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Transcripts from the Soviet Archives VOLUME XIII SECRET REVIEWS 1933VII ‐ Other questions and incidents
Special report of the OGPU on the number of persons prosecuted for speculation in 1932 January 5, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 6. L. 12‐13. Copy
January 5, 1933
No. 50008
Top secret
T. Stalin
The total number of people involved in speculation by the OGPU bodies for a year is 40,062 people. Of the total number of those involved, 22,239 people were convicted by the courts and bodies of the OGPU (the Collegium of the OGPU and Troikas at the PP of the OGPU). The organs of the OGPU convicted 11,815 people.
In terms of punishment, convicted persons are divided as follows:
5‐10 years of the camp ‐ 5573 people
Below 5 years ‐ 6242 people
In total ‐ 11 815 people.
By social composition, the division of convicts is as follows:
Former traders, professional speculators, kulaks ‐ 9416 people.
Individual farmers ‐ 490 people.
Collective farmers ‐ 82 people. Office workers, workers, artisans ‐ 1094.
Others ‐ 733 people.
In total ‐ 11 815 people.
Over the past two weeks, the organs of the OGPU have uncovered a number of new methods of speculatorsʹ work. So, in order to disguise, speculators organize all kinds of pseudo‐cartels, striving under their cover to the maximum coverage of bazaars. For example, in Central Asia, a group of speculators organized a false bread‐baking artel. Having achieved inclusion in the system of the kustpromsoyuz and received a certificate from the local body of the Peopleʹs Commissariat for the right to procure flour, the group widely developed speculative work, selling large quantities of baked bread to speculators.
The use of parcel operations has been significantly developed. Planting special agents in different cities, speculators receive the necessary goods from them on special orders. Parcels are sent and received mainly on fictitious documents.
Cases of terror by speculators have become more frequent in relation to collective farmers who do not want to sell their products to speculators.
In Moscow, in the Frunzensky District, an organization of speculators of 20 people has been disclosed, which is engaged in the purchase and resale of meat on the market. Appearing on the market long before the opening, speculators bought up all the meat. Bribed market hooligans, who started fights and stole meat, were pitted against collective farmers who did not want to sell meat. A typical speculation case was opened in Minsk. 37 speculators from the former traders, kulaks and criminally declassed element engaged in buying up horses stolen by collusion from state and collective farms. Then the horses were killed in farms, and the meat was sold by speculators in bazaars and in canteens under the guise of cow meat. The organization has killed 50 horses and raised 60 thousand rubles.
For two weeks, from December 15 to December 31, inclusive, the
OGPU arrested 3,042 speculators.
Deputy OGPU Chairman Prokofiev, Head of ECU OGPU Mironov Memorandum of the OGPU with the draft resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on toughening the punishment for illegal possession of weapons and explosives. 7 February 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 6. L. 145 ob‐146. Copy
February 7, 1933
No. 50064
Top secret
In the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b)
The data at the disposal of the OGPU indicate that the population of various localities of the USSR has a significant amount of illegally acquired weapons. Over the years, the OGPU bodies have recorded many cases of armed uprisings, both criminal and political, armed robbery, robbery, drunken shooting, etc. In Moscow alone, in 1932, 918 cases of theft and loss of weapons were registered. During the same time, the peopleʹs courts considered 453 cases of illegal possession of weapons and brought to justice about 500 people.
Meanwhile, the criminal legislation of the union republics defines in the form of a social protection measure for the manufacture, storage, purchase and sale of explosives and weapons only forced labor for up to six months or a fine of up to one thousand rubles. In fact, most cases of this kind end in one confiscation of weapons.
Considering it necessary to increase the punitive sanctions for illegal storage, purchase and sale of explosives and weapons, while limiting the contingent of persons entitled to store weapons, the OGPU is asking for approval of the attached draft resolution.
Deputy OGPU Chairman Prokofiev
Draft Resolution
1) To propose to the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR to carry out the following amendment to Art. 182 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of the Union republics:
The manufacture, storage, purchase and sale of explosives and shells, as well as firearms (except for hunting) weapons without a proper permit entails imprisonment for up to five years, with confiscation, in any case, of the named substances, shells and weapons. Sending by mail and other methods of firearms (not hunting), explosive and flammable substances and objects, such as gunpowder, cartridges, etc. ‐ imprisonment for up to five years.
2) Offer the OGPU to re‐register weapons throughout the USSR, meaning the seizure of the largest amount of weapons from the population and a reduction in the number of persons using the right to acquire and store them.
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 6. L. 145 ob‐146. Copy.
Memorandum of the OGPU on measures to prevent unauthorized travel by foreigners in the Union. 23 February 1933
Archive: F. 2. On. 11.D. 6. L. 206‐208. Copy
February 23, 1933
No. 50094
Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) t. Stalin *
January 24 head. From the press department of the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, Comrade Podolsky informed Comrade Artuzov of the fact of the departure of American journalists Warnes and Stroon to the North [Black] Caucasus.
On January 25, Comrade Artuzov put before Comrade Litvinov the question of the need to return these journalists from the path, which Comrade Litvinov categorically refused. As a result, under the auspices of the OGPU, Comrade Evdokimov was instructed to admit correspondents only to those points where it was impossible to collect hostile information and to warn journalists that foreign nationals were not allowed to enter other places.
