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Letters of Marx and Engels, 1849

Marx To Joseph Weydemeyer [275]
In Frankfurt Am Main

Source: MECW Volume 38, p. 208;
Written: end of July 1849;
First published: in Die Gesellschaft, 1930.

Paris, end of July 1849

Dear Weydemeyer,

I have heard from Dronke that it’s no go with the Westphalian lady. Well, it can’t be helped.

Now I should appreciate your advice as to how best to publish pamphlets.

I should like to start with the pamphlet on wages of which only the beginning appeared in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung. [Wage Labour and Capital] I would write a short political foreword to it on the present status quo. Do you think that, e.g., Leske would be agreeable? But he would have to pay, as soon as he had the manuscript in his hands, and pay well, since I know that this pamphlet will attract and will find a mass of subscribers in advance. My present financial condition will not permit me to settle my outstanding account with Leske. [276]

Were Leske then to find that the thing is well received, we could continue in this way.

Yesterday I had a letter from Engels; he is in Switzerland and, as Willich’s adjutant, has taken part in four encounters.

The sword of Damocles still hangs over my head; my expulsion has neither been rescinded nor, for the moment, is it being enforced.

Awkward though the present state of affairs may be for our personal circumstances, I am nevertheless among the satisfied. Things are going very well and the Waterloo suffered by official democracy may be regarded as a victory.[277] ‘Governments by grace of God’ are taking it upon themselves to avenge us on the bourgeoisie, and to chastise them.

One of these days I may perhaps send you a short article for your paper [Neue Deutsche Zeitung] on the state of affairs in England. [278] Just now I find it too boring, having already discussed the matter in a number of private letters.

Write to me direct and to my own address: 45, rue de Lille, Monsieur Ramboz.

My best regards to your wife and yourself from my wife and me. The former very poorly, the natural consequence of her all too interesting condition. Good-bye, my friend, and reply soon.

K. M.