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Stalin and Kaganovich. Correspondence. 1931–19361935 September
Stalin's vacation in 1935 was again long: in the journal of visits to Stalin's office, a pass was recorded from August 10 to November 2. However, the nature of Stalin's correspondence with Kaganovich (as well as with other members of the Soviet leadership) changed during this period. Instead of letters, Stalin and Kaganovich exchanged mainly strictly businesslike and short ciphered telegrams and telephone messages. One of the reasons for this, as already mentioned, was the change in the situation in the highest echelons of power after the assassination of Kirov on December 1, 1934. Stalin took less and less into account the opinion of his associates, gradually strengthening the system of personal power, free from some restrictions of "collective leadership". Secondly, a reliable telephone connection was established between Moscow and the south.
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 2, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op 11. D. 89. L. 2, 2v. Autograph.
Moscow. Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
Kaganovich. Molotov .
Kalinin said that the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs had doubts about the admissibility of exporting bread and other products from the USSR to Italy in view of the conflict in Abyssinia. I think that the Narkomindel's doubts stem from a misunderstanding of the international situation. The conflict is not so much between Italy and Abyssinia, but between Italy and France, on the one hand, and England, on the other. The old Entente is no more. Instead, two ententes are formed: the entente of Italy and France, on the one hand, and the entente of England and Germany, on the other. The stronger the fight between them, the better for the USSR. We can sell bread to both so that they can fight. It is not at all profitable for us that one of them should immediately break the other. It is to our advantage that their fight last as long as possible, but without an early victory of one over the other. HP 28.
Come 6 or 7 . Stalin.
2/IX.35 1 .
1 Number, time and date entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 15:00. 30 minutes. (Ibid. L. 1).
Molotov, Kaganovich to Stalin September 2, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 15. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 2, 1935 at 20:00. 03 min. In. No. 30 .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
We ask for your consent to the publication of the resolution on the organization of educational work and internal regulations at the school signed by you and Molotov 1 . HP 47.
Molotov. Kaganovich.
We are talking about the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the organization of educational work and internal regulations in primary, incomplete secondary and secondary schools", adopted by the PB on August 31, 1935 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 970. L. 86, 172–176). On the same day, Stalin agreed at 23:00. 40 min. (Ibid. F. 558. Op. P. D. 89. L. 4). On September 4, 1935, the resolution was published in Pravda.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 2, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 4. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 2, 1935 at 20:00. 10 minutes. In. No. 31 .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
The People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs has made a proposal to publish in our press a detailed summary of Hell's statement with a polemical note by TASS.
We propose to confine ourselves to the following short TASS report without a note:
“Washington on August 31 (TASS). The American press has published a statement by US Secretary of State (Foreign Minister) Cordel Hell on the exchange of notes between US Ambassador to Moscow V. Bullitt and Comrade Krestinsky on the activities of the Communist International . The content of this exchange was outlined in a TASS report dated August 27. K. Hell's statement comments in detail on the point of view of the American government, formulated in the note of the American government mentioned above.
Please let us know your opinion 2 . HP 48.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 Statement by Secretary of State Hull on Soviet-American Relations, published August 31 in Washington, September 2, 1935 at 20:00 was sent by Dvinsky to Stalin in Sochi (Ibid. L. 5–8).
2 On the same day at 11 p.m. 40 min. Stalin agreed (Ibid.). On September 3, 1935, a TASS report was published in Pravda.
Stalin, Voroshilov - Molotov, Kaganovich September 3, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 18. Handwritten text. Signatures are autographs.
Tov. Molotov. Kaganovich .
By the decision of the CO, it was proposed to the NPO and the NKTP to do everything possible to speed up comprehensive tests of the accepted model of the F-22 divisional gun with a maximum 2-month period. The term has already expired, but field tests have not yet been completed. The reason is the failure to supply shells and design flaws. This circumstance cuts the army and makes it impossible even now to issue the necessary order, which threatens to leave the army without divisional guns.
We consider it necessary at a special meeting of the CO to sort this out, to beat the guilty and force them to complete all the tests of this gun as soon as possible, so that it would now be possible to determine the plan of orders for 1936. Keep in mind that in 1936 at least 900 of these guns alone will be required. HP 29.
Stalin. Voroshilov.
3/IX.35 1
1 Number and date entered by the secretary. Dispatched from Sochi on the same day at 18:00. (Ibid. L. 17).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 3, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 30. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 3, 1935 at 21:00. 47 min. In. No. 34 .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
The municipality of Istanbul turned to the USSR trade mission in Turkey with a proposal to take part in the auction for the construction of a bridge across the Bosphorus, connecting 2 districts of Istanbul. The auction will take place on October 17; the construction period of the bridge is 3 years; the bridge is supposed to be 440 meters long and 25 meters wide; the total cost is 1.550.000 gold rubles. The cost of delivery will be covered in Turkish Lira, in order of net balance.
Pyatakov and Eliava entered with a proposal:
"Allow Narkomtyazhprom and Narkomvneshtorg to take part through Exportstroy in bidding for the construction of a bridge across the Bosporus in Istanbul."
We consider it possible to accept this proposal.
Please let us know your opinion. HP 52.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Voroshilov, Stalin - Molotov, Kaganovich September 3, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 27–28. Handwritten text. Signatures are autographs.
T. T. Molotov, Kaganovich.
We consider it expedient to rename the headquarters of the Red Army to the General Staff of the Red Army.
It is necessary to formalize this in the Soviet order simultaneously with the implementation of the new regulation on the service of the command personnel of the Red Army .
Voroshilov. Stalin.
3/IX.35 2
1 The PB decision was drawn up on September 5, 1935 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 11).
2 Number, time and date entered by the secretary. September 4 sent in code from Sochi at 2 o'clock. 18 min. (Ibid. L. 26).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 4, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 30. Autograph.
I strongly oppose bidding for a bridge in Istanbul . There are no benefits due to the net balance, and we will have to produce the costs with real materials.
HP 33.
4/IX.35 1 .
1 Number and date entered by the secretary. On the same day it was sent in code from Sochi at 2:17. (Ibid. L. 29).
Kaganovich to Stalin September 4, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 32. Certified typewritten copy.
S. secret.
Tov. Stalin.
Decisions were made today on all your telegraph proposals, including on the Istanbul bridge. No. 1356/sh.
Molotov, Kaganovich to Stalin September 4, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 35. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 4, 1935 at 12 noon. 40 min. In. No. 36 .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
On the question of the plan for the purchase of grain, it was proposed to the Komzag to purchase 150 million poods. 209 million purchased last year.
We consider it possible to draw up a plan for 200 million poods, bearing in mind that if there were difficulties in some areas, then we can correct it in the procurement process.
Please let us know your opinion. HP 54.
Molotov. Kaganovich.
Stalin to Molotov, Kaganovich September 4, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 35. Autograph.
Molotov. Kaganovich .
The bread purchase plan you propose is insufficient 1 . It is necessary, in my opinion, to purchase at least 250-300 million poods. Keep in mind that not every year we will have a good harvest. You need to have 400-500 mil. poods of untouchable carry-over stock, if we want to provide for ourselves in case of crop failure or external complications. The current non-funds do not provide because [as] they are current funds, not permanent ones.
HP 34.
4/IX.35 2 .
On September 5, the PB decided to purchase bread from the 1935 harvest in the amount of 300 million poods (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 16).
2 Number and date entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 17:00. 36 min. (Ibid. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 34).
Molotov, Kaganovich to Stalin September 4, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op 11. D. 89. L. 40–41. Script. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 4, 1935 at 5 p.m. 55 min. In. No. 37 .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
In connection with the new arrests in Harbin, we think:
1) Send the following directive: “To Tokyo, copy of Harbin. Visit Hirota immediately and make the following statement to him. On September 2, Stomonyakov, in a conversation with Sta, drew the latter's attention to the mass searches that took place in Harbin on August 26, with the direct and direct participation of the government. At the same time, Stomonyakov paid special attention to the fact that the search was also carried out at Vever, who, together with Slavutsky, was negotiating a direct railway connection, in pursuance of Article 13 of the agreement on the CER - The next day, 3, a message was received in Moscow 1that, despite the absolute futility of these searches and the strong protest declared by Slavutsky, mass arrests began on September 2 among the same persons, and the aforementioned Vever was arrested. Taking into account the fact, unprecedented in relations between civilized states, of the arrest of a delegate conducting international negotiations, and in view of the obvious futility of further appealing to the Manchu authorities on this issue, I have rightly instructed you to turn to Hirota, since in the agreement on the CER, the yappra assumed the obligation to facilitate the implementation of the agreement on the Chinese Eastern Railway, and during the negotiations repeatedly assured us of the conscientious fulfillment of the treaty by Manchukuo. This appeal is all the more necessary since mass arrests have begun among Soviet citizens in Manchuria, including the arrest of a number of officials, such as: board member and head of the Dalbank branch, secretary and accountant of the trade mission, and others, as well as the search carried out on August 26 at the Soviet trade representative in Harbin, reveal new attempts by the aforementioned authorities to aggravate relations between Japan and the USSR. In view of the foregoing, the Council of Ministers instructed you to protest against the actions of the Japanese authorities in Manchuria and demand immediate measures to stop these new attempts to cause complications between the two states, and, in particular, to take measures to immediately release all those arrested.
2) Instruct Slavutsky not to be present at the review of the river flotilla in the presence of Pu Yi.
3) Instruct the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade to close the Trade Representation Office in Harbin. Please let us know your opinion 2 . HP 56–57.
Molotov, Kaganovich.
1 This refers to Stomonyakov's letter dated September 3, 1935 addressed to Stalin, Molotov, Kaganovich (Ibid. L. 44-45).
2 Stalin and Voroshilov agreed on the same day in code from Sochi at 11 p.m. 50 min. (Ibid. L. 39). A telegram from Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Stomonyakov to Yurenev, Plenipotentiary of the USSR in Japan, has been published (See: DVP, vol. XVIII, pp. 492–493).
Stalin to Molotov, Kaganovich September 4, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 38. Autograph.
Molotov. Kaganovich .
I saw Apresov. To obtain decisions on a number of important issues of Xinjiang, he is leaving for Moscow on the 7th, to be in Moscow on the 9th and discuss these issues with you with the participation of Voroshilov. There are three main questions:
1) can we give a loan for two or three years in the amount of 2 million rubles for the organization of the army;
2) can we, under the firm of the Xinjiang government, help develop oil-bearing areas in the vicinity of our borders;
3) Shouldn’t we ensure that the USSR is represented in Xinjiang only by Apresov, and our Chekists in Xinjiang refuse to be in charge and are subordinate to Apresov in everything. I think all three questions should be answered in the affirmative. Voroshilov will give more details upon his arrival in Moscow.
NR 35/s.
4/IX.35 1 .
1 Number, time and date entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 21:00. 18 min. (Ibid. L. 37).
Stalin, Voroshilov, Kalinin to Molotov, Kaganovich, Akulov September 4, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 47, 47v. The text is Stalin's autograph. Signatures are autographs.
Molotov. Kaganovich. Akulov.
First. According to all information, it appears that it is necessary to build a small port in Sochi, and to abandon the construction of a port near the Frunze sanatorium. Construction completed in 1938. The cost is within 15 mil. rubles.
Second. It is necessary to speed up the construction of a hydroelectric station on the Sochi River, with a capacity of five thousand kilowatts, to be completed at the end of 1937, and to postpone the question of Mzymta. The cost is in the range of 8-9 million rubles.
Third. The theater will be completed by the end of 1937. The cost, according to Metelev, is in the range of 9-10 million. Terribly expensive.
