Polit Buro and the Church

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  Politburo And The Church, Kremlin Archives

N. Petrovsky, S.G. Petrov

On confiscation of church valuables

Cipher telegram from the secretary of the Kaluga provincial committee of the RCP (b) MP Artemov to the Central Committee of the RCP (b) about the unrest of the workers in connection with the confiscation of church valuables. March 17, 1922

No. 23-12 March 17, 1922

received for decryption on 18 / ІII 1922 at 00 hours 45 minutes.


Moscow Central Committee of the RCP.

At No. 1561 / sh. We inform you that there was a three-day strike on economic grounds. There were unrest among the workers in connection with the seizure of church value. An authorized representative of the Gubotdel of the GPU was expelled, as well as a representative of the Gubkom. The issue has been eliminated, the plant is working. We will inform you later.

17 / III-22 g.


- L. 30. Typewritten original on the form of the cipher telegram of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). On the text of the document there are records of acquaintance, autographs:

"V-M [olotov]";

"Read. Stalin "; "L. Kamenev] ";


Handwritten note: "A copy of Comrade Lenin (together with other materials)." Below is a handwritten certificate of the cipher-bureau on duty of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) A.S. Balagurovskaya dated

March 18, 1922 with the text of telegram No. 1561 / sh, the answer to which is this document: “Kaluga. Sponge. Was Gubkiy aware of the political strike in the "Riga (?)" Plant under the leadership of the Social Revolutionaries. " In the lower right corner there is a stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with an inventory number.

- RCKHIDNI, f. 5, op. 2, d.48, l. 26. Typewritten original on the form of the cipher telegram of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). Above the address there is a typewritten note: "KOPIYA TOV. LENIN ". Above is the stamp "VERY SECRET". Stamp "Comrade Lenin's Archive" with handwritten date "25.IV.22" and the entry number.