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Marx's Grundrisse: Footnotes
<"51">51. Cobbett, Paper against Gold, London, 1828, p. 2.
<"52">52. Literally, 'toads'. A French term of abuse.
<"53">53. Garnier, Histoire de la monnaie, Vol. II, p. 11.
<"54">54. 'King Servius first stamped money with the image of sheep and oxen.'
<"55">55. 'Unwrought gold, unwrought silver'.
<"56">56. The Economist, Vol. I, No. 37, 11 May 1844, p. 771, article entitled 'The First Step in the Currency Question -- Sir Robert Peel'.
<"57">57. The Economist, Vol. I, No. 42, 15 June 1844, p. 890, article entitled 'The Action of Money on Prices'.
<"58">58. The Economist, Vol. I, No. 58, 5 October 1844, p. 1,275.
<"59">59. H. Thornton, An Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain, London, 1802, p. 48.
<"60">60. Say, Cours complet d'économie politique pratique, Vol. I, p. 510.
<"61">61. sic.
<"62">62. Jelinger Cookson Symons (1809-60) was a lawyer who was appointed in 1835 by the government to draw up a report on the situation of the hand-loom weavers; later he reported on the miners, and the educational system in Wales; author of many books on economic and educational questions.
<"63">63. W. H. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Peru, 4th edn, London, 1850, Vol. I. p. 127.
<"64">64. '0 blessed money, which furnishes mankind with a sweet and nutritious beverage, and protects its innocent possessors from the infernal disease of avarice, because it cannot be long hoarded, nor hidden underground!', quoted in ibid., p. 123 n.
<"65">65. H. A. M. Merivale, Lectures on Colonization, London, 1841, Vol. I, p. 52 n.
<"pagenote834">* as or libra = 12 ounces; 1 ounce = 24 scrupula; 288 scrupula per pound.
<"66">66. J. Sempéré y Guarinos, Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur et de la decadence de la monarchie espagnole, Paris, 1826, Vol. I, pp. 275-6.
<"67">67. This heading, though taken from Marx's own index to his notebooks Grundrisse (MELI), p. 966), seems to be out of place here.
<"68">68. Niebuhr, Römische Geschichte, Erster Theil, p. 608.
<"69">69. At an interest of one-twelfth.
<"70">70. At an interest of five-twelfths.
<"71">71. Hüllmann, op. cit., Teil II, pp. 36-45.
<"72">72. 'Things sacred and religious, which cannot be in the possession of anyone, and cannot either receive a valuation or be mortgaged or alienated, which are exempt from the commerce of men' (Justinian, Institutes, II, 1).
<"73">73. S. P. Newman, Elements of Political Economy, Andover and New York, 1835, p. 296.
<"pagenote837">* Notabene: In Mexico we found money but no weights; in Peru weights but no money.
<"74">74. Lauderdale, Recherches, pp. 173-82.
<"75">75. J. R. MacCulloch, A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation, London, 1847, p. 836.
<"76">76. C.-F. Chevé (1813-75) was a Catholic socialist, who supported Proudhon between 1848 and 1850, and edited the Proudhonist journal La Voix du Peuple, in which the discussion between Bastiat and Proudhon first appeared (1849).
<"77">77. The Reverend Joseph Townsend (1739-1816) was a Methodist clergyman who originally studied medicine; he opposed the Poor Law legislation, and (among others) invented the theory of population later taken over by Malthus; he issued the pamphlet A Dissertation on the Poor Laws, By a Well-Wisher to Mankind anonymously in 1786.
<"78">78. G. Opdyke, A Treatise on Political Economy, New York, 1851, p. 300.
<"79">79. Volume 5, which Storch issued separately, under the title mentioned, as a counter-blast to the four-volume edition of his Cours d'économie politique, produced and annotated by J.-B. Say.
<"81">81. Karl Arnd (1788-1877) was a state official in the small German principality of Electoral Hesse, as well as a prolific compiler of economics textbooks; hence his familiarity with the dog tax.