Despite this, they still managed to visit several villages, at railway stations and receive information from the representative of the German Drusag concession, Mr. [oppose] on Schmitz [a].
Following this, the American journalist Duranty also planned to leave for the North [Black] Caucasus, but in view of the fact that we knew about it in time, his trip was timely warned.
In connection with this case, we consider it necessary to report that until now we have no restrictions on the movement of foreigners in the USSR, in particular, foreign journalists, with the exception of Middle Asia, where the entry of foreigners is completely closed.
This state of affairs makes it extremely difficult to regulate the travel of foreign nationals and foreign journalists around the USSR, while these trips are used by the enemies of the USSR in a variety of ways and have recently become more frequent.
Therefore, the OGPU considers it necessary to adopt a new procedure for movement for foreigners:
Propose to the NKID to establish in the Press Department a procedure for compulsory registration of foreign correspondents traveling to different parts of the USSR.
Each foreign correspondent who receives consent to visit one or another point in the USSR should be given a corresponding certificate of the Press Department of the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Foreign Affairs.
These certificates are issued by the Press Department of the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Foreign Affairs in agreement with the OGPU.
Foreign correspondents arriving at the site are required to register with all regional, regional and republican councils, in addition to the usual documents for foreign nationals, also present certificates of the press department of the NKID to visit the relevant points (registration is made within 24 hours from the moment the incor arrives).
To oblige every foreigner entering the USSR to indicate exactly which points in the Union he intends to visit, and to the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Internal Affairs to propose to list these points in visas.
Introduce a mandatory procedure for the registration of foreigners in the administrative departments of regional, territorial, republican Councils in accordance with the points indicated in the visas.
In the event of a change of residence or an intention to visit a point not provided for in the visa, the foreigner must obtain the consent of the aforementioned administrative authority.
For violation of the rules for establishing the movement of foreigners, increase the fine to 500 rubles, and in especially vicious cases, apply the expulsion of foreigners from the USSR.
To propose to the NKID to prohibit the issuance of transit visas with stops on the territory of the USSR both along the land and sea borders.
Note: an exception can be allowed only for those transit passengers who present satisfactory reasons for stopping in the USSR, and a visa with a stop at a specified point is allowed only with the permission of the OGPU in each individual case.
Deputy OGPU Chairman Prokofiev
Head of INO [OGPU] Artuzov
F. 2. On. 11.D. 6. L. 206‐208. Copy.
* Corrected in the document by hand: ʺKaganovichʺ.
Daily bulletin of extraordinary reports of the SPO OGPU. March 20, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 37. L. 14‐22. Certified copy.
March 20, 1933
No. 40
Top secret
LVO. Carters from Leningrad who arrived at the sawmill of the Strugo‐Krasnensky District in the amount of 17 people, at the initiative of the carter Stolyarov, presented the plant with the following requirements: to produce additional grain supplies, to provide everyone with new uniforms, to reduce lunch prices below the ruble and guarantee earnings of at least 10‐12 rubles. in a day. Under the influence of Stolyarovʹs agitation, the carters did not go to work and left without documents back to Leningrad. Stolyarov (dispossessed) was arrested. An investigation is underway.
Ukrainian SSR. Makeevka. March 11 this year 300 robbers, employed at the Transstroy regional office, did not go to work due to the fact that breakfast was not prepared for them. The culprit of the bagpipes is the authorized artel, a member of the CPSU (b), Sorokin, who irresponsibly categorically refused to deliver it to the table water contrary to the contract. About Sorokin the question was raised in the cityKK for exclusion from the party and bringing him to justice.
Accidents and fires
Moscow] about [bl.]. At the plant them. Stalin through the fault of the chief mechanic Akimov and the heating engineer Vinogradov, the facts of accidents were noted, as a result of which in January of this year. due to the freezing of the heating and water supply system in the grinding department of the plant, three floors were flooded, valuable dyes were soaked and damaged, 8 motors were out of order. By the decision of RKK‐RKI, Akimov and Vinogradov, as the culprits of the accident, were removed from work and brought to justice. Akimov, trying to rehabilitate himself, collected 27 signatures of engineering and technical workers for his application. In addition, he made an attempt to poison himself by taking some kind of poisonous substance at the apartment. Akimov was hospitalized. An investigation is underway.
On March 17, a fire broke out at the construction of VGRES in the building of a pumping station that supplies water from SK‐2. The cause of the fire was the ignition of the window frame from the iron pipe of the temporary iron stove heating the building. As a result of the fire, the SK‐2 plant was shut down for three days due to the lack of water supply. According to preliminary estimates ‐ losses of 30 thousand rubles. Guilty of failure to provide fire‐prevention measures head. the station is brought to justice.
Passportization progress [in] Gorky
As of March 16, 1933, 32 990 passports were issued, 2969 temporary certificates, 1463 denied. The kulaks continue their attempts to obtain passports using fictitious documents at the automobile plant. All cases are under investigation, 2 kulaks are arrested.
A / c leaflets
CCM. In Rostov, in a workersʹ settlement, a leaflet was removed calling for terror. A monarchist leaflet was found on the building of the regional executive committee in Gelendzhik. In Krasnodar, a leaflet was found with a / c attacks against the leaders of the party, signed ʺUnion of Freedomʺ. On all the facts, measures were taken to identify the authors of the leaflet.
