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Politburo And The Church, Kremlin ArchivesN. Petrovsky, S.G. Petrov
Report of the Anti-Religious Commission of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the work done. March 22, 1923
No. 12-33
In the Politburo Ts.K. R.K.P.
Deputy] President of the Anti-Religious Commission N. N. Popov
Report (for March 1-22) In the field of anti-religious propaganda and agitation . The work of the publishing sector "Krasnaya Novi" in the field of publishing anti-religious literature so far is mainly translated for 1 * reporting period 1 * 2* increased pace. To date, 20 brochures and books have been published, 6 are in print, 3 are being prepared. Attempts are being made to create literature on the history of the church in Russia. The first step in this regard will be the publication of Strumilin's brochure "God and Freedom". It is worth noting that Comrade I. Stepanov's pamphlet, Tasks and Methods of Anti-Religious Propaganda, which has just been published, sums up the work in this area. I. Brekhnichev's brochure on the upcoming Tikhon trial was published. A special collection and book by Comrade Yaroslavsky “How Gods and Goddesses Are Born, Live and Die” is published for the Komsomol Easter.
The Commission continued to publish the weekly newspaper "Bezbozhnik" (not to be confused with the magazine of the same name MK), the circulation of which is growing 3 * (from 10 4 * to 20 thousand) 3 *. The commission continues to hold the opinion that the main method of anti-religious enlightenment of the masses should be in-depth propaganda, that the religious prejudices of the masses should be seriously reckoned with and should be approached with caution. Standing on this point of view, not so long ago developed in a special circular 5 * Ts.K. dated 6 * February 22, 1922 6* The Commission could not pass by such a publication as the magazine "Atheist" organ of M.K. On the first page of the last issue of this magazine, you can find the slogan: "Down with this bastard religion." Along with bullying notes 7* character addressed to dark religious elements (pious old women, etc.) that can be used for demagogic purposes, in the magazine it comes to open advice to use icons for firewood. The commission believed and still believes that there is absolutely no need to publish such a magazine for the communists and, in general, people who have broken with religion. As for the hesitant or religious people, among them he is only able to increase fanaticism. In addition, the bungling methods of agitation, since they reach the provinces, push the local party comrades to excesses, from which they used to restrain themselves. Recently, we have had a whole wave of such excesses, expressed in the massive closure of churches, illegal termination of contracts, arbitrary imposition of clergy. The same can be said about the sectarians. The commission found itself compelled, through a number of departments, to take measures to prevent excesses that angered broad masses of believers, especially in the countryside. Proceeding from the same considerations, the commission conducted through the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee. decree banning street carnivals on Easter8 *. The issue of the direction of the Moscow magazine "Bezbozhnik" has also been brought up for discussion by the Organizing Bureau for about a month, but for various reasons it was removed from the agenda several times.
In recent years, the commission has been busy discussing measures to counter the threatening growth of Baptism and evangelism. In the field of agitation and propaganda, a plan has been outlined for the publication of anti-sectarian literature, which is currently being implemented. Brochures ordered 9 * volume Krasikov, Brekhnichev, Yaroslavsky and Bonch-Bruevich.
In the field of combating the church counter-revolution .
Much attention is paid to the processes of Tikhon and Tseplyak. After the Politburo gave a special 10 * orders 11 * in connection with the production of both processes special commissions 12 *, the problem of anti-religious propaganda committee was concentrated in the area. In addition to Brekhnichev's brochure "Krasnaya Novyu" (without specifying the firm), a brochure by Archpriest Vvedensky was published, exposing Tikhon from the point of view of "true Christianity." A brochure on the counter-revolutionary work of the church during the civil war on the other side of the front has been put into print. The indictment in the Tsepljak case was widely used by Polbureau under 13 * guidelines 13* commissions. The central press was given extensive extracts from the investigative material in the Tikhon case (that part of it that can be published before the trial). For the Tikhonov trial, two special numbers of the “Help Gazeta” were issued for the province.
The commission had a 14 * judgment on the measure of punishment from the point of view of the church policy pursued by us and spoke out against the imposition of capital punishment.
The Commission discussed the issue of abuse of the papal 15 * throne in connection with the case Tseplyaka and came to the decision not to change the conductive solid rate in relation to the Catholic Church.
