: A Symposium by J. Stalin, V. Molotov, L. Kaganovich, K. Voroshilov, G. Orjonikidze, V. Kuibyshev, Y. Yakovlev [and] G. Grinko. --- NY: International Publishers --- Stalin: "The Results of the First Five-Year Plan" + "Work in the Rural Districts." Molotov: "Tasks of the First Year of the Second Five Year Plan." With Kaganovich, Ordzhonikidze, Iakovlev, Grinko.
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- From the First to the Second Five-Year Plan: A Symposium by J. Stalin, V. Molotov, L. Kaganovich, K. Voroshilov, G. Orjonikidze, V. Kuibyshev, Y. Yakovlev [and] G. Grinko. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Stalin: "The Results of the First Five-Year Plan" + "Work in the Rural Districts." Molotov: "Tasks of the First Year of the Second Five Year Plan." With Kaganovich, Ordzhonikidze, Iakovlev, Grinko.
Interview with Foreign Workers' Delegations. --- NY: International Publishers ---
Interviews with Foreign Workers' Delegations. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR ---
Lenin. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Translated and edited by J. Fineberg.
Lenin: Three Speeches About Lenin, One Delivered During His Lifetime, The Others Immediately After His Death. --- London: Martin Lawrence ---
Lenin: Three Speeches About Lenin, One Delivered During His Lifetime, The Others Immediately After His Death. --- NY: International Publishers --- Little Lenin Library Vol. 16.
Leninism. [Volume 1] --- tpb --- London: Modern Books --- New Translation. Follows the one volume Ninth Russian Edition of 1933.
Marxism and the National Question. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- First English Edition.
October and Trotsky's Theory of Permanent Revolution. --- Sydney: Modern Publishers --- Includes Lenin's "Two Lines of the Russian Revolution."
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- Our Foreign Policy. --- NY: International Publishers --- Includes Stalin's Dec. 25, 1933 interview with Walter Duranty and Molotov's speech to Central Executive Committee of Dec. 28, 1933. With Litvinov.
Problems of Leninism. --- NY: International Publishers --- Marxist Library Vol. XXXII. Translation of "K voprosam leninizma." Includes use of "comrade" ahead of Zinoviev's and Kamenev's names and specific citings of their works. Does not include introduction from first edition.
Problems of Leninism. --- NY: International Publishers --- Little Lenin Library vol. 19. Translation of "K voprosam leninizma." Includes use of "comrade" ahead of Zinoviev's and Kamenev's names and specific citings of their works. Does not include introduction from first edition.
Report on the Work of the Central Committee of the CPSU: Delivered to the Seventeenth Congress. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Report on the work of the Central Committee to the 17th Congress.
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- Socialism Victorious. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- 17th Congress Speeches. With Kaganovich, Voroshilov, Kiubyshev, Orjonikidze, and Manuilsky. Edition of 3,000.STALIN & MOLOTOV --- Soviet's Foreign Policy: Declarations by: M. Stalin ... M. Molotov ... M. Litvinov. --- London: Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee --- Preface by Arthur Henderson. Stalin interview with Duranty of Dec. 25, 1933. Molotov speech to Central Executive Committee of Dec. 28, 1933.
Stalin Reports on the Soviet Union: Report to the 17th Congress. --- London: Martin Lawrence --- Issued w/DJ. Report on the work of the Central Committee to the 17th Congress.
Stalin Reports on the Soviet Union: Report to the 17th Congress. --- tpb --- London: Martin Lawrence --- Report on the work of the Central Committee to the 17th Congress.
Stalin Reports: Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the 17th Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR. --- NY: International Publishers --- Report on the work of the Central Committee to the 17th Congress. Title page inside reads "The World Situation, the Internal and International Position of the Soviet Union.
Stalin-Wells Talk: The Verbatim Record and a Discussion by G. Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, J.M. Keynes, Ernst Toller, and Others, With Three Caricatures and Cover Design by Low. --- London: New Statesman and Nation --- Non-Communist edition of the Wells interview.
