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Alphabetical List of articles (Many not listed here are most likely within the titles use search " article")
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On the work of the April joint plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission: Report at the meeting of the activists of the Moscow organization of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on April 13, 1928 (vol. 11, pp. 27–64)
On work in the countryside: Speech at the joint plenum of the Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on January 11, 1933 (vol. 13, pp. 216233
On the work of Comrade Voroshilov: Decree of the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks (b) (1942) see: Decree ® of the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1942) “On the work of Comrade Voroshilov”
On the break with the Cadets (vol. 3, pp. 275–278)
On the Revolutionary Movement in the East: An Interview Given to the Japanese Correspondent of NitziNitsi, Mr. Fuse (vol. 7, pp. 227231)
On the Revolutionary Front (vol. 3, pp. 300–304)
On the reorganization of state control: Report at a meeting of the AllRussian Central Executive Committee on April 9, 1919 (Newspaper report) (vol. 4, p. 251)
On the bond between workers and peasants and on state farms: From a speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on July 11, 1928 (vol. 11, pp. 188196) On the Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies (vol. 3, pp. 1–3)
On the meeting at the Mariinsky Palace (vol. 3, pp. 43–47)
On the Creation of the Combat Reserves of the Republic (vol. 4, pp. 346–350)
On the Social Democratic Deviation in Our Party: Report at the XV AllUnion Conference of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on November 1, 1926 (vol. 8, pp. 234–297)
On the current moment (Speech at the fifteenth meeting of the IV Congress of the RSDLP on April 17 (30), 1906) (vol. 1, pp. 239–240)
On the Three Main Party Slogans on the Peasant Question: Answer to Jansky (vol. 9, pp. 205220)
On three features of the Red Army: Speech at the solemn plenum of the Moscow Soviet dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the Red Army on February 25, 1928 (vol. 11, pp. 21–26)
On grain procurements and prospects for the development of agriculture: From speeches in various regions of Siberia in January 1928 (Short note) (vol. 11, pp. 1–9)
On the economic situation of the Soviet Union and the policy of the party: Report to the activists of the Leningrad organization on the work of the plenum of the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on April 13, 1926 (vol. 8, pp. 116–148)
On the Czechoslovak Communist Party: Speech to the Czechoslovak Commission of the ECCI on March 27, 1925 (vol. 7, pp. 59–68)
On the British strike and events in Poland: Report at the meeting of the workers of the main railway workshops in Tiflis on June 8, 1926 (vol. 8, pp. 155–172)
About the AngloRussian Committee: Speech at the meeting of the Presidium of the ECCI on August 7, 1926 (vol. 8, pp. 194203)
On the AngloRussian Committee of Unity: Speech at the Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on July 15, 1926 (vol. 8, pp. 176–191)
On AntiSemitism: A Response to an Inquiry from the Jewish Telegraph Agency from America (vol. 13, p. 28)
On arrests, prosecutorial supervision and investigation: Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on November 17, 1938 see Resolution ® of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on November 17, 1938 "On arrests, prosecutorial supervision and investigation"
On Industrialization and the Grain Problem: Speech at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on July 9, 1928 (vol. 11, pp. 157–187)
On the industrialization of the country and on the right deviation in the CPSU(b): Speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) on November 19, 1928 (vol. 11, pp. 245–290)
On the results of the XIII Congress of the RCP(b): Report on the courses of the secretaries of the Ukoms under the Central Committee of the RCP(b) on June 17, 1924 (vol. 6, pp. 234–260)
On the results of the July plenum of the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks: Report at the meeting of the activists of the Leningrad organization of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on July 13, 1928 (vol. 11, pp. 197–218)
On the formation of the Evacuation Committee: Decree of the State Defense Committee of October 25, 1941 see Resolution ® of the State Defense Committee ® of October 25, 1941 "On the formation of the Evacuation Committee"