Ural region
Terror. In Nagaybaksky district, Komsomol member Grigoriev was killed for active work on filling seeds with fists. Participants in the murder in the amount of 5 people were arrested. An investigation is underway.
Arsons. On March 13, a fire broke out in the Gulyaypole MTM. The fire destroyed a machine shop with machine tools. Tractors and motors that were under repair were saved. The preliminary investigation established that the fire was the result of arson.
In the collective farm ʺNarimʺ of the Balkhash region, a group of an alien element in the amount of 5 people who crept into the collective farm under the leadership of Telbaev Gelimbay (formerly a recidivist thief) stole a cow, which was slaughtered, and the meat was cut among the participants. The same group set fire to the collective farmʹs stockyard (the building of the yard burned down). Telbaev was arrested. Measures were taken to detain the rest of the arsonists.
On March 11, 1933, a fire in the Aktanysh district destroyed the building of the RIK with all departments and affairs. An investigation is underway, and organized arson is suspected.
Statements of withdrawal from the collective farm. In [...] * Area in the collective farm named after IV‐th Congress of Soviets, a brigade of 12 people submitted 12 applications to leave the collective farm. The reasons for submitting the applications are: rudeness and administrative excesses on the part of the chairman of the collective farm and the influence of K.‐R. a group of sectarians who sent their k.‐r. activities to disrupt the filling of the seed fund and agitated for leaving the collective farm. The regional department of the OGPU prevented the exit by the measures taken on the spot. The regional branch of the OGPU was given a warrant for the arrest of Ph.D. sectarian groups.
A / c manifestation among teachers
Belarus. The past teachersʹ conference of the Komarinsky district from January 6 to 11, 1933 on the issues of summing up the work of the first half of the year on the implementation of the directives of the government and the party on secondary and elementary school was held as a demonstration of a / s minded teachers. There was no appropriate preparation for the conference, there was no party district leadership, and the head. the Yarmak district, not experienced enough in school construction, could not create a business environment.
A number of teachers, participants in the conference, made a / with statements on the supply of teachers: ʺOnly the central and district workers bit their faces, and we have to go hungry and coldʺ (teacher of the Radinsky school, member of the LKSMB). Subsequent speeches also came down exclusively to questions of supply and payment of wages.
Despite these facts and the signaling of our bodies, the district leadership did not take the proper measures, and after the conference, teachersʹ discontent on the basis of supplies turned into strikes in a number of schools.
On February 16, 1933, the teachers of the Lukoedov school Vladimir Novik ‐ a member of the Komsomol, Cherny Emelyan ‐ a member of the Komsomol and Marusin Konstantin ‐ b / p, dropped out of school, went to the regional center, where they announced that the owners had refused them a table, and so there is nothing to eat.
Having achieved nothing real in the area, we returned to the place and on February 17 this year. made one lecture each, dismissed the students. The same was done on February 18 and 19 of this year.
The strike of the Lukoedov school was transferred to the VerkhneZharovskaya seven‐year school (national‐Ukrainian), where Novik and Cherny went to their teachers for advice. Four teachers of this school filed a complaint about poor supplies and late payment of wages with a threat that if the situation was not improved, they would quit their jobs. Applications were submitted by teachers
Zakharenko and his wife and Nedashkovsky and his wife.
The teaching staff in Ukraine is clogged with a / s and a socially alien element. Head Ukrainian national school der. Lukoedy Shcherbino Grigory Mitrofanovich ‐ the son of a kulak, sentenced by the Kharkiv okrsud in 1929 for 3 years and 5 years without the right to engage in pedagogical work, came from Ukraine to the BSSR and the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Education was appointed to the Komarinsky district as a head school.
In m. Komarino head. seven‐year‐old Feshchenko is the son of a big fist whose parents have been exiled. The teacher Sukhan teaches literature, the son of a bailiff, nat [ional] ‐dem [okrat]. This sevenyear period is considered indicative.
Head Novikovʹs Radino school is the daughter of a kulak, a / s is tuned. When the collective farmers offered her to join the collective farm, she categorically refused and called collectivization a utopia, etc.
The question of the position of schools in the region and of the regional leadership was transferred to the Central Control Commission‐RKI of the BSSR GPU of the BSSR. A task was given on the prompt withdrawal of a / c asset from the teachers of the district. Typhus epidemic
Tartary. In a number of villages of the Chistopol region of the T [atar] republic, a large number of typhus diseases have recently been noted. In with. Tolkish is sick 5 families of collective farmers, in the village. St [aroe] Ivanaevo for two days (from 24 to 26 February), 30 children of school age fell ill. The district health department sent medical personnel to the affected villages to eliminate the epidemic. The republican authorities have been informed.
NVK. In the Deniz area, there are still 520 horse and fish catchers in the sea. Of the total group carried to the sea, 674 people were rescued. A plane, an icebreaker ʺStalinʺ and a motor ship ʺPoltoratskʺ were sent to help the trappers. Food was thrown into the places of withdrawal of the catchers.
Head of SPO OGPU Molchanov
Secretary of Operation
Help. Secretary of the OGPU SPO Svetlov
1) Menzhinsky; 2) Berry; 3) Prokofiev; 4) Agranov; 5) Poskrebyshev (for Comrade Stalin); 6) Molotov; 7) Kaganovich; 8) Rudzutaku; 9)
Shvernik; 10‐16) OGPU; 17‐21) in the SPO OGPU; 22) in business.
