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Enver Hoxha


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1944: Declaration of the Democratic Government of Albania at the 2nd Meeting of the Anti-Fascist National Liberation Council of Albania

1944: Speech Delivered on Independence Day and on the Arrival of the Democratic Government in Tirana

1945: Report to the 4th Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPA

1946: Speech to the Constituent Assembly on the Presentation of the Resignation of the Government

1946: Program of the 1st Government of the People's Republic of Albania Presented to the People's Assembly of the PRA

1946: Speech Delivered at the Plenary Session of the Paris Peace Conference

1947: Speech Delivered to the People's Assembly on the Opening of the 3rd Regular Session of the 1st Legislature

1960: We Shall go to Moscow Not With Ten Banners, But With Only One, With the Banner of Marxism-Leninism (Speech at the 18th Plenum of the CC of the PLA Concerning Liri Belishova's Grave Mistakes in Line)

1960: The Defense of the Marxist-Leninist Line is Vital For Our Party and People and for International Communism (Contribution to the Discussion at the 18th Plenum of the CC of the PLA)

1960: Reject the Revisionist Theses of the XX Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Anti-Marxist Stand of Krushchev’s Group! Uphold Marxism-Leninism!

1961: Speech in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party of Labor of Albania and the 44th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

1962: The Revolutionary Communists Expect China to Come Out Openly Against Khrushcevite Revisionism

1964: The Modern Revisionists on the Way to Degenerating Into Social-Democrats and to Fusing with Social-Democracy

1964: The Strength of the Small Nations Lies In Their Militant Unity for Freedom, Independence, and Socialism

1965: Literature and Art Should Serve to Temper People with Class Consciousness for the Construction of Socialism

1966: Some Preliminary Ideas about the Chinese Proletarian Cultural Revolution

1966: For the Continuous Improvement of the Composition of the Party and its Growth — for the Protection of the Purity of its Ranks

1968: The Fist of the Marxist-Leninist Communists Must Also Smash Left Adventurism, the Offspring of Modern Revisionism

1969: Letter to the Ninth Conference of the Chinese Communist Party

1969: The Demagogy of the Soviet Revisionists Cannot Conceal Their Traitorous Countenance

1976: The Khruschevites

1977: Theory and Practice of the Revolution

1978: Imperialism and the Revolution

1978: Letter to Comrade Hysni Kapo

1978: Yugoslav "Self-Administration" - Capitalist Theory and Practice

1979: The Marxist-Leninist Movement and the World Crisis of Capitalism

1980: Eurocommunism is Anti-Communism

1981: With Stalin: Memoirs from my Meetings with Stalin

1982 The Titoites

"Selected works" of Comrade Enver Hoxha include his most important theoretical works, texts of speeches, articles, memoirs, recordings of conversations and other documents relating to various issues of both domestic and foreign policy of Socialist Albania, the activities of the Albanian Party of Labor as an integral part of the world Marxist-Leninist movement. These materials have become the classic's immortal invaluable contribution to the world treasury of the teachings of Marxism-Leninism

Volume I
November 1941 - October 1948

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Volume II
November 1948 - November 1960

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Volume III
June 1960 - October 1965

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Volume IV
February 1966 - July 1975

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Volume V
November 1976 - June 1980

