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Transcripts from the Soviet Archives VOLUME XIII SECRET REVIEWS 1933
IV. Anti‐Soviet manifestations. Banditry
Review of the OGPU OGPU on the cases of the uncovered and liquidated kulak insurgent candidates ‐ r. organizations on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, SKK, Central Black Earth Region and the Urals. January 23, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 1496. L. 49‐67. Certified copy
January 23, 1933
Top secret
Over the last period, on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, the NCC, the Central Black Earth Region and the Urals, a number of K.‐R. kulak‐White Guard and nationalist insurgent organizations, testifying to the leading role of K.‐R. underground in organizing sabotage and disrupting grain procurements, sowing and other economic and political campaigns; decomposition of collective farms; sabotage and sabotage activities on collective and state farms, along with the organization of insurrectionary work.
Particularly noteworthy is the fact that this activity is directly directed and directed by overseas White emigre centers and foreign intelligence services associated with the organizing centers of K.‐R. on our territory. For example:
In September, this year. On the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, the fist G.D. Barylnikov, who had fled from the concentration camp for the cordon in 1930, was detained, sent from Paris by the ROVS center through the ROVS authorized in Romania, Colonel Zholondkovsky. Barylnikov was armed with a revolver, equipped with a large number of c.‐r. literature and proclamations and received the task to create a kulak organization on the territory of the SVK. One of the main tasks of the organization was to fight
against grain procurement and collectivization.
The content of the proclamations sharpened against grain procurements is extremely characteristic: “Down with the power of the International! Long live national Russia!
Peasants, the Soviet government again wants to take away all your grain and plunge you into hunger. All bread belongs to those who worked to grow it, i.e., you. You must manage all the bread yourself. Not a single pound ‐ the power of international swindlers. Do not hand over your bread to the grain procurers, but sell it at free prices. August 1932 RVO. Russian military organization ʺ
There is reliable intelligence data that, along with the staging of central terror, the leadership of the ROVS is now pursuing the tasks of organizing petty sabotage in agriculture, local terror, disrupting grain procurement campaigns, preparing an insurrection, etc.
On the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, only on the basis of the materials obtained by the investigation, 23 Polish‐Petliura emissaries were sent over the past few months, of which 19 were arrested.
The investigation carried out by the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR revealed a wide insurgent underground covering a number of regions of Right‐Bank Ukraine and Donbass, and connected with the Warsaw center of the Ukrainian Peopleʹs Republic, conducting conspiratorial work in Ukraine through the well‐known Petliura intelligence organizers ‐ General Zmienko, comrade [arisha] Ministry of Internal Affairs Chikalenko‐Morozenko Litvin, Lieutenant Golyuk‐Baida‐Maisky, etc.
Detained in the Kiev region. the former Socialist‐Revolutionary Mamchiy testified that he is an emissary of the UPR government, with whose members he discussed in Warsaw his practical work in Ukraine. Mamchiy testified that he was sent to communicate with the organizers of the Petlyura insurgent underground in Ukraine and had the task: “To probe the separately existing organizations in Ukraine, to link them in order to prevent separate isolated demonstrations and to instruct them to conduct subversive work on collective and state farms, agitate against delivery of bread. Sow only for yourself, do not sow export and industrial crops. Discredit collective farms in every possible way. ʺ
One of the leaders of the Ph.D. Underground, Babiychuk set fire to 500 kopecks of collective farm grain, and he personally committed 18 arson of collective farm property. The brother of the arrested and committed suicide of the Petliura emissary, Surzhko, created an organization in the Donbass associated with the Petliura underground in the right‐bank Ukraine.
The Polish‐Petliura scouts N.E. Kirsh, detained at the site of the Slavut border detachment. and Leinhardt R.A., the latter in the past was sentenced to VMN for espionage and smuggling activities, testified that both of them were recruited after fleeing to Poland by the resident of the Polish‐Petliura intelligence Golyuk‐Baida‐Maisky and transferred to Ukraine with assignments to distribute Petliura literature (leaflets of the ʺUkrainian Revolutionary Committeeʺ). Both of them had instructions to find people to set fire to collective farms and collective farm property, carry out terrorist attacks, etc. The Petliura insurgent underground created in the Right‐Bank Ukraine possesses tens of thousands of copies of the URC proclamations sent from behind the cordon. It is extremely characteristic that all the arrested Polish‐Petliura emissaries were tasked with conducting a questionnaire survey on the state of collective farms, state farms,
The 2nd Department of the Polish General Staff, through its exhibits, chiefs of intelligence divisions and reconnaissance dancers, is directly working on the creation of insurgent organizations, focusing on the decomposition of collective farms, conducting sabotage and sabotage acts, etc. centers, and through other White Guard organizations.
The chief of intelligence of the 13th division, Captain Voitan (who also takes an active part in the transfer of Petliura emissaries), organized the transfer of two agents of the Brotherhood of Russian
Truth, with whose department in Dubno he is connected.
Of extremely great interest is the instruction given by the Polish intelligence agencies to the Polish‐Petliura scouts who are leaving for the territory of the Ukrainian SSR. (See Attachment).
PP of the OGPU for the Central Black Earth District in the Dmitrovsky District was liquidated by the candidate of the Republic of Belarus. an organization that covered the Graivoronsky timber industry enterprise, where the candidate‐workers were created and united. frames. The head of the organization, Kozlov, through the monk Fedosyev, kept in touch with the turnout in Kiev, which in turn was associated with the Polish consulate.
ʺSecret Intelligence Serviceʺ, according to the available intelligence and investigative materials, organized in Berlin a special center with branches in Warsaw, Prague and Paris, connected with the ROVS, ʺBRPʺ, ʺLabor Peasant Partyʺ and Veselovskyʹs group ʺStruggleʺ.
Together with these organizations and the 2nd Department of the Polish General Staff ʺIntelligence Serviceʺ through the famous V.V. Bogomolets is conducted on the territory of the USSR directly by the candidate of r. work.
All the activities of this center are now being switched from the intelligence path to the political one. The Intelligence Service emissaries sent to the territory of the USSR have the following tasks: a) to create organizations among collective farmers and rural intelligentsia; b) the distribution of literature and the formation of campaign centers; c) organizing acts of sabotage and sabotage on collective and state farms.
This work is being carried out not only in the Western border zone of the USSR, but also in the interior regions of the Union.
The GPU of the Ukrainian SSR liquidated a kulak‐White Guard sabotage group of Romanian intelligence consisting of 18 people in the Vinnitsa oblotdel. The group was led by three kulaks who fled to Romanian territory from the labor camp in 1932. The tasks of the Romanian intelligence boiled down to the following: 1) to set fire to collective and state farms in the area with. Dolzhon, Murafa and Herb; 2) terrorize as much as possible the local Soviet party activists conducting a grain procurement campaign, killing the most active workers in order to disrupt grain procurements; 3) to carry out wide agitation among local villagers in the plane of non‐delivery of grain to the state, ʺon which they workedʺ; 4) spread provocative rumors about the imminent fall of Soviet power and the arrival of the Romanians; 5) On November 7, during a ceremonial meeting of a rural asset, throw a bomb into the room where the meeting is taking place.
According to the available quite reliable intelligence data, the top circle of the ʺBRPʺ, along with terrorist activities, sets the ʺBRPʺ organizations on the territory of the USSR to switch to organizational work, in particular in agriculture, in order to widely use sabotage and sabotage.
PP OGPU on SKK liquidated in the Kuban in the Slavyansk and Armavir districts K.‐R. insurgent organizations of Esaul Gulov and Colonel Popov, who arrived from behind the cordon and are associated with the White émigré Cossack centers.
Gulovʹs organization was mainly recruited from those who served in the White Army or dispossessed, repressed, relatives of those arrested, convicted and shot. The tasks of organizing along the line of insurgency consisted in training personnel capable of active operations with weapons in their hands, and organizing bandit detachments; in raids on collective farms and the Soviet apparatus with the aim of crushing them, destroying assets and communists, in the accumulation of weapons, horse train, food at the expense of looted, in raids on the police, state farms, collective farms and Soviet organizations.
The purpose of all hostilities was to paralyze the work of the Soviet apparatus, collective farms and party organizations, to introduce confusion into the party‐Soviet leadership of the village and districts, thereby stimulating the increase in the activity of c. whiteguard elements and the involvement of dissatisfied layers of the Cossacks in the insurrection.
These guidelines were adopted and put into effect by rebel cells organized in many villages. The actual work of the organizations was reduced to the seizure of command and administrative positions in collective farms with the aim of decomposition and disintegration, to discredit collectivization and to the widespread use of sabotage. Among the individual farmers, a malicious agitation was carried out against joining the collective farms, against the delivery of grain according to the plan, against sowing and for working on the collective farm ʺcarelesslyʺ.
The members of the organization spread provocative rumors about the impending refusal of the Soviet government from collectivization, about the impending war and the death of the Soviet regime, about the return of emigrants and about subsequent repressions against collective farmers. As a result of the activities of the organization in the villages covered by it, the collective farms were falling apart. 150 people were arrested in the case.
The tasks of the organization, headed by Colonel Popov, boiled down to: 1. training insurgent cadres from the kulak‐white guard elements; 2. the withdrawal from the stanitsa of individual insurgent cells, consisting of individual farmers in the forest belt of the Kuban in order to preserve them from repression and the deployment of bandit‐insurgent detachments from them at the time of the uprising; 3. sabotage, the collapse of collective farms by planting insurgent cells in them; 4. Agitation against joining a collective farm and for the need to leave the collective farms, flee from the villages in view of the imminent death of the Soviet regime and repressions against those who refuse to participate in the armed uprising.