On the Formation of the USSR: Report at the First Congress of Soviets of the USSR on December 30, 1922 (vol. 5, pp. 156–159)
On the unification of the Soviet republics: Report at the X AllRussian Congress of Soviets on December 26, 1922 (vol. 5, pp. 145–155)
On the opposition bloc in the CPSU(b): Abstracts for the XV AllUnion Conference of the CPSU(b), adopted by the conference and approved by the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) (vol. 8, pp. 214–233)
On the Foundations of Leninism: Lectures delivered at Sverdlovsk University (vol. 6, pp. 69–188)
On the abolition of national restrictions (vol. 3, pp. 16–19)
On the Immediate Tasks of Communism in Georgia and Transcaucasia: Report to the General Meeting of the Tiflis Organization of the Communist Party of Georgia on July 6, 1921 (vol. 5, pp. 88–100)
On the immediate tasks of the party in the countryside: Speech at a meeting of secretaries of village cells under the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on October 22, 1924 (vol. 6, pp. 302312)
On the immediate tasks of the party in the national question. Theses for the Tenth Congress of the RCP(b), approved by the Central Committee of the Party (vol. 5, pp. 15–29)
On the Conditions for the Victory of the Russian Revolution (vol. 3, pp. 11–15)
One of the immediate tasks (vol. 4, pp. 74–78)
October, Lenin and the prospects for our development (vol. 7, pp. 252–256)
Organizational report of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) to the XII Congress of the RCP(b) on April 17, 1923 (vol. 5, pp. 197–222)
Organizational report of the Central Committee to the XIII Congress of the RCP(b) on May 24, 1924 (vol. 6, pp. 191–219)
Oath of Allegiance of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, February 23, 1939
October Revolution and Tactics of the Communists (December 1924) ORIGINAL
October Revolution and the Question of Middle Strata (November 1923)
October, Lenin and the Prospects of Our Development November 7, 1925
On an Article by Engels, July 19, 1934
On Applying Physical Pressure to Prisoners (January 10, 1939)
On Communist Party of USA (May 6, 1929)
On increasing the salaries of teachers and other employees of primary and secondary schools August 1, 1943
On increasing the wages of workers in the textile industry. 13 August 1933
On industrialization and the grain problem 9 July 1928
On Sixth Congress of Comintern (July 13, 1928)
On the 27th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, November 6, 1944
On the Allied Landing in Northern France, June 13, 1944
On the approval of the directive "On antiSoviet elements" of July 2, 1937.
On the arrests of the leadership of the Nakhichevan ASSR. September 26, 1937
On the cessation of mass evictions of peasants May 8, 1933
On the Contradictions in the Young Communist League (April 13, 1924)
On The Contradictions In The Young Communist League April 3, 1924
on the day of the fifteenth anniversary of the Komsomol (vol. 13, p. 274–275)
On the Death of Lenin (January 30, 1924)
On The Draft Constitution Of The U.S.S.R November 25, 1936
On the establishment of registration of the natural movement of the population." September 21, 1935
On the Fifth Anniversary of the First Congress of Working Women and Peasant Women
On the fight against ʺdistortions of the party line in the collective farm movement.ʺ
On the Final Victory of Socialism in the U.S.S.R., January 18, 1938 – February 12, 1938
On the Grain Front (May 28 1928)
On the Grain Front (May 28, 1927)From a conversation with students of the Institute of Red Professors, Komakademiya and Sverdlovsk University
On the Path to Nationalism (Letter from the Caucasus) (vol. 2, pp. 285–289)
On the Southern Front: A conversation with an employee of the Izvestia newspaper (vol. 4, pp. 131–133)
On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union (1946)
On the Incorrect Distribution of Revenues in the Kolkhozes, Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the U.S.S.R. and of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U.(B), April 19, 1938
On the International Position and Tasks of the Communist Parties
On the Issues of Agrarian Policy in the USSR: Speech at the Conference of Marxist Agrarians December 27, 1929
On the legal status of labor settlers On the legal status of labor settlers October 15, 1939
On the National Question in Yugoslavia: Speech to the Yugoslav Commission of the ECCI on March 30, 1925
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution November 7, 1942
On the Open Letter of Henry Wallace, (May 17, 1948