The Foundations of Leninism + Problems of Leninism. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Combined edition. (Harvard, U of IL-Urbana)
The Lenin Heritage. --- NY: International Publishers --- Speech delivered ... at the Second Congress of Soviets of the U.S.S.R., January 26, 1924.
The October Revolution: A Collection of Articles and Speeches. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Issued w/DJ. Selection of articles on the October Revolution dated 1917-1927. Edition of 9,700.
The October Revolution: A Collection of Articles and Speeches. --- NY: International Publishers --- Marxist Library vol. XXI. Issued w/DJ. Selection of articles on the October Revolution dated 1917-1927.
The October Revolution: A Collection of Articles and Speeches. --- London: Martin Lawrence --- Issued w/DJ. Printed in USSR. Selection of articles on the October Revolution dated 1917-1927.
1934The Political and Social Doctrine of Communism: Report of the Work of the Central committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. --- pb? --- Worcester, MA: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace --- Report on the work of the Central Committee to the 17th Congress. With article by Sidney Hook.
The State of the Soviet Union: Report on the Work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. --- NY: International Publishers
The World Situation: The Internal and External Position of the Soviet Union. --- NY: International Publishers ---
A Handbook of Marxism. --- London: Victor Gollancz --- Edited by Emile Burns.
A Handbook of Marxism. --- New York: Random House --- Edited by Emile Burns.Address to the Graduates of the Red Army Academies. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Address to the graduates of the Red Army Academy, delivered in the Kremlin.
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question: A Collection of Articles. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Edited by A. Fineberg.
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question. --- London: Martin Lawrence --- First UK Edition. Separately printed title page and table of contents bound in. Printed in USSR.
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question. --- NY: International Publishers --- Issued w/dj. Slight typographical variations inside between impressions noted.
Marxism vs. Liberalism. An Interview Between Joseph Stalin and H.G. Wells. --- NY: International Publishers --- Interview.
Problems of Leninism. --- NY: International Publishers --- Little Lenin Library vol. 19. Second Printing. Translation of "K voprosam leninizma." Includes use of "comrade" ahead of Zinoviev's and Kamenev's names and specific citings of their works. Does not include introduction from first edition.
STALIN + MOLOTOV --- Socialism Victorious. --- London: Martin Lawrence --- 17th Congress Speeches. With Kaganovich, Voroshilov, Kiubyshev, Orjonikidze, and Manuilsky.
STALIN + MOLOTOV --- Socialism Victorious. --- NY: International Publishers --- 17th Congress Speeches. With Kaganovich, Voroshilov, Kiubyshev, Orjonikidze, and Manuilsky.STALIN + MOLOTOV --- Soviet Union, 1935: A Symposium by Soviet Leaders. --- NY: International Publishers --- Stalin: "Graduates...Red Army Academies" + "Talk with Metal Producers" (19341226). Molotov: "Report on Work of Gov." + "Soviet Democracy" (19350206). With Kaganovich, Kuibyshev, Tukhachevsky, Ordzhonikidze, Yakovlev, Grinko, Rosenholz.
STALIN + MOLOTOV --- Soviet Union, 1935: A Symposium by Soviet Leaders. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Stalin: "Graduates...Red Army Academies" + "Talk with Metal Producers" (19341226). Molotov: "Report on Work of Gov." + "Soviet Democracy" (19350206). With Kaganovich, Kuibyshev, Tukhachevsky, Ordzhonikidze, Yakovlev, Grinko, Rosenholz. Edition 4400.
Speech at the First All-Union Conference of Stakhanovites. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Speech at First All-Union Conference of Stakhanovites of industry and Transport in Moscow. Edition of 5,000.The Soviets and the Individual. --- NY: International Publishers --- Address to the graduates of the Red Army Academy, delivered in the Kremlin.
The Stakhanov Movement in the Soviet Union. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- Speech at First All-Union Conference of Stakhanovites of industry and Transport in Moscow. Second impression of this pamphlet made in Jan. 1936.
Three Speeches. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Red Army Graduates Speech + Stakhanovites Speech + Combine Operators Speech
Two Speeches: 1. Speech at a Conference of Harvester-Combine Operators; 2. Speech at a Conference of the Foremost Collective Farmers of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Two speeches delivered in Moscow. Translated by A. Fineberg. Edition of 6,000.1936
Draft of New Constitution. --- London --- With Litvinov.
