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Khrushchev's intrigues against Beria


Meanwhile, Khrushchev  was plotting against Beria.  He first acquired the support from Beria's  `protégé, Malenkov,  then talked with the others, individually. The last to be contacted was Mikoyan,  Beria's  best friend. On June 24, the presidium was convened so that Beria  could be arrested. Mikoyan  stated that Beria  `would take our criticisms to heart and reform himself'.


Khrushchev,  Khrushchev  Remembers, op. cit. , p. 337.

On a prearranged signal, eleven marshals and generals, led by Zhukov,  entered the room and arrested Beria,  who would be shot along with his collaborators on December 23, 1953.

On July 14, 1953, General Alexei Antonov  and Major-General Efimov organized a `coup d'état' in the Georgian Communist Party and pushed out Beria's  men. Mzhavanadze,  former Lieutenant-General, became the Party's Prime Minister.


Bland,  op. cit. , pp. 55--57.

Ryumin  was arrested by Beria  on April 5, 1953. Fifteen months later, the Khrushchevites  would condemn him for his rôle in the `Doctors' Plot'. On July 23, he was shot. But his boss Ignatiev,  protected by Khrushchev,  was named First Secretary of the Bashkir Republik.


Ibid. , pp. 67--70.

At the end of December 1954, Abakumov , former Minister of State Security, and his associates, were condemned to death for having fabricated, on Beria's  orders, the `Leningrad Affair' against Voznesensky  and his friends.

In September 1955, Nikolay Rukhadze,  responsible for Security in Georgia, who had led the purge of Beria's  men in 1951, was condemned and shot as `Beria's  accomplice'.


Ibid. , p. 73.

So, from 1950 to 1955, different revisionist groups lashed out with at each other with their fangs, taking advantage of the situation to eliminate Stalin's supporters.

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Fri Aug 25 09:03:42 PDT 1995