Since the adoption of the tops of the Baptists and Evangelicals course is clearly hostile to [in] power (anti-militarist propaganda, that these sects are not engaged in any bourgeois country, the secret training of children contrary to the decree, the increasingly frequent anti-Soviet statements Baptist 16 * preachers in the field) and bearing in mind threatening the growth of both sects in the countryside, the commission decided to carry out an operation in the centers in order to obtain the maximum amount of material exposing the Baptists of counter-revolutionary 17 * activities18 * and on the basis of this material to send their leaders abroad. At the same time, it was decided to start a systematic influence on the Baptist lower classes in order to incite them against the center, involving the sect in counter-revolutionary politics. There are reasons 19* think that the method of explosion from the inside will give good results.
In the area of the decay of the church .
Preparations for the cathedral continued at an accelerated pace. The Renovationists managed to win important victories in St. Petersburg and Moscow, where the influence of the Tikhonites and autocephalists (hidden Tikhonists) still prevailed. In St. Petersburg, after several fights, the Kazan and Isakievsky 20 * cathedrals passed into the hands of the Renovationists . In Moscow, a general meeting of deans (several dozen people) adopted a resolution condemning Tikhon and full recognition of the Soviet regime and the "social revolution."
Recently, the congress of the All-Russian Union of Communities of the Ancient Apostolic Church ended, which was attended by representatives of 26 dioceses. Of all those presented inside V.Ts.U. Renovationist groups "Old Apostolic" is the most leftist, preaching not only unconditional recognition of Soviet power, but at the same time a real church reformation. The congress adopted a number of resolutions. The resolution on attitudes towards Soviet power reads:
“Soviet power is now the only power in the world that is really fighting for social truth. The congress with all the strength of its moral authority supports the great principles of Soviet power, its undertakings aimed at the good of Russia and all working mankind
... 21 *
By this resolution, we, members of the congress in the name of Christ the Savior, condemn Tikhon's churchliness, as having nothing in common except for a name with the Church of Christ the Savior. " The resolution on laity organizations recognizes the need to dissolve and reorganize all parish councils immediately, since most of the members of these parishes are imbued not with love for Christ, but with hatred of the existing political system and a secret hope that through the church this system will collapse. The new parish councils should be headed by people who do not exploit other people's labor.
Of the canonical resolutions, the following points should be noted:
1) admitting women to church ministry,
2) "the fight against superstitions 22 *, prejudices and religious deceit created by the ignorant and deliberately malicious pastorship (mainly monasticism)",
3) the prohibition of monks to be bishops.
A significant number of outstanding preachers and former missionaries adjoin the ancient apostolic church. Some of them act on ideological motives. Among the broad masses of the white clergy, however, 23 * the point of view of the ancient 24 * Apostolic Church 24 * is unlikely to find sympathy, since there is no inclination for a broad reformation, and the fight against superstition and prejudice will primarily hit the pocket of a lot of village priests. Most of the Renovationists at the council will obviously follow not the "Ancient Apostolic" but the "Living Church" headed by Archpriest Krasnitsky, who believes that they will go beyond "recognition of Soviet power, the social revolution and the world unification of workers" (from the platform of the "Living Church") 25* also does not follow those who qualify any church reformation as heresy (except for the demand for the transfer of power in the church from black clergy to white clergy, which will undoubtedly be followed by a mass of 26 * priests).
Taking into account that Tikhonovism is still strong in the localities and can be solidly represented at the council, the commission thinks to adhere to the following tactics at the council: 1) exclude from the scope of discussion its canonical questions, which will undoubtedly introduce squabbling and schism, 2) reduce the council to a solemn demonstration recognition of Soviet power, decree 1 * on the separation of the church from the state 1 * and the condemnation of Tikhon (both the Living [,] and the Old Apostolic Church are equally eager to do this), after the cathedral, let the most fierce internal struggle flare up, since the danger of Tikhonovism will weaken ...
Due to the postponement of the party congress and Tikhon's trial to mid-April, the council was postponed until April 30.
In the field of regulating relations between the state and the church.
After lengthy work, the commission finally outlined the procedure for registering religious societies, which have not yet been registered, which gave rise to a lot of misunderstandings in the localities. Based on this order, V.Ts.U. (which is expected to elect a council), while maintaining them for forced-punitive rights in relation to the lower church 1 * bodies. Thus, the hierarchy is still preserved in the 27 * Church 27 *, and the power remains in the hands of the authorities a powerful means of influencing church politics insofar as the church center takes a definite political position.