Interview Between J. Stalin and Roy Howard, March 1, 1936. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR ---
Is War Inevitable? The Full Text of the Famous Stalin-Howard Interview. --- London: Friends of the Soviet Union ---
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart ---
On the Draft Constitution of the USSR. Report Delivered at the Extraordinary 8th Congress of Soviets of the USSR, November 25, 1936. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Report Delivered at the Extraordinary 8th Congress of Soviets
Soviet Union, 1936. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- With Molotov, Kaganovich, Ordzhonikidze, Mikoyan, Mezhlauk, Tukhachevsky, Grinko, Yakovlev, Kossarev, Chernov, Lyubimov, Sulimov, Lyubchenko, Stakhanov, Busygin, Smetanin, Krivonoss, Vinogradova.
Stalin on the New Soviet Constitution. --- NY: International Publishers --- Report Delivered at the Extraordinary 8th Congress of Soviets
The Draft New Constitution: Speeches by J.V. Stalin and M.M. Litvinov Delivered at the Special Soviet Congress, November 25, 1936. --- London: Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee --- With Litvinov.
The New Democracy: Stalin's Speech on the New Constitution. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Report Delivered at the Extraordinary 8th Congress of Soviets
The October Revolution: A Collection of Articles and Speeches. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Issued w/DJ. Printed in UK. SECOND EDITION. Selection of articles on the October Revolution dated 1917-1927.STALIN & MOLOTOV --- The Soviet Union and the Cause of Peace. --- NY: International Publishers --- Excerpts from assorted speeches and articles. With Lenin, Voroshilov, Litvinov, and Tukahchevsky.
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- The Soviet Union and the Path to Peace: A Collection of Statements and Documents. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Issued w/dj. Excerpts from assorted speeches and articles. With Lenin, Voroshilov, Litvinov, and Tukahchevsky.
The Stalin-Howard Interview. --- NY: International Publishers --- Interview.1937
Defects in Party Work and Measures for Liquidating Trotskyite and Other Double-Dealers. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Alternate title "Mastering Bolshevism" rubber-stamped on cover.Mastering Bolshevism. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- First US issue of Defects in Party Work and Measures for Liquidating Trotskyite and Other Double-Dealers.
Speech Delivered at a Meeting of Voters of the Stalin Electoral Area, Moscow, December 11, 1937, in the Grand Theatre. --- Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR --- Campaign speech in conjunction with elections to the Supreme Soviet.
Sweep Away the Obstacles in the Path of Soviet Democracy. --- London: Friends of the Soviet Union ---The Moscow Trial and Two Speeches. --- boards --- London: Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee --- Contains the two "Defects in Party Work and Measures for Liquidating..." speeches.
The Road to Power. --- NY: International Publishers --- Regular pamphlet. Various writings from 1917 (20th Anniversary year).
The Road to Power. --- NY: International Publishers --- Little Lenin Library vol. 3. Various writings from 1917 (20th Anniversary year).
Wrecking, Espionage and Terrorism in the USSR: Speeches by M. Stalin at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, March 3 and 5, 1937. --- London: Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee --- Alternate title for "Defects in Party Work and Measures for Liquidating Trotskyite and Other Double-Dealers"/"Mastering Bolshevism."
A Letter to Ivanov. --- NY: International Publishers --- An open letter.STALIN + MOLOTOV --- In Praise of Learning. --- NY: International Publishers --- Stalin: "In Praise of Learning" (a toast at a reception for University staffs, held May 17, 1938). Molotov: "Our Universities and Colleges" (Speech at First All-Union University and College Staff Conference, May 15, 1938).
Lenin Stalin 1917: Selected Speeches and Writings. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Collection of writings from 1917. With Lenin.
M.V. Frunze --- ??? --- ??? --- English Language??? Library of Congress call number: DK254.F7 S8
Mastering Bolshevism. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- Second Edition.
The Final Victory of Socialism in the USSR: Stalin's Reply to Ivanov. --- London: Communist Party of Great Britain --- An open letter.