On the order of evacuation and destruction of property Telegram of the CC of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine July 3, 1941
On the organization of measuring household plots. June 20, 1939
On the organization of measuring household plots. June 20, 1939
On the Prohibition of the Exclusion of Kolkhozines from the Kolkhozes, Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the U.S.S.R. and of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U.(B), April 19, 1938
On the Question of a Workers' and Peasants' Government: Reply to Dmitriev
On the question of the policy of eliminating the kulaks as a class
ʺOn the question of the policy of liquidating the kulaks as a class.ʺ
On the Question of the Proletariat and the Peasantry: Speech at the XIII Provincial Conference of the Moscow Organization of the RCP(b) January 27, 1925
On the Question of the Strategy and Tactics of the Russian Communists
On the Questions of Leninism
On the Questions of the Chinese Revolution: Reply to Comrade Marchulin
On the Results of the Municipal Elections in Petrograd
On The Results of the Thirteen Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) June 17, 1924
On the Road to Nationalism (1913)
On the Seizure of counterrevolutionary organizations in the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR 14 May 1941
On the Statement of the National Question
On the Taxes and Other Obligations Concerning Independent Operators, Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the U.S.S.R. and of the C C of the C.P.S.U.(B), April 19, 1938
On the tenth anniversary of Pravda (memoirs)
On the Tenth Anniversary of the First Congress of Working Women and Peasant Women November, 1928
Once Again on the SocialDemocratic Deviation in Our Party: Report at the 7th Enlarged Plenum of the ECCI on December 7, 1926
Once again to the national question. Regarding Semich's article
Oilmen on economic terror (vol. 2, pp. 114–127)
Order of the St. Petersburg workers to their workers' deputy (vol. 2, pp. 250–252)
On the fight against right and "ultraleft" deviations: Two speeches at a meeting of the Presidium of the ECCI on January 22, 1926 (vol. 8, pp. 110)
On the introduction of a state of siege in Moscow and the areas adjacent to the city: Decree of the State Defense Committee of October 19, 1941 see Resolution ® of the State Defense Committee ® of October 19, 1941 "On the introduction of a state of siege in Moscow and the areas adjacent to the city"
On the possibility of building socialism in our country: Reply to Comrade. Pokoev (vol. 8, pp. 95–98)
On War (vol. 3, pp. 4–8)
On the provisional government: Speech at a rally on Vasilyevsky Island on April 18 (May 1), 1917 (vol. 3, pp. 39–42)
On the December Strike and the December Treaty (On the Fifth Anniversary) (vol. 2, pp. 169–173)
On the discussion, on Raphael, on the articles of Preobrazhensky and Sapronov, and on Trotsky's letter (vol. 5, pp. 371–387)
On the voluntary mobilization of the workers of Moscow and the Moscow Region in the People's Militia Division: Decree of the State Defense Committee of July 4, 1941 see Resolution ® of the State Defense Committee ® of July 4, 1941 "On the voluntary mobilization of the workers of Moscow and the Moscow Region in the People's Militia Division"
On the tasks of the Komsomol: Answers to questions asked by the editors of Komsomolskaya Pravda (vol. 7, pp. 241–249)
On the Tasks of the Party in the Countryside: Speech at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) on October 26, 1924 (vol. 6, pp. 313–320)
On the tasks of the party: Report at the extended meeting of the Krasnopresnensky District Committee of the RCP (b) with group organizers, members of the discussion club and bureau of cells. December 2, 1923 (vol. 5, pp. 354–370)
On the tasks of business executives: Speech at the First AllUnion Conference of Socialist Industry Workers on February 4, 1931 (vol. 13, pp. 29–42)
On the meaning and tasks of the Bureau of Complaints (vol. 13, pp. 135–136)
On the Communist Party of Poland: Speech at a meeting of the Polish Commission of the Comintern on July 3, 1924 (vol. 6, pp. 264–272)
On Komsomol activists in the countryside: Speech at a meeting of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) on April 6, 1925 (vol. 7, pp. 77–84)
On the peasantry as an ally of the working class: Answer vols. Boltnev P.F., Efremov V.I., Ivlev V.I. (vol. 8, pp. 91–94)
On the slogan of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the poorest peasantry during the period of preparation for October: Reply to S. Pokrovsky (vol. 9, pp. 269–281)