22 / III-23
N. Popov.
- L. 73-78. (AND). Handwritten original, autograph.
- L. 68-72. (B). Typewritten original, signature - autograph. On l. 68 by the hand of the assistant secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) A. M. Nazaretyan of the litter: “PB. Send out to PB members for information. A. Shazaretyan] ".
Notes and Comments:
1 * Inscribed above the line by N.N.Popov's hand.
2 * Corrected in a line by N. N. Popov's hand from goes
3 * Inscribed above the line by the hand of N. N. Popov instead continues to grow .
4 * C B corrected from originally printed 11 to 19 and then to 10.
5 * C B corrected by hand above a line from the original printed magazine.
6 * So in the document. Inscribed above the line by N.N.Popov's hand.
7 * C B revised by hand from originally printed by the publisher.
8 * Easter B.
9 * c orders B.
10 * special B.
11 * order B.
12 * C B written in ink by hand in the space left in the line.
13 * Inscribed above the line by N. N. Popov's hand instead of under control .
14 * ° The following is crossed out .
15 * C B revised by hand from the original printed master.
16 * C B corrected by hand from the originally printed bandit.
17 * Corrected in a line by N. N. Popov's hand from counter-revolution.
18 * Inscribed above the line by the hand of N. N. Popov.
19 * base B.
20 * Isaakovsky B.
21 * Ellipsis in the text of the document.
22 * superstition B.
23 * ° The following is crossed out .
24 * Inscribed above the line by the hand of N.N. Popov.
25 * Then go crossed out .
26 * C B revised by hand from the originally printed little.
27 * Inscribed above the line by N.N.Popov's hand instead of church .
Resolution of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the replenishment of the composition of the AntiReligious Commission of the Central Committee of the RCP
(b). From the minutes of the meeting of the Organizing Bureau
No. 2, item 1 of May 2, 1923
No. 12-34
1. About the replenishment of the anti-religious commission under the Central Committee with representatives of the MC. (Comrade Bubnov).
To ask the Politburo to include in the anti-religious commission as a representative of the MK comrade. V. Likhachev with deputy comrade M. Zhakov [1] *.
Secretary of the Central Committee J. Rudzutak
- L. 80. Typewritten extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), made on May 3, 1923; signature - facsimile. Round stamp "RUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY OF BOLSHEVIKS", in the center with the monogram "Central Committee". Above the text of the extract, the mailing address is printed: "Politburo". Above is a handwritten note referring to the Politburo resolution, protocol No. 3, item 29 of May 10, 1923 (No. 12-35).
- RCKHIDNI, f. 17, op. 112, d.445, l. 11. Another copy of the same typewritten bookmark (vacation); no signature. The same handwritten revision as on the APRF copy. A stamp on the document's belonging to the office work of the meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), minutes No. 2, paragraph 1 of May 2, 1923 Notes and Comments:
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the replenishment of the composition of the Anti-Religious Commission of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 3, paragraph 29 of May 10, 1923
No. 12-35
a) Comrade. Likhachev to
29. About the replenishment of the transfer to MK with dismissal anti-religious commission under from work in NKVT.
the Central Committee by the b) Approve the decision of the representative of the MK t. Organizing Bureau to replenish Likhachev, deputy t. the anti-religious commission
Zhakov. (Resolution] Orgburo No. under the Central Committee of
2 p. 1 of 2.V). Comrade Likhachev, deputy -
Comrade Zhakova.
Secretary of the Central Committee
- L. 79. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the second half of the 1920s.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.334, l. 41. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. The original on the letterhead of the Politburo resolutions, the column "We listened to" on a typewriter, the column "Decided" by hand, in black and green ink. At the bottom right is the mailing record: “Extract com. Krasin (1), Zelensky, Yaroslavsky, Orgburo, Syrtsov (all) ”. On the right is the seal of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). There is no list of those present in the case.
- RCKHIDNI, f. 17, op. 112, d.445, l. 12. Typewritten statement on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), made on May 10,
1923; signature - facsimile of I. V. Stalin. Round stamp: "RUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY BOLSHEVIKS", in the center with the monogram "Central Committee". Above the text of the extract, the mailing address is printed: “com. ZELENSKY,
YAROSLAVSKY, ORGBURO . SYRTSOV ". Above is the stamp on the document's belonging to the office work of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), minutes No. 2, item 1 of May 2, 1923 (No. 1234).