The Russian Revolution: Writings and Speeches from the February Revolution to the October Revolution, 1917. --- NY: International Publishers --- Large collection of speeches from 1917. With Lenin.
The Workers' State: Lies About Soviet Russia Answered. --- London: Communist Party of Great Britain --- University of Michigan said to hold this.1939
Dialectical and Historical Materialism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Foundations of Leninism. --- NY: International Publishers --- Two editions of 100,000 each.
From Socialism to Communism in the Soviet Union: Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Eighteenth Congress of the CPSU(b), delivered March 10, 1939. --- NY: International Publishers --- Report on work of the Central Committee to the 18th Congress of the CPSU.
Lenin as the Organizer and Leader of the Russian Communist Party. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Topical collection.
Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin: Facsimiles. --- Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature --- Assortment of facsimile documents. Stalin: "Message on the First Anniversary of Lenin's Death" + 10th Anniversary "Letter to Pravda" + "Entry in the Visitors' Book of the Dynamo Works" (19241107)
Report on the Work of the Central Committee Delivered to the 18th Congress of the CPSU(b). Delivered March 10, 1939. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Report on work of the Central Committee to the 18th Congress of the CPSU.
Stalin on Lenin. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Topical collection.
Stalin's Historic Speech: Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Eighteenth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), Delivered March 10, 1939. --- London: Modern Books --- Report on work of the Central Committee to the 18th Congress of the CPSU.
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- The Land of Socialism Today and Tomorrow. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Speeches at XVIII Congress. With Manuilsky, Zhdanov, Andreyev, Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Kalinin, Mikoyan, Khrushchov, Beria, Shvernik.
The USSR in Home and Foreign Affairs: Speech by J.V. Stalin, at 18th Congress of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R., March 10, 1939. --- London: Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee --- Report on work of the Central Committee to the 18th Congress of the CPSU.
Dialectical and Historical Materialism. --- NY: International Publishers --- Little Lenin Library vol. 25.
Dialectical and Historical Materialism. --- NY: International Publishers --- First American Edition under separate covers. Marxist Libravy, Vol. XXVIII.
Foundations of Leninism. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- First UK paperback edition.
Lenin and Stalin on Youth. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Topical collection.
Leninism. --- London: George Allen and Unwin --- Issued w/dj. Follows 11th Russian Edition of Voprosy Leninizma.
Leninism. --- tpb --- London: Lawrence and Wishart ---
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
On the Theory of Marxism. --- Ny: International Publishers --- With Marx, Engels, and Lenin. Several printing varieties on reprints.
Problems of Leninism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Follows 11th Russian Edition.
Stalin's Kampf: Joseph Stalin's Credo, Written by Himself. --- NY: Howell, Soskin, and Co. --- M.R. Werner, ed.
Ten Classics of Marxism. --- NY: International Publishers --- With Marx, Engels, and Lenin.
The Tasks of the Youth. --- NY: International Publishers --- Topical collection. Little Lenin Library vol. 27.
Dialectical and Historical Materialism. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- First UK Edition. Little Stalin Library #4. Reprinted: 1942, 1943, 1948
Dialectical and Historical Materialism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Dialectical and Historical Materialism. --- Calcutta: Burmon Publishing House ---
Foundations of Leninism. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Little Stalin Library #1
Lenin and Stalin on the State. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Topical collection.
Leninism. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart ---
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart ---
Notes of a Delegate + Class and Party. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Little Stalin Library #2
On Lenin: Speeches and Articles. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Little Stalin Library #3
Problems of Leninism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Follows 11th Russian Edition.
Stalin Speaks to the World. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- REVOLUTION DAY speech.
Stalin Speaks. [Cover Reads: "Stalin Says..."] --- London: Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee --- REVOLUTION DAY speeches with appendix of the post-invasion radio speech of July 3, 1941. Introduction by Neil MacLean.
Stalin Speaks: Full Text of Speeches Made November 6-7, and July 3, Together With Calls to Action Issued by the CPGB. --- London: Communist Party of Great Britain ---
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- The German Attack on the USSR. --- London: Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee --- With Litvinov. Introduction by Neil J. Maclean.