As a result of the activities of the organization, cells were created in 7 settlements with a total number of members of the organizations of 95 people; provoked a massive group flight from the villages covered by the activities of the organization during 1931‐1933, which took on a massive character in November of this year; captured by the assets of the organization administrative and economic positions in the collective farm. Karl Marx in stts. Kurgan, which led to the collapse of the collective farm; bread, distributed to kulak elements, was plundered and squandered; working days for good collective farmers, especially among young people, were deliberately reduced in order to cause mass discontent among this part of collective farmers and, on this basis, to form insurrectionary sentiments; the best horses of the collective farm were stolen for reshipment to the bandit‐insurgent group of Popov.
Associated with the ROVS, the ʺNational Union of a New Generationʺ sends proclamations to the territory of the USSR, calls for the struggle ʺfor the land to the peasantsʺ, ʺfor a strong middle peasant, the best foundation of our country.ʺ
“Take an example from Magnitogorsk. In the food warehouses lies our, peopleʹs, then extracted goods. Let their defeat be the beginning of the end of communism. Take the loot. ʺ
ʺEnroll in the party, the Komsomol, join the army, climb forward so that it is more convenient to fight.ʺ
“Donʹt miss an opportunity to harm. Everyone, if he does a little, let’s knock down our accursed Bolsheviks from the hump.”
In a number of regions of the USSR, along with this, there is a frenzied growth in the number of c. activity, and in the activities of the disclosed K.‐R. organizations, a number of common features are observed, undoubtedly indicating the presence of the leadership of the centers, uniting the activities of these organizations.
Certain cases liquidated by the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR, the PP of the OGPU in the CCK, the Central Black Earth Region and the Urals, clearly reveal the following most characteristic norms and methods of counter‐revolution:
a) concentration of White Guard and bandit elements in collective farms, state farms, MTS in order to seize leadership in them and carry out work on the collapse of the latter; deepening of organizational and economic problems and difficulties in collective farms and discrediting on this basis the entire system of collective farm development;
b) the penetration of active K.‐R. elements into the ranks of the CPSU (b) in order to disguise their c. work and to facilitate disorganizing work;
c) recruiting c.‐r. kulak insurgent organizations of right‐wing opportunistic members of the CPSU (b) and their involvement in insurrectionary work;
d) the deliberate creation of excesses by re‐taxing the middle peasants and the poor in order to cause discontent and indignation of the individual peasants with the policy of the Soviet government; e) widespread sabotage of property and livestock, organization of sabotage of grain procurements and sowing, shelter and squandering of seed and grain funds;
f) open armed bandit actions aimed at causing material damage to collective and state farms (armed robberies of collective farms, state farms and individual collective farmers, theft of grain from the fields, destruction of agricultural machinery and equipment); the defeat of the lower Soviet apparatus and terror against the party collective farm asset;
g) the creation of intra‐ and non‐collective farm insurgent k.‐r. formations;
h) the unrelenting desire to penetrate the Red Army by processing individual groups of draft contingents that have one way or another relation to the participants of the Red Army. organizations;
i) the creation in the cities of k.‐r. organizations associated with the countryside and the Red Army.
The main contingents of participants are Ph.D. organizations liquidated through special departments are still kulak‐White Guard, replenished by expelled from the CPSU (b), Komsomol, former Red partisans and a class enemy, hiding behind a party card.
The most significant point is that the kulak‐Whiteguard elements that are part of the organizations have penetrated into the grassroots apparatus and are: chairmen and members of collective farm boards, accountants, bookkeepers, foremen, technicians, agronomists, trainees at agricultural universities and mechanics of the MTS ...
Particularly noteworthy are the disclosed EKU OGPU, GPU of the Ukrainian SSR and PP for the JCC K.‐R. organizations and groupings in the system of Traktorocenter and grain sovkhozes, materials on which are of great interest and will be additionally sent out. Here are some of the most typical cases.
K.‐r. a rebel organization in the Odessa region, created by the platoon commander of a separate communications company of the 51st Perekop rifle division, Vetlinsky N.A. and consisted mainly of former officers and white officers. K.‐r. the organization began its activity in the middle of 1931 and directed it in order to “gather and unite reliable personnel, both in Odessa and in other cities of the USSR, for future active actions, without prejudging the issues of the political system that will be established after the overthrow of the Soviet authoritiesʺ. The recruiting work went along the lines of attracting military personnel, reserve command personnel, workers of the Plant named after Marty and establishing a connection with Zakordon.
At one of the meetings, Vetlinsky formulated the immediate tactical tasks of the organization as follows:
Continue active recruitment work using discontent based on economic and other difficulties.
To organize the printing and issuance of appeals and the distribution of K.‐R. literature.
Contact foreign Ph.D. organizations through seamen of ships leaving for foreign voyages.
Expand the activities of organizations by planting cells in other cities of the Union.
K.‐r. an insurgent organization in the Putivl district of the Chernigov region, consisting mainly of former Red partisans and headed by a former member of the All‐Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1917 G.K. Kanyaev.
The organization was preparing an armed uprising against the Soviet regime, timing it to the beginning of the war. The organizationʹs immediate task was to produce raids on collective farm wagons with grain, raids on a powder warehouse in the village. Bogichi and the planting of insurgent cells in the Maryinsky and Vladimirsky state farms to provide the rebels with bread during the performance.
K.‐r. Petliura insurrectionary organization in the Kharkiv region, consisting of employees of the Poltava metal plant associated with the insurgent organization in the Mirgorod region.
The organization was led by a kulak Tripolsky, accountants of the plant Krivko and Khripko, a turner of the plant, a former officer Lobich‐Zhuchenko and a police officer Tsimbal. The work in the village was carried out by the former red partisan Kalatur A. and the kulak Tripolsky, in turn closely associated with Krivko and initiating the creation of a cell of the organization in the city. The organization was built according to the system of fives and relied on recruiting into its ranks primarily dispossessed and dissatisfied with the Soviet regime. The main goal of the organization is to create a bourgeois republic.
A wrecking group in the collective farms ʺChervonny Praporʺ and ʺMolotʺ, stts. Dinskaya, Krasnodar region. The group consisted of agronomists and the management of the collective farm and carried out: a) massive under‐sowing of seed material; b) submission of fictitious reporting on sowing progress and seeding rates; c) sheltering the seed left over from undersowing; d) wrecking threshing ‐ leaving 10‐15% of grain in the chaff.
Internal collective farm k.‐r. grouping in the collective farm ʺHammerʺ in the stts. Prochnookopskaya Armavir district. The group consisted of former members and candidates of the All‐Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and officials of the kolkhoz and in the practical candidate‐r. work:
a) squandered grain by giving it out for public catering at 1.7 kg per day per person;
b) bread did not come;
c) created conditions for mass theft of bread directly from the steppe;
d) destroyed the poultry farm (death of 11,000 birds);
e) stole the sums of the collective farm.
Ural region A kulak‐white‐guard insurrectionary organization in the Kurgan operative sector, which covered 15 settlements with its influence. The organization was headed by a former member of the CPSU (b), a student at the Moscow Institute of Finance and Economics, and included 5 members of the CPSU (b) and the leading elite of collective farms, state farms and economic institutions. The organization set its immediate task to seize power by means of an armed uprising, timing it to the beginning of the war and intervention.
The immediate practical tasks of the organization were: the collapse of collective farms and state farms, widespread sabotage and deliberate distortion of the party line in collective farm construction in order to discredit the latter. Some members of the organization raised the issue of central terror.
TsCHO. K.‐r. a sabotage group of former white officers and former people in the Oboyansky fruit nursery, headed by former General Lazarev. Having occupied positions of responsibility in the fruit nursery, the members of the group plundered property, carried out sabotage in the organization of work, thereby undermining and destroying the nurseryʹs economy.
Thus, both the liquidated cases and the intelligence data established that:
Foreign intelligence services and foreign emigrant centers set as their main task the creation on the territory of the USSR of the K.‐R. insurgent organizations, aiming, along with insurgent work, mainly to carry out disorganizing and sabotage‐sabotage work in agriculture.
On the territory of the USSR, a wide k.‐r. the underground, which has been partially opened so far in Ukraine and the JCC, which has allocated the main centers organizing the disruption of sowing, grain procurement, decomposition work on collective farms and an insurrection.
On the territory of the USSR, separate areas affected by the activities of such organizations have been uncovered, which makes us assume that there are still not found other centers associated with the Zakordon, and similar organizations operating in other regions of the USSR.
The sharp and broad character of K.‐R. activity, highlighted in this review, requires a clear and precise understanding by the apparatus of special departments of the tasks of work in the countryside, set by the deputy. Chairman of the OGPU Comrade Yagoda in order No. 1138 / s of December 8, 1932
Deputy Head of the OGPU OGPU
Head of the 3rd branch of the OGPU OGPU Alekhin application
From the instructions of the Polish intelligence to the
Polish‐Petliura scouts
... 2. Contact with friends working in Donbass, Krivoy Rog, it is good to explain these people, so that they agree to work for Ukraine. Their work will be most useful when they become shock workers and even in the party earn trust and do not raise suspicions of violating the general line of the party.
To take an active part in the work of the shock brigades. At the meetings, make heated speeches for the general line of the party and at the same time study and identify people from both camps: enemies and friends of the Ukrainian state.
3. To find out the mood of rank‐and‐file party members, workers and peasants, how they live and what they hope for, has not their view of Soviet power changed in comparison with previous years? What exactly is this change?
What are the party members dissatisfied with and what would they like?
Who will they join in the event of a move in Ukraine?
Will they support the Soviet regime, or will they side with the rebels, or will they be neutral?
To reveal the possibility of war, from where it is expected after the end of the pact of non‐aggression, non‐aggression of the USSR with Poland, as the masses in Ukraine understand it: peasants, workers, intelligentsia and party members.
