Comment on the Behaviour of the "Left Communists"

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V. I. Lenin


    Since the conclusion of the Brest peace, some comrades who call themselves "Left Communists" have formed an "Opposition" in the Party, and in consequence of this their activity is slipping further and further towards a completely disloyal and impermissible violation of Party discipline.

    Comrade Bukharin has refused to accept the post of member of the C.C. to which he was appointed by the Party Congress.

    Comrades Smirnov, Obolensky and Yakovleva have resigned from their posts as People's Commissars and as business manager of the Supreme Economic Council.

    These are absolutely disloyal, uncomradely actions that violate Party discipline, and such behaviour was and remains a step towards a split on the part of the above-mentioned comrades. . . . *

    * Here the manuscript breaks off. --Ed.