Protocol of the first session of the Sino-Soviet Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the USSR and the PRC. December 28, 1954

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Protocol of the first session of the Sino-Soviet Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the USSR and the PRC. December 28, 1954

Archive: RGAE. F. 9493. Op. 1. D. 910. L. 1-6.

The session was attended by:

from the Chinese side: Xue Muqiao - Chairman of the Chinese part of the Commission, members of the Commission: Li Qiang, Guan Haotao, Zhang Fang, Wang Zhuni, Tang Nanpip, Xu Dashan - acting. Scientific Secretary of the Chinese part of the Commission, Cui Yitian - Deputy Minister of Health of the People's Republic of China;

from the Soviet side: Siluyanov N.M. - Chairman of the Soviet part of the Commission, members of the Soviet part of the Commission: Alexandrov N.P., Askochensky A.N., Ovsyankin V.I., Malchenko A.L., Tretyakov P.G., Golubkov A.V. - Scientific Secretary of the Soviet part of the Commission, Lavrishchev A.N. - Head of the Department for Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the MVT.

Chairman of the session - Siluyanov N.M.

Secretary of the session - Golubkov A.V.

The Sino-Soviet Commission for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics adopted the following agenda for the first session:

1. Approval of the Regulations on the Sino-Soviet Commission for Scientific and Technical Cooperation.

2. Consideration of questions submitted by the Chinese side on the transfer of scientific and technical experience by the Soviet Union.

3. Consideration of questions submitted by the Soviet side on the transfer of scientific and technical experience by the People's Republic of China.

4. Consideration of questions on the procedure for registration by the parties of the transfer of technical documentation, secondment of specialists and settlements between the parties.

The Sino-Soviet Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation, on the basis of the Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of October 12, 1954, having considered and discussed at the first session the issues indicated on the agenda, adopted the following decisions:

1. Approve the Regulations on the Sino-Soviet Commission for Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the PRC and the USSR in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

2. In connection with the agreement of the government of the USSR to satisfy the request of the Chinese side for the transfer of scientific and technical experience by the Soviet Union, the ministries and departments of the USSR will transfer technical documentation to the relevant organizations of the People's Republic of China in the amount and within the time frame in accordance with Appendix No. 2**.

3. In connection with the agreement of the government of the People's Republic of China to satisfy the request of the Soviet side for the transfer of scientific and technical experience by the People's Republic of China, the ministries and departments of the People's Republic of China will transfer to the relevant organizations of the USSR the technical documentation, samples of industrial products, cuttings, seedlings and seeds of agricultural crops and they will acquaint Soviet specialists with the achievements and experience of individual branches of industry and agriculture, the production of medical preparations, and experience in the fight against especially dangerous infectious diseases in the amount and within the time limits in accordance with Annexes Nos. 3 and 4**.

4. The parties agreed to accept the following procedure for formalizing the transfer of technical documentation, secondment of specialists and settlements between the parties:

a) based on the principles underlying scientific and technical cooperation, technical documentation and information is transferred by the parties to each other, as before, free of charge, with payment of only actual expenses and their forwarding, according to acts in accordance with the attached form 1 (Appendix No. 5 ** ). Copies of the mentioned acts will serve as the basis for the production of calculations.

If it is necessary to develop the documentation again or make corrections and clarifications to it, the parties will pay the related costs at actual costs.

b) the provision of technical assistance to the People's Republic of China by sending Soviet specialists to the People's Republic of China will be formalized by acts in the form attached 2 (Appendix No. 6**).

Copies of the mentioned acts will serve as the basis for the production of final settlements.

Expenses associated with the dispatch of Soviet specialists to the People's Republic of China to provide technical assistance are reimbursed in accordance with the Sino-Soviet Agreement of October 25, 1950 and the letters exchanged between the parties on December 31, 1952.

In cases where the period of stay of Soviet specialists sent to the People's Republic of China to provide technical assistance is provided for more than three months, the Directorate for Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade, pending final settlements, is given the right to issue interim invoices, which are subject to payment by the relevant Chinese organizations.

c) technical and other documentation to be transferred to the Soviet side in connection with the implementation of scientific and technical cooperation is handed over by the relevant Chinese organizations in Beijing to an employee of the USSR trade mission in the People's Republic of China appointed by the trade representative of the USSR, and the documentation to be transferred to the Chinese side is handed over by the relevant ministry or department of the USSR in Moscow to an employee of the office of the trade adviser at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the USSR appointed as a trade adviser.

d) technical and other documentation and information transferred by the parties to each other in connection with the implementation of scientific and technical cooperation can be used by the respective country exclusively within its territory, are not subject to transfer to individuals and legal entities of third countries and cannot be published or made public without the consent of the country that transferred this documentation.

This Protocol was signed in Moscow on December 28, 1954 in two copies each in Chinese and Russian, one copy for each party, both texts being equally authentic.


Application No. 1

Regulations on the Sino-Soviet Commission for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

1. The Sino-Soviet Commission for Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the PRC and the USSR was formed on the basis of the Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dated October 12, 1954*** to develop measures for the implementation of cooperation in accordance with the said Agreement and making appropriate recommendations to both governments.

2. The Sino-Soviet Commission consists of 14 members, 7 members from each side.

The Chinese part and the Soviet part of the Commission are respectively headed by chairmen.

The chairmen inform each other about changes in the composition of the relevant part of the Commission.

3. Sessions of the Chinese-Soviet Commission are convened by agreement of the chairmen of both parts of the Commission and will take place at least twice a year, alternately in Beijing and Moscow, and the chairman and secretary of the Chinese part or the Soviet part of the Commission, respectively, will be the chairman and secretary of the session.

4. The Chinese part and the Soviet part of the Commission, well in advance of the next session, submit to each other in writing the lists of issues approved by the governments of their countries that the parties wish to include in the agenda of the forthcoming session of the Commission. Issues submitted for consideration by the Commission should have data that determine the scope and procedure for the provision of technical assistance.

5. To participate in the session of the Commission, the chairmen of the Chinese part and the Soviet part of the Commission may involve experts.

6. On the issues discussed at the session of the Commission, a protocol of agreed decisions is drawn up in two original copies, each in Chinese and Russian. The protocol is signed by the chairmen of the Chinese part and the Soviet part of the Commission.

7. The Chinese part and the Soviet part of the Commission will exchange at least once a year information on the use by their countries of production experience and technical documentation received by them in the course of Sino-Soviet scientific and technical cooperation.

8. Expenses related to the organization and holding of sessions of the Sino-Soviet Commission shall be borne by the party on whose territory the session takes place.

The personal expenses of members of the commission, experts and persons participating in the work of the Commission shall be borne by the party sending them.


*So in the document.

** Not published.

*** See doc. 96.