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Volume VI
July 1980 - December 1984
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Enver Hoxha. "ALBANIA CHALLENGES KHRUSHCHEV REVISIONISM [speeches, reports, letters, radiograms (June December 1960) pertaining to the Moscow Conference of the 81 Communist and Workers' Parties]" (Materials extracted from Volume 19 of Enver Hoxha's Works in Albanian. Published by: Gamma Publishing Co., New York, English edition , October 1976).
Enver Hoxha. "ALBANIA CHALLENGES KHRUSHCHEV'S REVISIONISM [speeches, communications, letters, radiograms (June-December 1960) relating to the Moscow Conference of Representatives of 81 Communist and Workers' Parties]".
The material contained in this book, published in 1976 by the US Marxist-Leninist Gamma Publishing Co., is an English translation of selected works published in volume 19 of the Complete Works of E. Hodge, published in Albanian by the Institute of Marxist-Leninist research under the Central Committee of the Albanian Party of Labor.
This book supplements Comrade Enver Hoxha's reflections on the events of those years, presented in the form of memoirs in his famous work "Khrushchevites" with extensive factual, documented material. 
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The work, written as a response to the book of one of the main Titoite ideologists E. Kardelj "The direction of development of the political system of socialist self-government", reveals the economic, political and ideological foundations of the so-called Yugoslav "socialism", nourished by imperialism to counteract the growing strength of the world that emerged after the Second World War system of socialism with the aim of weakening it and gradually eroding the socio-economic system that expresses the interests of the proletariat and its allies.
Tearing off the masks from the heralds of Titoism, Enver Hoxha proves that the Yugoslav system of "self-government" is a revision of Marxism-Leninism in theory and practice in the interests of the "new bourgeoisie" living off the unrestrained exploitation of ordinary workers.
Subsequent historical events with the organic growth of the republics of the disintegrated Yugoslavia into the world capitalist system only confirmed the author's brilliant analysis of the foundations of Tito's revisionism.
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Enver Hoxha. Reflections on China. Volume I (1962-1972). Extracts from the Political Diary. (Enver Hoxha. Reflections on China. Volume I (1962-1972). Excerpts from the Political Diary. 8 NĖNTORI Publishing House, TIRANA, 1979, English edition ).
Chinese revisionism came out openly in the early 1970s, but it did not emerge at that time, much less after the death of Mao Zedong. Its ideological and theoretical roots go back to the so-called "Mao Zedong idea", which began to emerge especially after 1935, when Mao Zedong became the head of the Chinese Communist Party. At first, it was passed off as "wandering Marxism-Leninism", and later as "Marxism-Leninism of our days" or as "the highest stage of Marxism-Leninism."
In his reflections, which are notes and assessments arranged in chronological order, Enver Hoxha, from the scientific positions of Marxism-Leninism, proves that Maoism is a counter-revolutionary theory designed to “theoretically substantiate” the strategy of turning China into an imperialist superpower, to legitimize its course towards an alliance with the United States , Japan and Western Europe, as well as his desire to establish his dominance over the countries of the so-called "third world".
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Enver Hoxha. Reflections on China. Volume II (1973-1977). Extracts from the Political Diary. (Enver Hoxha. Reflections on China. Volume II (1973-1977). Excerpts from the Political Diary. 8 NĖNTORI Publishing House, TIRANA, 1979, English edition ).
The second book of the most important work of Enver Hoxha, in which he subjects Maoism to a comprehensive analysis as one of the most dangerous branches of modern revisionism.
The "Mao Tse Tung idea," says Enver Hoxha, is completely different from Marxism-Leninism. It is an amalgam of views, a mixture of ideas and positions borrowed from Marxism-Leninism and Confucian, Buddhist, anarchist, Trotskyist, Titoite, Khrushchevist, Eurocommunist ideas and positions that decently smack of nationalism and racism.
That is why the Communist Party of China, which adopted Maoism, has never been a true proletarian party in terms of ideology, politics, composition, and organizational building; The bourgeois-democratic revolution in China did not develop into a socialist revolution, did not lead to the establishment of a real proletarian dictatorship, and did not put the country on the true path of socialist development.
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Enver Hoxha. With Stalin. Memoirs". (Enver Hoxha. "With Stalin. Memoirs." Publishing house "8 NĖNTORI", TIRANA, 1979, English edition ).
After the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, the Khrushchev group applied all its strength to the struggle against the Marxist-Leninist course of the Bolshevik Party, which led to the victory of the October Revolution and the building of socialism, and replaced its course with a new, revisionist, counter-revolutionary, social-imperialist course, liquidating the dictatorship of the proletariat, the entire socialist system and restored capitalism.
