People of the World, Unite and Defeat the U.S. Aggressors


Mao Tse-tung


Statements Supporting the Afro-Americans and
the Peoples of Southern Vietnam, Panama, Japan,
the Congo (L.) and the Dominican Republic in Their
Just Struggle Against U.S. Imperialism


First Edition 1964
Second (Enlarged) Edition 1966
Second (Enlarged) Edition (Second Printing) 1967

Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo, (December 1998)






  AGAINST U.S. IMPERIALISM (January 10, 1964 )


  AGAINST U.S. IMPERIALISM (January 27, 1964 )


  AGGRESSION (November 28, 1964 )


  AGGRESSION (May 12, 1965 )


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August 8, 1963

    An Afro-American leader now taking refuge in Cuba, Mr. Robert Williams, the former President of the Monroe, North Carolina, Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, has twice this year asked me for a statement in support of the Afro-Americans' struggle against racial discrimination. On behalf of the Chinese people, I wish to take this opportunity to express our resolute support for the Afro-Americans in their struggle against racial discrimination and for freedom and equal rights.

    There are more than 19 million Afro-Americans in the United States, or about 11 per cent of the total population. They are enslaved, oppressed and discriminated against -- such is their position in society. The overwhelming majority are deprived of their right to vote. In general, only the most backbreaking and despised jobs are open to them. Their average wages are barely a third or a half those of the white people. The proportion of unemployment among the Afro-Americans is the highest. In many states they are forbidden to go to the same school, eat at the same table, or travel in the same section of a bus or train as

    Mao Tse-tung, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, made this statement when receiving a group of African friends. -- Ed.

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the white people. Afro-Americans are often arrested, beaten up or murdered at will by the U.S. authorities at various levels and by members of the Ku Klux Klan and other racists. About half the Afro-Americans are concentrated in eleven southern states, where the discrimination and persecution they suffer are especially shocking.

    The Afro-Americans are awakening and their resistance is growing stronger and stronger. Recent years have witnessed a continuous expansion of their mass struggle against racial discrimination and for freedom and equal rights. In 1957 the black people in Little Rock, Arkansas, waged a fierce struggle against the barring of their children from public schools. The authorities used armed force against them, creating the Little Rock incident which shocked the world.

    In 1960 Negroes in more than twenty states held "sit-in" demonstrations protesting against racial segregation in local restaurants, shops and other public places.

    In 1961 the Negroes launched the "freedom riders" campaign to oppose racial segregation in public transportation, a campaign which rapidly spread to many states.

    In 1962 the Negroes in Mississippi fought for the equal right to enrol in colleges and met with bloody suppression by the authorities.

    This year, the American Negroes started their struggle early in April in Birmingham, Alabama. Unarmed and bare-handed Negro people were arrested en masse and most barbarously suppressed merely for holding meetings and parades against racial discrimination. On June 12 Mr. Medgar Evers, a leader of the Negro people in Mississippi, was murdered in cold blood. Defying brutality and violence, the indignant black masses waged their struggle even more heroically and quickly won the support of Negroes and other people of various strata throughout the United States. A gigantic and vigorous nation-wide

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struggle is going on in nearly every city and state, and the struggle is mounting. American Negro organizations have decided to start a "freedom march" on Washington on August 28, in which 250,000 people will take part.

    The speedy development of the struggle of the Afro-Americans is a manifestation of sharpening class struggle and sharpening national struggle within the United States; it has been causing increasing anxiety among U.S. ruling circles. The Kennedy Administration is insidiously using dual tactics. On the one hand, it continues to connive at and take part in discrimination against Negroes and their persecution, and it even sends troops to suppress them. On the other hand; in the attempt to numb the fighting will of the black people and deceive the masses of the country the Kennedy Administration is parading as an advocate of "the defence of human rights" and "the protection of the civil rights of Negroes", calling upon the black people to exercise "restraint" and proposing the "civil rights legislation" to Congress. But more and more Afro-Americans are seeing through these tactics of the Kennedy Administration. The fascist atrocities of the U.S. imperialists against the black people have exposed the true nature of so-called American democracy and freedom and revealed the inner link between the reactionary policies pursued by the U.S. government at home and its policies of aggression abroad.