Resolution of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on replacing the Central Committee of the RCP (b) in the Anti-Religious Commission. From the minutes of the meeting of the Organizing Bureau No. 11, paragraph 21 of June 4, 1923
No. 12-36
MK request for the introduction of Comrade. Kostelovskaya to the anti-religious commission instead of Comrade. Zhakov.
(Resolution] of the Organizing Bureau of 1 .VI. S., Pr [report] No. 10 p. 3).
a) Enter comrade. Kostelovskaya Deputy Comrade Likhachev to the anti-religious commission.
b) Submit the question to the Politburo for approval.
- L. 86. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the CPSU Central Committee - RCP (b); typewritten signature. Above the text of the extract, the mailing address is printed: "Politburo".
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d. 345, l. 47. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), made on June 5, 1923; signature - facsimile. Round stamp: "RUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY BOLSHEVIKS", in the center with the monogram "Central Committee". Under the text of the extract, a pencil entry of the results of voting in the Politburo: “Zinoviev
- for. Kamenev - I do not agree, comrade Likhachev should participate in the commission. Bukharin is in favor. Tomsky is for ".
Resolution of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the replenishment of the composition of the AntiReligious Commission of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). From the minutes of the meeting of the Orgburo No. 12, paragraph 27 of June 8, 1923
No. 12-37
On the inclusion of a representative of the People's Commissariat of Education in the anti-religious commission of the Central Committee . (Comrade Bubnov).
a) To include in the anti-religious commission comrade Yakovlev.
b) Submit the question for approval by the Politburo.
- L. 88. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU - RCP (b); typewritten signature. Above the text of the extract, the mailing address is printed: "Politburo".
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d. 345, l. 51. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), made on June 11, 1923; signature - facsimile.
Round stamp: "RUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY BOLSHEVIKS", in the center with the monogram "Central Committee". Under the text of the extract, a pencil entry of the results of voting in the Politburo: “For Stalin. <...> [2] *. Zinoviev is in favor. Kamenev - for [3] *. Bukharin is in favor. Kalinin is in favor. Tomskiy - for (both extracts) ", ie for extracts No. 12-36 and 12-37.
Notes and Comments:
Note by the chairman of the Anti-Religious Commission of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) E.M. Yaroslavsky when Patriarch Tikhon was sent to the Supreme Court of the RSFSR to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). June 19, 1923
No. 12-39
June 19 [i] 1923 In the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP. I ask you to put on the agenda of the next meeting the following questions of the anti-religious] commission.
1) Directive regarding Tikhon's appeal to the Upper [ovny] Court.
2) Information about the congress of the Muslim] spirit [of the rule] and the congress of the Buddhist spirit [of the rule] of the Kalm [ytsk] region [asti].
3) The request of the anti-religious] committee [issii] to accelerate the approval of the resolution of the XII Congress on anti-religious] propaganda] 19 .
Chairman] of the Commission Emelyan Yaroslavsky
Tikhon's appeal to Verhsud.
- L. 82. Handwritten original on the letterhead of a member of the Presidium of the Central Control Commission of the RCP (b), autograph. Date, month and last digit of the year of the date in handwritten form. The same date is stamped at the top of the document.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 60, d.25, l. 53. An uncertified typewritten copy of a later period from a copy certified by the Secretary of the Politburo A.G. Slinko.
Notes and Comments:
The file contains a note by Ye. M. Yaroslavsky with a short formulation of the items he proposed for the agenda of the Politburo meeting: “Yaroslavsky in PB: 1) About Tikhon. 2) About the Congress of the Muslim] clergy. 3) On the approval of the resolutions of the XII Congress on anti-religious] propaganda ”. On the note there is a handwritten note: "D [ate (?)] / Antireligious". (D. 81).
19The XII Congress of the RCP (b), held in Moscow on April 17-25, 1923, adopted a resolution "On the organization of anti-religious agitation and propaganda." The resolution called for the deployment of "in-depth systematic propaganda, clearly and convincingly revealing to every worker and peasant the lie and contradiction to his interests of any religion." Measures were envisaged to expand lecture and publishing activities, to train "agitators and propagandists in the fight against religion", to attract school teachers to this work, etc. any insult to the feelings of believers, leading only to the consolidation of religious fanaticism. " They condemned "deliberately rude methods, often practiced in the center and in the field, mockery of objects of faith and cult "- the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central
Committee. T. 2.1917-1924. 8th ed. M., 1970.S. 469-472.
