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    As a single unified file, Engels' Anti-Dühring is very large (927k). Accordingly, you'll need a "turbo" modem just to download the entire file (56bps -- a 33.3bps modem might do the job) and you'll need to allocate at least an additional 2MB of RAM to the browser's "suggested size" (e. g., about 7MB for Netscape 2 and Internet Explorer 2) to view the text. For those lacking the hardware to accomodate such a large file, you can download each of the three separate sections (via the table of contents or at the bottom of the page) into which the text has been divided. The following table of contents for Anti-Dühring will give you some idea of what is contained in each section. Links to the endnotes for the material in each of the three files are functional; however, references to material contained in the other sections are not linked.