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Works of Karl Marx 1872
To The Editor of The Daily News
Source: The Daily News, September 18, 1872;
Transcribed: by Tony Brown.
Sir, — On my return from The Hague, I find that your paper attributes to me the intention of removing to New York, in the wake of the General Council of the I.W.A. In reply, I beg to state that I intend and always intended remaining in London. Months ago I communicated to my friends here in London, and to my correspondents on the Continent, my firm resolve not to remain a member of the General Council, or indeed of any administrative body whatsoever, as my scientific labours would not permit me to do so any longer. As to the distorted reports of the press about the proceedings of the Congress at The Hague, they will be set at rest by the impending publication of the official Congress Minutes.
I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
Karl Marx
Modena Villas,
Maitland Park, N.W
September 17