... 8. Do the party members believe that they are the bearers of the ideas of communism, and do they generally realize that modern communism has nothing to do with the theories of Marx and Lenin, that it is a specifically Moscow great‐power invention, which rejects at the root the main content of communism; that modern politics is nothing more than an economic‐centralized system, wholly subordinate to the interests of the Moscow state and aimed at nonprosperity and at the decline and complete destruction of other forced peoples.
9. Is there a critical attitude to the directives of the party, its general line and the orders of the Soviet government, or is all this accepted and implicitly, and blindly carried out?
10. Are they interested in statistical data on agricultural products in
Ukraine and whether they are compared with products in the
Moscow region.
11. About the course of the sowing campaign.
12. Grain procurement and meat procurement.
13. MTS.
14. Commandantʹs office, police, number.
15. Mood.
16. Free trade, cooperation and prices: firm and market.
17. Book and newspapers.
Pom. Head of the 3rd department of the SO OGPU
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 1496. L. 49‐67. Certified copy.
From the memorandum of the OGPU about K.‐R. organizations among doctors of the Moscow region. March 21, 1933
March 21, 1933
No. 64 / s
Top secret
Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) t. Stalin
PP OGPU in the Moscow region. disclosed and liquidated K.‐R. an organization that united anti‐Soviet doctors in the health authorities of Moscow and in a number of districts of the Moscow region. The organization set itself the task of overthrowing Soviet power through an armed uprising and foreign military intervention and the establishment of a bourgeois democratic system. The regional center of the organization included the following persons: 1) Nikitin D.V., doctor, senior researcher at the Regional Clinical Institute; 2) Kraevsky A.N., doctor, senior researcher at the Regional Clinical Institute; 3) Pechkin N.N., doctor, head. Clinic of the Physiotherapy Institute; 4) Ryabinkin V.N., doctor of the Sanitary Department of the NKID; 5) Khodkov V.N., doctor, head. the operating building of the Sklifosovsky Institute; 6) Kholin N.K., senior doctor of the surgical department of the 4th city hospital.
The center organized systematic meetings at the apartments of Khodkov and Ryabinkin, discussing political and organizational issues related to the activities of the organization.
According to the testimony of Pechkin, Kraevsky, Kholin and Khodkov, at one of the meetings of the steering group, Dr. Nikitin made information that there was a union center of the organization headed by prof. Pletnev, and that, along with K.‐R. organization, uniting doctors, there are similar among agronomists and other strata of the a / c intelligentsia, whose activities are directed by the national democratic center, made up of representatives of the leading centers of various c. organizations existing in the country. According to the same testimony, at a meeting of the organization center in December 1932, Dr. Nikitin reported the results of the trip to Prof. Pletnev abroad in November 1932 According to Nikitin, prof. Pletnev, being abroad, negotiated with representatives of the White emigration, in particular with Milyukov, about forms of assistance from the White emigration K.‐R. movement within the USSR.
The doctors who were part of the organization carried out sabotage work in the health authorities. According to the testimony of members of the organization (Kholin, Novokhatny, Kraft, Velichkin, etc.), the targets of sabotage were the communists, workers and collective farmers. The harmful activities of the doctors included in the organization were carried out according to the specialty of each of them in their daily work and were expressed in the following:
1) the expansion of infectious foci and the spread of infectious diseases through early discharge from the hospital of infectious patients and deliberate failure to take preventive measures;
2) the introduction of purulent infection during operations by direct violation of the elementary rules that protect against sepsis;
3) creation of extremely unfavorable conditions for treatment, in particular, contributing to the spread of nosocomial infection;
4) an outright refusal to treat patients who have applied for help or who need inpatient treatment;
5) the establishment of deliberately incorrect diagnoses leading to subsequent false surgical intervention.
For verification and documentary confirmation of the facts of sabotage indicated in the testimony of the accused, the PP OGPU in the Moscow region. with the participation of the sanitary inspector of the Mosoblzdrav, a special examination of the Nikolskaya hospital of the Krasnogorsk region was carried out, and 11 witnesses were interrogated.
The survey carried out fully confirmed and significantly expanded the materials of the investigation. At a number of meetings of the organization, the issue of the use of individual terror against the leaders of the CPSU (b) and the Soviet government was repeatedly discussed. In the case, 19 doctors were arrested who took an active part in Dr. organizations.
The investigation of the case continues.
Deputy OGPU Chairman Agranov
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 9. L. 154‐156. Copy.
STR OGPU about the nationalist candidates ‐ r. insurgent organizations in the national republics of the USSR. April 29, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 37. L. 150‐153. Certified copy
April 29, 1933
No. 147453
Top secret
In mid‐March of this year in the Meleuz and Aurgazinsky districts the nationalist c. rebel organization. According to intelligence information, confirmed later by the investigation, it is established that the organization liquidated in Bashkiria is only a part of the widely ramified nationalist k.‐r. underground in a number of the eastern republics of the Soviet Union. Cells of this organization are in the SVK and NVK (Orenburg and Pugachev regions),
Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Crimea, the Urals and, according to some sources, in Tatarstan. In Bashkiria, 17 people of the identified asset of the organization were arrested in the case.
The investigation established that the organization was actively preparing for an armed uprising and widely deployed sabotage work in the socialist sector of agriculture, organized mass sabotage of government measures in the eastern republics of the Union, making it its primary task to disrupt spring sowing, aggravate food difficulties in the areas of the organizationʹs activities and discredit collective farms ... The center of the organization is located in AlmaAta and is headed by a prominent co‐worker of Kazakhstan Mendeshev and Dosmukhamedov Dzhikhansha.
Note: Dosmukhamedov Dzhikhansha under Kolchak headed the Eastern Bureau of the Alash‐Orda government, continuing to play a leading role among the Kazakh nationalist k [ontr] r [evolution], Dosmukhamedov was a former assistant. Prosecutor of the Omsk Court of Justice. In 1931, for the candidate ‐ r. activity sent to Crimea.
The organization includes the nationalist candidate‐r. the intelligentsia, the [former] Alash‐Horde people, bai, is established to be involved in the organization of individual leaders liquidated in 1929‐1930. in Uzbekistan, the nationalist candidate ‐ r. organization ʺMilli Istiklalʺ. Intelligence‐investigative data also indicate the organizationʹs connection with the Zakordon, the former Bukhara emir (Afghanistan) and the Basmachi in Central Asia.
Ibragimov, an active member of the organization, who was arrested in the case in Bashkiria, testified about the leaders of the organizationʹs cells in a number of national republics, the program settings and the specific activities of the organization: “In 1930, about the existence of the candidate‐r. I was informed of the organization by a former Mullah Kildibekov who has visited the republics of Central Asia and is in an illegal position. He told me that the organization is headed by Mendeshev, a prominent Soviet worker in Alma‐Ata, his closest assistant is Dosmukhamedov Jikhansha.
In a number of districts in other national republics there are organization cells (the cells in other national republics and their leaders are listed). In particular, Ubeidulla Khojaev is working in Tashkent. ʺ ʺAccording to Kildibekov, the former Bukhara emir is working to unite the eastern peoples and prepare an uprising against the Soviet regime, that he, Kildibekov, had personal meetings with the former emir and was aware of the activities of the organization created on the territory of the Soviet Union with the aim of preparing the uprising.ʺ
ʺOne of the leaders of the organizationʹs branches in Bashkiria, Galyavo Jumagali, also told me about the activities of the former emir of Bukhara in preparing the uprising and said that the head of the organization, Mendeshev, maintains contacts with the former emir.ʺ
Reference: The aforementioned Khojaev Ubeidulla is a close friend of Vadim Chaikin (Socialist‐Revolutionary), a former military min [isr] of the autonomous [] government in Turkestan, one of the closest associates of the well‐known leader of the nationalist] candidate‐r movement in Bashkiria Zaki Validov, was among the leaders of the liquidated in 1929‐1930. in Uzbekistan, the nationalist candidate ‐ r. organization ʺMilli Istiklalʺ. Convicted to a military service, with the replacement of 10 years in prison.
The interrogated member of the Kildibeks organization (about him, see above) also confirmed the existence of K. organizations preparing an uprising against Soviet power. Noting that the organization is headed by Mendeshev, Kildibekov indicated a number of its active workers in individual national republics of the Union. From his testimony it turns out that in Central Asia he had connections with prominent confessors who informed him about the preparation by the former emir of Bukhara of a wide insurrectionary movement in Central Asia.
About K.‐R. the activities of the members of the cell in the Meleuz district of Bashkiria, the arrested Ibragimov testified that the leaders of the cell, Dzhumagali Kisyakov and his son Galyavo Dzhumagali had wide contacts among the leading workers of the grassroots soviet and collective farms, organized the disruption of grain procurements and backfilling of seeds on collective farms, carried out the theft of flour from the mills and cattle ... The fugitive bandits associated with the members of the cell took part in a terrorist attack on the chairman of the Abdulla r / s for his active participation in the fight against the kulaks. The investigation into the case of the organization liquidated in Bashkiria continues. Additional arrests of members of the organization were carried out.
The OGPU STRs were promptly targeted by the OGPU PPs across Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Crimea, the Urals and Tatarstan, and it was proposed to arrest the identified asset of the organization, to deploy an intelligence‐investigative development with the aim of opening and liquidating the center and the insurgency in the shortest possible time. Special attention was paid to the SPO PP OGPU in Kazakhstan on the data on the participation in the organization of the responsible workers of the KASSR and it was proposed to link the information available in the SPO PP about the presence of a nationalist candidate ‐ r. underground in Kazakhstan (development ʺNomadsʺ) with the data of this agent [urn] investigative case.