The October Revolution: A Collection of Articles and Speeches. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Marxist-Leninist Library No. 11. Reissue of 1936 Edition.
Victory Will Be Ours! --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- Includes July 5, 1941 "Pravda" editorial.
24th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- REVOLUTION DAY speech.
25th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- REVOLUTION DAY speech along with 1942 Order of the Day No. 345.
Address of People's Commissar of Defense Stalin on November 6, 1942. --- Wasington, DC: Embassy of the USSR --- REVOLUTION DAY speech.
Foundations of Leninism. --- Sydney: Current Book Distributors --- First Printing. Introduction by L.L. Sharkey.
Foundations of Leninism. (Lectures delivered at the Sverdlov Univ. in April 1924). --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Little Lenin Library. 1940 Copyright date, 1942 reissue.
J.V. Stalin on the War Situation and North Africa Campaign. --- London: Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee ---
Lenin and Stalin on Propaganda. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Topical Collection. With Lenin.
Leninism. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart ---
Leninism: Selected Writings. --- NY: International Publishers ---
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question: A Collection of Articles. --- tpb --- London: Lawrence and Wishart ---
Marxism and the National Question. --- NY: International Publishers ---
On Organization. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Little Stalin Library #6
On Organization. --- Calcutta: New Book Centre --- Topical collection.
On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Second Edition.
On the National Question. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Little Stalin Library #5
Stalin on War and the Second Front in Europe. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- REVOLUTION DAY speeches in Moscow.
Stalin's Speech: Full Official Text. --- London: Communist Party of Great Britain --- REVOLUTION DAY speech.
The War of National Liberation. --- NY: International Publishers --- Little Lenin Library vol. 28.
The War of National Liberation. --- NY: International Publishers --- Issued w/dj.
26th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- REVOLUTION DAY speech.
Dialectical and Historical Materialism. --- Calcutta: Burmon Publishing House --- Third Indian Edition.
Foundations of Leninism. --- Sydney: Current Book Distributors --- Second Printing. Introduction by L.L. Sharkey.
Marshall Stalin on Organization. --- Sydney: Current Book Distributiors --- No date of publication printed in pamphlet, circa 1943 based on advertising content.
On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Third Edition.
On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union: Speeches, Orders of the Day and Answers to Foreign Press Correspondents by Marshal Stalin. --- London: Hutchinson and Co. --- Second UK Edition.
Order of the Day of J. Stalin, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR, No. 195: Moscow, May 1, 1943. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- MAY DAY speech.
Order of the Day of the Supreme Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR: No. 95: Moscow, February 23, 1943. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- RED ARMY DAY speech.
Problems of Leninism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Follows 11th Russian Edition.
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- Soviet War Documents: June 1941-November 1943. --- Washington, DC: Embassy of the USSR --- War speeches of Stalin and Molotov, 1941-1943 plus collection of Extraordinary State Commission findings on Nazi atrocities.
Speed the Day of Victory. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- REVOLUTION DAY speech.
The War of National Liberation II: A Second Collection of the Wartime Addresses of the Soviet Premier. --- NY: International Publishers --- Little Lenin Library vol. 28A
The War of National Liberation II: A Second Collection of the Wartime Addresses of the Soviet Premier. --- NY: International Publishers --- Issued w/dj.
Victory and After. --- London: Communist Party of Great Britain ---
For Victory and Enduring Peace. --- NY: Workers' Library Publishers --- REVOLUTION DAY speech.
Foundations of Leninism. --- Sydney: Current Book Distributors --- Third Printing. Introduction by L.L. Sharkey.
Leninism. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Third Impression. Follows 11th Russian Edition.
On Organization. --- Sydney: Australian Communist Party --- Topical collection.
On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Fourth Edition. Speeches and orders of the day. Edition of 10,100.
