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V. I. Lenin
Written December 24-27, 1903,
in Geneva (local mail)
First published in 1929
Printed from
the original
From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition,
Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1966Vol. 34, pp. 213-14.
Translated from the Russian
by Clemens Dutt
Edited by Bernard Isaacs
Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo, (November 2001)
page 213
<"p213">86 TO THE EDITORS OF ISKRA[232]
To the Editorial Board of the Central Organ
In connection with the resolution adopted on December 22 by the editorial board of the Central Organ, the representative of the C.C. abroad considers<"p213a"> it necessary to point out to the editors the extreme unseemliness of this resolution, which can only be put down to excessive irritation.[233]
If Lenin, acting not as a C.C. member but as a former editor, expounded something which you thought incorrect, you can thresh this out in the press. Comrade Hans did not conclude on behalf of the C.C. any agreement about non-publication of the negotiations and he could not do so without our knowledge. The editorial board cannot fail to be aware of this. Probably Comrade Hans made a suggestion about non-publication of the negotiations in the event of a formal peace being concluded.
Not evasively, but quite categorically, the C.C. representative abroad twice informed the editorial board of the C.O. that he permitted Lenin's letter to be published.*
If the editorial board had not been moved by a spirit of excessive irritation, it would easily have seen how extremely out of place were its remarks about the number of C.C. members living abroad. To this and other unseemly attacks of the editorial board (like the ludicrous charge of some kind of alleged "secret" printing), the C.C. represen-
* The reference is to the letter "Why I Resigned From the Iskra Editorial Board" (see present edition, Vol. 7). --Ed.
page 214tative abroad replies merely by a call to remember Party duty and put a stop to acts capable of making literary polemics the occasion for a split.
The Central Committee Representative Abroad
page 483
<"NOTES">NOTES <"en232">[232] Lenin wrote this letter for Lengnik, the C.C.'s representative abroad. [p. 213]
<"en233">[233] This refers to the resolution passed by the editorial board of the new, Menshevik, Iskra concerning the publication as a separate sheet of Lenin's letter "Why I Resigned from the Iskra Editorial Board" (see Vol. 7 of this edition). [p. 213]