Stalin, K. Voroshilov, M. Kalinin 1 .
№36 2
On September 15, the proposal of Stalin, Voroshilov and Kalinin was formalized by the decision of the PB. The cost of building a theater in Sochi was set at 7 million rubles (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 16).
2 Time, date and number entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 23:00. 52 min. (Ibid. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 46).
Stalin, Voroshilov - Molotov, Kaganovich September 4, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 50. Handwritten text. Signatures - Stalin's autograph.
Moscow. T. T. Molotov, Kaganovich.
Approved basically a new regulation on the service of the command staff of the red army. In this regard, we propose to categorically prohibit all organizations, institutions and individuals, with the exception of the border guard troops and internal troops of the NKVD, recruited by conscription, to wear uniforms and insignia similar or similar to those of the Red Army. Decision to publish 1 .
Stalin, Voroshilov 2 .
HP 38.
1 Text in italics added by Stalin. Sent in code from Sochi on September 5 at 18:00. 10 minutes. (Ibid. L. 49).
On September 10, 1935, the proposal of Stalin and Voroshilov was formalized by the decision of the PB (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 27).
Molotov, Kaganovich to Stalin September 5, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 55–56. Certified typewritten copy; F. 81. Op. 3. D. 101. L. 75. Original. Typewritten text.
Copy .
Owls, secret .
Cipher .
Tov. Stalin.
We are thinking of linking the whole issue of lowering prices for bread, flour and grain with the abolition of rationing cards for meat, sugar and fish. Therefore, the whole issue will be ready in 5 days. We consider it possible to immediately make the following decision to reduce retail prices for baked bread, flour and grain in Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Karakalpakstan, South Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan): for wheat flour 96% grinding from 1r. 40 k. up to 1 rub. per kilogram, for wheat flour 85% grinding from 2 p. 10 k. to 1 p. 30 k. per kilogram, for wheat flour 75% grinding from 3 p. 70 k. up to 3 rubles. per kilogram, for wheat flour 30% grinding from 5 p. 70 k. up to 4 p. 10 k. per kilogram, for rye flour 95% grinding from 1 p. 35 kopecks up to 90 kopecks per kilogram; for baked wheat bread from 96% flour from 90 k. to 70 k. per kilogram; for baked wheat bread from flour 85% grinding from 1 p. 20 kop. up to 95 kop. per kilogram; for baked wheat bread from flour 75% grinding from 3 r. 20 k. up to 2 rubles. 60 kop. per kilogram; for baked rye bread from flour 95% grinding with 80 kopecks. up to 60 k. per kilogram; for wheat-grain from 1 rub. 15 kop. up to 85 kop. per kilogram, for rye-grain from 1 rub. 10 kop. up to 75 kop. per kilogram.
Enter these prices into effect from 15 September.
We are thinking of timing the reduction of bread prices for Azerbaijan in connection with Baku by October 1, simultaneously with the issue of meat prices.
Please let us know your opinion 1 . HP 1364/sh.
Molotov. Kaganovich.
5/IX-35 2
1 The text of the resolution on the reduction of prices for baked bread, flour and grain with visas of Molotov, Kaganovich, Mikoyan, Rudzutak, Chubar (RGASPI. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 64) has been preserved in the file. After agreeing with Stalin on September 25, the PB approved the corresponding decision (see note 1 to document No. 690).
2 The encryption was sent from Moscow on September 6 at 3 o'clock. 28 min. (Ibid. D. 90. L. 13-14).
Molotov, Kaganovich to Stalin September 5, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 57–58. Certified typewritten copy; F. 81. Op. 3. D. 101. L. 76–77. Kaganovich's autograph.
Copy .
Owls. secret .
Cipher .
Tov. Stalin.
We discussed the issue of the plan for procurement of raw cotton. We outlined a plan for the procurement of raw cotton in the amount of 1,515,250 tons against the actual procurement of raw cotton last year in the amount of 1,176,100 tons. In terms of fibre, this year's plan will amount to 30,58,000 poods, compared with 23,427,000 poods of fiber last year. This includes 1,347,150 tons of raw cotton under contract, 108,100 tons in kind, and 60,000 tons from state farms (against 43,000 tons from state farms last year).
According to the districts, the plan for harvesting raw cotton will be distributed as follows: Uzbekistan - 895 thousand tons of raw cotton against 721 thousand tons harvested last year; Turkmenistan - 140 thousand tons against 122 thousand tons; Tajikistan - 64.560 tons against 47 thousand tons; Kyrgyzstan - 50,300 tons against 31,000 tons; Karakalpakstan - 26 thousand tons against 17 thousand tons; Kazakhstan - 60 thousand tons against 37 thousand tons; Azerbaijan - 163,300 tons against 156,000 tons; Armenia - 15,900 tons against 14,000 tons; Georgia - 4,700 tons, the same amount last year; North Caucasus - 35.190 against 9.600 tons last year; Azov-Black Sea - 7.710 tons against 1.600 tons; Ukraine - 44.360 tons against 13 thousand tons last year.
Komzag coordinated this plan with the localities, objections were from Uzbekistan, to which in this outline we threw off 15 thousand tons (instead of 910 thousand tons proposed by Komzag, we planned 895 thousand tons).
Please let us know your opinion 1 . HP 1365/sh.
Molotov. Kaganovich.
On September 1 , 9, these figures were approved by the PB without changes. The plan for harvesting cotton fiber in 1935 was determined at 30 million 58 thousand poods (RGASPI. F. 17 Op. 3. D. 971. L. 23, 109–113).
Kaganovich to Stalin on September 5 [1935]Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 743. L. 29–36. Autograph.
Hello, Dear Comrade Stalin!
1) Kandelaki arrived, made a brief report on the placement of a 200-million German loan. So far we have placed on 25 million marks. According to him, the matter is complicated by the nature of our orders - the complexity of the equipment and the specific nature of some of the orders. We did not decide anything, I advised Kandelaki to write you a short message, I am sending it to you.
2) The NKID submitted a draft agreement between the MPR and Manchukuo on a border commission. We exchanged views and consider it acceptable. We send it to you and ask for your opinion.
3) Our grain procurement business is going well. What we have this year with bread is indeed a great victory for the Party—a victory for your line, comrade Stalin! Today we accepted your proposal and established a plan for the purchase of 300,000,000 poods of grain. You are absolutely right that we need to look ahead. We rejected Komzag's offer of 150 mil. (for which, among other things, Comrade Molotov also spoke out), but we also outlined a minimalist figure of 200 mil.
Today we telegraphed you about the sale prices for bread. As soon as the project as a whole is ready, we will send you or request by telegraph.
4) Today we are sending you a draft resolution on economic measures for the Khorezm oasis 1 , this applies primarily to the Turkmens. I believe that this resolution is of great importance for a significant part of the Turkmens and Uzbeks, and therefore it would be good if it went from the Central Committee with your signature. By the way, I promised them to report to you and told them that you would help them. In general, they left Moscow as completely new people.
5) Now briefly about the NKPS affairs. The main work is now going around the locomotive economy, salary issues and redrawing traffic schedules on a new basis. The other day I listened over the intercom to the reports of the chiefs of roads and some chiefs of the depot. It can be seen that the stagnant calm swamp began to stir. The commanders are compelled to pull themselves up, because they are pressed not only from above, but also from below by the machinists and conductors. The most gratifying thing is the rise of locomotive crews and conductors. Drivers, for example, on the Donetsk road, without waiting for October 1, from which new norms are introduced, are already starting to give good speeds. There are drivers who, in their 8 hours, return from a trip of 100 km one way, i.e. there and back 200 kilometers. The drivers of the Liman depot speak and declare: “for the first time we felt ourselves organized people, for the first time I, - says the driver, - I have lunch at a certain hour with my family. And when one driver came home on the 1st day of work “in a new way” after 8 hours, the wife kept asking if the train had been canceled and did not believe that he had already gone back and forth. The average daily mileage of a steam locomotive at Donetskskaya has risen from 184 km to 220 km.
Levchenko has already cooled and put 100 locomotives in reserve. However, the difficulties in organizing the work of the depot in a new way are very great. This applies in particular to some of the central roads and all eastern roads. There are especially great difficulties in compiling new schedules so that there are oncoming trains in the circulating depot by the time one train arrives. The other day I had a meeting with grassroots graphists and it turned out that the graphs that they draw up (without any instructions) are approved mechanically, without even reading them. Now we in the NKPS are considering the schedule of each road, linking one road to another, and by the 15th we will have new schedules approved. Now we are pushing, especially on preparing for winter. Some of the heads of the departments of the NKPS, their deputies are sent to the line, in particular to the east. That fact, that on the 1st we had a sharp drop in loading compared to the 31st, by almost 10 tons [thousand] wagons] shows that the pitching has not ended. For this I had to put on the mind of some chiefs of the roads. You have to be alert. I have a number of questions: about the division of roads, about construction] 36 years and others, but now I do not put them. I would be very glad if at least by the end of September I could visit you for at least a day or two.
Hello to you. Your L. Kaganovich.
1 The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On measures for the development of cotton growing and the production of seed alfalfa in the Khorezm oasis” was approved by the PB on September 14, 1935. Stalin agreed with the project without making any amendments (Ibid. Op. 163. D 1078. L. 136-139).
Molotov, Kaganovich to Stalin September 6, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 52v. Script. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 6, 1935 at 3 o'clock. 28 min. 1 In. No. 39.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
Today we considered limits for the fourth quarter 2 . The balance of the annual plan is 4.507 million rubles. We have to go for a raise to buy out machinery and equipment produced in excess of the plan for the People's Commissariat of Agriculture, the People's Commissariat of State Farms and the People's Commissariat for Commissariat of Labor, the People's Commissariat of Food Industry for meat processing plants, sausages, warehouses, the People's Commissariat of Light Industry for the textile industry, the People's Commissariat of Education advance payment under the plan of 1936 to prepare for the construction of schools, Moskanal - to ensure the pace construction, Narkomles - mechanization of hauling, Narkomtyazhprom - increments for the most important construction sites.
Therefore, the following increase was planned against the balance of the annual plan: for Narkomtyazhprom - 100 million rubles, for Narkomlegprom - 50 million rubles, for Narkomles - 20 million rubles, for Narkompischeprom - 40.5 million rubles, for Narkomzem - 177 million rubles ., for Narkomsovkhoz - 11 million rubles, for NKPS - 154 million rubles, for Narkomvod - 15 million rubles, for Moskanalstroy - 75 million rubles, for Tsudortrans - 10 million rubles, for Centrosoyuz - 5 million rubles, 10 million rubles for Narkomsvyaz, 10 million rubles for municipal construction, 30 million rubles for education, and 25 million rubles for KomzagSNK.
In total, 732 million rubles were added. and capital investments for the IV quarter amount to 5.239 million rubles.
Please let us know your opinion. HP 59.
Molotov, Kaganovich.
1 The file contains a draft and a certified copy of the encryption, dated September 4 (Ibid. L. 53-54).
2 The question of the national economic plan for the fourth quarter of 1935 was considered at the PB on September 7, 1935. The final limits of the PB were approved on September 25, 1935 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 17, 18, 64 , 89–94).
Stalin - Molotov, Kaganovich September 6, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 52. Autograph.
Molotov. Kaganovich .
I have no objection to the additions to the limits for the fourth quarter that you have planned.
The decline in prices for bread and flour must be associated with the abolition of ration cards for meat and other things in all regions of the USSR, not excluding Central Asia. In view of this, and also in order to avoid speculation, price cuts must be carried out simultaneously in all areas, not excluding Central Asia. The first of October, in my opinion, is a suitable date for all regions.