    I call on the workers, peasants, revolutionary intellectuals, enlightened elements of the bourgeoisie and other enlightened persons of all colours in the world, whether white, black, yellow or brown, to unite to oppose the racial discrimination practised by U.S. imperialism and support the black people in their struggle against racial discrimination. In the final analysis, national struggle is a matter of class struggle. Among the whites in the United States it is only the reactionary ruling circles who oppress the black people. They can in no way represent the workers,

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farmers, revolutionary intellectuals and other enlightened persons who comprise the overwhelming majority of the white people. At present, it is the handful of imperialists headed by the United States, and their supporters, the reactionaries in different countries, who are oppressing, committing aggression against and menacing the overwhelming majority of the nations and peoples of the world. We are in the majority and they are in the minority. At most, they make up less than 10 per cent of the 3,000 million population of the world. I am firmly convinced that, with the support of more than 90 per cent of the people of the world, the Afro-Americans will be victorious in their just struggle. The evil system of colonialism and imperialism arose and throve with the enslavement of Negroes and the trade in Negroes, and it will surely come to its end with the complete emancipation of the black people.


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August 29, 1963

    Recently, the reactionary Ngo Dinh Diem clique in south Vietnam has been intensifying its sanguinary suppression of Buddhists, students, intellectuals and the masses of the people. The Chinese people are deeply indignant at the monstrous crimes of the Ngo Dinh Diem clique and strongly condemn them. President Ho Chi Minh has issued a statement strongly protesting against the crimes of U.S. imperialism and the Diem clique. We the Chinese people whole-heartedly support President Ho Chi Minh's statement.

    U.S. imperialism and its lackey Ngo Dinh Diem have been following the policy of turning southern Vietnam into a U.S. colony, unleashing counter-revolutionary war and reinforcing their fascist dictatorship. This has compelled the people of various strata in southern Vietnam to unite on a broad scale and wage a resolute struggle against them.

    U.S. imperialism and the Diem clique now find themselves besieged by all the people of southern Vietnam against whom they have set themselves. No matter what inhuman weapons U.S. imperialism may use or what ruthless means of suppression the Diem clique may employ, that regime cannot escape

    Chairman Mao Tse-tung made this statement when receiving a delegation of the South Vietnam National Front for Liberation. -- Ed.

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its fate of total isolation and collapse, and U.S. imperialism will finally have to get out of southern Vietnam.

    Ngo Dinh Diem is a faithful lackey of U.S. imperialism. However, once a lackey has outlived his usefulness and becomes an encumbrance to the U.S. imperialist policy of aggression, the U.S. imperialists do not hesitate to replace him with another. The fate of Syngman Rhee in south Korea provides a precedent. A flunkey who allows himself to be led by the nose by U.S. imperialism will only end up in the same grave as his master.

    U.S. imperialism has violated the agreements reached at the first Geneva Conference by obstructing the reunification of Vietnam, conducting open armed aggression against southern Vietnam and engaging in so-called special warfare over a period of years. It has also violated the agreements of the second Geneva Conference by its flagrant intervention in Laos in an attempt to rekindle the civil war there. Apart from those who are deliberately deceiving the people and those who are utterly naive, no one will assert that a treaty can make U.S. imperialism lay down its butcher's knife and suddenly become a Buddha, or for that matter behave itself even a little better.

    The oppressed peoples and nations must not pin their hopes for liberation on the "sensibleness" of imperialism and its lackeys. They will only triumph by strengthening their unity and persevering in their struggle. This is what the people of southern Vietnam are doing.

    In their just patriotic struggle against U.S. imperialism and the Diem clique the people of southern Vietnam have won major victories both politically and militarily. We the Chinese people firmly support their just struggle.

    I am convinced that through struggle they will attain the goal of liberating the southern part of Vietnam and contribute to the peaceful reunification of their fatherland.

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    It is my hope that the working class, the revolutionary people and progressives throughout the world will all stand by the people of southern Vietnam and, in response to President Ho Chi Minh's call, support the just struggle of the heroic people of southern Vietnam and oppose aggression and oppression by the counter-revolutionary U.S.-Diem clique, and thus help the people there save themselves from slaughter and achieve complete liberation.


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January 12, 1964

    The struggle now being heroically waged by the people of Panama against U.S. aggression and in defence of their national sovereignty is a great and patriotic struggle. The Chinese people stand firmly on the side of the Panamanian people and fully support their just action in opposing the U.S. aggressors and demanding the recovery of sovereignty over the Panama Canal Zone.

    U.S. imperialism is the most ferocious enemy of the people of the world.

    Not only has it committed the grave crime of aggression against the Panamanian people and persistently plotted to strangle socialist Cuba, it has never ceased to plunder and oppress the people of all the Latin American countries and suppress their national-democratic revolutionary struggles.

    In Asia, U.S. imperialism has forcibly occupied China's Taiwan, converted the southern parts of Korea and of Vietnam into its colonies, kept Japan under its control and partial military occupation, undermined the peace, neutrality and independ-

    Chairman Mao Tse-tung made this statement to a Rennin Ribao (Peoples Daily ) correspondent. -- Ed.

