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Marx-Engels Correspondence 1869
Engels To Marx
In London
Source: MECW, Volume 43, p. 299.
First published: abridged in Der Briefwechsel zwischen F. Engels und K. Marx Stuttgart, 1913 and in full in MEGA, Berlin, 1931.
Manchester, 1 July 1869
Dear Moor,
Hurrah! Today doux commerce [sweet business] is at an end, and I am a free man [Engels’ contract with Ermen terminated on 30 June, freeing him from responsibilities at Ermen & Engels]. All the main points I settled with dear Gottfried [Ermen] yesterday; he gave way on everything. Tussy [Eleanor Marx] and I celebrated my first free day this morning with a long walk in the fields. In addition, my eye is considerably better, and with a bit of gentle treatment should soon be completely back to normal.
The accounts and the lawyers will keep me on the run for another few weeks, but this will not be anything like the time lost so far.
Beesly really seems to be improving. Just think what respect he still had for the English press that evening when he visited you.
Eichhoff returned enclosed. Wilhelm [Liebknecht] now appears to be pushing him forward in order to beg forgiveness. In the meantime, war has been declared again between Schweitzer and Wilhelm, and there is rebellion in the General Association of German Workers. But always the bold expectation that we should take the side of Wilhelm and the People’s Party. Wilhelm would do well to read the Manifesto on the attitude of the workers’ party, if reading or anything else would do any good! I am very anxious to see how this brawl develops; in any case, it will produce some amusing scandal. Schweitzer really showed colossal presumption towards his gang in expecting them to allow themselves to be bartered off like a herd of sheep.
I assume you received the 2nd halves of the notes on Monday.
The Irish members behaved wretchedly again in connection with Moore’s motion, and Mr Bruce made a happy laughing-stock of himself once again.
From Eichhoff’s information, it appears very questionable to me whether one should write to Meissner at all about popularising your book. [Capital] What do you think? In any case, if books for 5 silver groschen don’t sell, then one for 8 to 10 silver groschen will circulate even less. The only thing that would help here would be a small pamphlet of 1-2 sheets at 2 1/2 silver groschen, but this needs work and is nothing for Meissner. What do you think of this? Or will you reserve it for personal discussion, since you will certainly visit Meissner in Germany?
I suppose Jenny has gone to the seaside with her honourable Monroes.
Best greetings from all to all.
F. E.