Order of the Day: The Speeches and Orders of the Day Made by Marshal Joseph Stalin. --- Toronto: Progress Books ---
Report by J.V. Stalin, Chairman of the State Committee for Defence on the 27th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Made at a Celebration Meeting of the Moscow Soviet of Working People's Deputies, ...on November 6, 1944. --- London: Soviet War News -
The Program of the Communist International. Adopted at the Sixth Congress of the Communist International in 1928, With Introductory Notes and Speech on Amendments. by J.V. pam --- Calcutta: Radical Book Club ---
XXVII Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- REVOLUTION DAY speech to joint session of Moscow Soviet and Party Organization.
Marxism and the National Question. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Mastering Bolshevism. --- NY: New Century Publishers --- Third American Edition. Reissue of "Defects in Party Work and Measures for Liquidating Trotskyite and Other Double-Dealers."
On the Draft Constitution of the USSR. Report Delivered at the Extraordinary 8th Congress of Soviets of the USSR, November 25, 1936. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Includes Constitution of the USSR.
Order of the Day No. 20 --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Order of the Day No. 5 --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- RED ARMY DAY speech.
Problems of Leninism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Follows 11th Russian Edition.
Report by J.V. Stalin on the 27th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution: Made at a Celebration Meeting of the Moscow Soviet of Working People's Deputies, Held Jointly with Representatives of the Communist Party... November 6, 1944. --- London: Soviet War News --- REVOLUTION DAY speech.
The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. --- NY: International Publishers --- Issued w/dj. Collection of wartime speeches. First American edition.
Stalin on Capitalist Crisis and International Affairs (1930-1939). --- mimeo --- NY: Jefferson School of Social Science --- Stalin's Reports to the 16, 17, and 18th Congresses of the CPSU.
Marxism and Revisionism. --- NY: International Publishers --- Topical collection. Little Lenin Library vol. 29. With Lenin.
Mastering Bolshevism. --- NY: New Century Publishers --- Fourth American Edition. Reissue of Defects in Party Work and Measures for Liquidating Trotskyite and Other Double-Dealers."
On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Fifth Edition.
Speech Delivered at an Election Meeting in the Stalin Election District, Moscow, February 9, 1946. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Speech in connections with forthcoming elections to the Supreme Soviet.
Speech Delivered by J.V. Stalin at a Meeting of Voters of the Stalin Electoral Area of Moscow, Feb. 9, 1946. --- NY: International Publishers --- Electoral campaign speech in conjunction with forthcoming elections to the Supreme Soviet.
Speech Delivered by J.V. Stalin at a Meeting of Voters of the Stalin Electoral Area of Moscow, February 9, 1946. --- Washington, DC: Embassy of the Soviet Union --- Cover reads: "Text of a Speech Delivered by J.V. Stalin at an Election Rally in Stalin Electoral Area, Moscow, February 9, 1946."
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- Stalin and Molotov Address Their Constituents: Speeches by J.V. Stalin and V.M. Molotov Delivered at Election Meetings in Moscow in February, 1946. --- London: Soviet News --- Campaign speeches in conjunction with forthcoming elections to the Supreme Soviet. Includes communiques of Feb. 12 and Feb. 14, 1946 communicating the results of the election.
Stalin on Lenin. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Issued w/DJ.
STALIN & MOLOTOV --- The Soviet Union and World Peace --- NY: New Century Publishers --- Collection. Stalin: "1946 Electoral Speech"+"Text of Pravda Interview"+"Answers to Gilmore"+"Exchange with Baillie"+MAY DAY speech. Molotov: "May 27, 1946 Statement to the Soviet Press."
War Speeches, Orders of the Day, and Answers to Foreign Press Correspondents During the Great Patriotic War, July 3, 1941- June 22, 1945, by Generalissimo Stalin. --- London: Hutchinson and Co. ---
J.V. Stalin Answers "Pravda" Correspondent's Questions. --- London: Soviet News ---
J.V. Stalin on Post-War International Relations: Full Text of Interviews to Press Correspondents and Exchange of Messages, 1946-47. --- London: Soviet News --- Collection of Stalin statements in post-war period.
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question: A Collection of Articles and Speeches. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart ---
Marxism and the National Question. --- pam? --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Marxism vs. Liberalism. An Interview Between Joseph Stalin and H.G. Wells. --- NY: New Century Publishers --- Interview.
Problems of Leninism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Follows 11th Russian Edition.