I agree about the cotton procurement plan.
17–30 1
1 Date, number and time entered by the secretary. On the same day it was sent in code from Sochi at 19:00. (Ibid. L. 51).
Stalin to Molotov, Kaganovich [September 6, 1935] *Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 66, 66v. Autograph.
Moscow. Central Committee of the CPSU (b). Molotov. Kaganovich .
Sheboldaev asks for loans of 5 million poods for 28 regions affected by the dry wind. These are the regions of the Sala and Yegorlyk rivers up to Yeysk. He believes that he gives about 10 million poods in excess of the plan, and the requested loan will be half this amount. Evdokimov confirms that these areas of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov really need serious help. I think that it is possible to satisfy Sheboldaev, however, so that at the expense of these 5 million, the entire need of the region for the missing spring seeds will also be covered, and that no further question will be raised about any loan. Sheboldaev agrees with this.
№40 1
1 The number is entered by the secretary.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 7, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 68. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 7, 1935 at 7 p.m. 53 min. In. No. 42.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
We consider it necessary to publish in the press the resolution on the Moscow-Volga canal. Please give consent 1 . HP 63. Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 Stalin agreed on September 8 in a cipher from Sochi at 6 o'clock. 43 min. (Ibid. L. 67). The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the Construction of the Moscow-Volga Canal” was approved by the PB on September 7, 1935 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 21, 95–99). On September 9, 1935, it was published in Pravda.
Stalin to Kaganovich, Yezhov, Molotov September 7, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. He. 11. D. 89. L. 71–76. Autograph.
Kaganovich. Yezhov. Molotov .
Both Evdokimov and Sheboldaev argue that the appointment of Yenukidze as a representative of the CEC 1created an ambiguous position for the party, government and local organizations in Kislovodsk. He is expelled from the party and at the same time he is above the local organizations in terms of position, since he is authorized by the Central Executive Committee. Since Yenukidze is not aware of his fall, and he does not suffer from modesty, he undertakes to control local organizations, gives them tasks, distributes vacationing responsible comrades to sanatoriums, gives them premises and generally acts like, for example, Metelev in Sochi. It turns out that people are talking about the fact that the exclusion of Yenukidze from the party is, in fact, a maneuver to avert their eyes, that he was sent to Kislovodsk for rest, and not for punishment, that he will be reinstated in the autumn, since he “has his own” in Moscow. friends". And Yenukidze himself, it turns out, is satisfied with his position, plays politics, gathers the dissatisfied around him and deftly portrays himself as a victim of inflamed passions in the party. The ambiguity of the situation was aggravated by the fact that Yenukidze went to Sergo, visited him and talked "about business", while Orakhelashvili, while in Kislovodsk, spent days and nights with Yenukidze.
It seems to me that in appointing Yenukidze as a representative of the Central Executive Committee, we did not take into account these circumstances and made a mistake that put the party in an ambiguous position.
I think that it is necessary to immediately eliminate the mistake made, release him from his post and assign him to another, lesser job,
let's say in Rostov, in Kharkov, Novosibirsk or elsewhere, but not in Moscow and not in Leningrad. Kalinin and Shkiryatov approve of my opinion.
HP 41, 42.
7/IX.35 2
On May 13, 1935, the PB relieved Yenukidze of his duties as chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Transcaucasia and appointed him authorized by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR for the Mineral Group (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 963. L. 37).
2 Number, date and time entered by the secretary. Sent in code from Sochi on September 8 at 0 o'clock. 36 min. (Ibid. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 70).
Stalin to Kaganovich September 8, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 81. Op. 3. D. 100. L. 91–94. Autograph.
8/IX 35
T. Kaganovich.
1) I am returning the draft agreement between the MPR and Manjuto. Made the amendments I insist on .
2) I vote for the project about Khorezm.
3) I read Kandelaki's letter. Things are going well with us in Germany, apparently, not very badly. I am sending it to you. Give Comrade Kandelaki my regards and tell him to insist on getting from the Germans everything we need in military affairs and dyes .
4) I am sending you Agranov's note about the Yenukidze group of "old Bolsheviks" ("old farts" in Lenin's phrase). Yenukidze is a person alien to us 3 . It is strange that Sergo and Orakhelashvili continue to be friends with him.
While all. Hey! I. Stalin.
PS I return the project about school and stationery. Made minor corrections. I vote for 4 . I. St.
1 The text of the agreement between the MPR and Manchukuo on the issue of a border commission was approved by the PB on September 13, 1935 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 162. D. 18. L. 141).
On April 9, 1935, Soviet-German agreements were signed in Berlin: on the repayment of Soviet payment obligations, on Soviet deliveries to Germany and current orders of the USSR, on additional orders of the USSR in Germany (DVP. T. XVIII. S. 270-274) . On September 3, 1935, the USSR trade representative in Germany, Kandelaki, sent a letter to Stalin informing him of the successful implementation of these agreements and of the difficulties in placing military orders (AP RF. F. 3. Op. 64. D. 663. L. 128–129 ).
3 Agranov's note is missing. At the beginning of 1935, the NKVD fabricated the so-called "Kremlin case" about the "conspiracy" of a number of employees and employees of the Kremlin commandant's office, who allegedly, under the leadership of L. B. Kamenev, were preparing an attempt on Stalin's life (Izvestia of the Central Committee of the CPSU. 1989. No. 7. P. 86 –93). In connection with this "affair" at the plenum of the Central Committee in June 1935, Yenukidze was accused of connivance with the conspirators, removed from the Central Committee, expelled from the party and sent to work in the provinces. In 1937 Yenukidze was shot.
4 The draft resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on school stationery, submitted by the School Department of the Central Committee, was basically adopted by the PB on August 31, 1935. The commission, chaired by Zhdanov, was instructed to finalize the resolution (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D 970. L. 3). On September 14, the PB approved the decision in its final form (Ibid. D. 971. L. 37, 118-125).
Stalin to Molotov, Kaganovich, Voroshilov September 9, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 80–83. Autograph.
Molotov. Kaganovich. Voroshilov .
Things in the Matsesta resort are in a bad state. There is not enough water for baths, although there is twice as much water in the springs as is consumed. The water itself in the baths is dirty, after taking a bath you have to wash in fresh water. The reason is the indiscipline of the People's Commissariat for Health, irresponsibility and lack of control, excessive specialization. The check showed that the tanks had not been cleaned since 1933, which is why a layer of dirt 30 centimeters thick has accumulated in the tanks, and this dirt, along with Matsesta water, is taken in the baths by patients. Finding the culprits is difficult, because confusion and stupid specialization make it possible for the People's Commissariat of Health to blame each other, God, the devil, and I don't know who else.
I propose to adopt the following resolution signed by comrades Kalinin and Akulov and send it to Metelev and the director of the Sochi-Matsesta resort Laboda:
“To oblige Comrade Metelev, authorized by the Central Executive Committee of the Union of the USSR, to have supervision over the economic work of the bodies of the People’s Commissariat of Health of the Sochi-Matsesta resort and instruct him to take urgent measures to ensure that the baths in Matsesta are supplied with Matsesta water uninterruptedly, that the water is supplied clean, that tanks, pipes and other structures were in good condition . "
Kalinin agrees.
HP 45, 46.
9/IX.35 2
1 On the same day, Stalin's proposal was formalized by the decision of the PB (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. Z.D. 971. L. 24).
2 Number, time and date entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 18:00. 30 minutes. On the encryption there is a secretary's note about the consent of Kaganovich, Molotov, Mikoyan and Rudzutak with Stalin's proposal (Ibid. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 79).
Kaganovich to Stalin September 10, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 588. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 89. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow 10. IX.35 at 1 o'clock. 04 min. 1 In. No. 45.
Sochi. Stalin.
In pursuance of your telegram, the following decision was made today:
“a) Release Yenukidze A.S. from the work of the Commissioner of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR for the Kislovodsk resort.
b) Appoint Yenukidze as head of the Kharkov office of Zudortrans.
c) Approve Ganshtak as the Commissioner of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR for the Kislovodsk resort” 2 . HP 67.
1 The typewritten copy preserved in the file bears the date September 9 (Ibid. L. 90).
2 The PB decision to release Yenukidze was issued on September 11 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 30).
Molotov, Kaganovich to Stalin September 10, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 85–86. Script. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 10, 1935 at 1 o'clock. 04 min. In. No. 44.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
Today we outlined the following distribution of the plan for grain purchases of 300 million poods. along the edges and regions: Ukraine - 42 million pounds, last year it was harvested - 14 million pounds; Azov-Black Sea Territory - 11.5 million pounds, last year - 6.5 million pounds; North Caucasian Territory - 12 million pounds, last year - 9 million pounds; Crimea - 3 million pounds, last year - 700 thousand pounds; Stalingrad Territory - 6 million pounds, last year - 2 million pounds; Saratov Territory - 9 million pounds, last year - 3 million pounds; Kuibyshev Territory - 15 million pounds, last year - 11 million pounds; Orenburg region - 18 million pounds, last year - 12 million pounds; Tataria - 14 million pounds, last year - 12 million pounds; Bashkiria - 15 million pounds, last year - 14.7 million pounds; Kursk region - 9 million pounds, last year - 6 million pounds; Voronezh region - 12 million pounds, last year - 10 million pounds; Moscow region - 7 million pounds, last year - 6.8 million pounds; Kalinin region - 2.5 million pounds, last year - 2 million pounds; Western region - 4.5 million pounds, last year - 3 million pounds; Leningrad region - 2.5 million pounds, last year - 2 million pounds; Northern Territory - 2.5 million pounds, last year - 2.3 million pounds; Ivanovo region - 5.5 million pounds, last year - 4.3 million pounds; Gorky Territory - 7 million pounds, last year - 5.3 million pounds; Kirov Territory - 7.5 million pounds, last year - 4.8 million pounds; Sverdlovsk region - 8 million pounds, last year - 6.8 million pounds; Chelyabinsk region - 13 million pounds, last year - 9 million pounds; Omsk region - 13 million pounds, last year - 12 million pounds; Western Siberia - 18 million pounds, last year - 16.5 million pounds; Krasnoyarsk Territory - 6 million pounds, last year - 5.4 million pounds; Eastern Siberia - 7 million pounds, last year - 5 million pounds; the Far East - 4.5 million pounds, last year - 3.4 million pounds; Kazakhstan - 12 million poods, last year - 15.5 million poods; Kyrgyzstan - 4 million pounds, last year - 2.6 million pounds; Belarus - 5 million pounds, last year - 4.8 million pounds; Transcaucasia - 2 million pounds, last year - 1.6 million pounds; Central Asia - 2 million poods, last year - 3.8 million poods.
For September, the plan was outlined at 75 million pounds. Please let us know your opinion 1 . HP 65, 66. Molotov. Kaganovich.
1 Stalin agreed on the same day at 10 o'clock. 35 min. (Ibid. L. 89). The decision on the grain purchase plan for the regions, territories and republics was drawn up by the PB on September 9, on the grain purchase plan for September 1935 - on September 10 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 25, 26).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 11, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 92–93. Script. Typescript.
From Moscow 11. IX. 35 at 00 h. 03 min. In. No. 46 .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
We received the following telegram from Litvinov today:
“Today [at] the assembly, six vice-chairmen were elected, who, together with the chairmen of the commissions and other officials, should make up the bureau. It was assumed that representatives of the four great powers plus from Belgium and Spain would be elected. No one proposes or names candidates, but delegates are privately prompted for whom to vote. At the last minute, unbeknownst to the director, the Chilean campaigned for the election of a Mexican representative to represent Latin America on the bureau. As a result, although the representative of the USSR received the required relative majority, but since Mexico received one more vote, the Belgian the same, and France, England, Italy and Spain a little more, the first six that received the largest number of votes were chosen. This unexpected result caused a terrible commotion in the assembly, which will probably be trumpeted by the entire press.
