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The Labor Laws of Soviet RussiaContaining a Supplement, "The Protection of Labor in Soviet Russia," by S. Kaplun of the Commissariat of Labor
ARTICLE IXProtection of Labor
127. . Protection of the life, health and labor of persons engaged in any economic activity is entrusted to the labor inspection, the technical inspectors and the representatives of sanitary inspection.
128. The labor inspection is under the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Labor and its local branches (Departments of Labor) and is composed of elected labor inspectors.
129. Labor inspectors shall be elected by the Councils of Trade Unions.
Note I. The manner of election of labor inspectors shallbe determined by the People's Commissariat of Labor.
Note II. In districts where there is no Council of Trade Unions, the Local Department of Labor shall summon a conference of representatives of the trade unions which shall elect the labor inspectors.130. In performing the duties imposed upon them concerning the protection of the lives and health of workers the officers of labor inspection shall enforce the regulations of the present Code, and the decrees, instructions, orders and other parts of the Soviet authority intended to safeguard the lives and health of the workers.
131. For the attainment of the purposes stated in Section 130 the officers of labor inspection are authorized-
(a) To visit at any time of the day or night all the industrial enterprises of their districts and all places where work is carried on, as well as the buildings provided for the workmen by the enterprise (rooming houses, hospitals, day nurseries, baths, etc.) ;
(b) To require the managers of enterprises or establishments, as well as the elective officials of the workers (works and similar committees) of those enterprises or establishments in the management of which they are participating, to produce all necessary books, records and information;
(c) To draw to the work of inspection representatives of the elective organizations of employees, as well as officials of the administration (managers, superintendents, foremen, etc.) ;
(d) To bring before the criminal court all violators of the regulations of the present Code, or of the decrees, instructions, orders and other acts of the Soviet authority intended to safeguard the lives and health of the workers;
(e) To take part in the proceedings of trade unions and works committees for the purpose of ascertaining the labor conditions in individual enterprises as well as in entire branches of industry.
132. The officers of labor inspection are authorized to adopt special measures, in addition to the measures mentioned in the preceding section, for the removal of conditions endangering the lives and health of workmen, even if such measures have not been provided for by any particular law or regulation, instructions or order of the People's Commissariat of Labor or of the Local Department of Labor.
Note. Upon taking special measures to safeguard the lives and health of workers, as authorized by the present section, the officers of the inspection shall immediately report thereof to the Local Department of Labor, which may either approve these measures or reject them.
133. The scope of the forms of activity of the organs of labor inspection shall be determined by instructions and orders issued by the People's Commissariat of Labor.
134. The enforcement of the instructions, rules and regulations relating to safety appliances is entrusted to the technical inspectors.
135. The technical inspectors shall be appointed by the local Divisions of Labor from among engineering specialists; these inspectors shall perform within their jurisdiction the duties prescribed by Section 131 of the present Code.
136. The technical inspectors shall be guided in their activity, besides the general regulations, by the instructions and orders of the People's Commissariat of Labor and by the instructions issued by the technical division of the local Division of Labor.
137. The activity of the sanitary inspection shall be determined by instructions issued by the People's Commissariat of Health Protection jointly with the People's Commissariat of Labor.