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Bolshevik leadership Correspondence. 1912-1927
Collection of documents 1996.
Compiled by: A.V.Kvashonkin, L.P.Kosheleva, L.A.Rogovaya, O.V.Khlevnyuk.
No. 184
F. E. Dzerzhinsky - R. V. Menzhinsky
December 24, 1924
T Menzhinsky.
Only in person
(no copies).
Moreover, there is a letter to me from Bukharin , 1 which after reading I ask you to return it to me. Such sentiments in the leading circles of the Central Committee 2we need to take into account and think about it. It would be the greatest political mistake if the Party, on the fundamental question of the GPU, gave in and gave "spring" to the townsfolk as a line, as a policy, as a declaration. This would mean giving in to the Nepmanism, the philistine tending to reject Bolshevism, this would be the victory of Trotskyism and the surrender of positions. To counter such sentiments, we need to review our practices, our methods, and eliminate everything that can feed such sentiments. This means that we (the GPU) should, perhaps, become quieter, more modest, resort to searches and arrests more carefully, with more evidence; some categories of arrests (Nepmanism, crimes [off] in office) to limit and carry out under pressure, or, on condition that public, party opinion is organized for us; inform the MK more about all matters, drawing the party organization more closely into these matters. We need to rethink our policy on release abroad - and visas. It is necessary to pay attention to the struggle for popularity among the peasants, organizing assistance to them in the fight against hooliganism and other crimes. And in general, to outline measures such that we will find protection among the workers and peasants and in broad party organizations.
In addition, once again we must pay attention to our information summaries - so that they give the members of the Central Committee a real picture of our work in short words, and present all the specifics. Our reports are such that they give a one-sided picture - solid black - without the correct perspective and without a description of our real role. We must write reports on our work.
24/XII 24
F. Dzerzhinsky.
RTSHIDNI; F. 76. Op. 3. D. 345. L. 1. Autograph.
oneThis refers to the following letter from Bukharin to Dzerzhinsky: “Dear Felix Edmundovich, I was not at the previous meeting of the leading group. I heard that you there, among other things, said that Sok[olnikov] and I were "against the GPU," etc. I am aware of the third-day fight. So, so that you have no doubts, dear Felix Edmundovich, I ask you to understand what I think. I believe that we should rather move to a more "liberal" form of Soviet power: less repression, more legality, more discussion, more self-government (under the leadership of the naturaliter party), and so on. In his article in Bolshevik, which you approved, this course is theoretically substantiated. That is why I sometimes oppose proposals that expand the rights of the GPU, etc. Understand, dear Felix Edm[undovich] (You know how much I love you), that you have no grounds to suspect me of any bad feelings both towards you personally and towards the GPU as an institution. The question is fundamental - here's the thing. Since you are a highly passionate person in politics, but at the same time you can be impartial, you will understand me. I hug you tightly, firmly shake your hand and wish you a speedy recovery. Yours N. Bukharin” (Questions of the history of the CPSU. 1988. No. I. S. 42-43).
On March 28, 1925, Dzerzhinsky wrote to Zinoviev: “[...] A very difficult period has come for the OGPU. The workers were dead tired, some to the point of hysteria. And at the top of the party, a certain part begins to doubt the need for the OGPU (Bukharin, Sokolnikov, Kalinin, the entire NKID) [...] ”(RTSKHIDNI. F. 76. Op. 2. D. 51. L. 8).
No. 185
M. V. Frunze — I. V. Stalin
December 10, 1924
T. Stalin. Tell me your opinion about this document 1 .
M. Fr[unze].
You need to find out the author of the wording "Trotsky as the leader of the Red Army" and punish him. This wording needs to be changed.
The wording needs to be changed. But I don't like the formula "the leader is the presidium of the Revolutionary Military Council." I think it would be better to speak as a leader - [about] the party. About the Leaders in the narrow army sense, do not talk, just acquaint the entire army with the biographies of the persons at the head of the army.
RTSKHIDNI. F. 558. On. 1. D. 5254. L. 1. Autographs.
one. We are talking about a memo handed over by Bubnov to Frunze for review. Its text: “[...] In the program of political studies with the Red Army during the current winter period, there is a conversation “Leader of the Red Army Comrade. Trotsky" (collection of orders and circulars PUR "a No. 36). The wording of this conversation should be changed, on the basis of a resolution of the meeting of chief officers, as follows: "The leader of the Red Army - the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR", the content of the conversation: "The Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, the Presidium of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, the biographies of the members of the Presidium of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR." Find a reasonably convenient form of substitution, making it as carefully as possible without causing unnecessary talk. In the upcoming manual for the program, the conversation is developed according to the proposed new version. Thus, the material for the conversation will be received by all political instructors. ZAM. BEGINNING PUR: (Landa) BEG. AGITPROPODEPARA: (Aleksinsky) "(RTSKHIDNI. F. 558. On. 1. D. 5254. L. 1).