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Politburo And The Church, Kremlin ArchivesN. Petrovsky, S.G. Petrov
L. D. Trotsky's note to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on policy towards the church. March 30, 1922
No. 23-29 28
March 30, 1922
1. The October Revolution has come to the church only now. Reasons: ideological weakness of the church and its servility. Transition from "autocratic" to "faithful provisional government". During the transition to Soviet power, the separation of church from state helped the spineless church hierarchy to adapt and keep silent. But there is no doubt that during the Soviet era, the church hierarchy, feeling “persecuted” (because it was unprivileged), was preparing and is preparing to take advantage of the favorable moment. Around her, certain counter-revolutionary cadres and political influence through religious influence.
2. The European Church has gone through a stage of reformation. What is Reformation? Adapting the church to the needs of bourgeois society. It was preceded by sects among artisans and peasants. A sect is the religious guerrilla of the peasantry and the petty bourgeoisie in general. The bourgeoisie raised the sects to the level of the Reformation, having bourgeois religion and the church, and thus gave it more vitality and stability (England).
3. Our opposition against church bureaucracy did not go further than sects. The bourgeoisie was too insignificant to create a reformation (like a democratic regime). The intelligentsia was a freak in the religious field - each in its own way. The Church remained formal, bureaucratic and, as it was said, inserted into its ritual instead of the "most autocratic" - "noble provisional government."
4. Thus, the church, all saturated with feudal, bureaucratic tendencies, which failed to carry out the bourgeois reformation, now stands face to face with the proletarian revolution. What could be her future fate? Two trends are outlined: clearly, openly counterrevolutionary with the Black Hundred monarchist ideology and - "Soviet". The ideology of the "Soviet" clergy, apparently, like Smenovekhovskaya, that is, bourgeois-conciliatory.
5. If the slowly emerging bourgeois-conciliatory Smena Vekhi wing of the church developed and strengthened, it would become much more dangerous for the socialist revolution than the church in its present form. For, assuming a patronizing "Soviet" coloration, the "advanced" clergy thereby opens up for themselves the possibility of penetrating into those advanced strata of the working people who constitute or should form our support.
6. Therefore, Smena-Vekhov's clergy should be regarded as the most dangerous enemy of tomorrow. But precisely tomorrow. Today it is necessary to bring down the counter-revolutionary part of the churchmen, in whose hands the actual government of the church. In this struggle, we must rely on the Smenovekh clergy, not being politically engaged, and even more so on principle. (Shameful editorials in the party newspapers that "the Mother of God is more pleased with the prayers of fed children than dead stones", etc.).
7. The more decisive, harsh, stormy and violent the break of the Smena-Vekhi wing with the Black Hundred wing assumes, the more profitable our position will be. As said, under the "Soviet" banner, attempts are being made to bourgeois reformation of the Orthodox Church. It takes time for this belated reformation to take place. We won't give her this one time, forcing events, preventing the Smenovekh leaders from waking up.
8. The campaign about hunger is extremely beneficial for this, for it sharpens all the questions on the fate of church treasures. We must, firstly, force the Smenovekh priests to completely and openly link their fate with the issue of confiscating valuables; second, to force them to bring this campaign within the church to a complete organizational break with the Black Hundred hierarchy, to their own new council and new elections of the hierarchy.
9. During this campaign, we must give the Smena-Vekhi priests the opportunity to speak openly in a certain spirit. There is no more rabid scolding as opposition pop. Already now, some of them in our newspapers denounce bishops by name of sins of Sodom, etc. I think that they should be allowed and even instilled in the need for their own organ, say, a weekly to prepare for the convocation of a council at a certain time. Thus, we will receive invaluable propaganda material. It may even be possible to put several such publications in different parts of the country. Until the end of the withdrawal, we focus exclusively on this practical task, which we continue to pursue exclusively from the perspective of helping the hungry. Along the way, we deal with the counter-revolutionary priests responsible for Shuya, and so on, using KGB methods.
10. By the time the council is convened, we need to prepare a theoretical and propaganda campaign against the renewed church. It will not be possible to simply leap over the bourgeois reformation of the church. It is necessary, therefore, to turn her into a miscarriage. And for this it is necessary first of all to arm the party with a historical and theoretical understanding of the fate of the Orthodox Church and its relationship with the state, classes and the proletarian revolution.