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 37. L. 14‐22. Certified copy.
* A gap in the document.
OGPU ʺThe fight of the OGPU bodies against theft and speculation.ʺ March 19, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 1026. L. 78‐87. Certified copy
March 19, 1933
I. Theft
The total number of those attracted by the OGPU bodies for the theft of public (socialist) property ‐ state, collective farm, cooperative from June 1, 1932 to March 15, 1933, is 127 318 people. Of this number, 55,166 people were involved in theft from shops and warehouses of the distribution network and industrial enterprises, and 72,152 people were involved in theft from state and collective farms.
The number of members of the CPSU (b) who participated in the theft from stores and warehouses is 5075 people, i.e., 9.2% of the number of people involved, and those involved in the theft from state farms and collective farms ‐ 2020 people, or 2.8%.
Of the total, by March 15, the investigation completed and transferred cases to the courts for 59,687 people. The organs of the OGPU (the Collegium of the OGPU and Troikas at the PP of the OGPU) convicted 14,056 people in the largest cases of organized embezzlement, in which a large number of arrested persons were involved.
As of March 15, 53,575 people are under investigation and detained for embezzlement.
According to the penalties, the number of those convicted by the
OGPU bodies (14,056 people) is divided as follows:
VMN ‐ 2052 people.
10 years of the camp ‐ 4102 people.
From 5 to 10 years old ‐ 858 people.
5 years of the camp ‐ 2701 people.
From 3 to 5 years old ‐ 2277 people.
Below 3 years ‐ 2066 people.
Total: 14,056 people.
II. Speculation
The total number of those involved by the OGPU bodies for speculation as of March 15 of this year. is 53,020 people. By March 15, of the indicated number, the investigation completed and transferred cases to courts for 15,297 people. The bodies of the OGPU convicted 16 110 people. 21613 people are under
investigation and detained for speculation.
The number of those convicted by the OGPU bodies (16 110 people) is divided by punishment as follows:
10 years of the camp ‐ 2056 people.
From 5 to 10 years old ‐ 667 people.
5 years of the camp ‐ 4346 people.
From 3 to 5 years ‐ 2023 people.
Below 3 years old ‐ 7018 people.
In total: ‐ 16 110 people.
III. Social composition of prisoners
In total, 30 166 people were convicted by the OGPU bodies in cases of embezzlement and speculation (for embezzlement ‐ 14 056 people and speculation ‐ 16 110 people).
According to the social composition, the division of the indicated number of convicts is as follows:
Former traders, professional speculators and kulaks ‐ 17 636 people
(58, 4%).
There are 10 846 employees, collective farmers, handicraftsmen and other workers (36%).
Others ‐ 684 people (5.6%).
Total: 30,166 people (100%). IV. The largest and most common theft cases
Moscow region
In the Moscow trading network Soyuzplodoovosch, a group of predators of 50 people has been eliminated, which has stolen fruits worth up to 2 million rubles. The extent of the damage caused to workersʹ supplies by these thefts can also be judged by the fact that
206 carriages of vegetables were plundered from base No. 3 alone.
Mosswool cloth
An organization of 38 people has been disclosed, which embraced the 1st cloth and 12th Izmailovskaya factories Mosherstsukno. One of the leaders of the organization was the director of the Izmailovo factory, Polyakov, a member of the All‐Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1918. supplying this factory Utkin, a party member since 1930, Stolen 91 thousand m of cloth, 750 poods. wool and fleece, 6 wagons of wood, 180 poods. cement, etc., in total at industrial prices for 1 million rubles.
In the system of the Moscow state retail trade ‐ GUM‐GORT ‐ a group of 34 predators systematically sold large consignments of goods by speculators. The group consisted of two‐party members: head. shop number 4 Makarin and the head of the small retail chain sector GUM‐GORT Orlov. The “earnings” of the predators reached high levels: in just two months, one store No. 4 received 500 thousand rubles.
Organized embezzlement of bread by employees of shops and bakeries, members of the Moskoopkhleb association, was revealed. The abductions were led by the director of the Sokolniki district administration Moskoophleba, a party member Krasnov, who convened a special meeting of predators at his apartment, where methods of theft, concealment and sale of the stolen were discussed. Deputy Krasnov, party member Astakhov also participated in the theft.
Moscow Oil Product
A predatory organization of 38 people embraced 18 plants of the Moscow Oil Product Network. Not limiting itself to direct embezzlement, the organization fabricated forged documents at the expense of oil shops, conducted ʺits ownʺ purchase and sale operations. In addition, goods from private traders unwilling to open their own trade were illegally sold in the shops.
Leningrad region.
In the retail trade network of Sevrybsbyt in Leningrad, mass thefts of fish products were discovered, in which 85 people took part. Highly scarce fish products were sold in large batches, which created serious interruptions in the supply of workers. So, head. Gromovʹs store with a group of accomplices immediately sold 30 barrels of herring, thereby depriving 6,000 workers of rations.
Leningrad office of Exportles
From the warehouses of the Leningrad office of Exportles, 45 cars of export timber were stolen, only on the admission of the accused. The total shortage of timber is 1112 cars. The forest was stolen by whole longboats, the latter rushed into the Obvodny Canal to unload. The guard of the warehouses issued longboats with timber without passes.
