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Selected Secret Documents from Soviet Foreign Policy Documents Archives - 1919 to 1941Concentrated on 1st and 2nd WW Correspondence and Meetings related to Turkey, Balkans and Iran, with some additions from Afghanistan and India.
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Statement of the Soviet government of respect for the territorial invalidity of the Turkish republic
[august 10/94 / y.]
Soviet ambassador to Turkey comrade s. Vinogradov visited the minister of foreign affairs of Turkey, Saracoglu, and on behalf of the Soviet government made him a message as follows:
“the Soviet government reaffirms its loyalty to the Montreux convention and assures the Turkish government that it has no aggressive intentions and claims in relation to the straits. The Soviet government, like the British government, is ready to scrupulously respect the territorial integrity of the Turkish republic. Fully understanding the desire of the Turkish government not to be involved in the war. The Soviet government, like the British government, would nevertheless be ready to provide Turkey with any assistance and assistance in the event that she was attacked by any European power. ʺ Publ .: foreign policy of the USSR ... ‐t. I. ‐ s. 145‐146.