It was proposed to speed up and eliminate in the shortest possible time all the developments in the production of open source software on nationalist counterrevolution, to strengthen the intelligence development of the Tatar‐Bashkir fugitive kulaks and former participants in the Sultan‐Galievism and Validovism, using materials from the investigation of those liquidated in Wed [united] Asia by the nationalist k.‐r. organizations with the participation of representatives of the nationalist counter‐revolution from other national republics of the Union.
Head of the SPO OGPU Molchanov
Head of the 2nd branch of the OGPU SPO
1) Menzhinsky; 2) Berry; 3) Agranov; 4) Prokofiev; 5) in the case; 67) in the department.
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 37. L. 150‐153. Certified copy
Report of the STR of the OGPU on the prevention of an armed uprising in a number of areas of the VSK. * June 11, 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 33. L. 68. Original
June 11, 1933
Top Secret
According to the PP OGPU VSK, according to undercover information, on June 8 this year. an armed uprising was planned in the Taseevsky, Dzerzhinsky, Aban and Kansky regions of the VSK. In order to prevent a demonstration in the Taseevsky district on the night of June 8, 15 people were seized, incl. kulaks ‐ 1, individual farmers ‐ 6, white‐collar workers ‐ 4, former b [el] vigilantes ‐ 3, collective farmers ‐ 1, among them with a compromising past ‐ 6 people, purged partisans ‐ 3 people. In the affected areas, combat groups have been created from the proven party activists. A task force headed by Comrade Denisov, head of the WWTP, was sent from Krasnoyarsk to double‐check the information and take the necessary measures. On June 5, 30 tons of bread were delivered to the Taseevskiy district due to industrial difficulties.
Pom. Head of the OGPU SPO Lyushkov
1) Menzhinsky; 2) Berry; 3) Prokofiev; 4) Agranov.
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 33. L. 68. Original.
* On the document there is a resolution: ʺWrite a special message for Comrade St [alina].ʺ
Special report of the OGPU OGPU on the activities of the rebel counter‐revolution and banditry in the USSR for the second half of 1933 October 1933
Archive: F. 2. Op. 11.D. 1496. L. 91‐107. Copy
October 1933
Top Secret
1. Rebel counter‐revolution
Materials on the cases of the liquidated k.‐r. rebel developments of the present time, the unrelenting activity of the rebel counterrevolution is noted. This activity in the period of harvesting and grain delivery reached its greatest scope and was directed towards disrupting the most important economic and political campaigns carried out in the countryside. The counterrevolutionary activity of this period in a number of regions of the Union, especially in the North Caucasus, took the form of extensive sabotage, banditry and terror directed against collective farms and state farms and party collective farm activists and expressed practically in armed robberies and attacks on food warehouses, barns and mills; in massive thefts of grain from the fields; robberies of grain wagons; damage to inventory; disorganization of the work of collective farmers; spreading provocative rumors; terror of collective farm brigades working in the fields; raids on village councils, MTS and MTF, etc. K.‐r. By the time the grain was harvested, elements of the countryside launched extensive organizational work under the slogan: “They took everything from us, left us hungry; now we will take what was taken from us earlier. ʺ In this activity of the counterrevolution, the available materials establish such moments most typical for the given period.
1. Acting on a sharply narrowed base, Ph.D. formations of the countryside recruit their leading cadres at the expense of the kulakwhite guard contingents, while assigning a particularly important role to the fugitive and repressed elements as the most active and irreconcilable. These elements in a number of regions of the Union are the organizing and leading candidate ‐ r. core. To K.‐R. activities led and directed by a repressed kulak and a White Guard, a parasitic, declassed element from the number of individual farmers expelled from collective farms (idlers, thieves, saboteurs), as well as certain groups from among those freed recently in order to unload places of detention.
2. In addition to the previously noted processes of occurrence of c. formations, the process of creating c.‐r. insurgent organizations by bandit groups formed from the fugitive kulak and repressed element. This process has recently developed significantly. A number of K.‐R. insurgent organizations that have recently been liquidated in the Urals, Tatarstan, the Central Black Earth Region, Gorky, on the Lower Volga, etc., was created precisely by gangs of fugitive kulaks. The latter, having deployed extensive organizational insurrectionary work, at the same time carried out active gangster actions aimed at disrupting the harvest and grain delivery, in order to create food difficulties and, on this basis, discontent, favorable to the recruitment of c. work. Besides, gangster actions were also viewed as a way of acquiring material resources for the needs of c. organizations (case ʺGreen Armyʺ ‐ Central Black Earth Region, case ʺBanditsʺ ‐ Ural).
3. The main task of the insurrectionary counter‐revolution is still the task of overthrowing the Soviet regime by means of c. armed uprising at the time of the outbreak of war. In this regard, the majority of the liquidated c. formations were guided and are guided by the intervention by Japan and, in recent months, by fascist Germany as a country ʺcapable of organizing the Slavs.ʺ The German orientation is most characteristic of the Ukrainian c. insurgent organizations, because, according to the latter, ʺthe orientation towards Poland turned out to be harmful for Ukraine.ʺ
4. Particularly high activity of the internal rebel counter‐revolution, organically linked with foreign counter‐revolutionary. centers is noted in the border strip of the Far East in the Chita and Vladivostok operational directions. This activity is stimulated by the aggressive actions of the Japanese and their preparation for a military attack on the USSR. On the territory of the Chita operative sector (Eastern Transbaikalia), as a result of the operation, a wide c.‐r. was opened and liquidated. insurgent underground, created, on the instructions of the Japanese, by the emissaries of the Brotherhood of Russian Truth, TKP and the Russian Fascist Party. Here for the period JuneSeptember liquidated: 10 k.‐r. rebel organizations, 67 groups, 17 gang bases and 7 gangs. During the operation, 3005 people were arrested. The investigation fully confirmed the leading and organizing role of the White émigré centers in Manchuria and Japanese intelligence agencies, in particular G. Harbin, Hailar and Manchuria. The liquidated counterparts organizations and groups had the task of raising in Transbaikalia K.‐R. armed uprising to create conditions conducive to Japanese intervention.
At the same time, the Japanese are recording their reconnaissance work on the territory of Transbaikalia and the concentration of their main reconnaissance efforts on the fortified areas of the VSK. In the Vladivostok direction (Primorye, DVK), the available intelligence data establish preparations for the deployment of bandit groups on our territory, formed by White Guard centers on the instructions of the Japanese. One of these gangs: Colonel Sipailoʹs gang of over 100 people, well‐armed, is concentrated near our border. On September 28, Sipailo sent two gangs of 3 and 4 people to our side, assigning them reconnaissance tasks. According to intelligence reports, Sipailo intends to increase his gang to 200 people and act in groups of 20 people on the entire border of Primorye.
In recent months, a number of bandit sabotage and reconnaissance groups have been deployed from Manchuria to Primorye from Manchuria, in particular: Kolechkinʹs gang (a former captain, a dragoman of the headquarters of the Japanese garrison in Sanchagou); Tropnikov (the gang is made up of employees of the Japanese border detachment); Komissarenko and others.
Also noteworthy is the highly conspiratorial and deep K.‐R. work carried out among the Russian Cossacks in the border zone of Kazakhstan, adjacent to Xinjiang. Here, in the Ust‐Kamenogorsk region (the area where the insurgent revolutionary underground Tolstoukhov was stationed in 1930‐31), according to the primary intelligence data, the cells of the K.‐R. an insurgent organization that sets itself the task of ʺpreparing the population for a counter uprising against Soviet power at the time of Japanʹs intervention in the USSR.ʺ
For the western border strip, the activity of the Romanian intelligence agencies, conducting intelligence and insurrectionary work on the territory of Ukraine through the Petliura intelligence centers (the case ʺNomadsʺ of the OGPU UVO), is very symptomatic.
In a number of regions of the Union, especially in the North Caucasus and the Lower Volga, there is an increase in the rate of production. the activity of repatriates, who are in a number of c. formations leading and organizing Ph.D. a core based on its past authority and certain ties with the Zakordon.
In the activities of the counter‐revolution of the city, an increase in the incidence of penetration of the fugitive and repressed k.‐r. element at industrial enterprises, knocking together here K.‐R. insurgent and sabotage organizations, and then sending members of these organizations to their places of former residence for conducting insurgent work.
K.‐r. formations of this kind, which have an interregional (interregional) character, are revealed in the Urals, Tataria, the NCC, Gorky and the Middle Volga.
At the same time, the strengthening of fascist tendencies, the spread and rapid acceptance of the ideas of German fascism and its methods by counter‐revolutionary‐minded circles of the intelligentsia and youth are recorded. In this regard, an increase in the number of c.‐r. formations of the fascist persuasion, oriented towards Hitlerʹs Germany and setting as their task the overthrow of Soviet power in order to establish a democratic republic under the protectorate of Germany.
In a number of cases, the organizing principle in the creation of fascist c. organizations is radio propaganda ‐ radio speeches of Hitler, Goebbels and others (Western Region, LVO, Moscow).
For Ukraine, a bloc of Ukrainian nationalist k.‐r. organizations with Ph.D. fascist formations of the German colonies (the case ʺFascistsʺ and ʺRevivalʺ of the OGPU UVO).
In a number of regions of the Union, there is also an increase in terrorist sentiments of K. youth and attempts to create terrorist k.‐r. organizations (the case ʺLike‐minded peopleʺ ‐ PA OGPU SKVO), making it their task to carry out terrorist acts against the leaders of the party and government.
In terms of the ZSK, the growth rate has increased. activity of prisoners in the ITL, leading organized by Ph.D. work on knitting together K.‐R. insurgent formations at large (cases ʺUkrainiansʺ, ʺLandsknechtyʺ, etc.). At present, the following most serious and noteworthy cases are in the undercover and agent‐investigative development of special departments.