Leningrad office Soyuzplodovoschi
An organization of 45 people was discovered, created by a group of
16 former traders hired by the head. the retail sector of the Leningrad office of Soyuzplodovoschi, a member of the CPSU (b) Zhilich in the order of staffing with ʺspecialistsʺ. Having penetrated into the apparatus with the aim of stealing, the former traders picked up speculators for themselves and were engaged in mass theft of fruits.
Equipment theft
An organized group of persons involved in the theft of equipment from industrial enterprises was discovered in Leningrad. The organizer of this group was the chief mechanic of the Pnevmatika plant Miller (brother of the adjutant of the Estonian Prime Minister). The group, having picked up agents at the factories, stole milling, turning, drilling and other [s] machines, as well as parts for them (the plants ʺPnevmatikaʺ, Kronstadt Marine, Optical, named after Voikov, etc.). 25 people were arrested in the case.
In Kharkiv, in 40 stores of Potrebkooperatsii and KHATORGA, a widely branched organization of 200 people was opened, which plundered equal acutely scarce goods for 5 million rubles. As a rule, the employees of the VUKS and KHATORGA trade network had previously agreed with the speculators which goods they were most interested in. Depending on this, applications for goods were submitted. eleven. Donbassstorg
Mass thefts were revealed in the Donbassstorg trade network. 54 people were arrested. In terms of social composition ‐ former traders and speculators ‐ 25 people, kulaks ‐ 3 people, office workers ‐ 26 people. Party members ‐ 6 people. The stolen food and manufactured goods were sold to speculators.
Donbass factories
At the Stalin Metallurgical Plant, an organization of 59 people plundered 70 railroad cars of high‐quality iron and 244 thousand rubles. (at industrial prices) of various building materials.
At the Metallurgical Plant. Rykov, a group of 10 employees of the sales department stole 100 railroad cars. The stolen iron was sold to representatives of various organizations and individuals.
Especially large thefts were discovered at the Proletary plant in Lisichansk. The predatory group consisted of 14 people. 310 carriages of window glass were plundered.
At the Konstantinovsky Mirror Plant, up to 500 thousand square meters were plundered. m of glass, which is up to 10% of the total annual production of this plant.
North Caucasus
R about s t p about m hl e b about co m b in t
In Rostov‐on‐Don, the entire system of Rostpromkhlebokombinat was embezzled by theft: a bakery, 2 mills, 2 bakeries and 33 bakeries. More than 6000 poods were stolen. bread, 1000 poods. sugar, 500 poods. bran and so on. Public and workersʹ control attached to the grain trade network did not justify its purpose. In all established cases of embezzlement, the controllers were accomplices, confirming with their signatures deliberately fictitious acts for lack of bread, for shrinkage, for weight loss, etc. 54 people were arrested in the case, including 5 members of the CPSU (b).
Taganrog branch of Soyuztrans
In the Taganrog branch of Soyuztrans, an organization consisting of 62 port workers, drivers and loaders was liquidated, among which a large number of fugitive fists, merchants, and also a criminal element were identified. The organization stole cargo from the road in transit from the port. About 1500 poods were stolen from bakery products alone.
Forgery of fence documents
In Taganrog, an organization engaged in the manufacture, sale and use of fictitious fence documents was liquidated. The organization consisted of 50 people. During the liquidation, 5000 pieces were found. forged fence documents that the organization has not yet managed to sell.
A similar organization was discovered in Rostov‐on‐Don. The counterfeit cards produced only one bread daily up to 1,500 poods.
Astrakhan fisheries
A typical case is the case of large thefts of fish from the Astrakhan fishery, in which 85 people were arrested. Theft affected 20 Astrakhan fishing and subsidiary institutions. 21,000 poods were stolen. fish, mainly of high value (red fish, caviar). The fish were stolen by whole Rybnitsa vessels, up to 600 poods. fish in every case. The main core of the predatory organization consisted of an alien element. So, out of the total number of 85 accused: former owners ‐ 11 people, who were on trial ‐ 22 people, previously expelled from the party ‐ 10 people.
Theft of fence documents
Six large organizations with a total of 117 participants were liquidated almost simultaneously in the NIAC. The organization was engaged in the theft by conspiracy with the employees of the Bureau of Intake Documents of cards, which were sold, and in addition, they themselves received food on them. For example, up to 50,000 units circulated in Stalingrad. of stolen bread cards, which caused an overrun of 180,000 poods in just one quarter. of bread.
Kazakhstan regional office Zagotzerno
At the warehouses of Zagotzerno in the Kelesky, Karatassky and Bostandyk districts of Kazakhstan, a predatory organization of 81 people stole 64,300 poods. of bread. The thefts were organized by a group of kulaks who had escaped from dispossession of kulaks from the places of settlement, in conspiracy with the employees of the Zagotzerno system, headed by the manager of the Keles office,
Kolbinsky industrial plant
In just 4 months, an organization of 19 predators that settled in the workersʹ supply department stole food ‐ meat, fish, butter, sugar for 560,000 rubles. at fixed prices. In order to conceal the thefts, the organization released carcasses of dead rams to feed the workers, taken from the local Soyuzmyaso office for processing by the enterprises of the plant for soap. As a result of the criminal activities of predators, the supply of workers was disrupted, which entailed a temporary halt of a number of enterprises of the plant.