11. It is necessary now to order one program-theoretical brochure, perhaps with the involvement of MN Pokrovsky in this case, if he has the slightest opportunity.
30 / ІІІ 22
1. Conduct an agitation campaign on the largest scale. Eliminate both tearful piety and mockery.
2. Split the clergy.
3. Withdraw values as they should be. If connivance was allowed, correct it.
4. Deal with Black Hundred priests.
5. Encourage the Smenovekh priests to decide and speak openly. Register them. Support informally.
6. Theoretically and politically prepare for the second campaign. Allocate for this one party "specialist" in church affairs.
L. Trotsky
- L. 73-74. Typewritten original, signature - facsimile. Below the text are handwritten notes about the survey, autographs:
"For - Molotov";
"For Zinoviev";
"- Stalin";
"For L. Kamenev" 29 .
On l. 73 at the top is a stamp on the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 8, item 11 of May 26, 1922 (No. 23-49). In the lower right corner of the same sheet there is a stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks with an inventory number.
Notes and Comments:
1 * The document below is erroneous and.
2 * The signature is illegible.
28 Draft minutes No. 8 of the Politburo meeting of May 26, 1922 (APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d. 277, l. 18) contains a note with the text: “from Comrade Trotsky . Received on 30 / ІІІ 17 hours 35 hours By today's meeting of the secretaries of the provincial committees. 30 / ІІІ. <...> 2 * ". At the top of the litter with the hand of VM Molotov: “Interview the members of the PB. V. Molotov. 30 / ІІІ ".
29 The results of this poll, conducted on March 30 at the meeting of the secretaries of the gubernia party committees and the chairmen of the gubernia executive committees, which took place on the same day, were formalized by a Politburo resolution, minutes No. 117, item 5 of April 2, 1922 - see No. 23-34.
L.D.Trotsky's note to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee to MI Kalinin and to the Politburo of the Central
Committee of the RCP (b) to V.M. March 30, 1922 No. 23-30 from. secret.
It was decided to release a million gold rubles for the starving people in the future implementation of the already collected church values and spread about this as widely as possible. Meanwhile, for some reason, this has not been done so far. I believe that this measure should be carried out in fact and very demonstratively. One or two trains should even have been sent to the Volga with bread bought with the appropriated million rubles.
March 30, 1922
- L. 51. Typewritten original, typewritten signature. Round stamp: "Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs." In the upper left corner there is a handwritten resolution: “ Check with Comrade Kalinin. V. Molotov. 30 / III ". A handwritten note about the document's belonging to the proceedings of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 116, item 17 of March 23, 1922 (No. 2326). Stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with an inventory number.
- GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d. 60, l. 719. Another copy of the same typewritten bookmark, signature - facsimile. Handwritten marks: above - “Ven. fast. PB and submit to the Pres [idium] in the CEC ”; at the bottom - “Completed: a note was given to the newspaper, a resolution was made] of the Presidium] of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the allocation of] 1 million [ion] rubles. 4 / ІѴ. A. B [Eloborodov] ".
The cipher telegram of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to the provincial executive committees and the provincial committees of the RCP (b) on the support of the "loyal clergy." March 30, 1922
No. 23-31 30
March 30, 1922
Top secret. IN CODE.
30 / ІII-22 y. 1 *
Newspapers often cite the calls of the clergy for help to the starving, seeing in them the loyal fulfillment of the decree on the confiscation of Church valuables. It is necessary to support the loyal clergy, which precisely and directly calls on believers to fulfill the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the confiscation of valuables.
- L. 55. Typewritten copy of that time, certified by the deputy head of the cipher bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) S.F. Chechulin. Below is a handwritten note about the mailing: "from No. 1957 / sh to No. 2026 / sh inclusive]". Handwritten date.
- GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 20. Typewritten copy made on May 18, 1922 and certified by the secretary of A. G. Beloborodov V. Litsis. By the hand of the latter, the same litter about the mailing with the date "30 / III.22" There is no formula "SHIFROM" .
- Published as the text of a single cipher telegram with number 23-32 with the date of March 30, 1922: Badelin V.I. Gold of the Church ... p. 161.
Notes and Comments:
1 * in the copy it is wrongly written 30 / IV.
