Transcripts from the Soviet Archives VOLUME XIV SECRET REVIEWS 1934

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  Transcripts from the Soviet Archives  VOLUME I  1903-1926   

JV Stalinʹs note to members on voting by poll to approve the death sentence in the case of the Moscow clergy ‐ May1922

JV Stalinʹs note to members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on voting by poll to approve the death sentence in the case of the Moscow clergy and believers [May 8, 1922]

Archive source: Kremlin archives. In 2 books. / Book. 1. Politburo and Church. 1922‐1925 ‐ M. ‐ Novosibirsk, ʺRussian Political Encyclopediaʺ (ROSSPEN), ʺSiberian Chronographʺ, 1997, p. 213

Archive: APRF, f. 3, op. 60, d.24

 No. 24‐7



A Moscow court sentenced 11 people to death, most of them are priests: (8 priests, 1 wood splitter, agitator, butcher shop). Kamenev proposes to limit ourselves to the execution of two priests.

I ask you to vote ʺforʺ or ʺagainstʺ Comrade Kamenevʹs proposal. I personally vote against the cancellation of the court decision.


‐ L. 9. Typewritten copy of that time made for the office work of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). A stamp confirming that the document belongs to the proceedings of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 6, item 18 of May 11, 1922 (No. 24‐12). A handwritten litter about the same with the date ʺ6 / V‐22ʺ. Stamp of the Secret Archive of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with an inventory number. Date of the document by the date of the survey (No. 24‐12).

‐ L. 8. Typewritten copy of the later time from the copy. Made simultaneously with L. 7 (No. 24‐12). Above, there is a typewritten note on the documentʹs belonging to the proceedings of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 6, item 18 with the date “6.V. 22 g. ʺ (No. 24‐12). Removed the formula ʺt.ʺ (comrade) before Kamenevʹs surname in the last sentence.


Archive source:  Kremlin archives. In 2 books. / Book. 1. Politburo and Church. 1922‐1925 ‐ M. ‐ Novosibirsk, ʺRussian Political Encyclopediaʺ (ROSSPEN), ʺSiberian Chronographʺ, 1997, p. 197

        Archive:               APRF, f. 3, op. 60, d.24

 No. 24‐1

May 2, 1922

Members of the Politburo


Forwarded for poll of Politburo Members.

The session of the Revolutionary Tribunal in Ivanovo‐Voznesensk sentenced two priests to death 1; Comrade Kalinin proposes to cancel the decision of the Revolutionary Tribunal;

T.t. Stalin, Trotsky, and Lenin, on the contrary, propose not to cancel the decision of the Revolutionary Tribunal.

Secretary of the Central Committee I. Stalin

‐ L. 2. Typewritten original on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), signature ‐ facsimile. Date, month, and last digit of the year of the date in handwritten form. Round stamp:

ʺRUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY BOLSHEVIKSʺ, in the center with the monogram ʺCentral Committeeʺ. The stamp confirming that the document belongs to the proceedings of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 5, item 23 of May 4, 1922 (No. 24‐5). In the upper right corner, there is a stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with an inventory number.

‐ L. 3. Handwritten draft original, autograph (?). In the lower right corner, there is a stamp indicating that the document belongs to the proceedings of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 5, paragraph 23 of May 4, 1922 (No. 24‐5). Unlike the typewritten white paper, the address and surnames of the addressees are missing; the formula of the survey is as follows: “For the survey of PB members”. Before the words “Comrade. Kalinin”, the word “Presidium” was deleted. The word ʺvice versaʺ is written above the line. At the end of the text, the words: ʺPlease vote.ʺ

Notes and Comments:

1 We are talking about the verdict passed on April 25, 1922 in the city of Ivanovo‐Voznesensk by the visiting session of the Supreme Tribunal in the case of the events in the city of Shuya (No. P‐109). The tribunal sentenced to death the priests Ivan Stepanovich

Rozhdestvensky, Pavel Mikhailovich Svetozarov and the layman

Pyotr Ivanovich Yazykov. See also # 24‐2, 24‐3, 24‐5.