Gorky Automobile Plant
Large thefts of auto property were detected at the Gorky Automobile Plant named after Molotov. The plundered property includes not only various parts (motors, wheels, etc.), but even finished cars. It was not possible to determine more or less precisely the size of the stolen property, since accounting at the plant until June 1932 was absent altogether, and after that it was delivered randomly. There was also no proper security for the plant. For example, at the time of the OGPU inspection in the press building, in addition to 3 open doors guarded by sentries, 10 more open doors were found, the entrance and exit from which was completely free. Forge No. 1, in addition to the entrances guarded by civilian guards, had 27 open doors at the time of the check, etc.
Middle Asia, Tajik consumer union
The organization, which consisted of 62 people, embraced all the links of the Tajik cooperation and through systematic organized and large‐scale embezzlement completely undermined the consumer system, plundering various goods from its warehouses and stores for 25 million rubles.
In Sredazmaslossbyt the amount of the stolen goods exceeds 10 million rubles. In particular, 35 oil tanks, 610 poods were stolen. soap, 50 drums of soda, etc. The organization of predators consisted of 54 people, headed by the deputy. manager of Sredazmaslosbyta Bukhman, a former staff captain, the son of a White emigrant general.
North edge
In the system of the regional office of Soyuzmasloprom in the Northern Territory (Sevmasloprom), an organization of 86 predators was discovered, who plundered 8,700 thousand rubles. oil products. The massive development of theft was facilitated by the leadership and control of the Sevmasloprom Directorate.
As a result of the lack of oversight of the system, there was no accounting for oil products. As a rule, shipments to bases and shops were accepted without weight and without checking with invoices and waybills. Complete disregard is characterized by the fact that invoices and invoices lay on the apartments of the predators, and no one demanded these documents.
Eastern Siberia, Irkutsk
A large predatory organization, numbering 116 people, was discovered, which was engaged in the theft of goods from the Irkutsk warehouses of government agencies, cooperation and transport, intended for delivery to the Far North and gold‐mining regions. For storage of the stolen there were secret warehouses.
Predators stole 75 supplies of various goods, estimated in state prices at 1 million rubles.
Head of ECU OGPU Mironov
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 1026. L. 78‐87. Certified copy.
Special reports of the OGPU about epidemics in the USSR of March 8, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 33. L. 3‐5. Certified copy
March 8, 1933
Top Secret
The following areas are affected by the epidemic:
In Kazakhstan: Alma‐Ata, Aktobe, Karaganda, South [zhno] Kazakhstan, B [eastern] ‐Kazakhstan and 3 [western] ‐Kazakhstan.
In Central Asia: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, North [ernaya] and South [th] Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan.
In VSK: Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kansk, N [Izhne] Udinsk, Borzinsky, Irbeisky, Maletinsky and Mansky districts and Aleksinsky district.
NVK: Kalm [ytskaya] region.
SKK: Kurgan, Sunzhensky, Armavir districts, Dagestan.
In addition, a number of areas of the Urals, Sevkrai, DVK (scurvy) are affected, and according to the latest data, the Western [th] region. and Moscow region. (Ramensky district). In all districts, a rash epidemic prevails.
In Kazakhstan, as of January 1, 1933, there were 4346 cases of diseases, mainly typhus. For the 3rd decade of January 690 diseases were registered, for the second decade of February 1933 ‐ 1942 cases, of which typox ‐ 1459, abdominal ‐ 349 and smallpox ‐ 134. By regions: in Alma‐Ata ‐ 440, in East Kazakhstan ‐ 435, in Aktobe 176, Karaganda ‐ 287, in South [zhno] ‐Kazakhstan ‐ 428, 3 [Western] Kazakhstan ‐ 176. According to the latest data, in the Karaganda region. an epidemic of scurvy broke out, affecting 40% of the population. There is a high mortality rate.
In Central Asia: As of March 17, there were up to 30,000 cases of typhus. In addition to typhus, an epidemic of typhoid fever and smallpox continues to spread in Central Asia. According to the latest data, Uzbekistan is particularly affected by the epidemic of rash, where 657 new diseases have been registered, including 310 in Tashkent. Smallpox is becoming serious in southern Kyrgyzstan.
In the VSK, the focus of the epidemic of the tympanic was the city of Irkutsk, at this time the epidemic in the city of Irkutsk has been largely eliminated. An increase in the epidemic is observed in Chita. There is a threat of an outbreak in the entire eastern part of the region. The typhoid epidemic is waning. The smallpox epidemic is progressing due to the arrival of workers from the Urals and Kazakhstan.
In the Buryat‐Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, 800 cases of smallpox diseases have been registered.
A scurvy epidemic is developing in the Aleksin district. There were 54 cases.
Across the Urals. As of March 7, 3842 cases of typhus were registered, 604 cases of typhoid fever, 261 cases of smallpox and 132 cases of scurvy.
As of February 17, a typhus epidemic appeared in the West [adnoe] region. Affected by the epidemic 9 village councils, with the number of sick 177 people, as well as in the Moscow region. in the Ramensky district, where 65 cases were registered.