Beneš proposes that I demand from the assembly a separate resolution on the inclusion of a representative of the USSR in the bureau, but I reject such an entry in an abnormal way. Of course, the question has no material significance, and we are talking only about prestige. In addition to the antics of the Chilean, who did not find it difficult to persuade 19 Latins of the American countries 1and such friends of ours as Poland and Finland, the result of irritation caused by the Congress of the Comintern is still showing in the case. It was voted not by the surname, but by the state, and the insult is obvious. If Moscow decided that the delegation should defiantly leave the assembly, then I would not object to this, because it would be a good lesson that the League would not forget. It would be possible to justify the departure on principle, linking the failure with my speech at the Council against the Abyssinian war. Litvinov.
We propose that Litvinov be given the following directive:
“To consider that Litvinov should not refuse the offer of Beneš and others to additionally elect him, at their insistence, as the seventh comrade of the chairman, and invite Litvinov to organize this.”
Please let us know your opinion. HP 68, 69.
Kaganovich, Molotov.
1 So in the document.
Kaganovich, Molotov, Voroshilov to Stalin on September 11, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op 11. D. 89. L. 96. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow 11. IX. 35 at 0 o'clock. 42 min. 1 In. No. 47 .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
Today we heard Apresov and adopted a number of decisions on Xinjiang issues in the spirit of your telegram.
We consider it necessary to award Apresov with the Order of Lenin in accordance with preliminary discussions about this at the time.
Please let us know your opinion. HP 70.
Kaganovich, Molotov, Voroshilov.
1 The copy preserved in the file bears the date “September 10, 1935, 20–25” (Ibid. L. 97).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 11, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 93. Autograph.
Kaganovich. Molotov .
I think that it would be more correct to accept Litvinov's proposal and defiantly leave the assembly, and Litvinov to leave immediately for Moscow to report to the government. Let the assembly itself clear up the Abyssinian porridge.
I don't mind awarding Apresov.
9–55 1
1 Number, time and date entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 10 o'clock. 46 min. (Ibid. L. 91).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 12, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 103. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 12, 1935 at 2 o'clock. 13 min. 1 In. No. 48.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
Yesterday evening, September 10, the bureau of the assembly, on the proposal of the Belgian, supported by Herriot and Eden, unanimously decided to include Litvinov among the comrades of the chairmen of the assembly. Today's morning plenary session of the assembly began with the announcement of the Bureau of its yesterday's decision. The Plenum unanimously approved this decision. After that, Litvinov took a seat on the presidium and considers the incident settled.
We immediately forwarded the solution you suggested to Litvinov, but all of the above happened in the morning before we received your telegram. Now, when the plenum of the assembly has unanimously, with appropriate motivation, corrected its vote the day before yesterday, the moment for protest has been lost and the departure of the delegation is hardly possible.
Please let me know how? HP 1406/sh.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 The copy preserved in the file bears the date September 11 (Ibid. L. 104).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 12, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 99–102. Autograph.
Kaganovich. Molotov .
Litvinov, apparently, himself was frightened by the results of his proposal and hurried to put out the incident. Apparently, he did not think through his proposal and did not understand that his proposal would lead to the departure of our delegation and the threat to withdraw from the League of Nations if the Liganants rogue directors did not treat the USSR with due respect and reverence. He does not understand that if we have entered the League, this does not mean that we must be obedient members of it. He doesn't understand that if we don't shake Liganatsov's manure from time to time, we won't be able to use the League in the interests of the USSR. All Litvinov's behavior is dictated, in my opinion, not so much by the interests of the policy of the USSR, but by his personal wounded pride. It's sad, but it's a fact.
I also do not quite like Litvinov's speech on the question of Abyssinia. He dissociated himself from Italy, from the supporters of aggression and war. This, of course, is good. But he did not dissociate himself even in the faintest hint from the position of those powers that have spheres of influence in Abyssinia and thus turn the independence of Abyssinia into an empty phantom. In other words, he did not note the difference between our position and the position of England and France. This, of course, is bad. Litvinov wants to sail along the channel of England, while we have our own channel, superior in quality to any other channel, along which he is obliged to navigate. By the way: it would be good in our press to develop this point of view of ours, smeared by Litvinov in Geneva.
As regards the behavior of the assembly, we unfortunately have to "recognize the incident as settled." Litvinov can't be kicked out of the presidium of the assembly with a broom.
No. 49, 50
12–35 1
1 Number, time and date entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 15:00. 25 min. (Ibid. L. 98).
Kaganovich to Stalin [September 13, 1935]Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 743. L. 16–19. Autograph.
Hello, Dear Comrade Stalin! 1
1) We have received your letter and draft resolutions, all drafts have already been drawn up today. Agranov's note on the Yenukidze group is very interesting. This is really rubbish. All the same, the Chekists will have to unwind this group and, first of all, uncover this bastard hiding under the initial G. I gave the corresponding instruction to Comrade Agranov.
2) Based on your telegram about Comrade Litvinov's line, we gave Litvinov a corresponding telegram. In fact, almost exactly, we have taken the second part of your telegram.
I am sending you the exact text of this directive to Comrade Litvinov. Corresponding instructions were given to the newspapers. That you hit the mark with your telegram is shown by today's ciphers by Comrade Litvinov, in which he confirms that he has completely fallen into the "channel of England" (ciphers are being sent to you).
We must do justice to the fact that here, too, we did not quite clearly feel our fairway. Now, after your telegram, it has become clearer.
3) Tov. Molotov submitted a proposal to approve the decision of the Council of People's Commissars on the reconstruction of the Mariinsky system. This is a very big and important matter. We are talking about spending over a billion. I believe that this should go as a decision of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
I am sending you this draft and asking you for your opinion.
4) The Ukrainians sent a draft resolution on the disbandment of the Markhlevsky and Pulinsky districts (Polish and German). I remember that, having approved this, you nevertheless pointed out, it seems, that it should not look like a disbandment, and that the name of Markhlevsky should not be abolished. I am sending you this project and asking you to let me know if I understood you correctly then, in order to make the appropriate changes to the project.
I end with this. Hearty greetings! Your L. Kaganovich.
1 The draft resolutions received together with Stalin's letter of September 8, to which Kaganovich responds, were drawn up in the minutes of the meetings of the PB on September 13–14, 1935.
Molotov, Kaganovich to Stalin September 13, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 106. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 13, 1935 at 7 p.m. 16 min. In. No. 49 .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
In connection with the outstanding achievements in increasing the range of existing guns by using a projectile of an original design (with a pallet) and re-firing to a smaller caliber, the Defense Commission decided to award comrades Berkalov and Upornikov with the Order of Lenin and reward each with 15 thousand rubles. We support this decision.
Please let us know your opinion 1 . HP 72.
Molotov, Kaganovich.
1 Stalin agreed on the same day in a cipher from Sochi at 10 p.m. 15 minutes. (Ibid. L. 105). The PB decision was drawn up on September 14, 1935 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 39).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 13, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 112. Certified typewritten copy.
Copy .
Owls, secret .
Cipher .
Tov. Stalin.
The KIM Congress is supposed to be covered in the press in the following way.
The basic information about the congress is given in Komsomolskaya Pravda, which prints daily diaries, about two hundred lines, similar to Pravda's diaries about the Comintern Congress. Additional detailed presentation of reports and speeches is not published. The same materials are transferred to the local Komsomol press.
Komsomolskaya Pravda, in addition to reports, publishes leading articles for the opening and closing of the congress, essays, and articles by delegates of the KIM congress on the work of the Komsomols of individual countries.
Pravda gives short diaries about the opening of the congress, the report of Kuusinen, the representative of the ECCI, and the closing. For the rest of the newspapers, TASS gives three brief diaries about the opening of the congress, Kuusinen's report and closing.
The resolutions are published after the end of the congress in Komsomolskaya Pravda and are issued in mass pamphlets.
Please let us know your opinion. HP 1412/sh.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 13, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 110. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 13, 1935 at 10 p.m. 35 min. In. No. 52 .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
At the invitation of the Czechoslovak Foreign Minister, a return visit of Soviet journalists to Czechoslovakia is planned for early October. We outline the composition of the delegates as follows: Koltsov, Osinsky from Izvestia, Bogovoy from Pravda, Vasilkovsky from For Industrialization, Kovalsky from TASS, Taran - editor of the Ukrainian "Visti", Kovalev - editor of "Working Moscow", Belitsky - editor " Leningradskaya Pravda” and writers Fadeev and Tretyakov.
Please let us know your opinion. HP 75.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 14, 1935RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 110, 110v. Autograph.
Kaganovich. Molotov .
Be sure to include in the list of journalists going to Czechoslovakia one or two female writers, another Ukrainian writer, one or two Belarusian writers, while there is no need to send newspaper editors, you can just send popular writers. As for the KIM Congress, I agree.
11-00 1 .
1 Number, date and time entered by the secretary. Sent in code from Sochi on the same day at 12 noon. 15 minutes. (Ibid. L. 109).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 15, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. P. D. 89. L. 122. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 15, 1935 at 1 o'clock. 34 min. 1 In. No. 53.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
We are transmitting to you by telegraph a message from the TASS bulletin, not for publication, on the progress of the Congress of National Socialists 2 . Today we received the following telegram from Bessonov:
“Today, in Berlin journalistic circles, according to information coming from London, a rumor is spreading that the Germans are on the eve of breaking off relations with us and that this break is a foregone conclusion. In connection with the anti-Soviet speeches of Rosenberg, especially Goebbels, the agencies are asking us how we intend to respond. Regarding the emergency meeting of the Reichstag on September 15, a lot of rumors are expected: 1) The formulation of the memel question. 2) Anti-Semitic laws. 3) Foreign policy declarations in connection with the emerging Anglo-French rapprochement. 4) An anti-Soviet declaration right up to the break. It is extremely difficult to verify the correctness of these rumors in Berlin, in view of the fact that everything is now concentrated in Nuremberg. Bessonov.
Today the press was summoned and given instructions to critically shed light on the fascist congress. As for the official response, you will have to respond tomorrow or the day after tomorrow after the meeting of the Reichstag, about which we will telegraph you additionally. HP 76.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 The copy preserved in the file bears the date September 14 (Ibid. L. 123).
On September 14, TASS messages were sent to Stalin in Sochi, not for publication, dated September 12, about anti-Soviet attacks that took place at the Congress of National Socialists in Berlin, including speeches by Hitler, Rosenberg, Goebbels (Ibid. L. 124-129) .
Kaganovich to Stalin September 15, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. P. D. 89. L. 118–119. Script. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 15, 1935 at 1 o'clock. 34 min. In. No. 54.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
I am passing on Troyanovsky's telegram received today. Kaganovich.
