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Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung
Courses And Examinations
There are too many courses offered at schools [and universities] which place a heavy burden on students. They are not often properly taught. The examination system treats students like enemies; it pounces on them suddenly. These are detrimental to the development, in a lively and spontaneous manner, of the moral, intellectual, and physical capabilities of the young people.
Literature And Art
In the last fifteen years these associations,[1] most of their publications (it is said that a few are good, and by and large the people in them (that is, not everybody) have not carried out the policies of the party. They have acted as high and mighty bureaucrats, have not gone to the workers, peasants, and soldiers, and have not reflected the socialist revolution and socialist construction. In recent years, they skid right down to the brink of revisionism. Unless they remould themselves in real earnest, at some future date they are bound to become groups like the Hungarian Petofi Club.
Comments On The Report Of The Public Showing And Criticism Of The Films ‘South China In The North’ (Pei-Kuo Chiangnan) And ‘Early Spring In The Second Month’ (Tsao-Ch’un Erth-Yueh) – I By The Department Of Propaganda Of The Centre
There may not be only these two films [of this kind]. Others should be criticized also, so that revisionist material is made known to the public.
August 1964
Notes On The Directive Of Strengthening Political Work By Learning From The PLA
Now the whole country is learning from the PLA and the Tach’ing [oilfield] and schools too should learn from the PLA. What the PLA excels in is the field of political ideology. It is also necessary to learn from the advanced units in the cities, agriculture, industries, commerce, and education, throughout the country.
There are people who suggest that the industrial departments at all levels (from the Departments to the factories and communes) throughout the country should learn from the PLA by setting up political departments and political bureaux and appointing political commissars and by adopting the ‘four firsts’ and the ‘three-eight style’[2] It seems that this is the only way to arouse the revolutionary spirit of millions of cadres and workers in the industrial (as well as agricultural and commercial) departments.
[1.] These are mass organizations in the field of literature and art.
[2.] For "four firsts" and "three-eight style" see note 20 on p 183 of this volume.