The inertia of the health authorities affects the success of the fight against the epidemic. In most areas, the main obstacle to fighting the epidemic is: insufficient staffing of medical and technical personnel in places affected by the epidemic; refusal of medical workers to travel to epidemic fronts; unsanitary condition of hospitals; lack of linen; lack of necessary medicines. Despite a number of requests from district doctors for the expulsion of funds necessary to fight the epidemic, regional health departments, in most cases, do not take any measures.
The organs of the OGPU, in order to suppress the criminal activities of some workers who disrupt the fight against the epidemic, have brought to justice:
across Kazakhstan, employees of the district federal district for refusing to issue the contents of infectious barracks to health workers, head. Semipalatinsk city health department ‐ for the complete lack of medical care and failure to take timely measures to hospitalize patients; the persons who disrupted the sanitation in Karaganda were brought to justice.
For VSK: 3 people: the heads of the 2 and 3 sections of the construction of the PVRZ in the city of V [erkhne] Udinsk and one doctor.
In Wed [United] Asia: 5 people: 2 doctors, the head of the ITU and the head. baths ‐ for a weak fight against the epidemic in Andijan, chairman of the rural epidemic troika of the Yangi‐Baiten village of the Alma‐Ata region. In addition, the head of the san [itarno] ‐prof [ilactic] sector of Uzbekistan was dismissed from work with a return to court for criminally negligent attitude to the fight against the epidemic.
Head of the SPO OGPU Molchanov
Head of the 3rd department of the SPO OGPU
1) Menzhinsky; 2) Berry; 3) Prokofiev; 4) Agranov; 5) Sulimov; 6)
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 33. L. 3‐5. Certified copy.
Special messages of the OGPU about epidemics in the USSR not earlier than March 9, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 33. L. 28‐31. Certified copy
March 9, 1933 at the earliest
Top secret
ZSK. In February, 7,988 cases of epidemic diseases were registered in WGW, of which typhus ‐ 6,363 cases, typhoid fever ‐ 1,287, smallpox ‐ 75, scarlet fever ‐ 87 and diphtheria ‐ 176. The typhoid epidemic in industrial areas is declining. Typhus is on the rise in some areas, for example: in Novosibirsk, in Biysk, and in other industrial cities, typhus is on the decline. In order to combat the epidemic, 6 sanitary inspection points, 4 disinfection stations, 125 baths, 629 disinfection chambers of various types have been organized. To identify foci of the epidemic and fight them in Novosibirsk, a systematic round‐trip by teams of 650 active people and 66 doctors is carried out in Novosibirsk. By order of the regional executive committee of Novosibirsk, all visitors are sanitized. In total, 42,201 people were processed along the edge. 273 tons of sulfur and 750 kg of formalin were sent to the sites of the epidemic centers. 60,116 rubles were allocated for the fight against epidemics. Epidemic troikas have been created. At the courts, special chambers have been created to deal with cases that violate epidemic measures.
Ural. As of March 7, 1933, diseases of typhus ‐ 460 cases, abdominal ‐ 51, natural smallpox ‐ 18, scurvy ‐ 1 were again noted. In total ‐ 530 cases.
Moscow and the region. The typhus epidemic in Moscow is progressing. So, in December of this year. there were 200 diseases, in January ‐ 632, in February ‐ 996, and in the first ten days of March ‐ 1,200 people. A significant percentage of diseases fall on newcomers. The contingent of patients, mainly employees, partly workers and students. All patients are hospitalized in hospitals: them. Botkin, Krasnosovetskaya and 1st clinical. We have a similar picture in the region. So, for December p.y. ‐ 448 cases, in January ‐ 773 cases, in February ‐ 1,300 (this includes 7 days of March). The epidemic of typhus in the region is mostly focal in nature, for example ‐ Ukhtomsky and Ramenskiy districts [ayon]. The epidemic of typhus in the Moscow region. can be divided into two groups: industrial ‐ mainly near Moscow areas, the other group includes agricultural areas, mainly Ryazan,
Bitter. In 6 village councils of the Gorky Territory, an epidemic of typhus and typhoid fever, and smallpox is spreading. In total, 70 people fell ill with typhus, 8 people with typhoid and 6 people with smallpox.
The poor performance of regional health departments affects the success of the fight against the epidemic. So, for example, there is a lack of management of the district health authorities of Moscow in the fight against the epidemic. Poor work of sanitary inspection rooms, desiccams, etc. In the Stalin region, there is absolutely no sanitary inspection room, and no measures are being taken to establish it. Preventive work is not being carried out enough to combat the epidemic (untimely disinfection and disinsection in hostels and barracks).
In the Moscow region the measures taken by the health department to combat the epidemic are absolutely insufficient. The correct alignment of medical forces, poor registration of morbidity and untimely signaling about it are not respected, the onset of an outbreak is often visible and they begin to eliminate it when the number of cases of diseases is already in the tens. Incorrect sanitation in progress. Ryazan, Tula and Kaluga districts, where the epidemic is especially developed, do not have a sufficient number of health workers and are poorly equipped with sanitary‐technical items. There is a poor supply of soap and linen everywhere. The most favorable conditions for the development of the epidemic are dormitories for workers in new buildings, for example: the construction of Mosdonstroy ‐ st. Kashira ‐ in January of this year. typhus appeared at the construction site (for the first time in the district), there were only 4 cases in January. From 1 to 15 February this year cases increased by 50%. The Mosdonstroy workersʹ dormitory is located in the Belopesotsky Monastery, there are 160 workers with families, a total of 2500 people. The hostel is in an extremely unsanitary condition: dirt, smoke, cold, the house has been turned into a restroom, there is a lot of lice in the hostel, bugs and other insects, the existing bathhouse does not correspond to sanitary rules at all, medical care is poorly organized. The situation is similar in a number of other hostels.
