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Bolshevik leadership Correspondence. 1912-1927
Collection of documents 1996.
Compiled by: A.V.Kvashonkin, L.P.Kosheleva, L.A.Rogovaya, O.V.Khlevnyuk.
No. 187
G. K. Ordzhonikidze to K. E. Voroshilov
March 12, 1925
12/III 1925
Dear Klim.
I received your letter two days ago. It made a terribly depressing impression on all of us (Mamiya, Myasnikov). These people have completely lost all measure and are flying into the abyss with dizzying speed.. To hell with them all, but they are dragging the party and Soviet power with them. Because what they are doing now is crazy! Whichever of them wins, it will only be a personal victory for one or the other and, at the same time, the greatest defeat of the party. After all, by their action they put the entire domestic and foreign counter-revolution on its feet - they inspire it. After all, this is what they, all our enemies, both of them quite cleverly translate into a struggle, allegedly for and against the Central Committee. This must be said to both of them directly and openly. In my opinion, our party has never been in such a dangerous position as it is now, and this despite its outwardly formal well-being. It will be all the more terrible and difficult for the Party when all this becomes clear. Undoubtedly, both sides are preparing for mutual extermination. Both must be prevented at all costs. But how to do it is the question. It would be very good,2 .
RTSKHIDNI. F. 85. Op. 25. D. 94. L. 1, 2. Autograph.
oneAt the beginning of 1925, the contradictions between Stalin and his supporters, on the one hand, and Zinoviev and Kamenev, on the other, intensified. The reason for the clashes were the decisions of the plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, held in January 1925. At the plenum, the question of the fate of Trotsky was decided. Zinoviev and Kamenev demanded that Trotsky be removed from the Politburo. However, the point of view of Stalin won, who believed that it was necessary to limit himself to the release of Trotsky from the duties of chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the USSR. This decision provided Stalin with opportunities for numerous political maneuvers, which he took full advantage of. Rumors about the growing contradictions in the leading group, its division into "Stalinists" and "Zinovievites" spread widely in the party and caused dissatisfaction among some of the party functionaries. Apparently Considering this, for some time the parties declared that there were no contradictions between them (Izvestia of the Central Committee of the CPSU. 1991. No. 8. P. 179-195). However, a final break soon occurred, which was openly manifested at the XIV Congress of the CPSU (b) in December 1925.
2 On the letterhead: "Transcaucasian Regional Committee of the RCP (Bolsheviks)".
No. 188
G. L. Pyatakov - F. E. Dzerzhinsky
[March 25, 1925]
I drank a glass of vodka at dinner, slept for an hour (from 5 to 6) and walked away a bit. He was in complete rage.
However, already in a calm state, I decided that I shouldn’t go to the service station - it’s bad for business. After all, I saw how Sheinman and Rudzutak literally voted "out of spite"; Frumkin abstained 1 .
If so, then it is harmful that I stand at the head of the industry as your assistant. You need to find another. I'll go as the chairman of the military-technical cooperation - she-she, it will be much better. I cannot work in such conditions, and the work suffers from this, because:
1) in the service station there is a clear distrust of me,
2) at the same time, my hands drop, and there cannot be that energy in the work that is needed.
I say this not in a state of vehemence and not out of spite, but quite seriously. Tomorrow you will receive my official request 2 .
RTSKHIDNI. F. 76. Op. 2. D. 168. L. 5. Autograph.
1 At the meeting of the USSR Council of Deputies on March 25, 1925, several questions concerning the Supreme Council of National Economy, submitted by Pyatakov, were considered. For example, it was decided to remove the report of the Supreme Economic Council and the State Planning Committee on the production and financial program of the electrical industry from the agenda, obliging the Supreme Economic Council to submit a new program to the State Planning Committee. The report of the Supreme Council of National Economy and the State Planning Commission on the production and financial program of the glass-porcelain industry (GARF. F. R-5674. On. 1. D. 10. L. 132-140) was postponed.
2 On the reverse side of the sheet is the date: "25/III 25"