The Essentials of Lenin in Two Volumes. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Contains 8 articles by Stalin as a foreword to two volume edition of Lenin's selected works.
Public Interviews and Statements to the Press, 1936-1948: On International Relations, Communism, War, Atomic Energy, and Other Topics. --- NY:??? ---
Dialectical and Historical Materialism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Lenin and Stalin on the Party. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- Topical Collection. With Lenin.
New USSR Proposals on Disarmament. --- London: Soviet News --- Includes Stalin's replies to Pravda correspondent on the Berlin Question + Stalin's replies to 4 questions + Stalin's reply to Truman's invitation.
The National Question and Leninism. --- NY: International Publishers --- University of Michigan claims a copy with this date of publication.
Anarchism or Socialism? --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Concerning Marxism in Linguistics. --- NY: International Publishers ---
Concerning Marxism in Linguistics. --- London: Soviet News ---
Concerning Marxism in Linguistics. --- Moscow: New Times --- Supplement to New Times # 26 (6/28/50).
H.G. Wells' Interview with Joseph Stalin (Marxism vs. Liberalism). --- Sydney: Current Book Distributors --- Interview.
Marxism and the National Question. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
On Lenin. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
On the Draft Constitution of the USSR. Report Delivered at the Extraordinary 8th Congress of Soviets of the USSR, November 25, 1936. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics. 1951 edition has slightly different page count.
Political Report of the Central Committee to the 14th Congress of the CPSU(b), December 18, 1925. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Political Report of the Central Committee to the 15th Congress of the CPSU(b), December 3, 1927. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Speech at the first All-Union Conference of Stakhanovites, November 17, 1935. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Speeches Delivered at Meetings of Voters of the Stalin Electoral District, Moscow: December 11, 1937, and February 9, 1946. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Talk with the German Author Emil Ludwig. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Interview.
The Foundations of Leninism + On the Problems of Leninism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Combined edition. Translation taken from "Works." Includes an index.
The Foundations of Leninism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
The National Question and Leninism: Reply to Comrades Meshkov, Kovalchuk, and Others. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
The National Question and Leninism: Reply to Comrades Meshkov, Kovalchuk, and Others. --- NY: International Publishers ---
The October Revolution and the Tactics of the Russian Communists. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Women and Communism: Selections from the Writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin. --- hc? --- London: Lawrence and Wishart ---
Against Vulgarizing the Slogan of Self-Criticism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
The Tasks of Business Executives + New Conditions--New Tasks in Economic Construction. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Work in the Countryside. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
An Exclusive Radio Interview with Stalin on Peace and War: Based on Three Broadcasts by the Voice of America, October 1951. --- Washington, DC: Voice of America --- Prepared by Bertram Wolfe. Not an actual interview, quotes pieced together from various published sources.
For Peaceful Coexistence. Post-war Interviews. --- NY: International Publishers ---
Interview with Pravda Correspondent. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Interview.
J.V. Stalin on the Atomic Weapon: Interview Published in Pravda on October 6, 1951. --- Washington, DC: USSR Informational Bulletin --- Interview
J.V. Stalin Replies to Pravda Correspondent on the Atomic Weapon. --- London: Great Britain News --- Interview.
Marxism and Linguistics. --- NY: International Publishers --- Issued w/dj. Includes article by Margaret Schlauch.
Marxism and Linguistics. --- NY: International Publishers --- Little Lenin Library vol. 35. Includes article by Margaret Schlauch.
On the Draft Constitution of the USSR. Report Delivered at the Extraordinary 8th Congress of Soviets of the USSR, November 25, 1936. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics. Includes Constitution of the Soviet Union.
Political Report to the 16th Congress of the CPSU(b), June 27, 1930. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Report to the Eighteenth Congress of the CPSU(B) on the Work of the Central Committee, March 10, 1939. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Report to the Seventeenth Congress of the CPSU(b) on the Work of the Central Committee, January 26, 1934. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Stalin on China. A Collection of Five Writings of Comrade Stalin on the Chinese Question. --- Bombay: People's Publishing House
Stalin Speaks for Peace: Full Text of Premier Stalin's Interview of February 16, 1951. --- NY: National Council of American Soviet Friendship ---
Stalin's Oath: A Talk with Stalin About Communist Aggression. --- Stockholm: Latvian National Fund --- By A. Lemisis.
