Selected Secret Documents from Soviet Foreign Policy Documents Archives - 1919 to 1941

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  Selected Secret Documents from Soviet Foreign Policy Documents Archives - 1919 to 1941
Concentrated on 1st and  2nd WW Correspondence and Meetings related to Turkey, Balkans and Iran, with some additions from Afghanistan and India.

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From: conversation of the peopleʹs commissar for foreign affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov with the ambassador of Germany in the USSR f. Schulenburg

Sent to comrade Stalin, comrade Voroshilov, comrade Mikoyan, comrade Kaganovich, comrade Dekanozov, comrade Lozovsky

April 9, 1940


Comrade Molotov asks the ambassador if the message is true that Copenhagen is occupied by German troops, and the Norwegian government was evacuated from Oslo to the mountains of Hamar.

Schulenburg replies that he has no data on this yet.

Schulenburg goes on to say that pressure from the Anglo‐French bloc is being exerted not only in the north, but also in the south. According to reports, Britain and France are especially pressing on Turkey and are trying to come to an agreement with Turkey on the blockade of the black sea in order to prevent the transfer of oil from Batumi to the Danube.

Comrade Molotov notes that the Turks are unlikely to be unanimous in agreement to such actions of England and France, and it is unlikely that anything will come of this matter, since this is a very dangerous event for Turkey.