30 V GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 29-rev. there is a document without a date sent by the deputy head of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) SF Chechulin to the Central Committee of the RCP, a copy of Comrade Kamenev ", indicating that these secret circulars" were sent [s] in one cipher message ". Here is a complete list of all seventy outgoing numbers (from No. 1957 / sh to No. 2026 / sh) with the address of each (from Tver to Petrograd).
The cipher telegram of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to the gubernial executive committees and the provincial committees of the RCP (b) on the complete confiscation of church valuables. March 30, 1922
No. 23-32 30 31 [March 30, 1922]
Top secret.
In many places, the Commission, in order to "peacefully" confiscate church values, will take away an insignificant part, leaving the main values. Similarly, in many places, seizure is suspended due to an offer from believers to buy out church valuables. It is proposed to seize valuables in accordance with the exact meaning of the VTsIK decree and instructions. Incomplete confiscation of church [ecclesiastical] valuables] will be viewed as negligence of local authorities. Where an incomplete withdrawal has been made, an additional one must be made immediately in accordance with the decree and instructions. Petitions to leave part of the valuables do not suspend the seizures and, with the conclusion of the commission, are sent to the Central Committee of the Pomgol AllRussian Central Executive Committee.
- L. 56. Typewritten copy of that time, certified by the deputy head of the cipher bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) S.F. Chechulin. Below is a handwritten note about the mailing: "from No. 1957 / sh to No. 2026 / sh inclusive]". Dated by the date and number of the distribution of the document L6 23-31.
- GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 18. Typewritten copy of that time, signed by A. G. Beloborodov. His hand at the bottom of the litter: “Signed on March 30th and handed over personally to the Central Committee duty officer at the congress, comrade Ikonnikov. A. B [Eloborodov] ". There is no formula "SHIFROM" .
- Published as the text of a single cipher telegram with number 23-31 with the date of March 30, 1922: Badelin V.I. Gold of the Church ... p. 161.
Notes and Comments:
30 V GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 29-rev. there is a document without a date sent by the deputy head of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) SF Chechulin to the Central Committee of the RCP, a copy of Comrade Kamenev ", indicating that these secret circulars" were sent [s] in one cipher message ". Here is a complete list of all seventy outgoing numbers (from No. 1957 / sh to No. 2026 / sh) with the address of each (from Tver to Petrograd).
31 In the GARF case, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 34 contains minutes No. 3 of the meeting of the Bureau of the Central Commission for the confiscation of church valuables dated March 27, 1922, with a decision implementing Trotsky's proposal on this matter (see No. 23-28). The text of the encryption code of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), according to this decision of the Bureau, was compiled by Vinokurov (GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d. 59, l. 18), this text literally coincides with text No. 23-32, but in the text Vinokurov there are no spelling errors.
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "on the release of funds for the All-Russian Central Executive Committee". From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No.
117, paragraph 3 of April 2, 1922
No. 23-33
3. - On the release of funds for the AllRussian Central
Executive Committee
3. - 1) Release a special oversized loan of 24,000,000,000 rubles. for a gift to the 1st Cavalry Army.
2) Release an oversized special loan of 15,000,000,000 rubles. for the United Military School named after the AllRussian Central Executive Committee.
3) Release a special oversized loan of
32 . 20,000,000,000 rubles. for the payment of wages to workers and employees of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee for March.
4) Release a special oversized loan of 5,000,000,000 rubles. collection commissions 33 .
- L. 53. Typewritten extract of that time on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) of the first half of the 1920s.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.269, l. 5. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), made in April 1922. Above the text of the extract is printed: “Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee. RCP dated 29 / III-22, No. 117 ". Above is the stamp on the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 117, paragraph 3 of April 2, 1922. There is no list of those present and no agenda - only the results of the polls are in the file, the date of this registration is conditional.
Notes and Comments:
32 All amounts here are given in Soviet banknotes; their rate in April 1922 was 200,000 rubles. to 1 evil. ruble.
33 06.04 1922 The Bureau of the Central CICC stated the receipt of an amount of 10 billion rubles. for the confiscation of valuables, deciding to transfer them from the Gokhran to the Financial Department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, where the Bureau ordered to concentrate all the sums allocated for the expenses of the confiscation campaign, for their subsequent spending "as needed" (Minutes No. 7, p. 2). On the same day, the Bureau approved the estimate of the Moscow CICC for campaigning in the amount of 6 billion rubles. The account in this document, as in No. 23-33, is kept in Soviet banknotes - GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 38.