The documents of the Politburo and the Anti-Religious Commission of the spring and summer of 1923 reflect that tactical turn in the methods of anti-religious struggle, which was associated with the changing balance of forces in the party leadership. A further development of the line on condemnation of "deliberately rude methods" of the struggle against religion and the church, outlined already in the resolution of the XII Party Congress, was the development and adoption, on the initiative of LB Kamenev and JV Stalin, of circular letter of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) No. 30 about "excesses" in the anti-religious campaign - see No. 12-44, 12-49, 12-53, 12-56 (see also No. 12-33 - the same motives in the ARC report, March 23, 1923).
Proposed by the Chairman of the Anti-Religious Commission of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) E.M. Yaroslavsky, a draft directive of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to the Supreme Court in connection with the statement of Patriarch Tikhon. June 19, 1923
No. 12-40
Draft directive to the Supreme Court regarding Tikhon's statement.
"In view of the repentance expressed in Tikhon's statement for the crimes he has committed and 1 * dissociation from the White Guards, it is possible, without stopping the investigation, to release Tikhon from custody by publishing this judgment together with Tikhon's appeal to the Court."
- L. 83. Handwritten original on the letterhead of a member of the Presidium of the Central Control Commission of the RCP (b), autograph of EM Yaroslavsky. Date, month and last digit of the date in handwritten form. In the date, the month has been corrected to "VI" from the original "VII".
- APRF, f. 3, op. 60, d.25, l. 53. An uncertified typewritten copy of a later period from a copy certified by the Secretary of the Politburo A.G. Slinko.
Notes and Comments:
1 * Hereinafter, the statements about.
Note by LB Kamenev and JV Stalin to the People's Commissar of Justice DI Kurskiy on the inadmissibility of "prohibiting the teaching of religion with a group character." July 2, 1923
No. 12-41 Moscow. July 2, 1923
Comrade KURSKY.
Amendments concerning the college of defenders and addition to Art. 121 of the Criminal Code concerning the prohibition of teaching religion with a group nature 20 are absolutely unacceptable and we propose not to accept them in any case. If the opinion of the Commission disagrees with 1 * us 1 *, we will transfer the question to the Politburo on 3/7/23.
Kamenev Stalin
- L. 89. A typewritten copy of that time, certified by A. Nazaretyan, Assistant Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), he also wrote the signatures by hand. Below is a handwritten outgoing number with the date "2 / ІІІ-23".
Notes and Comments:
1 * Inscribed above the line by the hand of A. M. Nazaretyan.
20 Article 121 of the RSFSR Criminal Code of 1922 states:
"Teaching religious beliefs to minors and minors in public or private educational institutions and schools is punishable by forced labor for up to one year."
- SU. 1922, No. 15, P. 220.
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP
(b) on replacing the Central Committee of the RCP (b) in the AntiReligious Commission. From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 14, paragraph 32 of July 3, 1923, No. 12-42
By polling the members of the Politburo of the PK by phone from
28. VI-23.
32. Resolution] of the Organizing Bureau of 4.VI.23 (pr [report] No. 11, p. 21) on the introduction of Comrade
Kostelovskaya, at the request of the MK, into the anti-Approve.
religious commission as Deputy Comrade Likhachev instead of Comrade Zhakov.
Secretary of the Central Committee
- L. 85. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the second half of the 1920s.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d. 345, l. 46. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), made on June 29, 1923. Above the text of the extract is the mailing address: “Com. Kostalevskaya, Yaroslavsky, MK - Comrade Mikhailov ". Under the text of the extract is printed: "The results of the vote:" for "- Stalin, Molotov, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Tomsky"; then it is written by hand: "Kamenev (with a statement that comrade
Likhachev must be on the commission)." In the upper left corner litter in red ink by the hand of VM Molotov: “For signature.” Sheet 1:“Present: Members of the Politburo: Comrades. Zinoviev, Kamenev, Stalin, Tomsky. Politburo candidates: Bukharin, Kalinin, Molotov. Members of the Central Committee of the RCP: Comrades. Voroshilov, Dzerzhinsky, Lashevich, Pyatakov, Radek, Smirnov, Sokolnikov, Uglanov, U khans, Chubar. Members of the Pres [idium] Central Control Commission: Comrades. Kuibyshev, Solts, Schwartz, Yaroslavsky ".
