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Lunacharsky Articles and speeches on international politicsCollected Works. Volume 1
The eight-volume Collected Works of Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky included his works on aesthetics, history and theory of literature, as well as literary critical works. Designed for a wide range of readers, it includes only the most significant articles, lectures, reports and speeches, reviews, notes by A. V. Lunacharsky.
Guided by the systematization of the material by volumes by the problem-thematic principle (as the author himself did when publishing separate collections), the editors of this publication, with a few exceptions, arrange the works of A. V. Lunacharsky within each volume in chronological order - by the time they were written or by the time of first publication, if the date of writing is not set.
The first volume brings together articles, reviews, and speeches on Russian literature of the late 18th and early 20th centuries. The second volume includes works on Soviet literature. Works on Russian and Soviet theater and drama make up the third volume. The subsequent volumes - the fourth, fifth and sixth - are devoted to foreign literatures and theater. The fourth volume includes in full the book "The History of Western European Literature in its Most Important Moments" (two parts) and the collection "In the West"; the fifth volume and the first part of the sixth volume contain articles about foreign writers; the second part of the sixth volume - articles and reviews by A. V. Lunacharsky, devoted to questions of foreign theater and dramaturgy.
In the last two volumes, the reader will find the most important theoretical studies of A. V. Lunacharsky - his speeches on aesthetics, literary criticism and literary criticism.
The Collected Works does not include a course in the history of Russian literature given by A. V. Lunacharsky at the Communist University. Ya. M. Sverdlov and, for the most part, was not published during the life of the author. This work is supposed to be published as a separate book by the publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
For this edition, the texts of A. V. Lunacharsky's works have been verified with manuscripts, surviving typescripts, and with various publications prepared with the personal participation of the author.
Brief reference notes and an index of names are given at the end of each volume.Collected Works. Volume 1
Editorial(page VII)
Article describing the first volume(p. 527)
Russian literature
Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev(page 3)
Author of still living heroes(page 8)
A. S. Griboyedov(page 13)
Pushkin and Nekrasov(page 28)
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin [1922](page 33)
More about Pushkin(page 38)
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin [1930](page 44)
Lermontov is a revolutionary(page 90)
Gogol(page 103)
What is eternal in Gogol(page 111)
The genius of artistic laughter(page 115)
Gogoliana(page 118)
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen(page 129)
Unpublished poems in Turgenev's prose(page 152)
On the "polyphony" of Dostoevsky(page 157)
Dostoevsky as a thinker and artist(page 179)
Dostoevsky and writers(p. 196)
About Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky and about his(p. 200)
Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov(p. 211)
Nekrasov and the poet's place in life(p. 220)
To the anniversary of N. G. Chernyshevsky(p. 229)
N. Chernyshevsky and L. Tolstoy(p. 232)
Chernyshevsky as a writer(p. 235)
Novels by N. G. Chernyshevsky(p. 261)
M. E. Saltykov–Shchedrin(p. 278)
The experience of literary characterization of Gleb Uspensky(p. 286)
Tolstoy and Marx(p. 290)
To the upcoming honoring of Leo Tolstoy(p. 314)
To the anniversary of L. N. Tolstoy(p. 319)
On the meaning of the anniversary of Leo Tolstoy(p. 332)
Lenin on Tolstoy(p. 335)
L. N. Tolstoy(p. 339)
Tolstoy the artist(p. 345)
What can A.P. Chekhov be for us(p. 350)
A.P. Chekhov today(p. 368)
Is the "man in the case" alive?(p. 372)
Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko(p. 376)
V. G. Korolenko(p. 382)
Darkness(p. 392)
Leonid Andreev(p. 416)
Fight against marauders(p. 425)
V. Ya. Bryusov(p. 430)
Bryusov and the revolution(p. 440)
Preface to selected works of V. Ya. Bryusov(p. 455)
In memory of Bryusov(p. 461)
Alexander Blok(p. 464)
The fate of Russian literature(p. 497)