NGO UVO and GPU of the Ukrainian SSR
Agent investigative case ʺRenaissanceʺ. On the territory of Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Chernigov and Kharkov regions. the
Ukrainian fascist organization, which had close ties with the parallel German fascist organization in the Dnipropetrovsk region, was liquidated. Tasks of the organization: 1) creation of insurgents in Ukraine, the JCC and in the Crimea; 2) establishing ties with Germany; 3) training in Ukraine and Kuban Ph.D. armed uprising.
The organization was guided by fascist Germany and had the ultimate goal of overthrowing Soviet power and creating an ʺindependent Ukraineʺ under the protectorate of Hitlerite Germany. Communication with the German fascist organization (non‐colonies ‐ Nikolaevka and Kolmanstal) was carried out through joint meetings of the leadership (Bashuk‐Golub, Getner, Bard, etc.), at which, in addition to internal organizational issues, the issue of sending representatives to Germany to establish communication with the Ukrainian and German fascist circles. In the first phase of the operation, 9 insurgent cells are eliminated.
Ag [entour] investigative case ʺShotʺ. In the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ph.D. insurgent‐terrorist group that worked to create the organization. Tasks of the group: 1) to raise the c.‐r. an armed uprising in Ukraine under the flag of the ʺUkrainian Peopleʹs Democratic Republicʺ; 2) organize terror against Comrade Stalin and members of the Politburo.
Agent business ʺArtistʺ. Undercover data is being developed about the presence in the territory of the former Poltava and Lubensky districts of the Ukrainian c. insurgent sabotage and terrorist fascist organization. The organization focuses on fascist Germany and Poltavets‐Ostryanitsa. Practical tasks of the organization: 1) terror against active party and Soviet workers; 2) sabotage (destruction of bridges, communication lines and other strategic structures). Development is accelerating.
The Nomads case. In the Novo‐ and Staro‐Ushitsky border areas of the Vinnytsia region. an insurgent‐espionage organization established in the border zone by the Romanian‐Petliura intelligence agencies is undercover. 6 insurgent groups were identified, with the leadership of the former Petliurists, political bandits, former members of the insurgent commanders, relatives of those who fled to Romania, etc. The organization sent overseas literature to our territory ‐ the URC leaflets and the Trident magazine. Peter Marchuk, who was arrested in connection with the case (the leader of one of the groups in the village of Sokolets), confessed and said that the organization was preparing the candidate for revolution. an armed uprising, the date of which was originally set for AugustSeptember, but, due to the unpreparedness of the organization, was postponed indefinitely. In total, 64 members of the organization were identified. We began to liquidate the leading elite of the organization.
OO PP OGPU in the Western region.
Agent business ʺKrestovikiʺ. A reactionary group of former and current scientific workers of 8 people, which has existed for several years, is being developed. The group was united by the common interests of researching theological and abstract historical issues. In connection with the events in Germany, the group switched to discussing the issues of fascism and made an attempt from a ʺscientific and religious point of viewʺ to substantiate German fascism and the role of the German nation ʺas the hegemon of the Slavic peoples.ʺ Development is carried out in the plane of establishing group connections and outside influences.
ʺLike‐minded peopleʺ. Chernomorskiy OS OGPU in Sochi opened and liquidated K.‐R. a terrorist group of young people who carried out an active c.‐r. work on the preparation of terrorist acts against the leaders of the party and government. K.‐r. the group was headed by Bolonin, a former student of the Yaroslavl Technical School of Mechanical Engineering. 12 people are involved in the case, of whom 8 were arrested. The investigation and the minds of the arrested established that the group sought to arrange for its members to stay in the CECʹs rest homes and was actively conducting intelligence work to establish the time of Comrade Stalinʹs arrival in Sochi. The investigation of the case continues.
Ag [entour] case ʺZubrylovtsyʺ. Developed by K.‐R. a banditinsurgent group of 7 people, headed by a former b [ely] repatriate Belousov. The group sets its task: to organize a gang, bringing its number to 20 people, to find weapons; by raids on village councils and collective farms to seize horses and, by attaching to. part of the Cossacks, to develop further insurrectionary action.
Undercover case ʺChesnokovtsyʺ. A group of 4 active former White Guards re‐emigrants is being developed. The activities of the group are aimed at uniting with K.‐R. the White Guard part of the Cossacks with the aim of organizing an armed struggle against Soviet power. In addition to work on knocking together K.‐R. rebel cadres, the group is wrecking on collective farms, aimed at damaging tractors and other agricultural machines.
OO PP OGPU in Kazakhstan
Ag [enturnoye] case of ʺGiganʺ. On the territory of the East Kazakhstan region. opened by K.‐R. an insurgent organization, which set itself the goal of training c. uprising at the time of intervention by Japan. Heads of Ph.D. organizations, formerly kulaks and members of the liquidated Shishkinʹs gang, held a series of meetings in order to check the readiness of the c. cells to revolt. 10 people were arrested in the case.
OO PP OGPU for Tatarstan
In August, in the Naberezhno‐Chelninsky district, the candidate of the republic was liquidated. an insurgent bandit group, which consisted exclusively of a kulak‐bandit element who fled from the Republic of the Volga Germans and escaped repression. The activities of the group proceeded according to the plan worked out at the illegal meetings, at which the following issues were discussed: 1) on the methods of conducting anti‐collective farm agitation; 2) on the supply of the kulaks hiding in the forests and drawing them into the ranks of the group; 3) on the extraction of receipt books from the office of elevators with the aim of supplying them to individual farmers when stealing grain; 4) on the recruitment of collective farm accountants and storekeepers with the aim of stealing collective farm grain with their help, confusing the accounting of workdays and sabotage on collective farms; 5) on the employment of members of the group for economic positions, in particular, in the machine room of the elevator and the accounting department. During its existence from 1931 to 1933, Ph.D. the group carried out a number of armed road robberies of collective farmers, theft of collective farm horses and distribution of leaflets. 26 people were arrested in the case.
OO PP OGPU in Gorky
Ag [enturnoe] case ʺOrganizersʺ. K.‐r. a bandit‐insurgent organization liquidated in the Novo‐Toryalsky district of the Mari region. K.‐r. the organization was created by those who arrived from the Ural region. with a runaway fist Belyaev. The latter, after dispossession of kulaks in 1931, forged documents in the name of Dorokhin, fled from the place of exile and worked in different parts of the Urals and the Tatar Republic. Then he arrived on the territory of the Mari region. Gorky, where he got in touch with the fugitive kulaks and other Ph.D. element, led the work on the creation of k.‐
r. insurgent organization of fugitive kulaks, disenfranchised and other hiding k.‐r. element. In August, after the liquidation of K.‐R. organization Belyaev escaped from the convoy. It was established that Belyaev, hiding in the Tatar Republic, got a job at the Parat military factories under the name of A.A. Agafonov. At the plant, Belyaev organized a brigade, consisting exclusively of fugitive fists, with whom he was arrested on September 6. A total of 39 people were arrested in the case.
Undercover case ʺRestlessʺ. K.‐r. insurgent organization, covering 19 points of Nerchinsko‐Zavodskoy with its activities,
Gazimuro‐Zavodsky and Ust‐Kariysky districts. The organization was created by the emissaries of the BRP Kozlov (working on assignments from the Japanese), Novikov, Gorbunov and Kollegov (the former leaders of the 1931‐armed uprising who later fled for the cordon). The organization was preparing an armed uprising with the assistance of the [accordon] gangs. 57 people were arrested.
Undercover case ʺLandsknechtaʺ. K.‐r. a rebel‐fascist group of prisoners from the Chuikovsky camp of the Siblag OGPU. The group sets as its task the preparation of c.‐r. armed uprising, for which he is recruiting new members, trying to plant K.‐R. fascist cells at large. An escape was being prepared for the cordon with the aim of contacting the activities of Ph.D. groupings with German fascists. For conspiracy purposes, the members of the group were demolished using a cipher.
2. Political banditry
Banditry in the USSR in 1933 is characterized by the following main points:
The steady growth of gangster activity, which is taking ever more acute and violent forms. Gangs in their actions become impudent, go over to open attacks on police officers and GPU officers (especially couriers), carry out fierce property and physical terror against collective and state farms and party collective farm activists.
The rapid pace of the formation of bandit formations, often exceeding the pace of the work of our bodies to combat banditry. The growth of banditry begins in April (the beginning of sowing) and reaches its highest limit by August. Since September, in connection with the harvest, a decline begins: On April 1, was registered
178 gangs with 1394 members
On August 1
341 gangs with 2393 members On September 1
279 gangs with 1928 members
The lag in the pace of combating banditry from the pace of gang formation is characterized by the following data:
120 gangs with 952 members were organized
93 gangs with 605 members were liquidated
96 gangs with 795 members were organized
53 gangs with 625 members were liquidated
172 gangs with 1215 members were organized
87 gangs with 852 members were liquidated
3. A change, in comparison with previous years, in the ratio between the number of gangs and the number of their members and changes in the composition of the gangster staff. In all regions of the Union, a shrinking of gangs is noted, expressed in a decrease in the number of participants and an increase in the number of gangs. The average gang density currently ranges from 5 to 10 people. The main gangster cadres are currently: fugitive and repressed kulaks; declassed elements; Ph.D. and socially alien elements expelled from the cities in connection with certification; those who fled from places of detention; criminals, etc. The gangs operating in Turkmenistan stand apart ‐ the gangs of Basmachs ‐ ʺprofessionalsʺ and the gangs of the Transcaucasia and the national regions of the North Caucasus, which include the leading insurgent c. a core of old, skilled bandits.
