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Marx-Engels Correspondence 1865

Marx To Hermann Jung
In London

Source: MECW Volume 42, p. 143;
First published: in Archiv fur die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung, Leipzig, 1916.

London, 13 April 1865
1 Modena Villas, Maitland Park, Haverstock Hill, N. W.

Dear Jung!

*In No. 30 of Der weisse Adler, 223 Münstergasse, Zürich there is a report of our Polish Meeting of 1 March. This report must have been translated from the Daily News or some other English middle-class paper which, intentionally, suppressed the Resolution, proposed in the name of the ‘International Association’, and unanimously adopted by the St Martin’s Hall Meeting.

As you are the Swiss Secretary, it belongs to you to rectify the report, and to request the Editor of the paper to print the notice which I translate literally from the Report in The Bee-Hive.

Yours fraternally

K. Marx

It goes without saying, dear Jung, that you can change the concluding words at your discretion. Since you are plus ou moins a Frenchman, I simply wanted to draft the scheme for you in German.