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ence of Laos, plotted to subvert the Royal Government of Cambodia, and carried out intervention and aggression against other Asian countries. More recently, it has decided to send a U.S. fleet into the Indian Ocean, menacing the security of the Southeast Asian countries.

    In Africa, U.S. imperialism is stepping up its neo-colonialist policies and actively seeking to replace the old colonialists, plunder and enslave the peoples of Africa, and undermine and stamp out their national-liberation movements.

    The policies of aggression and war of U.S. imperialism also seriously threaten the Soviet Union, China and the other socialist countries. Moreover, it is striving to promote its policy of "peaceful evolution" in the socialist countries in order to restore capitalism there and break up the socialist camp.

    Even towards its own allies in Western Europe, North America and Oceania U.S. imperialism follows the policy of the law of the jungle, trying to trample them underfoot.

    The aggressive plans of U.S. imperialism to dominate the whole world run in a continuous line from Truman, through Eisenhower and Kennedy, to Johnson.

    The people of the countries in the socialist camp should unite, the people of the countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America should unite, the people of all the continents should unite, all peace-loving countries should unite, and all countries subjected to U.S. aggression, control, intervention or bullying should unite, and so form the broadest united front to oppose the U.S. imperialist policies of aggression and war and to defend world peace.

    Riding roughshod everywhere, U.S. imperialism has made itself the enemy of the people of the world and has increasingly isolated itself. Those who refuse to be enslaved will never be

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cowed by the atom bombs and hydrogen bombs in the hands of the U.S. imperialists. The raging tide of the people of the world against the U.S. aggressors is irresistible. Their struggle against U.S. imperialism and its lackeys will assuredly win still greater victories.


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January 27, 1964

    The massive anti-U.S. demonstration by the Japanese people on January 26 constitutes a great patriotic movement. On behalf of the Chinese people, I wish to express deep respect for the heroic Japanese people.

    A large-scale mass movement has recently started throughout Japan to oppose the entry and stationing in Japan of U.S. F-105D aircraft carrying nuclear weapons and of nuclear submarines and to demand the dismantling of U.S. military bases, the with drawal of U.S. armed forces, the return of Japan's territory of Okinawa, the abrogation of the Japanese-U.S. "Security Treaty", etc. This reflects the will and aspirations of the entire Japanese people. The Chinese people whole-heartedly support the just struggle of the Japanese people.

    Ever since the end of World War II, Japan has been subjected to U.S. imperialist political, economic and military oppression. Not only have the U.S. imperialists oppressed the workers, peasants, students, intellectuals, urban petty bourgeoisie, religious circles and medium and small entrepreneurs of Japan, they have also brought many big Japanese entrepreneurs under

    Chairman Mao Tse-tung made this statement when receiving a group of Japanese friends. -- Ed.

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their control, interfered in Japan's foreign policy and treated Japan as a dependency. U.S. imperialism is the most ferocious enemy of the Japanese nation.

    Japan is a great nation. It will certainly not allow U.S. imperialism to ride roughshod over it for long. The last few years have seen the constant broadening of the patriotic united front of all strata of the Japanese people against U.S. imperialist aggression, oppression and control. This is the surest guarantee of victory in their patriotic struggle against U.S. imperialism. The Chinese people are convinced that the Japanese people will be able to drive the U.S. imperialists from their soil and realize their aspirations for independence, democracy, peace and neutrality.

    The Chinese and Japanese peoples should unite, the people of various Asian countries should unite, all oppressed people and nations of the world should unite, all- peace-loving countries should unite, all countries and individuals subjected to U.S. imperialist aggression, control, intervention or bullying should unite and form a broad united front against U.S. imperialism to frustrate its-plans for aggression and war and to defend world peace.

    U.S. imperialism get out of Japan! Get out of the Western Pacific! Get out of Asia! Get out of Africa and Latin America! Get out of Europe and Oceania! Get out of all the countries and places subjected to U.S. aggression, control, intervention or bullying!





November 28, 1964

    The armed aggression of U.S. imperialism against the Congo (L.) is a very grave matter.

    The United States has all along attempted to control the Congo. It has used the United Nations forces to perpetrate every kind of villainy there. It murdered the Congolese national hero Lumumba and subverted the lawful Congolese Government. It imposed the puppet Tshombe on the Congolese people and dispatched mercenary troops to suppress the Congolese national-liberation movement. And now, in league with Belgium and Britain, it is carrying out direct armed intervention in the Congo. The purpose of U.S. imperialism is not only to control the Congo, but also once again to enmesh the whole of Africa -- particularly the newly independent African countries -- this time in the toils of U.S. neo-colonialism. U.S. aggression has encountered heroic resistance from the Congolese people and aroused the indignation of the people of Africa and the whole world.

