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Marx & Engels Collected Works: Volume 18
Volume 18
Marx and Engels
Articles for The New American Cyclopaedia
Abensberg (Engels) 3 Acre (Engels) 4 Actium (Engels) 5 Adjutant (Engels) 6 Airey (Engels) 7 Aland Islands (Engels) 9 Albuera (Engels) 10 Aldenhoven (Engels) 12 Alessandria (Engels) 13 Alma (Engels) 14 Almeida (Engels) 19 Amusette (Engels) 20 Antwerp (Engels) 21 Arbela (Engels) 23 Arquebuse (Engels) 24 Aspern (Engels) 27 Attack (Engels) 34 Abatis (Engels) 39 Afghanistan (Engels) 40 Barbette (Engels) 49 Barclay de Tolly (Marx & Engels) 50 Bastion (Engels) 53 Bayonet (Engels) 55 Berthier (Marx) 56 Algeria (Engels) 60 Ammunition (Engels) 71 Battle (Engels) 72 Bennigsen (Marx & Engels) 76 Blum (Marx) 80 Bourrienne (Marx) 83 Alms (Engels) 85 Battery (Engels) 127 Bem (Marx & Engels) 130 Bessieres (Marx) 134 Bivouac (Engels) 136 Blindage (Engels) 137 Bonilet (Engels) 138 Bosquet (Marx & Engels) 139 Bomb (Engels) 141 Bomb Ketch (Engels) 143 Bomb-Proof (Engels) .144 Bomb Vessel (Engels) 145 Bombardier (Engels) 146 Bombardment (Engels) 147 Bernadotte (Marx) 149 Bridge, Military (Engels) 159 Brown (Marx) 164 Armada (Marx & Engels) 166 Asacucho (Marx & Engels) 170 Bluchel (Marx & Engels) 172 Artillery (Engels) 188 Bugeaud (Marx) 211 Brune (Marx) 215 Bolivar y Ponte (Marx) 219 Campaign (Engels) 234 Cannonade (Engels) 236 Captain (Engels) 237 Carabine (Engels) 238 Carcass (Engels) 239 Carronade (Engels) 241 Cartouch (Engels) 243 Cartridge (Engels) 244 Case Shot (Engels) 246 Berme (Engels) 248 Blenheim (Engels) 249 Borodino (Engels) 251 Bridge-Head (Engels) 256 Buda (Engels) 258 Camp (Engels) 262 Catapult (Engels) 266 Coehorn (Engels) 267 Bidassoa (Engels) 269 Brescia (Engels) 277 Burmah (Engels) 280 Bomarsund (Engels) 287 Bulow (Marx) 288 Beresford (Marx & Engels) 289 Cavalry (Engels) 291 Fortification (Engels) 317 I. Permanent Fortification
317 II. Sieges
336 III. Field Fortification
335 Infantry (Engels) 340 I. Grecian Infantry
340 II. Roman Infantry
344 III. The Infantry of the Middle Ages
348 IV. The Revival of Infantry
350 V. The Infantry of the 16th and 17th Centuries
352 VI. The Infantry of the 18th Century
356 VII. The Infantry of the French Revolution and of the 19th Century
359 Navy (Engels) 364
From the Preparatory Materials for The Articles in The New American Cyclopaedia
Summary of John W. Kaye's History of the War in Afghanistan (Engels) 379 Excerpts from the Article "Blum" Published in Meyers Conversations-Lexicon (Marx) 391 Excerpts Made for the Article"Bourrienne" (Marx) 394 Rough Draft of the Article "Brune" (Marx) 397 Excerpts from the Article "Bulow" Published in Meyers Conversations-Lexicon (Marx) 402
Frederick Engels
Articles for The Allgemeine Militar-Zeitung and The Volunteer Journal, for Lancashire and Cheshire
To the Editor of the Allgemeine Militar-Zeitung 407 A Review of English Volunteer Riflemen 409 The French Light Infantry 417 Chapter I
417 Chapter II
420 Chapter III
424 Volunteer Artillery 429 The History of the Rifle 433 I
433 II
.436 III
439 IV
442 V
444 VI
447 VII
452 VIII
456 Volunteer Engineers Their Value and Sphere of Action 460 French Armaments 465 On the Moral Element in Fighting. By Marshal Bugeaud 469 Preface to the Collection Essays Addressed to Volunteers 476 Volunteer Generals 479 Brighton and Wimbledon 484 Company Drill 490 Rifles and Rifle-Shooting 495 Aldershot and the Volunteers 500 The War Office and the Volunteers 504 Waldersee on the French Army 508 A Military Criticism of the Newton Review 518 Volunteer Officers 521 Lessons of the American War 525 The War in America 530 An Inspection of English Volunteers 535
Notes and Indexes
Notes 545 Name Index 612 Index of Quoted and Mentioned Literature 644 Index of Periodicals 657 Subject Index 659 Glossary of Geographical Names 679
Title page of Volume I of The New American Cyclopaedia I Battle of the Alma, September 20, 1854 (sketch) 15 Battle of Aspern, May 21-22, 1809 (sketch) 29 Afghanistan during the First Anglo-Afghan War, 1838-42 (map) 42-43 National liberation movement in Algeria in the first half of the 19th century (map) 65 Pages of Marx's notebook with entries on the dispatch of articles to The New American Cyclopaedia 123 Military operations in Central Europe, August 13, 1813-April 1, 1814 (maps) 174-75 Struggle of the countries of Latin America for independence (campaigns of Bolivar's army) (map) 230-31 Battle of Borodino, September 5-7, 1812 (sketch) 250-51 Battles of the Bidassoa, August 31 and October 7, 1813 (sketch) 271 Chart of the battle of the Bidassoa made by Frederick Engels 275 Title page of the collection Essays Addressed to Volunteers 477 First page of an advertisement giving the contents of the first volume of The Volunteer Journal 478