The Labor Laws of Soviet Russia

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 The Labor Laws of Soviet Russia

Containing a Supplement, "The Protection of Labor in Soviet Russia," by S. Kaplun of the Commissariat of Labor

Methods to Secure Efficiency of Labor

113. In order to secure efficiency of labor, every worker in an enterprise, establishment or institution (governmental, public or private) employing paid labor in the form of organized cooperation, as well as the administration of the enterprise, establishment or institution, shall strictly observe the rules of this article of the Code relative to standards of efficiency, output and rules of internal management.

114. Every worker must during a normal working day and under normal working conditions perform the standard amount of work fixed for the category and group in which he is enrolled.

Note. Normal conditions referred to in this section shall mean:

(a) Good condition of machines, lathes and accessories;

(b) Timely delivery of materials and tools necessary for the performance of the work;

(c) Good quality of materials and tools;

(d) Proper hygienic and sanitary equipment of the buildings where the work is performed (necessary lighting, heating, etc.).

115. The standard output for workers of each trade and of each group and category shall be fixed by valuation commissions of the respective trade unions (Section 61).

116. In determining the standard output the valuation commission shall take into consideration the quantity of products usually turned out in the course of a normal working day and under normal technical conditions by the workers of the particular trade, group and category.

117. The production standards of output adopted by the valuation commission must be approved by the proper Department of Labor jointly with the Council of National Economy.

118. A worker habitually producing less than the fixed standard may be transferred by decision of the proper valuation commission to other work in the same group and category, or to a lower group or category, with a corre­sponding reduction of wages.

Note. The worker may appeal from the decision to transfer him to a lower group or category with a reduction of wages, to the local Department of Labor and from the decision of the latter to the District Department of Labor, whose decision shall be final and not subject to further appeal.

119. If a worker's failure to maintain the standard out­put be due to lack of good faith and to negligence on his part, he may he discharged in the manner set forth in subdivision "c" of Section 46 without the two weeks' notice prescribed by Section 47.

120. The Supreme Council of National Economy jointly with the People's Commissariat of Labor may direct a general increase or decrease of the standards of efficiency and output for all workers and for all enterprises, establishments and institutions of a given district.

121. In addition to the regulation of the present article relative to standards of efficiency and output in enterprises, establishments and institutions, efficiency of labor shall be secured by rules of internal management.

122. The rules of internal management in Soviet institutions shall be made by the organs of Soviet authority with the approval of the People's Commissariat of Labor or its local departments.

123. The rules of internal management in industrial enterprises and establishments (Soviet, nationalized, private and public) shall be made by the trade unions and certi­ fied by the proper Departments of Labor.

124. The rules of internal management must include clear, precise, and, as far as possible, exhaustive directions in relation to-

(a) The general obligations of all workers (careful handling of all materials and tools, compliance with instructions of the managers regarding performance of work, observance of the fixed standard of working hours, etc.) ;

(b) The special duties of the workers of the particular branch of industry (careful handling of the fire in enterprises using inflammable materials, observance of special cleanliness in enterprises producing food products, etc.) ;

(c) The limit and manner of liability for breach of the duties mentioned above in subdivisions "a" and "h".

125. The enforcement of rules of internal management in Soviet institutions is entrusted to the responsible managers of these institutions.

126. The enforcement of the rules of internal manage­ment in industrial enterprises and establishments (Soviet, nationalized, public and private) is entrusted to the self government bodies of the workers (works or similar committees).