    U.S. imperialism is the common enemy of the people of the world. It is committing aggression against south Vietnam, intervening in Laos, menacing Cambodia and blustering about extending the war in Indo-China. It is thing by every means to strangle the Cuban revolution. It wants to turn West Germany and Japan into the two major U.S. nuclear bases. It has

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ganged up with Britain in creating "Malaysia" to menace Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia. It has occupied south Korea and the Chinese province of Taiwan. It dominates all Latin America. It plays the bully everywhere. U.S. imperialism has over-reached itself. Wherever it commits aggression, it puts a new noose around its neck. It is besieged ring upon ring by the people of the whole world.

    People of the Congo, you are not alone in your just struggle. The entire Chinese people are behind you. The people throughout the world opposing imperialism are behind you. The U.S. imperialists and reactionaries of all countries are paper tigers. The struggle of the Chinese people has proved this. The struggle of the Vietnamese people is proving it. The struggle of the Congolese people will surely prove this too. By strengthening national unity and persevering in protracted struggle, the Congolese people will certainly triumph, and U.S. imperialism will certainly be defeated.

    People of the world, unite and defeat the U.S. aggressors and all their running dogs! People of the world, be courageous, dare to fight, defy difficulties and advance wave upon wave. Then the whole world will belong to the people. Monsters of all kinds shall be destroyed.


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May 12, 1965

    Recently; a coup d'etat overthrowing the Cabral dictatorship of traitors took place in the Dominican Republic. The Johnson Administration of the United States has dispatched more than 30,000 troops there to carry out sanguinary suppression. This is a grave act of provocation by U.S. imperialism against the Dominican people, against the people of Latin America and the whole world.

    The patriotic Dominican people are now waging a heroic fight against the U.S. aggressor and his lackeys.

    The Chinese people firmly support the Dominican people in their patriotic armed struggle against U.S. imperialism. I am convinced that the Dominican Republic, with the support of the people of the world, will win final victory in its patriotic struggle against U.S. imperialism so long as it relies on the broad masses of the people, unites all patriotic forces and persists in protracted struggle.

    U.S. imperialism has never ceased to subject Latin American countries to control, intervention, subversion and aggression. This time the U.S. government has abandoned all such deceptive phrases as "the good neighbour policy" and "the principle of non-intervention", and carried out naked intervention and

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aggression in the Dominican Republic. This has further revealed the true features of the U.S. imperialist gangsters.

    The United States is conducting its armed intervention in the Dominican Republic under the banner of "defending freedom". What kind of "freedom" is this? It is the freedom to use aeroplanes, warships and guns to slaughter the people of other countries. It is the freedom to seize the territory of other countries at will, the freedom to trample their sovereignty underfoot at will. It is the freedom of pirates to loot and kill. It is the freedom to tread every country and people under its heel. This is what the U.S. imperialists are now doing in the Dominican Republic, in Vietnam, in the Congo (L.) and in many other places.

    The United States is also conducting its armed intervention in the Dominican Republic under the banner of "fighting communism". What U.S. imperialism means by "fighting communism" is fighting all those who are unwilling to be the slaves of the United States, fighting all those who defend the independence, sovereignty and national dignity of their country, fighting all those who refuse to submit to U.S. imperialist aggression, control, intervention or bullying. This is what Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo did in the past. This is what U.S. imperialism is doing today on an even greater scale.

    In the eyes of U.S. imperialism, the United Nations, the Organization of American States and what not, are mere tools. It makes use of them when it needs them, and kicks them away when it does not. But it may still pick them up later if they happen to be useful again. Whether it uses them or kicks them away depends on which is more convenient for its aggressive purposes.

    The U.S. aggression against the Dominican Republic has enabled the Dominican people and all the other people of Latin America to see more dearly that in order to safeguard national

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independence and state sovereignty, it is imperative to wage a tit-for-tat struggle against U.S. imperialism which is aggressive by its very nature.

    The U.S. armed intervention in the Dominican Republic has aroused a new wave of opposition to U.S. imperialism among the people of Latin America and the world. You, the heroic Dominican people, are definitely not alone in your struggle. You enjoy the support of all the other people of Latin America, the support of all the people of Asia, the support of all the people of Africa, the support of the people in the socialist camp, and indeed the support of the people of the whole world.

    The people in the socialist camp should unite, the people of the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America should unite, the people of every continent should unite, all peace-loving countries should unite, all countries subjected to U.S. aggression, control, intervention or bullying should unite, and form the broadest united front to oppose the U.S. imperialist policies of aggression and war and to defend world peace.

    The struggle of the people of the world against U.S. imperialism is bound to triumph

    U.S. imperialism, the common enemy of the people of the world, is bound to fail!