In the Western region. an epidemic of typhus can take on large dimensions due to the lack of the most basic disinfectants: solvent, hydro‐pultone, hair clippers, etc.
In the Gorky Territory, due to the lack of linen and soap, epidemic diseases can also increase. Despite this, the regional organizations do not release the above items.
The CCM in most areas affected by the epidemic lacks medicines, disinfectants, etc. (for example, Kurgan region).
Head of the SPO OGPU Molchanov
Head of the 3rd department of the SPO OGPU
1) Menzhinsky; 2) Berry; 3) Prokofiev; 4) Agranov; 5) Sulimov; 6)
Vladimirsky; 7) in the department.
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 33. L. 28‐31. Certified copy.
Special message of the OGPU STR on food difficulties in special settlements of Kazakhstan. July 14, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 56. L. 210. Original
July 14, 1933
No. 152053
Top secret
In the Karaganda special settlements, as a result of the ugly work of the economic agencies, which did not provide the special settlers with food cards and public meals, a threatening situation was created with the supply of special settlers. In May of this year. died of exhaustion 1640 people, since January the number of deaths from starvation reaches 6300 people. Chronic malnutrition has led to a strong prevalence of deaths. The salary of the special settlers is delayed from 2‐4, in some cases up to 6 months. The total wage arrears of the special settlers as of June 3, according to incomplete data, reaches 276,525 rubles. Among the special settlers, in connection with acute food difficulties and a delay in the payment of wages under the influence of c. Asset links increased insurrectionary tendencies significantly. SNK KASSR and the regional committee are informed.
Pom. head of the 2nd department of the OGPU
Kagan SPO
1) Menzhinsky; 2) Berry; 3) Agranov; 4) Prokofiev; 5) Berman.
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 56. L. 210. Original.
Memorandum of the OGPU on measures to improve the food supply of the ITL. September 22, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 1039. L. 12‐14. Copy
September 22, 1933
Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) t. Kaganovich
The forced labor camps of the OGPU carry out work of great national importance. At present, the forces of the camps are building the Baikal‐Amur railway, second tracks [railways], the KhabarovskKomsomolsk highway, the Volga‐Moscow canal, the development of coal, oil and other resources of Ukhta‐Pechora, coal mining in Kuzbass, at the Artem [ovsky] mine at the DCK and a number of other works. Much of the construction carried out by the camps is of defense importance.
The intense pace of work due to the short deadlines for their implementation, work mainly in remote, sparsely populated areas, the harsh climatic conditions of most of these areas create difficult conditions for the labor force, requiring from it enormous stress and expenditure of energy. The current conditions for the food supply of the camp contingents are not able to ensure the maintenance of the required high level of labor productivity and the fulfillment of tasks at the required intense pace, especially since the contingent coming from the domzaks for the most part arrives in a depleted state. Unfavorable conditions for the supply of food to the camps were created as a result of a series of reductions in the nutritional norms established in 1932 and their reduction to a size that could not compensate for the increased energy consumption by the workforce.
In this regard, it seems necessary to revise the existing norms in order to somewhat increase them. The table below shows the allowance norms of 1932, currently in force and requested:
name of product
Rate for 1 person per month (kg)
Operating in 1932
The current
Vegetable oil
Animal fats
Canned food (various)
2 b [anki]
1/4 b [anki]
3 /4 bytes
At these rates, annual leave for 500 thousand people currently in the camps is as follows:
Product name
Size of annual funds (thousand tons)
According to standards
the of
According to the current
According to the requested standards
Vegetable oil
Animal fats
Canned food
12,000 thousand b [anok]
thousand b
4500 thousand b
The specified rates are vacation rates. Within their camps, differentiated bonus and incentive norms for nutrition of certain categories of the labor force are established, depending on the nature of the work performed, the fulfillment of the norms for the development of quality indicators.
The newly requested rates are well below the 1932 level and will not require a significant increase in funds. Due to the remoteness of most of the camps and the difficulties often experienced in this connection with the regular delivery of food for the current ration, for the uninterrupted supply of the camp contingents, it is necessary to create some stock of food in the camps as a carryover fund in case of a hit in the delivery. The presence of such maneuverable stocks is also necessary because significant shipments of people are often transported between camps, and it is extremely difficult to supply them with food during the journey, as well as at the first time upon arrival at the place in the absence of stocks of food. In connection with the above, I ask:
1. To approve the requested increase in the vacation supply norms for the contingents of labor camps for a contingent of 500 thousand people.
2. Give instructions on changing the Decree of the Council of Peopleʹs Commissars of the USSR of August 9, 1933 No. 1689/366 ss in terms of the appointment of prodzern and cereals to the OGPU camps, the funds established for 1933‐34. do not cover the needs of the camps, even according to the current supply standards.
3. To approve the creation of carry‐over food stocks in the camps of the OGPU in the amount of 18 days.
Deputy Chairman of the OGPU Yagoda
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 1039. L. 12‐14. Copy.