Later, the Bureau several times authorized the release of funds to the provincial CICC: April 10, 1922 - 500 million rubles. Kaluga CICC, April 12, 1922 - 500 million rubles. Tula CICC; then it was decided to release the provincial CICC for transportation costs of 300 million rubles. to the province. The Tver CICC received them on April 20, 1922, and on 05/04/1922, the Kostroma province received an additional 300 million for the purpose of seizure - ibid, fol. 39o6., 40, 41, 44.
The uncertified protocol No. 9 of 02.04 1922 contains clause 3 of the decree on the disbursement of funds to the head of the Main Political Education Department Yakovlev (apparently for the Moscow CICC). The amount is indicated not in words, but only in numbers - and this figure is fantastic: 3,000,000,000,000 rubles, the last zero being reprinted later.
Apparently, the document contains an error of three orders of magnitude, and we are talking about half of the above-mentioned estimated amount of 6 billion rubles; the second half of this amount (3 billion rubles) was released to Yakovlev on May 10, 1922 (minutes No. 9, p. 3 and No. 15, p. 3) - ibid., p. 40, 46. See also comm. 48 to the appendix. It is unclear, of the same total amount of 6 billion rubles. or, along with it, Glavpolitprosvet received on April 18, 1922, 1.5 billion rubles. through Pomgol according to the decree of 11.04 1922 of the Trotsky Commission for the Concentration of Values - ibid., fol. 51. Soon after this payment, on May 24, 1922, the Central Committee of Pomgol asked in a secret note addressed to JV Stalin to make a special decision on additional financing of the "antiTihon's agitation" - ibid., P. 61. See also No. P-80 and P-73.
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the approval of "practical proposals for the confiscation of valuables." From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 117, paragraph 5 of April 2, 1922.
No. 23-34
By a survey of PB members from 30. III.22.
5. - Approval of practical proposals for the confiscation of valuables for the meeting of the secretaries of the Gubpartkoms and the PreGovernmental Executive Committees.
(Comrade Trotsky) [1] .
- L. 43. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the 1930s. Dated from document number 23-33.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.269, l. 9. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten extract of that time on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), signed by V. Molotov. Freehand paragraph number. Instead of the line "By a survey of the PB members of March 30, 22" printed: “Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee. RCP dated 30 / IIІ-22, No. 117 ". Above is a handwritten note: " for signature ." Below is a stamp on the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 8, item 11 of May 26, 1922 (No. 23-49). Stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with an inventory number. There is no list of those present and no agenda - only the results of the polls are in the file, the date of this registration is conditional.
Notes and Comments:
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) - "on the inclusion of comrade Muralov in the Commission for the confiscation of valuables." From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 117, paragraph 8 of April 2, 1922
No. 23-35
By a survey of PB members on March 30, 22
8. - On the inclusion of comrade Muralov in the Commission for the confiscation of valuables.
(proposal] Comrade Trotsky).
- L. 49. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the 1930s.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.269, l. 19. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten extract of that time on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), signature - autograph of VM Molotov. Freehand paragraph number. Instead of the line "By a survey of the PB members of March 30, 22" printed: “Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee. RCP dated 30 / III-22, No. 117 ". Above is the stamp on the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 117, item 8 of April 2, 1922. There is no list of those present and no agenda - only the results of the polls are in the file, the date of this registration is conditional.
Cipher telegram of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to the provincial executive committees and the provincial committees of the RCP (b) on the fight against robbery of church valuables. April 2, 1922
No. 23-36
April 2, 1922
Moscow on April 2, the first connection with the confiscation of church valuables, cases of robbery, theft from churches, have become more frequent. robbery embezzlement pt W [o] swarm the attitude of already taken place robbery embezzlement aristocratic priests and persons who signed agreements to bring them to court for embezzlement of the people's property pt 35 Third, when confiscating church valuables, sometimes it is necessary to leave full-fledged objects in churches due to the fact that there are no lowvalue points to replace their objects.The replacement should be made in the widest possible sizes using free low-value objects from other churches and monasteries of the province. Also, the former shops of church utensils.