A Reply to Social-Democrat. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
An American Prophet Speaks: A Historic Interview with Premier Stalin on the Eve of U.S. Recognition of the USSR by President Roosevelt in 1933, by Col. Raymond Robins. --- NY: National Guardian --- Translated from the Russian Edition. First American publication. Introduction by Cedric Belfrage.
Anarchism or Socialism? --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Briefly About the Disagreements in the Party. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Dialectical and Historical Materialism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR. --- NY: International Publishers ---
Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR. --- NY: International Publishers --- Issued w/DJ.
Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR. --- Moscow: New Times --- Supplement to New Times # 44 (Oct. 1952).
On Lenin. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Once More on the Social-Democratic Deviation in Our Party: Report at the 7th Enlarged Plenum of EKKI, December 7, 1926. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Problems of Agrarian Policy in the USSR: Speech delivered at the Conference of Marxist Students of the Agrarian Question December 27, 1929. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Speech at the Nineteenth Party Congress. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
The National Question and Leninism: Reply to Comrades Meshkov, Kovalchuk, and Others. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
The Proletarian Class and the Proletarian Party (Concerning Paragraph 1 of the Party Rules). --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
World Conquest in Installments. --- Calcutta: Society for Defence of Freedom in Asia --- Introduction by Sita Ram Goel.
Works. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- In 13 Volumes.
Anarchism or Socialism? --- NY: International Publishers --- Little Lenin Library vol. 36.
Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Second Edition
Problems of Leninism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Follows 11th Russian Edition. Same content, reset type from 1940 edition.
Stalin: A Self-Portrait. --- NY: Farrar, Straus, and Young --- Excerpts from speeches and quotes.
The Provisional Revolutionary Government and Social-Democracy. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- "Part I of this article was published in Proletariats brdzola no. 11, August 15, 1905. Part II is published for the first time."
The Russian Social-Democratic Party and Its Immediate Tasks. --- tpb --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
The Social-Democratic View of the National Question. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Concerning the Strategy and Tactics of the Russian Communists. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Dialectical and Historical Materialsm (September 1938). --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Marxism and Problems of Linguistics. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Marxism and the National Question. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union: Speeches, Orders of the Day and Answers to Foreign Press Correspondents by Marshal Stalin. --- pb/ Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Once More on the Social-Democratic Deviation in Our Party: Report at the 7th Enlarged Plenum of EKKI, December 7, 1926. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics. (U IL-Urbana lists this as {"The Social-Democratic Deviation in Our Party.")
Problems of Leninism. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Follows 11th Russian Edition. Same typography, modified binding, as 1953 edition.
The October Revolution and the Question of the Middle Strata. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
The Party's Three Fundamental Slogans on the Peasant Question: Reply to Yan-sky, --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
The Prospects of the Revolution in China: Questions of the Chinese Revolution. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Concerning the Strategy and Tactics of the Russian Communists. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
Marxism and the Problems of Linguistics. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
The Economic Situation of the Soviet Union and the Policy of the Party. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Library of Marxist-Leninist Classics.
The London Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Party (Notes of a Delegate). --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- Regarding 5th Congress, 1907.
The Prospects of the Revolution in China: Speech Delivered in the Chinese Commission of the ECCI, November 30, 1926. Questions of the Chinese Revolution: Theses for Propagandists Approved by the CC, CPSU(b). --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House ---
Correspondence Between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Presidents of the USA and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. --- Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House --- In Two Volumes.
October Revolution. --- Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House --- Published in conjunction with 40th Anniversary of October Revolution.
Stalin's Correspondence with Churchill, Attlee, Roosevelt and Truman, 1941-1945. --- NY: EP Dutton Co. --- Issued w/dj.
Stalin's Correspondence with Churchill, Attlee, Roosevelt and Truman, 1941-45. --- London: Lawrence and Wishart --- In One Volume. Issued w/dj.Source; Marxist history org
Tim Davenport, compiler