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Politburo And The Church, Kremlin ArchivesN. Petrovsky, S.G. Petrov
On confiscation of church valuables
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the All-Russian Central Executive Committee commission on the events in Shuya. From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 114, paragraph 5 of March 20, 1922
No. 23-17
By a survey of PB members dated 18 March 22, [3]
5. - About the events in Shuya .
To propose to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee today to send a commission consisting of Comrade Vol. Smidovich (chairman), Muralov NI and Kutuzov II for investigation.
- Sheet 15 Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the 1930s.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.266, l. 10. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten extract of that time on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), signature - facsimile of V.M. Molotov. Round stamp: "RUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY BOLSHEVIKS", in the center with the monogram "Central Committee". Above the text of the extract, the mailing address is printed: “Com. ENUKIDZE, SMIDOVICH, KUTU30VU, MURALOV ". Item number in ink. L. 1: “Present: members of the Politburo Comrades. Kamenev, Stalin, Molotov, Trotsky. Deputy representative comrade t. Tsyurupa and Rykov ".
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