Stalin Reference Archive: Soviet Archives

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1926- 1927

Memorandum of the Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee I.T. Smilgi I.V. Stalin. January 9, 1926

The Fight Against Right and "Ultra-Left" Deviations (January 22, 1926)

Concerning Questions of Leninism (January 25, 1926)

The Possibility of Building Socialism in Our Country (FEBRUARY 1926)

The Peasantry as an Ally of the Working Class (FEBRUARY 1926)

Transcripts of the meetings of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) -VKP (b) - March 1926

Transcript of I.V. Stalin at a meeting of the Politburo. March 18, 1926

Economic Situation and the Policy of the Party (April 13, 1926)

Letters from Stalin to Molotov [ 1926]

Inherent Contradictions of Party Development [ 1926]

To the Editorial Board of the Daily Worker (September 30, 1926 )

The General Strike, 1926 (June 8, 1926)

The British Strike and the Events in Poland (1926)

The Anglo-Russian Unity Committee (July 15, 1926)

Letter To Comrade Johnson On The Left-Swarajists, Individual Terrorism And The Hindu-Muslim Question  (August 6, 1926)

The Anglo-Russian Unity Committee (August 7, 1926)

The Opposition Bloc in the C.P.S.U.(B.) (October 26, 1926)

The Social-Democratic Deviation in Our Party (November 1926)

Reply to the Discussion on the Report on "The Social-Democratic Deviation in Our Party(November 1926)

The Prospects of the Revolution in China (November 1926)

Inner-Party Questions of the VKP(b) (December 7, 1926)

The Seventh Enlarged Plenum of the E.C.C.I (December 7, 1926)


Speech Delivered at a Meeting of Workers of the Stalin Railway Workshops, October Railway (March 1, 1927)

Question of a Workers' and Peasants' Government (march 15 1927)

Questions of the Chinese Revolution (April 1927)

Questions of the Chinese Revolution (May 9, 1927)

Revolution in China and Tasks of the Comintern (May 24, 1927)

Slogan . . . in Preparation for October (May 20 1927)

On the Grain Front (May 28, 1927)

Joint Plenum of the C.C. and Control Commission of the CPSU(B) (July -August 1927)

Notes on Contemporary Themes (July 28, 1927)

Questions & Answers to American Trade Unionists: Stalin's Interview With the First American Trade Union Delegation to Soviet Russia (September 15, 1927)

Political Complexion of the Russian Opposition (September 27,1927)

The Trotskyist Opposition Before and Now (November 2,1927)

International Character of October Revolution ( November 1927 )

The Party and the Opposition (November 1927)

The Fifteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.) (December 2-19 1927)

Reply to S. Pokrovsky December-July, 1927

Statement to Foreign Press Correspondents Concerning the Counterfeit December, 1927