“I stayed in New York for about a week partly to avoid being questioned by reporters. Saw a lot of people. Everyone notes a huge increase in enmity towards us, covering wide circles. The mood is much worse than before the confession. Hitherto our hostile mood has been contained by the Roosevelt government, now there is almost nothing to restrain them, and recently silent hostile forces have become extremely active. Roosevelt apparently wanted to end the relationship immediately, but was dissuaded by Hull. Bullitt seemed to stand for a verbal protest. Everyone is convinced that the deterioration of relations and the sending of protests are caused by dissatisfaction associated with the failure of negotiations on loans and debts. Roosevelt, according to many, regrets that he has restored relations with us and is looking for a way out. Cooper considers the situation catastrophic and the loss of every day dangerous. Time, in his opinion, is now working against us. I think he is exaggerating and we have a few more months to improve relations. But the situation is more than serious. I was warned about the danger of some kind of provocation. Yesterday Boyev received information about an impending police raid on Amtorg. I don't believe it. Business people talk about the dangers of dealing with us. Rumor has it that some people have already received instructions not to do business with us. There is a boycott mood. It is possible that Sinyavsky will run into great difficulties in the negotiations and even refuse to conduct them. I am convinced that it is necessary to go for some kind of disguised solution to the debt issue, for example, to get a loan for 5 years with a prolongation of payments of 4-5% so that, with our tacit consent, the government will charge about two and a half percent from American firms, which, of course, will be reflected in the price. You can come up with some other form, for example, pay six and a half percent so that the income goes to the treasury. You can find something else. The essence of the question is whether we are going for a five-year loan with prolongation of payments and with the disguise of a decision on debts. Then you can come up with a suitable form. I beg you to discuss the situation and indicate what position we take. If it is true that we have some respite and the main reason for the complication is the lack of agreement on loans and debts, then we can expect various proposals from the State Department, for which we must be prepared. Troyanovsky. HP 77, 78, 79.
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 15, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 114–117. Autograph.
Kaganovich. Molotov .
The encryption of Troyanovsky is the result of panic. He's being scared by crooks from America, and he's scaring us. He does not understand that we are not afraid of breaking with America. It would be nice to give him a month's vacation and come to Moscow to get some air.
As regards Germany and the Nuremberg Congress of National Socialists, my advice is not to make hysterical noise in our press and not to succumb in general to the hysteria of our newspapermen. Nuremberg is the answer to the CI congress. The Nazis cannot but swear, if we bear in mind that the CI congress poured slop on them and mixed them with mud. Let Pravda criticize them fundamentally and politically, but without swearing in the arena. “Pravda” could say that Nuremberg confirms the qualification of National Socialism as the wildest form of chauvinism given by the CI Congress, that anti-Semitism is a bestial form of chauvinism and misanthropy, that anti-Semitism from the point of view of cultural history is a return to cannibalism, that National Socialism in this respect is not even original , for he slavishly repeats the Russian pogromists of the times of Tsar Nicholas II and Rasputin. As for the Reichstag, we'll see how it behaves.
No. 53, 54.
12–20 1
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 15, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 131. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 15, 1935 at 23:00. 00 min. In. No. 55.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
We received the following request from Shadunts:
“1) In connection with the fifteenth anniversary of the 7 Turkestan Red Banner Mountain Cavalry Division on September 15, 1935, given that the period of the division’s participation in the civil war, and mainly the period of the struggle against the Basmachi, is closely connected with the history of the construction of the Tajik Republic and taking into account that from October 1935 Tajiks will make up 72% of the total number of the division, ask the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to rename the division into the 7th Tajik Red Banner Mountain Cavalry Division.
2) Taking into account the great revolutionary merits of the division and its heroic deeds in the struggle for the creation of Soviet power in Tajikistan, for the final elimination of the Basmachi gangs, the active participation of the division in the peaceful socialist construction of Tajikistan and the enormous achievements in the cultivation and training of national personnel who successfully master military equipment, raising their cultural and political level - to ask the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to award the division with the Order of Lenin. Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPT Shadunts.
We consider it possible to agree.
Please let us know your opinion 1 . HP 80.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 Stalin agreed on September 16 in a cipher from Sochi at 11 a.m. 05 min. (Ibid. L. 130). On the same day, the PB decision was drawn up (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 45).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 17, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 133. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 17, 35 at 1 o'clock. 23 min. In. No. 56.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
We send Hitler's speech at the meeting of the Reichstag 1 . We think that the protest can not be sent.
Please let us know your opinion. No. 81.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 The text of Hitler's declaration at the meeting of the Reichstag was sent to Stalin by Dvinsky in a G-series telegram on the same day at 1 o'clock. 07 min. (Ibid. L. 134-136).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 17, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558 Op. 11. D. 89. L. 133. Autograph.
Your HP is 81. I see no reason to protest.
No. 56
12–40 1
1 Number, date and time entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 13:00. 35 min. (Ibid. 132).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 17, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 152. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 17, 1935 at 23:00. 40 min. In. No. 58.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
The People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade proposes, in addition to the already permitted one million tons of grain, to export another 600,000 tons in 1935, of which 350,000 tons of wheat and 250,000 tons of barley.
We consider it possible to agree.
Please let us know your opinion. HP 83.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 17, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 154. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 17, 1935 at 23:00. 40 min. In. No. 59.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
According to your telegram, the composition of the delegation of journalists to Czechoslovakia has been revised. The following composition of the delegation was outlined: Mikhail Koltsov (chairman of the delegation), Osinsky, Bogovoy, Anna Karavaeva, Marietta Shaginyan, Kovalsky from TASS, Taran from Vista, Mikitenko (Ukraine), Yanko Kupala (Belarus), Alexei Tolstoy, Fadeev.
Please let me know if there are any changes. HP 84.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Kaganovich to Stalin on September 17 [1935]Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 743. L. 37–39. Autograph.
Hello dear comrade. Stalin!
1) I am sending you a message from TASS and a draft proposal from the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs about a pamphlet published by the Japanese Ministry of War with slanders against the USSR.
Please let me know your opinion. We had doubts whether it would be expedient now to issue such a statement with publication in the press .
2) I am sending you Stomonyakov's proposal about the expected attempt by Japanese ships to bypass the Kazakevicheva Canal past Khabarovsk. We ask you to communicate your opinion by telegraph 2 .
3) I am also sending you two notes from the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade about negotiations with world oil firms and about the range of orders in France 3 .
4) I beg you to support me on the following issue: our passenger traffic is shattered, mainly due to the discipline of the attendants and the maintenance of stations, carriages, cleanliness and order. The existing head of the passenger department is weak for this. In view of the fact that a good organizer is needed here, I would ask you to give me Comrade Olsky. He himself will agree to this, instead of him you can approve his deputy Kamensky, who worked remarkably well in the Donbass in catering.
5) We gave T. Yezhov a vacation with a trip abroad 4 .
6) Chekists developed a new uniform, they should have shown it to you. Please let me know your opinion.
Hello to you! How do you relax and how do you feel?
Yours L. Kaganovich.
On September 22, 1935, the PB instructed Radek to publish an article with an analysis of a pamphlet from the Japanese Ministry of War, having agreed it with Stomonyakov (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 162. D. 18. L. 150).
On September 22, 1935, the PB decided "to take measures to arrest ships if they try to pass through our internal waters" (Ibid.).
3 Notes missing. On September 23, the PB allowed the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade to enter into negotiations with world oil trusts "on the sale of our own retail and storage oil facilities abroad", the cost of which was determined at 6 million rubles. (Ibid. L. 151). The nomenclature of orders in France was approved by the PB on September 29, 1935 (Ibid. L. 155).
4 Stalin repeatedly organized Yezhov's vacations. On August 5, 1934, he instructed his assistant Dvinsky: “Transmit the following telegram in the NKID code: “Berlin. Plenipotentiary. Bessonov. I beg you to pay attention to Yezhov: he is seriously ill, he underestimates the seriousness of his situation. Help him and surround him with care. Keep in mind that he is a good person and a valuable worker. I would be grateful if you regularly report to the Central Committee on the progress of treatment. Stalin." (Ibid. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 83. L. 16). On September 10, 1935, Stalin wrote to Yezhov: “You need to go on vacation as soon as possible - to one of the resorts in the USSR or abroad, as you wish, or as the doctors say. Go on vacation as soon as possible if you don't want me to make a big fuss” (Ibid. D. 755. L. 39). On September 19, the PB decided to grant Yezhov a two-month vacation from October 1 and send him, accompanied by his wife, abroad for treatment. 3 thousand rubles were allocated for these purposes. in foreign currency. Sending out the draft resolution for voting, Kaganovich made a note on it: “To members of the PB. From Comrade Stalin, in a letter to Comrade Yezhov, it was indicated that he needed to go on vacation ”(RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 163. D. 1079. L. 63). On September 21, in a change to the decision of September 19, the PB granted Yezhov leave from September 26 (Ibid. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 57).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 19, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 152. Autograph.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Your numbers 83 and 84 agree .
I welcome Yezhov's vacation .
11–20 1
1 Number, date and time entered by the secretary.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 20, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 159. Autograph.
Kaganovich. Molotov .
Where is your project of lowering the price of bread and abolishing meat and sugar rations? Need to hurry up.
Stalin. 20–15
№58 1
1 Time, date and number entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 21:00. 7 min. (Ibid. L. 158).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 20, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 6–12. Script. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 20, 1935 at 6 o'clock. 05 min.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin .
We propose, starting from October 1: a) Reduce prices for baked bread, flour, grain, cereals, pasta, rice and low grade confectionery.
b) Simultaneously introduce uniform prices for meat and meat products, fish, herring, potatoes, eliminating rations for these products.
For individual goods we offer the following: (everywhere in rubles and kopecks per kilogram).
First. According to the bread group :
a) For baked bread, reduce prices - for rye bread by twenty kopecks, for wheat bread 96% ground by 15 kopecks, for wheat 85% ground by 40 kopecks.
This reduction is to be accepted for all belts, with the exception of the first belt, which includes the republics of Central Asia, and the eighth belt, which includes remote areas of the Far East. For the first belt, the proposed price reduction has already been communicated to you. Reduce prices in the eighth zone: for rye bread - by 30 kopecks, for wheat bread with 96% grinding - by 25 kopecks, for wheat bread with 85% grinding - by 50 kopecks.
b) For flour for retail sale, reduce prices: for rye flour - by 60 kopecks, for wheat flour of 96% and 80% grinding - by 50 kopecks.
This reduction rate should be accepted for all belts, except for the first belt, which includes the Central Asian republics, and the seventh and eighth belts, which include the Far Eastern Territory, the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, remote areas of the Northern Territory and the Omsk Region.
For the first belt, the proposed reduction in flour prices has been communicated to you.
Reduce prices for the seventh and eighth belts: for rye flour - by 70 kopecks for the seventh belt and 80 kopecks for the eighth belt. For wheat flour of 96 percent grinding - 60 kopecks for the seventh belt, 70 kopecks for the eighth belt. For wheat flour of 85 percent grinding - 60 kopecks for the seventh belt, 80 kopecks for the eighth belt.
Therefore, we are proposing a larger price cut for flour than for bread in order to mitigate the gap between the prices of baked bread and flour.
In addition, in Azerbaijan, due to the presence of cotton regions, we are planning an additional reduction in flour prices compared to the third belt, to which it belongs. For rye flour - 20 kopecks, for 96% wheat flour - 35 kopecks, for 85% wheat flour - 10 kopecks.
Accordingly, with the decrease in prices for bread and flour, we are reducing prices for pasta and for those varieties of cereals that were not affected by the price reduction made at the beginning of August.
Second. For meat and sausages :
Establish uniform prices for meat of the following sizes: for beef meat of medium fatness (the most common type of meat).
a) In the cities - Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass - for the first grade 6 rubles. 50 kopecks instead of the current normalized price - 3 rubles. 44 kop. and commercial price in Moscow and Leningrad 10 rubles. and in Donbass 9 rubles. For the second grade - 5 rubles. instead of the current normalized price of 2 rubles. 38 kopecks and a commercial price of 7 rubles.
b) For Baku, Kiev, Kharkov, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Kuzbass, Magnitogorsk, set prices 50 kopecks above Moscow and Leningrad 1 .