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the replenishment of the composition of the Anti-Religious Commission of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 14, paragraph 33 of July 3, 1923
No. 12-43 [4]
By polling the members of the Politburo of the Central Committee by telephone on 28.VI.23.
Resolution] Orgburo PC from 8.VI. from. (pr [report] No. 12. p. 27) on the introduction of Comrade Yakovleva as a representative of the NKPros into the anti-religious commission.
- L. 87. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the CPSU Central Committee - RCP (b); typewritten signature. Above the text of the extract, the mailing address is printed: “Com. Yakovleva, Yaroslavsky
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d. 345, l. 50. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), made on June 29, 1923; signature - facsimile. Round stamp: "RUSSIAN COMMUNIST PARTY BOLSHEVIKS", in the center with the monogram "Central Committee". Above the text of the extract, the mailing address is printed: “com. Yakovleva, Yaroslavsky ". For the list of those present, see No. 12-42.
Notes and Comments:
Popov proposes the following text of the resolution:“ Introduce to the commission: Comrade Likhachev from M.K.R.K.P., Comrade V.N. Yakovlev . from the People's Commissariat for Education. "The second note was addressed to N. N. Popov to the assistant secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) A. M. Nazaretyan and is accompanying to the first:" At the request of Comrade Yaroslavsky, I am sending you a draft resolution of the Politburo on replenishing the anti-religious commission.
Resolution of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on anti-religious propaganda. From the minutes of the meeting of the Plenum No. 3, paragraph 4 of July 4, 1923
No. 12-44 22
4. Approval of the resolutions of the Plenum of the Central Committee of 26-27 / ІІ-23 on the report of the Politburo and the
Council of People's Commissars. (Comrade Kamenev) 23 .
4 24 . 7) Considering that antireligious propaganda has become undesirable in some organizations (mass closing of churches, etc., campaigning for the celebration of Monday, etc.) - instruct the Politburo to urgently send the appropriate circular to the organizations.
Secretary of the Central Committee:
- L. 90. Typewritten extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), made on July 4, 1923. Above the text of the extract is the mailing address: “Comrade. YAROSLAVSKY ". Below is a handwritten note referring to the Politburo resolution, protocol No. 25, item 12 of August 16, 1923 (No. 12-55).
- RCKHIDNI, f. 17, op. 2, d.100, l. 10. Draft minutes of the Plenary meeting. The original on the form of the decisions of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). Column “Heard” on a typewriter, in the column “Decided” instead of the text of a note by hand: “See material " (l. 11-12). At the bottom right is the mailing record: “Extract com. Stalin (all), Kamenev (all), Rykov (3, 4), <...> 1 * (3, 4), Pyatakov (3, 4), Frumkin (5), Sokolnikov (6), Yaroslavsky (7 ) ". In the column "Materials" of the form it is written: "without materials". Below is a stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) with an inventory number. L. 5:“Attended by: members of the Central Committee of the RCP, comrades. Bukharin, Voroshilov, Dzerzhinsky, Evdokimov, Zalutsky, Zelensky, Zinoviev, Kalinin, Kamenev, Kviring, Komarov, Korotkov, Lashevich, Mikhailov, Molotov, Petrovsky, Pyatakov, Radek, Smirnov, Sokolnikov, Stalin, Sulimov, Tomsky, Uglanov, Ukhanov Kharitonov, Chubar. Candidates for members of the Central Committee of the RCP: Comrades Badaev, Bubnov, Lepse, Morozov, Skrypnik, Uryvaev, Chudov. Members of the Presidium] Central Control Commission: Comrades. 2 * Kiselev, Kuibyshev, Solts, Schwartz, Shkiryatov, Yaroslavsky. Candidates for members [s] of the Presidium of the] Central Control Commission: com. Krivov, Korostelev, Chutskaev ".
- Ibid, l. 12. Draft minutes of the Plenary meeting. Typewritten original. In paragraph 4.7) of the right column, the originally printed "antirevolutionary" was corrected by hand to "anti-religious". The word "organizations" is inscribed above the line with the same hand.