On measures to mitigate the intraparty struggle: Speech at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on October 11, 1926 (vol. 8, pp. 209213)
On the Independence of Finland: Report at the meeting of the AllRussian Central Executive Committee on December 22, 1917 (Newspaper report) (vol. 4, pp. 22–24)
On some questions of the history of Bolshevism: Letter to the editors of the journal Proletarian Revolution (vol. 13, pp. 84–102)
On the revision of the agrarian program (Speech at the seventh meeting of the IV Congress of the RSDLP on April 13 (26), 1906) (vol. 1, pp. 235–238)
On the Perspectives of the KKE and on Bolshevization: A Conversation with a Member of the KKE Herzog (vol. 7, pp. 34–41)
On the Perspectives of the Revolution in China: Speech to the Chinese Commission of the ECCI November 30, 1926 (vol. 8, pp. 357–374)
On the Petrograd Front: A Conversation with a Correspondent of the Pravda Newspaper (vol. 4, pp. 265–271)
On the Political Tasks of the University of the Peoples of the East: Speech at a meeting of students of the KUTV on May 18, 1925 (vol. 7, pp. 133–152)
On the Political Strategy and Tactics of the Russian Communists: Outline of a Pamphlet Plan (vol. 5, pp. 62–87)
On the political situation of the Republic: Report at the regional meeting of the communist organizations of the Don and the Caucasus in Vladikavkaz on October 27, 1920 (vol. 4, pp. 374–381)
On the situation on the Polish front. Conversation with an employee of the newspaper Pravda (vol. 4, pp. 336–341)
On the situation on the Southwestern Front: A conversation with an employee of UkrROSTA (vol. 4, pp. 329–334)
On the Right Danger in the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks: Speech at the Plenum of the Moscow Committee and the ICC of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on October 19, 1928 (vol. 11, pp. 222–238)
On the Right Danger in the German Communist Party: Speech at a meeting of the Presidium of the ECCI on December 19, 1928 (vol. 11, pp. 294–310)
On the Right Deviation in the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks: Speech at the Plenum of the Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks in April 1929 (transcript) (vol. 12, pp. 1–107)
On the right and the "left" in the national republics and regions. Speech on the first item on the order of the day of the 4th meeting of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) with senior officials of the national republics and regions: "The SultanGaliyev Case." June 10, 1923 (vol. 4, pp. 301–312)
On the causes of the July defeat at the front (vol. 3, pp. 221–226)
On the program of the Comintern: Speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the AllUnion Communist Party of Bolsheviks on July 5, 1928 (vol. 11, pp. 141–156)
One Immediate Task April 9, 1918
Order of the Day No. 225, November 19, 1944
Order of the Day No. 7, (May 1, 1946)
Order of the Day to the Don Front, February 2, 1943
Order of the Day, January 25, 1943
Order of the Day, No. 130, May 1, 1942
Order of the Day, No. 152, August 20, 1944
Order of the Day, No. 16, February 23, 1944
Order of the Day, No. 195, May 1, 1943
Order of the Day, No. 220, November 7, 1944
Order of the Day, No. 309, November 7, 1943
Order of the Day, No. 55, February 23, 1942
Order of the Day, No. 70, May 1, 1944
Order of the Day, No. 8, February 23, 1946
Order of the Day, No. 95, February 23, 1943
Order of the Day, November 6, 1943
Order on the journals "Military Thought" and "Military Bulletin" No. 8 March 5, 1945
Order on the publication of newspapers for the population of the occupied Soviet regions July 30, 1941
Order to improve communications in the Red Army July 23, 1941
Orders of the Day on the Red Army's Victories, July 24 September 25, 1943
Orders of the Day, April 11 April 17, 1944
Orders of the Day, August 22 September 23, 1944
Orders of the Day, February 24 April 10, 1944
Orders of the Day, January 12 February 22, 1944
Orders of the Day, June 21 August 18, 1944
Orders of the Day, May 10 & June 11, 1944
Orders of the Day, November 24 & 26, 1944
Orders of the Day, November 29, 1944 April 15, 1945 and more
Orders of the Day, October 8 November 4, 1944
Organisation of a Russian Federal Republic April 3 and 4, 1918
Organization of a Russian Federal Republic (1918)
Organize Mass Criticism from Below, May 16,1928
Our Disagreements (January 5, 1921)
Our Tasks in the East March 2, 1919
Outcome of the Moscow Conference (1917)
Our Caucasian clowns
Our Differences (vol. 5, pp. 4–14)
Our Goals (vol. 2, pp. 248–249)