In the presented book, published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Marxist-Leninist, Comrade E. Hoxha, citing numerous convincing facts and arguments, defends the personality and revolutionary cause of I.V. Stalin, rejecting all the fabrications and slanders raised against him by the Khrushchevites in order to destroy Marxism-Leninism and socialism. He again notes the invariable opinion of the Party of Labor of Albania that the restoration of the truth about the personality and historical cause of Stalin is a great question of principle and an important task in the fight against modern revisionism.
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Enver Hoxha. "The Anglo-American Threat to Albania (Memoirs of the National Liberation War) " [Enver Hoxha. "The Anglo-American Danger for Albania (Memoirs of the National Liberation War) ", 8 NĖNTORI publishing house, TIRANA, 1982, English edition ].
This publication is the reflections of Enver Hoxha, written by him in 1975, about the period of the national liberation war of the Albanian people. They reflect his personal impressions and conclusions regarding the open or covert hostile activities of the Anglo-American bourgeois alliance against the struggle of the Albanian people for freedom and independence.
On the one hand, the memoirs, on the one hand, expose the plans of Anglo-American imperialism to include Albania in its sphere of influence, on the other hand, tell about the struggle of the Albanian Labor Party, the Government of People's Albania, the heroic people of this small Balkan country to uncover intrigues, counteract provocations and direct aggression on the part of the forces of world reaction, supported by internal collaborators.
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Enver Hoxha. REFLECTIONS ON THE MIDDLE EAST. 1958 - 1983. Extracts from the political diary " (E. Hoxha. "Reflections on the Middle East. 1958 - 1983. Excerpts from the Political Diary", 8 NĖNTORI publishing house, TIRANA, 1984, English edition ).
The materials included in this book are excerpts from Enver Hoxha's "Political Diary" related to the assessment and analysis of the situation in the Middle East.
Although the author’s reflections and conclusions were made several decades ago, his brilliant comprehensive Marxist-Leninist analysis, revealing the origins, conditions, internal and external causes of the Middle East conflict, has not lost its relevance to the present, having found its confirmation in the events in this region already in XXI century.
The book is also of interest because it reflects the official position of the Party of Labor of Albania and the People's Socialist Republic of Albania on all issues under consideration, which included active support for the anti-imperialist and anti-social-imperialist struggle of the peoples of the countries of the Middle East, participation in the work of various international organizations, the UN and so on.
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Enver Hoxha. “Laying the foundations of the new Albania. (Memoirs and historical notes) " (E. Hoxha. "When the foundations of the new Albania were laid. (Memoirs and historical notes) ", reprint edition of the book published by the publishing house "8 NĖNTORI", TIRANA, in 1984, prepared and published by WORKERS' PUBLISHING HOUSE, London, England; English edition ).
The real memoirs and reflections of Enver Hoxha about the glorious heroic period of the national liberation struggle of the Albanian people for their freedom and independence were published in 1984 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Albania and the victory of the people's revolution.
It was during these years that the future of socialist Albania was laid, as an impregnable fortress, against which the Titoites and their Anglo-American patrons first broke their teeth, and then the Khrushchevite revisionists.
The history of the Albanian revolution, which began with the winning of national independence and the establishment of a people's democratic system and continued with the consolidation of the state of people's democracy as a form of proletarian dictatorship with the liquidation of the economic basis of capitalism and the building of a socialist society, is part of the glorious history of the struggle of the world proletariat and all the oppressed and exploited classes for their release.
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Enver Hoxha. "Two friendly people. (Excerpts from the Political diary and other documents on albanian-greek relations) " (Enver Hoxha. "Two friendly peoples. (Excerpts from the Political diary and other documents relating to Albanian-Greek relations) ", reprint edition of the book published by the publishing house "8 NĖNTORI", TIRANA, in 1985, prepared and published by the Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin Institute [Toronto, Canada, 1985]; English edition ).
The materials of this collection testify to the centuries-old friendship and cooperation of the fraternal Albanian and Greek peoples, bound by a common destiny, a common struggle against the same enemies.
This book is about the correct solution of the national question under the conditions of the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat. It was during the years of socialist construction that the Greek national minority in Albania received the same genuine rights and freedoms as the main Albanian population of the country.
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Selected Works Download only

[Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 1”, (Tirana: 1974),    866 pages.   PDF processed format   [2,589 KB];   PDF image format   [37,692 KB]

[Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 2”, (Tirana: 1975),    892 pages.   PDF processed format   [2,750 KB]

[Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 3”, (Tirana: 1980),    882 pages.   PDF processed format   [2,587 KB];   PDF image format   [27,811 KB]

[Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 4”, (Tirana: 1982),    969 pages.   PDF processed format   [4,238 KB]

[Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 5”, (Tirana: 1985), 1,058 pages.   PDF processed format   [4,546 KB]

[Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Selected Works, Vol. 6”, (Tirana: 1987),    880 pages.   PDF processed format   [3,913 KB]

Other Books and Collections of Hoxha’s Writings[Book:] “Speech Delivered at the Meeting of 81 Communist and Workers' Parties in Moscow on November 16, 1960”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana: 1969), 148 pages.   PDF image format   [1,797 KB]

[Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Albania Challenges Khrushchev Revisionism”, speeches, reports, letters, radiograms, June-December 1960, pertaining to the Moscow Conference of the 81 Communist and Workers parties, (NY: Gamma, 1976), 317 pages.   PDF processed format   [2,165 KB]

[Book:] “Report on the Activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Enver Hoxha, at the 4th Congress of the PLA, Feb. 13, 1961. (Tirana: 1961), 202 pages.   PDF image format   [8,629 KB]

[Book:] “Enver Hoxha: Speeches, 1971-1973”, subtitle: “On the Further Revolutionization of the Party and the Whole Life of the Country”, (Tirana: 1974), 416 pages.   PDF image format   [7,381 KB]

[Book:] “Imperialism and the Revolution”, (Chicago: World View Publications, 1979), reprint of the original English translation from Tirana, 470 pages. (The Albanian language edition first appeared in 1977 or 1978. The second part of this book begins the open attacks by Hoxha on not only the revisionists (capitalist roaders) who seized power in China after Mao’s death, but also on Mao himself and the entire Chinese revolution! There are several documents in the Foreign Criticism section below which condemn the anti-Maoist perspective in this book. —Ed.)   Searchable PDF image format   [23,991 KB]

[Book:] “Reflections on China: Extracts from the Political Diary”, by Enver Hoxha, Vol. 1, 1962-1972. (Tirana/Toronto: 1979), 784 pages.   PDF processed format   [3,163 KB];   PDF image format   [18,737 KB]

[Book:] “Reflections on China: Extracts from the Political Diary”, by Enver Hoxha, Vol. 2, 1973-1977. (Tirana/Toronto: 1979), 814 pages.   PDF processed format   [3,616 KB];   PDF image format   [17,987 KB]

[Book:] “With Stalin”, Memoirs by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana: 1979), 253 pages.   PDF image format   [4,792 KB]

[Book:] “The Khrushchevites”, Memoirs by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana/London: 1980), 494 pages.   PDF image format   [10,452 KB]

[Book:] “EuroCommunism is Anti-Communism”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana/London: 1980), 300 pages.   PDF image format   [4,628 KB]

 “Report Submitted to the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Enver Hoxha, November 1, 1981, (Tirana: 1981), 290 pages.   PDF image format   [4,875 KB]

[Book:] “The Titoites: Historical Notes”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana/London: 1982), 654 pages.   PDF image format   [14,795 KB]

[Book:] “Laying the Foundations of the New Albania: Memoirs and Historical Notes”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana/Toronto: 1984), 620 pages.   PDF image format   [11,239 KB]
[Book:] “The Superpowers”, by Enver Hoxha, extracts from the Political Diary (1959-1984), (Tirana: 1986), 245 pages.   PDF processed format   [1,537 KB]

Individual Speeches and Articles

“Twenty Five Years of Struggles and Victories on the Road to Socialism”, by Enver Hoxha, (Tirana: 1969), 102 pages.   PDF image format   [1,701 KB]

“We Must Firmly Oppose the Reactionary Tactics of the Capitalist and Revisionist Bourgeoisie with our Revolutionary Tactics”, by Enver Hoxha, from a talk with a member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the CP of India (M-L), November 14, 1970, (Tirana/Toronto: 1980), 36 pages.   PDF image format   [2,226 KB]

