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Marx in Neue Rheinische Zeitung December 1848

Second Stage of the Counter-Revolution

Source: MECW Volume 8, p. 134;
Written: by Marx on December 6, 1848;
First published: in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 162 (special edition), December 7, 1848.

Cologne, December 6. The counter-revolution has reached its second stage. The National Assembly has been dissolved. An imposed Constitution has been proclaimed by the “grace of the All-Highest” without more ado. [135]

All the hypocrisy over the “agreement” [136] which has been going on since May has been stripped of its last mask.

The March revolution is declared null and void and royal power “by the grace of God” celebrates its triumph.

The camarilla, the Junkers, the bureaucracy, and the entire reaction, with and without uniform, are jubilant because the stupid people is at last to be driven back into the stall of the “Christian-Germanic” state.