Stalin N.I. Yezhov about the Socialist‐Revolutionaries. January 17, 1938

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Stalin N.I. Yezhov about the Socialist‐Revolutionaries. January 17, 1938

A source: Lubyanka. Stalin and the Main Department of State Security of the NKVD. Stalinʹs archive. Documents of the supreme bodies of party and state power. 1937‐1938. ‐ M .: MFD, 2004, p. 463.

Archive: AP RF. F. 3. Op. 24. D. 330. L. 18. Original. Typescript.

January 17, 1938

T. Yezhov.

1.                   The line of the SRs (left and right together) is not unwound. Fishman, Paskutsky lead the NKVD by the nose. If Belov himself had not begun to unwind along the line of the SRs, the NKVD would have sat in the dark. Belov said something, but not everything. Paskutsky, Uritsky and Fishman should supplement Belov. It must be borne in mind that we have a lot of Socialist‐Revolutionaries in our army and outside the army. Does the NKVD have a record of the SRs (ʺformerʺ) in the army? I would like to receive it as soon as possible. The NKVD has an account of the ʺformer.ʺ Social Revolutionaries outside the army (in civilian institutions)? I would also like to receive it in 2‐3 weeks.

2.                   What has been done to identify the SRs on the basis of the wellknown testimony of Ryskulov ?

3.                   What has been done to identify and arrest all Iranians in Baku and Azerbaijan?

4.                   I inform you that at one time the SRs were very strong in Saratov, in Tambov, in the Ukraine, in the army (command staff), in Tashkent and in general in Central Asia, at the Baku power plants , where they still sit and harm the oil industry ...

We need to act quicker and better.

5.                   A very important task: to strengthen the DCK regions with new security forces from outside. This is much more important than strengthening the regions of Kazakhstan, which can be done next.

Source; Transcripts from the Soviet Archives, Svitlana M, Erdogan A on the approval of the directive ʺOn Anti‐Soviet elementsʺ of July 2, 1937.

A                                                                                                                          source:

ʺThrough the corpses of the enemy for the good of the people.ʺ ʺKulak operationʺ in the Ukrainian SSR 1937‐1941. T. 1: 1937. M .: (ROSSPEN): Foundation ʺPresidential Center of Boris N. Yeltsinʺ: German Historical

Institute               in               Moscow,              2010.               Pp.              60‐61


Execution by order, or how the Bolsheviks did it // Trud. 1992 June 4. P. 1. Verified with a copy of the decision of the Politburo of the Central

Committee of the CPSU (b) // RGASPI. F. 17. On. 162.D.21.L. 89.

No. P 51/94.

July 3, 1937   

Top secret



Comrade Yezhov

Secretaries of regional committees, regional committees, Central Committee of national communist parties

Extract from the minutes No. 51 of the meeting of the Politburo of the

Central Committee of the CPSU (b)

Decision of 2.VІІ.37

94. ‐ About Anti‐Soviet elements.

It has been noticed that most of the former kulaks and criminals, who were expelled at one time from different regions to the northern and Siberian regions, and then, after the expiration of the expulsion period, who returned to their regions 1 , are the main instigators of all kinds of anti‐Soviet and sabotage crimes, both in collective farms and state farms, and in transport and in some industries.

The Central Committee of the All‐Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) invites all the secretaries of regional and regional organizations and all regional, regional and republican representatives of the NKVD to register all the kulaks and criminals who have returned to their homeland so that the most hostile of them are immediately arrested and shot in the administrative procedure. cases through troikas, and the rest of the less active, but still hostile elements would be rewritten and sent to the regions at the direction of the NKVD.

The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) proposes to submit to the Central Committee the composition of the troikas, as well as the number of those to be shot, as well as the number of those to be expelled, within five days.

Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b)    

I. Stalin

1 We are talking about ʺspecial settlersʺ ‐ peasants, who, during collectivization, were classified as kulaks, dispossessed and deported to so‐called kulak settlements. See: Zemskov V.N.Special Settlers (According to the documents of the NKVD ‐ Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR) // Sociological Research. 1990. No. 11. S. 3‐17.