4. Increase of the organizing role of gangs in putting together insurgent c. formations. Formations of this kind, as already indicated, are especially widespread in the central regions of the Union.
5. Activation of old gangster cadres, members of the Makhnovist movement (Ukrainian SSR), Antonov movement (TsChO), etc.
6. The high activity of the Transcordon White Guard bands of Manchuria.
It is necessary to emphasize the fact that the bulk of the population has a very negative attitude towards gangs and their activities and in a number of regions actively helps our bodies in the fight against banditry.
During 1933 (January‐August) on the territory of the USSR: Operated
1040 gangs with 7965 members
761 gangs with 6037 members Registered as of September 1
279 gangs with 1928 members
The dynamics of banditry for the period January‐August is characterized by the following figures:
Registered for 1 day
Re‐formed on 1 number
Liquidated within a month
Note: The numerator shows the number of gangs, the denominator is their number (number of members).
Of the total number of 6037 eliminated bandits: 695 were killed, 58 were wounded. During the liquidation of the gangs and ongoing operations, 56,000 weapons were seized. When the gangs were liquidated, the OGPU organs, the OGPU troops and the RCP * organs in 1933 suffered the following losses: killed ‐ 153 people; wounded ‐ 143 people; only 296 people.
Head of the 3rd branch of the OGPU OGPU
Pom. Head of the 3rd branch of the OGPU OGPU
1) Berry; 2) Prokofiev; 3) Agranov.
F. 2. Op. 11.D. 1496. L. 91‐107. Copy.
* So, in the document
Certificate of the STR of the OGPU on undercover and investigative cases on terror, as of November 1, 1933
Archive: F. 2. On. 11.D. 36. L. 529‐547. Script
No earlier than November 1, 1933
Top secret
Undercover investigation ʺMissionariesʺ. A terrorist fascist organization that called itself the ʺParty of the Russian intelligentsiaʺ was discovered and liquidated by agents. Under the leadership of Abrikosova and Krushelnitskaya, the organization was preparing a terrorist act against Comrade Stalin. For this purpose, a member of the organization Brilliantova recruited V. Krushelnitskaya, who visited the Kremlin apartments, in particular K. Voroshilov, through him it was planned to obtain admission to Red Square during the parade. As a program for its expanded activities, the organization chose the platform of Berdyaev and Bulgakov, who headed the monarchist organization liquidated by the OGPU in 1921, which also included Abrikosova.
The organization, consisting mainly of former people, had its branches in Leningrad, Krasnodar and Stavropol. In the area of converting youth to Catholicism, the leaders of the organization are associated with the famous Catholic bishop Neva. The liquidation of the organization revealed: ʺProtocols of the Zionist Sagesʺ, Black Hundred literature and a revolver. 26 people were arrested.
Undercover case ʺRunawaysʺ. At the 2nd State Watch Factory, K.‐R. a group of former people, headed by the former nobleman Zograf and Prince Dulov, who were actively discussing in the group about the terrorist attack against Comrade Stalin. Zograf also asked the group for permission to commit sabotage by infecting a Moscow water pipeline with cholera bacillus. 5 people were arrested, the terrorist intentions of the group leaders were confirmed, the investigation is aimed at revealing the practical preparation of sabotage.
Garage intelligence. A terrorist group was discovered and
eliminated in the garage of the government and the headquarters of the Moscow Military District. The group was created by the terrorist Zalozhnev, who had been transferred from Vilna, a friend of Boris Koverda, the killer of Comrade Voikov. Boris Zalozhnev recruited 7 drivers in both garages, who agreed to take part in the terror against the leaders of the party and government, carefully conducting reconnaissance behind the travel routes of Comrades. Stalin, Kaganovich, Voroshilov. Zalozhnev showed that he is a convinced monarchist, was recruited in Vilno by Esaul Yakovlev and Colonel Peremykin into the monarchist organization, who sent him to the USSR to organize central terror, indicated a number of persons whom he had recruited for terrorist purposes, also named two people transferred from Poland to work on organizing terror. With his direct participation, a concrete plan was developed to assassinate Comrade Stalin, and a thorough reconnaissance was carried out in this direction. The arrested CEC garage driver Makoveisky testified that he had been recruited by Zaloznev for terrorist work, and spoke about the practical measures taken to organize the terrorist attack. 14 people were arrested. The investigation continues.
The Nekhita case. A former employee of the militarized guard of the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Heavy Industry, Ya.M., was brought to Moscow from Kotlas Sevkrai. Nechit. During the investigation, he testified that he intended to commit a terrorist act against Comrade Stalin; go to the building of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). But he did not succeed in getting into the building of the Central Committee, and he went to his brother in Kotlas. We force the investigation.
Undercover case ʺGnezdikovtsyʺ. A terrorist group, led by Blinov, b / p, student, comes from kulaks, was previously arrested by the OGPU, has been liquidated. Blinov shows: “Today the international situation is aggravated, for example, with Germany, Japan, and therefore we have chosen the most convenient moment for K.‐R. work. Individual terror is currently a means that will be the impetus for a peasant and general uprising, which will lead to the overthrow of Soviet power. ʺ The terrorist act was supposed to be committed on Red Square during the October celebrations when a column of demonstrators passed the rostrum. The members of the group reportedly have a source to obtain forged documents that were intended to make the group illegal. 5 people were arrested,
Undercover case ʺExtremistsʺ. The terrorist group, headed by a student of the Civil Engineering Institute V.P. Zeidler, set itself the goal of creating a c. organizations for committing terrorist acts against the leadership of the CPSU (b), in particular over Comrade Stalin. An active member of the Kirakos group showed that he is a supporter of the Dashnaktsutyun party and was a member of this Zeidler terrorist group. 5 people were arrested. A search found incriminating K.‐R. records.
Undercover case ʺAbsolutistsʺ. At the Academy of Communist
Education named after Comrade Krupskaya and the Communist University of Social Sciences teachers, a terrorist group was discovered and liquidated, the members of which, being members of the All‐Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of the AKV and KUPON cells, organized illegal Ph.D. congregations, had an extensive network of their agents in other universities, had a code for conspiracy, planned the transfer of two of their members abroad to communicate with the c. centers and outlined the organization of a terrorist attack against Comrade Stalin.
12 people were arrested, of which Shmatko and Zmeyevets gave detailed testimony about the terrorist intentions of the group, its out‐of‐town connections and the release of anti‐party documents. The investigation continues.
Survivors undercover. In the case of the former active participant in the ʺworkersʹ oppositionʺ Makotinsky, a former member of the CPSU (b) Gavronsky was identified as a connection, who in conversations revealed the presence of an underground c. an organization allegedly headed by a member of the Central Committee; some members of this organization allegedly expressed terrorist intentions. We are preparing the arrest of Gavronsky upon his arrival from Kiev to Moscow.
Agency case ʺBessarabtsyʺ. The terrorist group k.‐r. textile specialists by the arrest of 4 people, led by von Klewesal. The investigation confirms that Klevezal set before his group the task of committing a terrorist attack on the military attaché of the Japanese mission and, for this purpose, installed the attachéʹs apartment and prepared the group members to commit a terrorist attack. The group collected information about equipment and raw materials of the textile industry for Schmidt, a representative of a German company. Schmidt previously passed through the liquidated by us Ph.D. a terrorist organization led by the Flug brothers. We force the investigation.
Gorshkovʹs group. Gorshkov is a teacher of literature and mathematics, created by Ph.D. a group of 6 people. During the investigation, he testified about terrorist intentions and the preparation of the group for this purpose. The target of terror was the Japanese ambassador. 6 people were arrested. We force the investigation.
Undercover case ʺYaroslavtsyʺ. Three active members of the terrorist group were arrested: A.I. Uspensky, Polyakov and Masalsky. According to reports, the active participants in the Yaroslavl rebellion: Uspensky and Polyakov are former officers, Masalsky is the son of a priest. The group showed great interest in the personal life of the leadership of the CPSU (b). A member of the group, Uspensky, tried to establish contacts with the drivers of the Central Executive Committeeʹs garage, declaring: ʺStalinʹs driver is a loyal dog of the OGPU, despite the fact that he was getting drunk ‐ not a word was learned about Stalinʹs life.ʺ The investigation continues.
Papiʹs undercover case. A fascist‐terrorist group in the amount of 6 people was discovered, headed by a mechanic of the workshops of the Scientific Research Institute of the Peopleʹs Commissariat for Communications, German citizen Goldschmidt, who had previously worked at the concession firm ʺJunckerʺ. The arrested Fedorov, whose revolver was seized during the search, confirmed during interrogation about the terrorist installations given by Goldschmidt, who formulated them as follows: “As a way out of the current situation, I urge you to settle accounts with those responsible for the situation. I would have shot the builders of socialism with my own hands. ʺ We force the investigation.
Agent business ʺBranchʺ. On the night of October 30, the STR of the
OGPU, the development of a youth spy group was liquidated. Arrested:
P.V. Chikin, former senior inspector of the political department of the Main Directorate of military special units of the NKPS (expelled from the All‐Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and dismissed from work), and Yu.I. Gofman. ‐ student of the I [institute] n [aodny] economy] them. Plekhanov, one of the employees. During the search, weapons were seized: a revolver with 38 rounds, a TK pistol with 24 rounds, 4 small‐caliber rifles with 8,000 rounds for them and 1 air gun. The weapons were received and stored illegally. In addition, during the search, the following were seized: 50 blank NKPS forms, a rubber seal ʺCentral Human Resources Department of NKPSʺ and various rubber stamps, photographic devices, microscopes, a dynamo, gas masks and a Mercedes typewriter with 4 ribbons. An investigation was started.