We propose to carry out a significant reduction in meat prices against commercial ones only in a limited number of industrial cities, which have hitherto received meat on a rationed supply and in which we intend to concentrate mainly the sale of meat.
In other cities, we propose to make a slight reduction in meat prices against the current commercial prices - from 50 kopecks. up to 1 ruble 2 .
According to the decrease in meat prices, prices for sausages are decreasing, by about 15% on average across the Union for the entire range, with a large decrease in prices for sausages in those industrial cities where meat sales are supposed to be concentrated, and especially in Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass 3 .
Third. For sugar :
Set uniform prices:
For sugar regions (Ukraine, including Donbass, Voronezh, Kursk regions) for granulated sugar - 4 rubles. 20 kop. against the current commercial price of 6 rubles. and normalized at 2 rubles.
For the Moscow and Leningrad regions - 4 rubles. 50 kop. against respectively 6 rubles. 50 kop. and 2 rubles.
For the DVK, the East Siberian Territory and the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - 5 rubles. 50 kop. against respectively 7 rubles. and 2 rubles.
For other regions - 5 rubles. against respectively 6 rubles. 50 kop. and 2 rubles.
For refined sugar, which is now 1 ruble more expensive than sand. in commercial sale, we propose to set prices higher than for granulated sugar - by only 40 kopecks, in order to stimulate the consumption of refined sugar.
In connection with the decline in sugar prices, we are significantly reducing the uniform prices for confectionery products from 11 to 18 percent.
Fourth. For fish and herring .
Establish uniform prices, significantly reducing them against current commercial prices. Moreover, when setting prices for fish, we proceed from a large reduction in prices for a number of fish varieties in Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass, as well as a large reduction against commercial prices for mass consumption fish (roach, ram, etc.). For this fish, we propose to set prices for the first varieties as follows: for roach - 2 rubles. against 3 rubles. commercial price and 1 rub. 30 kop. standardized price.
For a ram - 1 rub. 60 kop. against 3 rubles. commercial price and 1 rub. 45 kop. normalized.
For the same varieties as pike perch, carp, etc. we propose to install: for pike perch 3 rubles. 50 kop. for Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass and 3 rubles. 80 kop. for other areas against the commercial price of 6 rubles. and 2 rubles. 25 kop. standardized price. For carp - 3 rubles. 20 kop. for Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass and 3 rubles. 50 kop. for other areas against the commercial price of 6 rubles. and the normalized price of 2 rubles. For salmon - 18 rubles. for Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass and 25 rubles. for other areas against the commercial price of 24 rubles.
Accordingly, we propose to reduce the prices for herring, set for: Murmansk herring 4 rubles. 20 kop. for Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass and 4 rubles. 50 kop. for other areas against the commercial price of 7 rubles. and normalized 2 rubles. 30 kopecks; Astrakhan (Volga-Caspian) herring - 4 rubles 70 kop. for Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass and 5 rubles. for other areas against the commercial price of 7 rubles. and normalized 1 rub. 45 kop.
Fifth. By potatoes .
Establish a single price based on a significant reduction in the commercial price and an increase in the normalized price against those that existed last year: in Moscow - 30 kopecks. against the normalized price of the previous year - 28 kopecks. In Leningrad - 35 kopecks. against the normalized price of the previous year - 28 kopecks. For Donbass, Kyiv and Dnepropetrovsk - 35 kopecks. against the normalized price of the previous year - 25 kopecks.
In canteens, instead of the current prices for mass meals of 65 kopecks. for a vegetable and cereal dinner and 95 kopecks. for a meat and fish lunch, we propose to set prices based on three types of mass lunches: a vegetable and cereal lunch at a price of 60 kopecks, a meat and fish lunch at a price of 1 rub., a meat lunch at a price of 1 rub. 20 kop.
Thus, we reduce prices by 05 kopecks for a vegetable and cereal dinner due to a reduction in prices for cereals and flour. As for a meat and fish dinner of 1 ruble, the price of this dinner will rise in price by 05 kopecks, but the amount of meat in this dinner will be reduced against the current norm for one meat dinner of 90-100 grams to about 50-55 grams with a simultaneous increase quantities of other products (cereals and vegetables).
Meat lunch at the price of 1 rub. 20 kop. will have 90 grams of meat for one meal.
In addition, there will be a la carte meals as they are now.
School breakfasts are now sold in Moscow for 47 kopecks, Leningrad 42 kopecks. and in Donbass 40 kopecks. These prices are below cost by about 10 kopecks. and resulting losses are now covered by special allowances for work lunches and a la carte meals.
From now on, we propose to liquidate the preferential treatment for school breakfasts and set prices for school breakfasts in Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass at about 50 kopecks, replacing meat in these breakfasts mainly with cereals and vegetables.
The establishment of the above prices makes it possible to do without an increase in wages, since the loss in meat and public catering for those workers who received it at rationed supply prices is largely compensated by a decrease in the prices of bread, flour, cereals, pasta, as well as a decrease in prices for that part of the products that the workers bought in commercial trade and on collective farm markets.
In this regard, we singled out lower prices for meat, fish products and sugar for Moscow, Leningrad and Donbass, where the greatest losses of workers are due to the abolition of rations.
When all of the above is carried out, dual prices - normalized and commercial - for food products will remain only for fats (animal oil, vegetable oil and margarine), since the transition to uniform prices for fats significantly increases the prices for lunches, for all other foodstuffs, a transition will be made to uniform price and elimination of ration supply.
We propose to add an introductory part to the decision to eliminate the card system for a number of products and to reduce prices, the text of which will be reported later.
Please let us know your opinion.
Kaganovich, Molotov 4 .
1 Stalin underlined the last four words and wrote in the margin “ Why? ".
2 Stalin emphasized “from 50 kopecks.” and wrote in the margin " up to 1 1/2 p . »
3 Stalin underlined the end of the phrase after the word "in particular" and put a question mark in the margin. The text of the entire letter contains Stalin's underlining.
4 The copy preserved in the file bears the date September 19, 1935 (Ibid. L. 15–22).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 20, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 2–5. Autograph.
Moscow. Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
Kaganovich, Molotov.
I asked for a draft resolution on lowering the price of bread and abolishing rations, and instead of a draft, you sent general assumptions. Send the draft resolution when it is ready.
My remarks:
The first is bread. A 20 kopeck price cut for baked rye is a very big cut, but since you've accepted such a big cut, I have no objection. I object only to the allocation of the eighth belt, where you cut prices more than in other areas. This is economically incorrect and should be rejected. I also consider it wrong to single out the seventh and eighth flour belts with a more serious price reduction. This should also be rejected. The same must be said about pasta and cereals.
The second is for meat. Setting on a more serious reduction in prices for meat and sausage in Leningrad, Moscow and Donbass than in other cities is fundamentally wrong. This attitude brings us back to the old anti-Marxist practice, when products in Moscow and Leningrad cost less than where they were produced. I propose to allocate Moscow, Leningrad, Donbass, Baku and set lower prices for meat products for them than in other cities and regions.
The third is sugar. I have no objections.
Fourth - for fish and herring. On this point, my objections are the same as on meat products.
Fifth - for potatoes. I have no objections.
Sixth, I suggest not to leave double prices for fats. For animal butter, in any case, they could immediately destroy them, seriously reduce the price.
No. 59, 60.
20/IX 35.
15–40 1
1 Number, time and date entered by the secretary. Sent on the same day in code from Sochi at 17:00. 52 min. (Ibid L. 1).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 21, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 30–31. Autograph.
Moscow. Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
Kaganovich. Molotov .
In addition to the previous encryption, I propose to limit ourselves to lowering the price of baked rye bread by 15 kopecks. It seems to me that it will be very difficult for us to immediately reduce by 20 kopecks. Accordingly, I propose to restructure the price cuts for other types of baked bread.
23–25 1
1 Number, date and time entered by the secretary. Sent in code from Sochi at 1 o'clock. 05 min. September 21 (Ibid. L. 29).
Kaganovich to Stalin September 21, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 33–34. Autograph.
Moscow, Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
Kaganovich. Molotov .
We can accept the third point of Stomonyakov's proposal concerning the pamphlet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan. The first and second points can be rejected.
The draft telegram from Khabarovsk about the passage of military ships of Manchuria near Khabarovsk can be accepted. At the same time, measures must be taken to arrest ships if they try to pass through our internal waters.
I have no objection to negotiations with world oil firms.
As for the range of orders for France, it would be nice to add objects for submarines and destroyers, i.e. electrical equipment, diesel, turbines, etc.
No. 62.
13–10 1
1 Number, date and time entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 15:00. 25 min. (Ibid. L. 32).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 22, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 41. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 21, 1935 at 21:00. 24 min. In. No. 62.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
Today we issued the resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR edited by you "On the introduction of personal military ranks of the commanding staff of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and on the approval of the regulation on the service of the commanding and commanding staff of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army."
The decision will be published in the coming days.
If you have any additional instructions, please let me know. HP 87.
Stalin to Kaganovich September 22, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 36. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow 22. IX. 35 at 0 o'clock. 21 min. In. No. 64.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
In early October, it is planned to open a direct railway connection with Romania along the restored bridge across the Dniester between Tiraspol on our side and Tighina (Bendery) on the Romanian side. Litvinov reports that Titulescu proposes to name the restored bridge "Eternal Peace on the Dniester", but he (Litvinov) thinks that we could limit ourselves to calling the bridge the "Bridge of Peace".
We propose the following resolution:
"a) Agree to assign the name "Bridge of Peace" to the Dniester railway bridge.
b) To send to the celebration of the opening of the railway communication with Romania from the NKPS Rudy and Zorin (the head of the South-Western road).
Please let us know your opinion 1 . Nr 89.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 Stalin agreed on the same day in a cipher from Sochi at 12 noon. 46 min. (Ibid. L. 35). September 23, 1935 issued by the decision of the PB (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 59).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 22, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 41. Autograph.
Moscow. Central Committee of the CPSU (b). Kaganovich.
Your HP 87. I have no amendments, you can publish 1 . They say that Yenukidze has not yet received orders to leave for Kharkov and is still in Kislovodsk.
22/IX.35 2
On September 23, 1935, Pravda published a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On the introduction of personal military ranks for the commanding staff of the Red Army and on the approval of the regulations on the service of the command and command staff of the Red Army."
2 Number and date entered by the secretary. Sent on the same day in code from Sochi at 12 noon. 45 min. (Ibid. L. 40).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 22, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 45–46. Certified typewritten copy.
S. secret.
In accordance with your instructions, 1 worked out a draft resolution on lowering the prices of bread and abolishing the rationing system for meat, fish, sugar, fats and potatoes. We send it to you.
Please let us know your opinion and agree to your signature 2 .
In addition, a draft resolution is being submitted not for publication on dinners. No. 1480/sh.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
In view of the fact that in connection with the new prices for meat, fats, etc., the cost of public catering lunches, especially meat ones, is rising, we consider it necessary from the two types of current lunches of 65 kopecks. for vegetables and cereals and 95 kopecks. for meat and fish, go to three types of dinners and take the following decision of the Central Committee and SNK without publishing it:
"1. Establish for all canteens that received meat and fats at normalized prices - 3 types of mass meals (prices without bread): a) vegetable and cereals at a price of 65 kopecks; b) fish - 1 rub.; c) meat - 1 p. 20 k.
The People's Commissariat for Internal Trade of the USSR should work out and establish food norms for these dinners, while allowing for a minimum reduction in these norms for meat, fats and fish.