- Ibid, l. 14. Draft minutes of the Plenary meeting. Handwritten rough script. The left column is missing. Clause 4.7) goes under the number "8". The text in parentheses was initially missing. It is written at the bottom of the sheet and entered into the item using the caret mark. Instead of "etc." previously there were "synagogues". The word “appropriate” is written above the line. The word "organizations" is missing.
Notes and Comments:
1 * The last name is illegible.
2 * Further deleted Kiselev, Korostelev, Krivov.
22 As early as May 15, 1923, the Anti-Religious Commission under the Central Committee of the RCP (b) (for the list of those present see com. 13 to d. 25) considered under clause 4 the question “On the closure of churches” (Minutes No. 21). The decision was made:
"IV. Instruct the GPU to find out about each individual case of the closure of churches and in case of violation of the existing rules on this matter, bring the perpetrators to justice.
Instruct Comrade POPOV to lead through Ts.K. an indication and clarification about caution in closing churches. - Also instruct the GPU to give on its own line. "
- RCKHIDNI, f. 89, op. 4, d. 115, l. sixteen.
From the minutes No. 22 of the meeting of the same commission dated May 22, 1923:
INVITED on questions about the Ukrainian Autocephalous Church and the Muslim Congress of Comrades. DEMINSTEIN and
“Listened: [...]
3. On the closure of churches, synagogues and other [their] prayer houses ”.
“Resolved: [...]
[3.] 1. In view of the mass closure of churches and a number of excesses on this basis, to ask the Politburo of the Central Committee to urgently send a circular to all party bodies to suspend the closure of churches.
2. About those churches, which are closed and not used until now, to propose, through the NKYU, the Governmental Executive Committees to reconsider the issue of the return of churches to believers if there are requests from the latter.
3. Instruct Comrade SMIDOVICH to give instructions from the AllRussian Central Executive Committee, so that the places should be more attentive to the statements of believers about the closure of churches.
4. Instruct Agitprop Ts.K. send an article to Pravda on the cautious approach to the closure of churches, mosques, synagogues, etc. ”.
“Listened: [...]
6. On the wrong actions of the Vladimir and Murom authorities, expressed in the mass closure of churches. "
“Resolved: [...]
6. Send Comrade TUCHKOV to Vladimir and Murom to familiarize himself with the situation on the spot and to give clarifications and instructions to the local authorities on church issues. ”
- RCKHIDNI, f. 89, op. 4, d. 115, l. eighteen.
At the next meeting of the commission on June 5, 1923 (minutes No. 23), EA Tuchkov's report “on the trip to the Vladimir province. on church affairs "and it was decided" not to object to the voluntary surrender of church valuables [,] what to instruct Comrade. To inform Tuchkov to Vladimir ”(ibid., Fol. 23). This decree clarified that the softer course in relation to the church did not at all abolish the seizure of church values.
23 Draft minutes No. 2 of the meeting of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) dated 26-27.06 1923 contains clause 1 "Report of the Politburo (Comrades Zinoviev, Stalin) and the report of the Council of People's Commissars (Comrade Kamenev)", the decision on which reads :
"1. a) Reports of Comrades Zinoviev, Stalin and Kamenev take note.
6) To formulate resolutions to form a commission consisting of comrades. Quiring, Lashevich, Pyatakov, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sokolnikov, Smirnov, Schwartz and Dzerzhinsky. Convening for Comrade Kamenev ".
- RCKHIDNI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 99, l. 1, 20.
24 In the draft minutes No. 3 of the meeting of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) dated July 4, 1923, in the column “Decided” of paragraph 4, there is a preamble before the texts of the subparagraphs:
"Having heard the reports of the Politburo and the Council of People's Commissars, the Central Committee of the RCP instructs the P / Bureau to develop and carry out the following measures, respectively, in the party and Soviet order:"
- RCKHIDNI, f. 17, op. 2, d.100, l. 2, 11.
[2] * One word is illegible .
[3] * Further crossed out in pencil Tomsky.
[4] In the draft minutes of the Politburo meeting (APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d. 345, sheets 49 and 48) there are two notes of N. N. Popov: the first with the date "June 1923" (the number is not entered), second without date. The first is entitled “ Draft Resolution of the Politburo “ On Replenishing the Anti-Religious Commission . ”NN