Agent business ʺReformerʺ. We are preparing the arrest of a student at the Timiryazev Academy, Suprun, who, according to available information, organized a terrorist group in Moscow. According to the same data, Suprun is connected in Ukraine with a certain Evenko, encrypted correspondence was revealed. An investigation is underway.
Agent case ʺBoevikiʺ. The presence of a Social Revolutionary terrorist organization in Moscow with connections in Leningrad and Kharkov is established: the organization is preparing for terrorist attacks and intends to organize an attempt on the life of the leaders of the All‐Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow (we do not have exact data on the time of the alleged attempt). Of the members of the organization in Moscow, we know the following persons: Nikolai Vasilyevich Dyatlov, born in 1899, foreman of the 3rd construction site of the October railway, Ivanova, a militant Socialist‐Revolutionary, lived in his apartment (she died in June 1933). Dyatlov in 1925 was involved in Leningrad by Ph.D. business. Until 1933, i.e., before arriving in Moscow, Dyatlov lived in Leningrad and was in close relations with Ivanova and her husband, also an active Social Revolutionary militant.
Lapinsky A.A., born in 1876, a native of Leningrad, in the past a socialist revolutionary. Works as a rabbit breeding instructor in
Falunin Pyotr Lukyanovich, born in 1893, formerly an SR‐militant, works as a mechanic at a telegraph college, arrived in Moscow in 1931.
For Leningrad known:
Ivanov V.N., in the past an active SR‐militant, a member of a wellsecret SR terrorist organization in Moscow. Ignatiev is an electrician at the Stankoremont artel. Installed across Leningrad. There is a branch of the organization in Kharkov and in Moscow at the ʺSharikopodshipnikʺ plant. We are establishing contacts and preparing the operational liquidation of the organization.
Undercover case ʺHitleritesʺ. A group of fascist‐minded students of the Electrical Engineering Institute is being developed. An active member of the Somov group declares that he has ʺa group of guys showing extreme hatred of Stalin, Ordzhonikidze and Kaganovich.ʺ The members of the group are extremist, allegedly have weapons and are engaged in shooting training.
Undercover case ʺSparrowsʺ. Researcher of the Institute of Standards Zalessky, from the nobility, the son of the executed man, leads a group of 4 people. The group discussed the possibility of an assassination attempt on Comrade Stalin. Development is accelerating.
Undercover case ʺSturmovikiʺ. A group of 5 people is being developed, students of the Hydrometeorological Institute. The group is headed by Gogov, who expresses terrorist intentions. According to unverified reports, Gogov has a weapon. The development is ready for liquidation.
Undercover case ʺMuscovitesʺ. K.‐r. a fascist group of students and young professionals led by a student of the Air Force Academy Selenevich. 8 people pass through the group. We are pushing development.
Undercover case against Volokhonovich. Expelled from the
Academy of Communications for concealing his kulak past, Volokhonovich said: ʺI have in my hands those who kicked me out of the academy, I will soon start spanking the activists and leaders.ʺ There is an assumption that Volokhonovich stole a revolver from one of the students [and] is going to carry out his intentions at the October parade. Volokhonovich was arrested; during the search, 2 revolvers with cartridges were seized.
Nazarovaʹs group. A fascist group of former people who gather at the apartment of the wife of the former captain Nazarova E.S. was discovered and liquidated. Secretly interrogated, Leontyeva confirmed that at the meetings of the group, statements were made about terror against the leaders of the party. 2 people were arrested. An investigation is underway.
In total for October of this year. SPO OGPU liquidated in Moscow by terror of 27 K.‐R. organizations and groups, and 116 people were arrested for them. Seized 58 units of military weapons (1 rifle, 18 revolvers, 30 Browning and 9 revolvers of other systems), 218 pcs. live cartridges, 2 small‐bore rifles and more than 8400 cartridges for them.
SPO PP OGPU in the Moscow region.
Undercover case ʺFormerʺ. Liquidated K.‐R. terrorist group. Arrested in the case: Nikolsky Yu.A., born in 1906, son of a doctor, Lobanov Yu.V., born in 1908, without specific occupation; Smirnov
K.V., born in 1906, son of a craftsman, former member of the Komsomol, previously sentenced to one year of forced labor. The members of the group set themselves the task of committing terrorist acts against Stalin and Voroshilov.
To this end, in July this year. group leader Nikolsky acquired a 5round automatic revolver and went into an illegal position. Nikolsky chose the Mozhaisk highway as the place of the attack. With the aim of establishing when and at what time most often passes along the Mozhaisk highway com. Stalin and Voroshilov, Nikolsky spent several days in Bakovka.
Nikolsky, Lobanov and Smirnov, arrested in the case, fully admitted to terrorist intentions. A revolver was confiscated from Nikolsky.
Agent business ʺKolomentyʺ. Liquidated K.‐R. a terrorist group of workers of the Kolomna plant, consisting of 5 people, of which: 3 former members of the Komsomol, 1 former member of the CPSU (b), led by a former member of the CPSU (b) Yunoshkin N.Ye. Setting the task of preparing and committing terrorist attacks on the party activists of the factories of the region, the group made an attempt on the life of the former head of the workshop Tolmazov.
The members of the group seized: 3 revolvers, 3 Browning, 2 homemade hand grenades, 1 powder incendiary cord and 130 pcs. live cartridges. An investigation is underway.
Undercover case ʺInstructorsʺ. Liquidated K.‐R. a fascist‐terrorist group of physical education instructors of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure, consisting of 8 people (7 people ‐ children of former nobles and 1 ‐ the son of a specialist), headed by Serov, Zhantiev (sons of former nobles) and Vishnevsky (father is a specialist, was arrested by the OGPU for k.‐r. activity). The group set itself the task of deploying c.‐r. fascist activities and preparation of terrorist attacks on members of the government. The investigation continues.
Undercover case ʺPupilsʺ. Liquidated K.‐R. a terrorist group of 12 former orphanage inmates working at various enterprises in
Moscow, headed by Kaimakov, a former pupil of the driver of
2nd MOSPO Park. The group was preparing a terrorist attack on Comrade Stalin. To this end, Nikitin, an employee of the OGPU Operations Department, was involved and took an active part. An accelerated investigation is underway.
Undercover case ʺFiremenʺ. Opened and liquidated K.‐R. a terrorist group among students of the Moscow Fire Fighting College. Arrested: V.N. Shumilov, born in 1914, from the workers; Chistyakov K.A., born in 1913, member of the Komsomol since 1930; Rozanov V.M., born in 1907, b / p, and his brother Rozanov P.M., born in 1912, b / p, a laborer at the construction site in the Kremlin. The members of the group showed terrorist intentions against the leaders of the party. “Pyotr Rozanov, a loader from the Kremlin, the brother of a student Rozanov, told us how to get into the Kremlin under the guise of a loader. I, developing his proposal, said that Stalin could be killed in the Kremlin by throwing a grenade at him. The effect of the grenade will be more real than other types of weapons because it (a grenade), you can destroy the guards, which always accompanies Stalin” (from the testimony of the accused Shumilov). “In the month of May of this year. I participated in the conversation about the murder of Stalin. My brother, Rozanov, came to me, students Shumilov, Chistyakov, who were present here, began to ask my brother about where he worked. The brother replied that he worked in the Kremlin as a loader and began to talk about the system of admission to the Kremlin, that he had seen the leaders of the Communist Party and government there. They also expressed the idea that one could get into the Kremlin under the guise of a loader” (from the testimony of the accused VM Rozanov). Rozanov V.M. a revolver of the revolver system with 11 live cartridges was seized during a search. All members of the group fully admitted their guilt. The investigation is over.
Undercover case ʺAsphalt workersʺ. The terrorist group at the Asphalt Concrete Plant No. 2 was liquidated. The group included: Kibakov N.V., a former bandit, previously operated on in the Mordovian region, sentenced to 5 years of expulsion from the Mordovian region, fled from deportation to Moscow, where he worked as a laborer at the 2nd asphalt concrete plant; and the dispossessed three: Chudaev M.I. ‐ fist, Chudaev P.F. and Chudaev I.G. All of them, both before the revolution and after, were big kulaks in the Staro‐Shaigovsky district of the Mordovian region. The fellow villagers were subject to expulsion to Kazakhstan, but fled and went to work in Moscow. All 4 members of the group were arrested.
Arrested Kibakov N.V. he pleaded guilty and showed: “Our intention to kill Stalin was not delayed by the lack of weapons, but mainly by the right moment. We could get the weapons very easily, for this we had a plan to disarm some policeman. This plan was put forward by Mikhail Grigorievich Chudaev, whom we all supported, as quite feasible. As soon as we got the weapon, one of us, according to the lot, had to carry out the murder of Stalin. In the assassination of Stalin, we saw a way out of the unbearably difficult conditions, so this was the main task of our group. Their k.‐r. We expressed our views on all issues among the workers and, mainly, workers who had recently arrived from the countryside, with the intention of acquiring our new supporters from among them.
Chudaev M.G. he also pleaded guilty and testified: “I confirm that dispossessed kulaks MI Chudaev, PF Chudaev worked with me at Asphalt Concrete Plant No. 2. and Kibakov N.V. I admit that I was going to go to the village in case of war and kill the communists. I also admit that I, together with Kibakov, Chudaev M.I. and Chudaev P.F. were going to kill Stalin. ʺ Chudaev P.F. gave similar testimony. The investigation ends.
