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Marx and Engels in Neue Rheinische Zeitung July 1848

Marrast and Thiers

Source: MECW Volume 7, p. 168;
Written: on July 2, 1848;
First published: in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 33, July 3, 1848.

We have continuously drawn the attention of the readers of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung to the intrigues of the party of the National, personified by Marrast. We have investigated the underhanded means by which this party strives to seize the dictatorship. At the same time we have pointed out how the dictatorship of Marrast conjures up the dictatorship of Thiers.

Several facts strikingly illustrate how much the party of the National, due to its victory, has already succumbed to the party of Thiers which is now closely fused with the dynastic opposition.[133]

The appointment of Carnot, a man of the National, as Minister has stirred up a violent uproar in the National Assembly. Marie’s candidature for the presidency of the National Assembly was rivalled by Dufaure’s candidature and, as the Débats reports, was only approved because he was known as “the wisest and most moderate man of the old Executive Committee”, i.e. because he made the most concessions to the old dynastic party and because he drafted the Bill on gatherings, the continuation of the September Laws, [134] and sponsored and defended it in the National Assembly! The fact ‘remains that “Marrast” and “Thiers” threw dice for the presidency of the National Assembly.

This does not satisfy, however, the “dynastic opposition”. One of the first laws that it is preparing is a law concerning the municipal councils, a law which is directly aimed against the autocracy and influence of Marrast, the Mayor of Paris. And he will fall.

In a few days the entire National Assembly will tear itself apart.

The reaction will proceed until the party of the National is excluded from all exercise of power. “Republic” and “dynastic opposition” will confront each other once more, but the republic will no longer win on the terms of February.

The people will no longer indulge in fancies. It will no longer “hide its revenge under a bushel” as Caussidière puts it and it will no longer “fling its wrath into the torrents of Styx”. [From Caussidière’s speech in the National Assembly on June 27, 1848, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, July 1, 1848] Qui vivra verra.