2. To instruct the STO within 10 days to consider, upon the proposal of the USSR NKVnutorg, the calculations and the procedure for covering losses on the sale of the above mass lunches and school breakfasts to the Main Directorate of Canteens of the USSR Narkomvnutorg and the ORS of those enterprises that received meat and fats at normalized prices.
Please let us know your opinion 3 . No. 1481/sh.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 45–46. Certified typewritten copy.
1 See documents No. 668, 669.
2 See Document No. 675.
3 The Decree “On Public Catering Lunches” was adopted by the PB on September 24, 1935 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 61).
S. secret.
In accordance with your instructions, we have worked out a draft resolution on lowering the price of bread and abolishing the rationing system for meat, fish, sugar, fats and potatoes. We send it to you.
Please let us know your opinion and agree to your signature.
In addition, a draft resolution is being submitted not for publication on dinners. No. 1480/sh.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
In view of the fact that in connection with the new prices for meat, fats, etc., the cost of public catering lunches, especially meat ones, is rising, we consider it necessary from the two types of current lunches of 65 kopecks. for vegetables and cereals and 95 kopecks. for meat and fish, go to three types of dinners and take the following decision of the Central Committee and SNK without publishing it:
"1. Establish for all canteens that received meat and fats at normalized prices - 3 types of mass meals (prices without bread): a) vegetable and cereals at a price of 65 kopecks; b) fish - 1 rub.; c) meat - 1 p. 20 k.
The People's Commissariat for Internal Trade of the USSR should work out and establish food norms for these dinners, while allowing for a minimum reduction in these norms for meat, fats and fish.
2. To instruct the STO within 10 days to consider, upon the proposal of the USSR NKVnutorg, the calculations and the procedure for covering losses on the sale of the above mass lunches and school breakfasts to the Main Directorate of Canteens of the USSR Narkomvnutorg and the ORS of those enterprises that received meat and fats at normalized prices.
Please let us know your opinion 1 . No. 1481/sh.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 The Decree “On Public Catering Lunches” was adopted by the PB on September 24, 1935 (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 61).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 23, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 44. Autograph.
Moscow. Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
Kaganovich, Molotov. Today sent by courier a draft of the price reduction for bread. Get it September 24th. Minor corrections have been made. Stalin. №65 22/IX.35 1
1 Number and date entered by the secretary. Sent in code from Sochi on the same day at 22:00. 39 min. (Ibid. L. 43).
Kaganovich to Stalin September 23, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 50–51. Autograph.
Moscow. Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
Kaganovich. Molotov .
Olsky is doing a great and responsible work on national nutrition. Transferring him to the NKPS would mean serious damage to Narpit and his disqualification to the detriment of the interests of our entire cause. The NKPS can and must find among the railroad workers a suitable worker for the passenger business. I strongly oppose the removal of Olsky from Narpit.
23/IX.35 1
1 Number and date entered by the secretary. Sent in code from Sochi on the same day at 13:00. 55 min. (Ibid. L. 49).
Stalin to Kaganovich September 23, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 53. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 23, 1935 at 4 p.m. 23 min. In. No. 68.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
At one time, you said that the reduction in the cost of a metro ticket to 30 kopecks would have to be timed to coincide with the abolition of the rationing system for meat and other products.
Please let me know your opinion on what to do now. HP 93.
Kaganovich to Stalin September 23, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 53. Autograph.
It is now possible to reduce the cost of a metro ride to 30 kopecks 1 .
23/IX.35 2
1 On September 24, 1935, the PB approved a change in the metro fare from October 1, 1935: “instead of 40 kopecks for one trip - 30 kopecks, for one trip with a subscription 25 kopecks” (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3 D. 971. L. 60).
2 Number and date entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 21:00. 26 min. (Ibid. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 52).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 23, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 55. Certified typewritten copy.
Copy .
Owls. Secret .
Cipher .
Tov. Stalin.
Indeed, Yenukidze had not yet left Kislovodsk, despite Blagonravov's two orders. Now a categorical order has been given and he will leave Kislovodsk for Kharkov no later than September 25th. HP 1489/sh.
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 24, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 59–60. Script. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 23, 1935 at 23:00. 50 min. In. No. 71.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
The Cominternists want to apply to the Second International with a letter. We send you this letter and ask for your opinion. We doubt the expediency 1 .
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Text of the letter. To the secretariat of the Socialist Workers' International. Comrades! War in Abyssinia could break out at any moment. The German fascists are just waiting to pounce on weak Lithuania and take Memel. The military measures of Italian and German fascism would have had incalculable consequences. They can lead to a world war. The 7th Congress of the Comintern instructed the Executive Committee of the Comintern to address the leadership of the Socialist Workers' International with a proposal to establish international unity of action for the proletariat. We know that your Executive Committee has decided to study first the decisions of the Seventh Congress of the Comintern before speaking out on the question of unity of action. In order to give you that opportunity, we wanted to wait with a concrete proposal to enter into negotiations on this issue. But the international situation is so tense, the danger of a new imperialist war breaking out is so menacing and imminent, that not an hour can be lost. The last meeting of the Socialist Workers' International and the International Association of Trade Unions outlined a number of measures against the impending war. The Comintern welcomes this step. But everything that has been done so far on your and our part is still not enough in the face of formidable danger. The efforts of both Internationals to save the world must be united, both Internationals must act jointly and by joint efforts turn the hand of the fascist warmongers. The joint action of the two Internationals will raise the working class to its feet, which would carry with it the supporters of peace also among the other classes of the population. It would rouse entire peoples to the struggle for peace. It would give rise to such a powerful movement against the war that, under its onslaught, the League of Nations would be compelled to resort to a more effective action against the aggression of Italian and German fascism. It is not too late to avert the terrible catastrophe to which the fascist criminals are pushing mankind. Tomorrow it may not be possible. Therefore, we appeal to the Secretariat of the Socialist Workers' International with a proposal to immediately discuss at a joint conference of representatives of both Internationals how best to implement by joint efforts the measures outlined by your and our Internationals for the preservation of peace. On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Comintern, we are delegating to this conference comrades Cachin and Duclos from France, comrade Podlit from England, and comrade Schwerm from Czechoslovakia. Please reply as soon as possible. With greetings on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Comintern, General Secretary G. Dimitrov. HP 96, 97, 98.
1 Stalin replied “I don’t mind” on September 24 in cipher from Sochi at 10 a.m. 19 min. (Ibid. L. 58).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 25, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 65. Autograph
Moscow. Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
Kaganovich, Molotov.
The state of health of Ordzhonikidze is more unfavorable than it seems from the outside. I think that his vacation should be extended until the middle of November. He disagrees and swears, but we are not obliged to agree with him 1 .
No. 70.
24/IX 35 2
1 Stalin's note is written on Dvinsky's telegram: “From Moscow on September 23, 1935, Sochi. Tov. Stalin. The resolution is voted: “In view of the need to continue the treatment of Comrade. Ordzhonikidze, extend his vacation until November 5, 1935 Dvinsky.
2 Number and date entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 12 noon. 47 min. (Ibid. L. 64). On September 24, 1935, the PB extended Ordzhonikidze's vacation "until half of November" (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 60).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 25, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 67. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 25, 1935 at 23:00. 47 min. In. No. 74.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
To conduct a response Franco-Soviet scientific week, it was planned to send a delegation to Paris in the following composition: Osinsky (chairman of the delegation), O. Yu. (medic), Segal (young mathematician - communist), academician Richter (biologist).
Please let us know your opinion 1 . HP 101.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 Stalin agreed on September 26 in a cipher from Sochi at 3 p.m. 10 minutes. (Ibid. L. 66). September 27, 1935 issued by the decision of the PB (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 70).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 25, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 69. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 25, 1935 at 23:00. 47 min. In. No. 75.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
In connection with the requests from Mongolia, we outline the following decision: “Consider it necessary to recommend to the Mongolian leadership: 1) In view of the complicated international situation of the Mongolian People’s Republic, not to wage an open struggle against the Lamism, which does not exclude, but rather presupposes open exposure and severe repression against exposed Japanese agents from among lam. 2) To intensify the fight against lambism by roundabout ways, in particular, against the influence of lambism in the field of education and health care, without putting forward the slogan of combating lambism.
Please provide your opinion. HP 102.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 26, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 71. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 25, 1935 at 23:00. 47 min. In. No. 76.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
The Romanian flying club requested that the USSR take part in a large aviation festival organized by the Romanian aviation on the twentieth of October. The Romanians ask us to allocate 3-5 ANT-14 aircraft and a group of 10 paratroopers to participate in the celebration. We consider it possible to accept the proposal of the Romanians.
Please let us know your opinion 1 . HP 103.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
On September 27, 1935, the PB adopted a decision on the participation of the USSR in an aviation festival in Romania (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 71).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 26, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 73. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 26, 1935 at 0:00. 06 min. In. No. 77.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
Weitzer made a proposal to remove from export in the fourth quarter in connection with the cancellation of cards 4,500 tons of animal oil and 10,000 tons of vegetable oil in the amount of 2,685 thousand rubles in foreign currency and increase the market supply fund by this amount. We consider it possible to agree.
Please let us know your opinion. HP 104.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 26, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 75. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 26, 1935 at 3 o'clock. 10 minutes. In. No. 78.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
In view of the fact that Arosev and Tikhomirnov go far in their conversations with the German Social-Democrats on the question of buying the Marx archive from them, we suggested that they go to Moscow to report. Today we received the following telegram from them: “We are leaving for Paris for our documents. On the way, we must stop by Brussels to Adler, who is waiting for us according to the agreement, in order to give an answer about the decision of the bureau of the Second International to transfer the Marx archive to us. According to Stalin's instructions, Arosev was to be in Zurich with Ditman, which could take 2-3 extra days. If there are new instructions, telegraph to Paris."
Please let us know your opinion. HP 105.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 26, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 77. Original. Typescript; F. 81. Op. 3. D. 101. L. 71. Uncertified typewritten copy.
From Moscow on September 26, 1935 at 3 o'clock. 10 minutes. In. No. 79.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
Litvinov says that Titulescu wants to be received by you, and the date of his arrival depends on this.
Please let us know your decision. HP 106.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 26, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 67. Autograph.
Molotov. Kaganovich .
Your 101, 103, 104, 105 agree.
Your 102 is incomprehensible. In my opinion, the counter-revolutionary organizers of the Lamstvo should be beaten the harder the worse the international situation, because these gentlemen, among other things, are also traitors to their people in favor of the Japanese invaders.
I can accept Titulescu at the beginning of November 1 .
No. 71.
26/IX.35 2
1 Titulescu's visit to Moscow did not take place. See: DVP. T. XVIII. pp. 363–365, 557.
2 Date and number entered by the secretary.
Kaganovich to Stalin on September 26 [1935]Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 81–83. Script. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 26, 1935 at 1 pm. 10 minutes. In. No. 80.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
We are sending you Litvinov's ciphers about his planned behavior in the Council of the League in connection with the Italo-Abyssinian question. We haven't given him any instructions yet. If you think it is necessary to give him instructions, please let me know. 1
Kaganovich. Molotov.