Agent business ʺPechatnikiʺ. 5 people of Moscow journalists were arrested: A.A. Krylov, born in 1909, b / p (with a criminal past); Timofeev I.P., born in 1903, b / p; Dolnikov S.Ya., born in 1897, b / p, former Socialist‐Revolutionary; and Sergeev I.V., born in 1903, b / n. It was found that the main defendant, Krylov, has Ph.D. contacts with other persons (up to 10 people according to his words), with whom he did not introduce the identified defendants for conspiratorial reasons. The group set itself the task of organizing individual terror and distributing illegal leaflets. During liquidation of the group, a search of Krylov was confiscated: glass intended for a glass‐worker, and K.‐R. printed materials on 40 pages. During the investigation, the accused Krylov, Sibiryakov and Timofeev admitted that they considered it necessary to use individual terror against the leaders of the party and government. The investigation continues.
Undercover case ʺSurikovtsyʺ. Developed by the participants of the Ph.D. organization (a total of 31 people are involved in the case, the most active are 15 people), created and led by Ph.D. an asset of the Surikov Circle of Peopleʹs Writers. Gathering at the apartment of the head of the circle Travin, ʺSurikovitesʺ sharply spoke out against the policy of the party and the Soviet government. Gradually, the ASE from among the rural teachers and individual a / s ʺworkersʺ of Moscow enterprises joined the ʺSurikovtsyʺ.
Having appropriated the name ʺUnion for the Conquest of Human Rightsʺ, the organization embarked on the path of active struggle, setting the task of ʺoverthrowing the Soviet regime and establishing a bourgeois‐democratic systemʺ, and the organizationʹs immediate task outlines terror and the spread of K.‐R. leaflets on the eve of the October celebrations. ʺTerror should be one of the most important means of fighting the Bolsheviks, you need to stock up on weapons and earn extra money for people who will go to terrorʺ (from a speech by Travin at a meeting of the leaders of the organization). The organization is headed by a ʺfiveʺ consisting of: Travina, Sokolov (former ʺSurikovitesʺ), Krutil and Agapov ‐ now workers of
Moscow factories and Ageev (teacher). Development is accelerating.
Undercover case ʺConspiracyʺ. The development was launched on a terrorist group of 5 engineers and technical workers of the Electric Lamp Plant. The plant engineer II Tatarinov, born in 1882, the son of a landowner, a former officer of the tsarist army, who considers his main task to be “to shoot Stalin”, is especially sharply showing his terrorist mood. Recently, a connection has been established between Tatarinov and engineer Sarkisov, who in September of this year. returned from the labor camps, having served his sentence (he was repressed by the OGPU). Development continues.
Undercover case ʺSavinkovetsʺ. The student of the section of the Construction Plant of the Moscow City Council Kuznetsov NK, who is hostile against the CPSU (b) and the ongoing activities, is being developed, shows harsh terrorist intentions against the leaders of the CPSU (b). The immediate task is to attempt on the life of Comrade Stalin: “If Stalin were to be killed, everything would have gone differently. After all, we have him ‐ the same tsar, the peopleʹs commissars ‐ his boyars, and the GPU ‐ the guardsmen. In conversations with his like‐minded people, he said that he was a member of some powerful candidate‐r. organization where he worked in a terrorist group. Kuznetsov is slated for arrest.
Undercover case ʺAristocratsʺ. There are 22 people in the case, mostly former people who are currently associated with German circles and employees of the German embassy. The members of the group show fascist aspirations, some of them have fascist literature. A member of the group Teirich spreads information that on November 7, terrorist demonstrations will take place on Red Square. Development is accelerating.
Agent business ʺPolygraphistsʺ. A group of anti‐Soviet employees of the Serpukhov printing house is being developed, aiming to commit a terrorist act against Comrade Stalin. One of the group members must come to Moscow to commit a terrorist act on November 7 this year. Development is accelerating.
SPO OGPU [on] Moscow region. 25 cases were liquidated by terror,
111 people were arrested, 40 individuals were arrested. Searches seized: 10 revolvers, 130 pcs. live cartridges and 3 grenades.
Kasyanovʹs organization. In the Absheron region, an insurgent terrorist group headed by a former active White Guard Kasyanov was discovered and eliminated. The organization is built on the principle of a ʺchainʺ and sets as its task the creation of insurgentterrorist detachments, the commission of terrorist acts on leading party workers and the establishment of communication with abroad. At the illegal meetings, the issues of carrying out terrorist attacks on members of the government were discussed, and practical measures were outlined for acquiring weapons, issuing leaflets, and recruiting new members in the organization of gangs. 8 people were arrested. An investigation is underway.
Undercover case ʺKruzhkivtsiʺ. The terrorist anarchogroup, which is the organizational center of the anarchist underground at the SKK, was discovered and liquidated in Rostov‐on‐Don. One of its primary tasks was the conduct of a terrorist attack on Comrade Stalin. The arrested Baryshnikov testified during interrogation: ʺWe came to the conclusion about the need to remove Stalin from the leadership, and Zharkov argued that the removal of Stalin from the leadership is the primary task of the anarchists, and that Stalin must be destroyed by a terrorist act.ʺ
The group consisted of exclusively old anarchists who had joined anarchism in pre‐revolutionary times. The group established organizational ties with the anarchist exile and the anarchist underground of the Union. The group conducted its practical anarchist activities among construction workers, bakers and loaders, recruiting new anarchists from among them. As a recruiting method, the group used an illegal “question and answer” party to which recruits were invited. 6 people were arrested. The investigation has completed the case and is sent to the Special Conference for consideration.
Undercover case ʺPartisanshipʺ. The terrorist contractor was liquidated in Krasnaya Polyana. an organization headed by Borisenko. During the investigation, all the accused testified about their entry into the K.‐R. organization. For the leadership of K.‐R. Borisenkoʹs activities created the so‐called. ʺHeadquartersʺ, which included: Borisenko, Karabanov, Chistov, Krotovich and Kashuba.
The ʺheadquartersʺ regularly held illegal meetings at Borisenkoʹs apartment, at which practical actions were discussed: about personnel, terrorist attacks, uprising. Accused Tarasov said in testimony about the insurgent‐terrorist nature of the organization: “Borisenko said bluntly: in order to correct the situation, it is necessary to remove Stalin, after which an uprising will inevitably arise. All the former commanders of the armies have gathered here, and after the assassination of Stalin we will lead the uprising. ʺ The accused Chistov confirmed that Borisenko had pointed out the existence of a connection between the organization and the candidate‐r. underground in Moscow. 7 people were arrested. The further investigation is aimed at concretizing the candidate ‐ r. actions of the organization to prepare a terrorist attack and attempts to revolt. At the same time, testimony about the groupʹs organizational ties with Moscow is being checked.
Agent business ʺSVRʺ. In Leningrad, Ph.D. the terrorist organization ʺUnion of Revival of Russiaʺ, headed by a central committee of 9 people. The organization had a program, charter and membership cards.
The initiated investigation confirms the preparation of terrorist acts against members of the government and the organization of sabotage. To this end, Trofimov, a member of the leading center of the organization, was entrusted with the creation of a military group of the organization. Recruiting was carried out among the military personnel.
19 people were arrested. During the search, 80 copies of the program of the Union for the Renaissance of Russia, the organizationʹs charters and equipment were seized. The investigation continues.
Undercover case ʺRaidersʺ. The OGPU STR on the ZSK was discovered and liquidated by an extensive insurgent‐terrorist organization in the city of Tomsk, consisting of 92 people from among the prisoners of labor settlers and associated with him Ph.D. element (fist, merchants).
A member of the organization Lopatinsky testified during interrogation: “In one of our conversations with Mikhailov about the organizationʹs case in early September of this year. I learned from Mikhailov that our organization intends to send two people to Moscow to commit the murder of Stalin and Kalinin. ʺ
The investigation is being conducted to identify the leading center, connections outside the city of Tomsk; information about the preparation of terrorist acts over the leaders of the CPSU (b) is being checked; additional withdrawal of established members of the organization is made
Head of SPO OGPU Molchanov
1) Menzhinsky; 2) Berry; 3) Agranov; 4) Prokofiev.
F. 2. On. 11.D. 36. L. 529‐547. The original.
OGPU about the hunger strike of prisoners in the Verkhneuralsk, Yaroslavl and Suzdal political isolators. December 19, 1933
Archive: F. 2. On. 11.D. 36. L. 641‐642. Script
December 19, 1933
Top secret
Deputy Chairman of the OGPU t. Yagoda
In the Verkhneuralsk political isolator on December 13 of this year. 100 prisoners of Trotskyists went on hunger strike. In the implementation of the measures outlined earlier on the transfer to concentration camps of the main organizers of the hunger strike, Trotskyists Kh.M. Donadze, A.G. Bulgakov. and Eltsin V.B. sent to the concentration camp Ukhta, Trotskyists Abramsky A.Yu., Slitinsky A.I. and Yudkis A.I. ‐ to the Pechora concentration camp, the Trotskyists Lipatov A.D. and Lyubetko V.I. ‐ to the Butyrsky isolation ward. The listed persons were seized without incidents. As a sign of protest, 6 Trotskyist prisoners additionally announced [a hunger strike], three took off the hunger strike and filed a declaration of break with Trotskyism. A discussion is being prepared among the prisoners about the composition of the leadership of the hunger strike to replace those who left. Trotskyists Khotimsky and Lazko filed an application protesting against the withdrawal of the starving. The application was returned to them.
In the Yaroslavl political isolator on December 17 this year. 26 prisoners of Trotskyists began a hunger strike. In the implementation of the previously outlined measures, the Trotskyists, who are active organizers of the hunger strike: Serbsky S.N., Glybovsky O.V., Pestov N.E., Trigubov L.E., Papirmeister S.E., Khanbudagov M., Mogilevsky A. and Feldman N.L. the Trotskyists Tsintsadze V.M. were transferred to the Butyrka prison. and Yashvili K.S. ‐ in the inner insulator. The rest of the imprisoned Trotskyists were announced to be sent to concentration camps.
In the Suzdal detention center, according to available data, on