“Our Policy is an Open Policy, the Policy of Proletarian Principles”, by Enver Hoxha, a speech delivered at the meeting with the electors of the Tirana No. 209 precinct, on Oct. 3, 1974, (Tirana: 1974), 82 pages.   PDF image format   [777 KB]

“Report to the 7th Congress of the Albanian Party of Labor — Summary”, by Enver Hoxha, November 1, 1976. (NY: Gamma, 1976), 32 pages.   PDF image format   [425 KB]

Documents of the Party of Labor of Albania:

[Book:] “Ten Years of the Albanian Party of Labour”, a photo album with captions in Albanian, Russian and English, (Orbis-Pragė, 1951), 105 pages.   PDF processed format  

[Book:] “Communist and Workers’ Parties and Marxist-Leninist Groups Greet the Fifth Congress of the party of Labour of Albania”, held in Tirana from November 1-8, 1966. (Tirana: 1966), 212 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,824 KB]

“Resolution taken by the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania and the Council of Ministers of the People’s Republic of Albania on proclaiming the 1969 year as a jubilar year of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the libertion of the fatherland and of the triumph of the people’s revolution”, January 16, 1969, (Tirana: 1969), 4 pages.   PDF image format   [997 KB]

[Book:] “Report on the Activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Enver Hoxha, at the 4th Congress of the PLA, Feb. 13, 1961. (Tirana: 1961), 202 pages.   PDF image format   [8,629 KB]

[Book:] “History of the Party of Labor of Albania”, Vol. 1, [chapters 1-2], (Tirana: 1969), 332 pages. [Not yet available in one file, but the two chapters are available separately.]   Chapter 1: PDF image format   [Large: 41,568 KB];   Chapter 1: PDF image format (smaller file, less sharp text)   [10,597 KB];

Chapter 2: PDF image format   [Large: 64,124 KB];   Chapter 2: PDF image format (smaller file, less sharp text)   [16,247 KB]

[Book:] “History of the Party of Labor of Albania”, Vol. 2, [chapters 3-5], (Tirana: 1970), 312 pages.   PDF image format   [6,414 KB]

[Book:] “The Party of Labour of Albania on the Building and the Life of the Party”, a collection of documents from 1941 to 1972, (Tirana: 1974), available in two parts: 154 + 162 pages.   
Part 1: PDF image format   [45,313 KB];  
Part 2: PDF image format   [50,730 KB]

“Report to the 7th Congress of the Albanian Party of Labor — Summary”, by Enver Hoxha, November 1, 1976. (NY: Gamma, 1976), 32 pages.   PDF image format   [425 KB]

“The Constitution of the Party of Labour of Albania”, (Tirana: 1977), 68 pages.   PDF image format   [1,212 KB]

[Book:] “In Light of the Ideas of the Seventh Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania”, a collection of articles, (Toronto: 1977), 180 pages.   PDF image format   [3,465 KB]

“Some Fundamental Questions of the Revolutionary Policy of the Party of Labour of Albania about the Development of the Class Struggle”, by Nexhmije Hoxha, 1977. (Tirana: 1977), 72 pages.   PDF image format   [13,895 KB]

“The Museum-House of the Party”, a photo-essay, (Tirana: 1981), 60 pages.   PDF processed format   [2,820 KB]

[Book:] “Report Submitted to the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Enver Hoxha, November 1, 1981, (Tirana: 1981), 290 pages.   PDF image format   [4,875 KB]

[Book:] “History of the Party of Labor of Albania”, Second Edition, (Tirana: 1982), 637 pages.   PDF processed format   [2,362 KB]

[Book:] “Scientific Conference on the Marxist-Leninist Theoretical Thinking of the Party of Labour of Albania and Comrade Enver Hoxha”, October 3-4, 1983. (Tirana: 1984), 288 pages.   PDF image format   [4,812 KB]

[Book:] “Report to the 9th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania”, by Ramiz Alia, November 3, 1986. (Tirana: 1986), 220 pages.   PDF image format   [3,495 KB]