The text of the first encryption: “On the Abyssinian conflict. The proposal of the "five", which is partly at my insistence not made on behalf of the Council, boils down entirely to the subjection of Abyssinia to the complete control of the League of Nations, in other words to the mandate of the League of Nations, this proposal neutralizes Italy's complaint about the bad administration and chaos in Abyssinia, which is allegedly a threat as Italians living in Abyssinia and adjacent to Italian possessions. The proposal would have been acceptable to Mussolini if the provided positions of advisers were occupied exclusively by Italians, and the gendarmerie and police would also consist of Italians in the disarmament of the Abyssinians. England, however, is going to object to this, not wanting to allow an Italian mandate in Abyssinia, even if only in a covert form. Now negotiations for a compromise will begin, moreover, Laval will pull Mussolini's side. I am pushing for negotiations to take place outside the Council of the League and for England and Italy to assume responsibility for the compromise. If it comes to the council, I propose to vote against proposals that would deprive Abyssinia of independence, except in cases where the outbreak of war may depend on my vote, when I have to abstain so as not to take responsibility for the war. The issue is somewhat complicated by the fact that Abyssinia itself is asking for international control, hoping in this way to receive financial assistance. The Negus, who wants to elevate the country through reforms, encounters the resistance of the feudal tribal leaders and probably hopes to overcome this resistance under a League mandate, this weakens the position of those who talk about trying to impose control on Abyssinia. If circumstances allow and the negotiations drag on, then I think to go to Moscow for 1-2 days. September 23, 1935 Litvinov.
The text of the second cipher: “Abyssinia agreed to accept the proposal of the “Committee of Five” as a basis for negotiations, and she is scattered in gratitude, stating that the proposal fully meets her own desires to receive assistance to raise the welfare and development of the natural wealth of the country. It sets only a condition for the collective international character of control. In the "Committee of Five", when Italy's official response was announced, Laval himself suggested that the further efforts of the Committee be considered fruitless and that the failed reconciliation be reported to the Council of the League. The Council will now have to either, acting under Article 15 of the Charter, make recommendations, the failure to comply with which may lead to the imposition of a sanction, or else Laval will propose the creation of a new Committee for further attempts at reconciliation. The question will be raised tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. September 23, 1935 Litvinov.
1 On the same day, Stalin replied: “Yours 107, 108, 109. I have no instructions” (RGASPI. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 83).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 27, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 743. L. 40–44. Autograph.
Hello, Dear Comrade Stalin!
1) Today they published a decree on reducing the price of bread and the abolition of the rationing system for meat, etc. 1 Today meetings and discussions on this topic were held at all factories. The mood of workers and employees is very good. Everyone welcomes this decision, because above all it clearly indicates the way to lower prices and raise real wages. Many workers immediately keep count and indicate themselves that since they bought additional meat and butter in the market for rations, now this is profitable for them. Now, apparently, it will be necessary to pay attention to the stores and the organization of the sale.
2) After several revisions, the NKPS drew up a technical design and estimate for the construction of Moscow-Donbass. We have taken as a basis your instructions that this should not be a superhighway, but an ordinary normal type of road. In terms of technical indicators (leading rise, etc.), it will still be better than the Moscow-Kursk one. As a result of the reduction of a number of works, the estimate was drawn up in the amount of 790 million instead of 1 m[illiar] and 170 million. If 490 mil. we could build it cheaper. Now 300 million are left for all the remaining work, of which 145 million are for the full completion from Moscow to Valuyki. and from Valuyki to Nesvetai 155 mil. rubles. All this work we stretch on
2 years 36–37 In 1936 we must finish from Moscow to Valuyki and begin work from Valuyki to Kondrashovka.
In 37, the complete completion of all work. I am sending you a brief note and I beg you, Comrade Stalin, to communicate your opinion .
3) Comrade Berman came from the Far East. He reports that the route from Karymskaya to Urusha is completed 3 , though with a very thin (15–20 centimeters) ballast layer, which will then have to be added. In addition, civil and technical structures (housing, station buildings, a depot, and a water supply system have not been completed) have not been completed on this section, of course. On the section from Bochkarevo to Khabarovsk, here the subgrade has not yet been laid and, apparently, only in the spring of next year will it be possible to really use the 2nd track on this section. The quality of work is good in all respects.
I sent a group of large workers ten days ago to check the readiness of the roads for operation. The most difficult thing there (Berman also tells) is the situation with housing, so in the 4th quarter it will be necessary to speed up housing construction. I ask you to tell us your opinion about the construction in 1936 of Khabarovsk-Nikolsk-Ussuriysk. I instructed the apparatus to keep in mind the construction of this section in 1936. Now, together with Berman, we are working on practical measures arising from his trip to build 2 tracks.
4) The People's Commissariat of Guti was granted the right to award the "Honorary Railwayman" badge. Tov. Andreev awarded many workers. Since I have not used this right yet, I decided to ask your opinion. Just in case, I am sending you a list. I beg you to let me know your opinion. Loading is going well. Now we have to press again on the fight against crashes.
Everybody. Hearty greetings to you. Your. L. Kaganovich.
1 The resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the reduction of bread prices from October 1, 1935 and the abolition of the rationing system for meat and fish products, sugar, fats and potatoes was approved by the PB on September 25, 1935 (RGASPI. F. 17. Inv. 3. D. 971. L. 61, 140-149), and the next day it was published in newspapers.
2 The note is missing. On October 28, 1935, the PB considered the issue “On the General Estimate and the Railway Construction Project. highway Moscow-Donbass” and approved the main technical indicators of the project presented by the NKPS. The estimated cost of the construction of the highway was approved in the amount of 780 million rubles. (Ibid. D. 972. L. 53, 54).
On March 27, 1934, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution on the construction in 1934 of the second tracks of the Karymskaya-Bochkarevo railway in the Khabarovsk Territory. The construction was entrusted to the OGPU and the NKPS (GA RF. F. R-5446. Op. 1. D. 474. L. 21–22).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 27, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 88. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 27, 1935 at 0:00. 03 min. 1 In. No. 82.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
In connection with the arrival of Citrin in Moscow, there may be talk of contact between Soviet and British trade unions. Dimitrov, Manuilsky, Lozovsky, Shvernik and Weinberg make the following proposals: “In negotiations with Sitrin, the representatives of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions make the following proposals: 1) Exchange of delegations of British and Soviet trade unions and mutual information about the work of the trade unions and the situation of the working class in order to bring the trade union movement of both countries closer. 2) The creation of a contact committee of representatives of the British and Soviet trade unions with a possible invitation to join it and representatives of the French trade unions (both confederations) to coordinate joint actions in the fight against the attack of Italian fascism on Abyssinia, as well as to prepare a trade union association on an international scale.
We consider them acceptable and ask for your opinion 2 . HP 111. Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 The copy preserved in the file bears the date September 26, 1935 (Ibid. L. 89).
2 On the same day, Stalin agreed in cipher from Sochi at 4 p.m. 13 min. (Ibid. L. 87).
Stalin, Voroshilov - Kaganovich, Molotov September 27, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 106. Jammed typewritten copy.
S. secret.
T. Stalin.
A petition has been filed to award the Order of Lenin to Ostrovsky, a writer and former cavalryman. We consider this acceptable. Please provide your opinion. No. 1524/sh.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 27, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 96. Text - Voroshilov's autograph. Signatures are autographs.
Kaganovich, Molotov.
The state of health of Yakir forces him to refuse to transfer him to Moscow.
We propose to keep Alksnis as the head of the Armed Forces. We agreed on measures that should improve the leadership of the air forces.
We offer: 1) Bulin to transfer to the BVO deputy. commanders and early R&D; 2) Instead of Bulin, appoint Osepyan, an employee of the PUR; 3) Smirnov from the BVO to transfer to Leningrad deputy. commanders and early R&D; 4) Appoint Berezkin, who was appointed to the LVO, as an assistant for political affairs to the head of the air force; 5) Appoint Troyanker as head of the department of leading party bodies; 6) Appoint Slavin head of the Department of Military Educational Institutions; 7) Appoint Shifres as head of the Military Economic Academy.
Stalin. Voroshilov 1 .
No. 74.
1 Poisoned with a cipher from Sochi on September 27 at 10 p.m. 57 min. In the upper left corner of the cipher there is a note by the secretary about the vote "for" Kaganovich, Rudzutak and Petrovsky (Ibid. L. 95).
Stalin to Kaganovich, Molotov September 28, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 105. Certified typewritten copy.
Copy .
Owls. Secret .
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
Today we discussed the grain fund.
According to the Komzag's calculation, all grain resources from July 1, 1935 to July 1, 1936 are determined at 2 billion 150 million poods, based on the following calculation: the balance as of July 1, 1935 is 400 million poods, receipts from harvesting from the harvest of 1935 1450 million poods, receipts to the warehouses of Zagotzerno from purchases - 300 million poods.
Last year we had only 1,750 million poods.
Thus, this year we will have around 400 million poods more grain resources.
As of July 1, we had 200 million poods of funds in the balance of grain in funds.
We consider it expedient to increase the funds to 500 million poods. At the same time, if the expenditure increased during the year by about 100 million poods compared with the past year, then Zagotzerno will have, in excess of the funds, another 200 million poods of grain for current needs.
Please let us know your opinion. HP 1525/sh.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 28, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 101–104. Autograph.
Kaganovich. Molotov .
Your 115 is not entirely clear. For the grain fund, we need not only grain in general, but, above all, food grain. How much extra grain is supposed to be in the general grain fund is not clear. Then, we do not need any funds, but an absolutely inviolable grain fund, which is transferred invariably from year to year and updated every year. You are talking about grain funds in general. It is necessary to eliminate these ambiguities so that there is no confusion later.
Since almost all regions are asking for a reduction in the grain purchase plan, the grain purchase plan will have to be reduced to 240 mil. pounds. Considering this circumstance, and also the fact that part of the fund will have to be set aside for export, I think that this year it would be possible to limit ourselves to the formation of an absolutely inviolable grain fund in the amount of 350 mil. poods, provided that three-quarters of this fund will consist of food grain.
I have no objection to Ostrovsky .
No. 76, 77.
28/IX.35 2
On September 29, 1935, the PB decided to award Ostrovsky with the Order of Lenin (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 78).
2 Number and date entered by the secretary. On the same day sent in code from Sochi at 17:00. 26 min. (Ibid. F. 558. Op. I. D. 90. L. 100).
Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 28, 1935Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 108. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 28, 1935 at 5 p.m. 35 min. In. No. 88.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
Kleiner makes the following proposal: “Set the purchase prices for buckwheat at the level of the purchase prices for wheat and the purchase prices for millet at the level of the purchase prices for rye.” We agree. Please let us know your opinion 1 . HP 117.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
1 Stalin answered by cipher from Sochi on September 29 at 4 o'clock. (Ibid. L. 107). September 29, 1935 issued by the decision of the PB (RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3. D. 971. L. 78).Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 28, 1935
Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 132. Certified typewritten copy.
Owls. Secret .
Tov. Stalin.
We reviewed and approved the new form of the border and internal guards and departments of the NKVD presented by the NKVD. Yagoda showed you. If you have any comments, please let us know. No. 1532/sh.
Kaganovich. Molotov.
Kaganovich, Molotov, Mikoyan to Stalin September 29, 1935Direction: Government
Document type: Official correspondence
State: the USSR
Dating: 1935.09.29
Tags: MolotovKaganovichMikoyan
A source: Stalin and Kaganovich. Correspondence. 1931–1936 Moscow: (ROSSPEN), 2001 Pp. 594
Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 90. L. 112. Original. Typescript.
From Moscow on September 29, 1935 at 5 p.m. 46 min. In. No. 91.
Sochi. Tov. Stalin.
In connection with the liquidation of MSPO, Badaev is released. He knows well baking, brewing, the production of fruit waters. We would consider it expedient for the leadership of these branches of production to appoint Badaev as the deputy of the People's Commissariat.
Please let us know your opinion 1 . HP 120.
Kaganovich. Molotov. Mikoyan.
1 Stalin agreed on September 30 in a cipher from Sochi at 12 noon. 06 min. (Ibid. L. 111).