- L. 52. Typewritten copy of that time, certified by the deputy head of the cipher bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) S.F. Chechulin. Below is a handwritten note about the mailing: "from No. 2029 / sh to No. 2097 / sh inclusive." The formula " Encrypted " in the same handwriting . Secrecy formula stamped.
- G ARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 21. Typewritten copy of that time, signed by A. G. Beloborodov. His hand at the bottom of the litter: “Signed on 5.IV and sent to Comrade Ikonnikov. A. B [eloborodov] " and the last phrase in the text " Also ... utensils. " Above the typewritten formula: 1) " Secret "; 2) " cipher ". The last sentence of the text is missing the word “free”.
- Published without semantic discrepancies with the date April 4, 1922: Badelin V.I. Gold of the Church ... p. 161, 162.
Notes and Comments:
35 This Directive was initiated by the GPU and the Bureau of the Central CICC. At the meeting of the Bureau on March 31, 1922, which took place with the active participation of Unshlikht (protocol No. 5), a resolution was adopted on clause 5 "On robberies from churches": , to give directives to the localities so that local executive committees oblige the priests and chairmen of church councils who signed an agreement that they are responsible primarily for robberies and embezzlement from theirs (sic! - Comp.)churches. In relation to the churches in which robberies have already been discovered, arrest the priests and the persons who signed the agreements. The Moscow Commission to carry out this measure immediately. Suggest to local executive committees to give orders on guarding churches ”- GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 36. Orders for the urgent organization of such processes were sent to the localities through the GPU.
On April 6, 1922, the Bureau of the Central CICC heard the question “On the establishment of a process in connection with thefts from churches” (Minutes Ks 7, p. 9). Decided: “To instruct the GPU to speed up the setting up of the proceedings on thefts in churches in connection with the confiscation of church [church] valuables. To ask the GPU and the Moscow State Pedagogical University to strengthen the intelligence work in churches during the holidays. To instruct the GPU of all the Participants to confiscate those guilty of embezzlement of valuables to immediately prosecute the Military Collegium of the Revolutionary Tribunal, who, behind closed doors, immediately investigate the case and issue appropriate decisions. In cases of provocation, the case is subject to publication in the press ”- ibid, l. 38-rev.
On April 20, 1922, the Bureau of the Central CICC decided (Minutes No. 10, item 2) "to propose to the People's Commissariat of Justice to issue a circular on the responsibility of church councils for church property"; in the event of the sale of this property, it was proposed, along with a criminal case, to initiate a civil suit and to recover from the property of the defendants, that is, all members of the church council. Recall that the fact of embezzlement was determined by comparing the available church items with pre-revolutionary statements - ibid., Fol. 41. See also comm. 21 to d. 23.
Cipher telegram of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to the provincial committees of the RCP (b) and the governorate departments of the GPU about the persons leading church policy in the provinces. April 10, 1922
No. 23-37
April 10, 1922
According to the resolution of the meeting of the secretaries of the provincial committees at the 11th congress of the party of the 36th Central Committee of the RCP, all the provincial committees, within three days of receiving this one, must inform the Central Committee of a copy of the GPU who was appointed by the provincial committee to lead church policy in the province. 10 April 1922, point 1 *
- L. 54. Typewritten copy of that time, certified by the deputy head of the cipher bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) S.F. Chechulin. Below is a handwritten note about the mailing: "from No. 2107 / sh to No. 2177 / sh inclusive]". In the upper left corner there is a handwritten note on the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 114, item 1 of March 20, 1922. The secrecy formula is stamped.
- Published without semantic discrepancies: The chosen vessel ... P. 317.
Notes and Comments:
1 * Inscribed in a line by the hand of S.F.Chechulin.
36 On the meeting of the secretaries of the provincial committees on March 30, 1922 see comm. 18 to d. 23.
A cipher telegram from Kostroma with a request for permission to open the relics of St. Barnabas of Vetluzhsky. April 27, 1922
No. 23-38 * 37
Received for decryption
June 27, 1922 at 21 o'clock 5 minutes.
MOSCOW Central Committee of the RCP.
27 / ІѴ-22 years old. The so-called relics of Barnabas are revealed to Barnabas with the removal of the silver tomb. The executive committee and the Ukom are asked permission to open them. We ask for instructions and the possibility of opening the relics.
- L. 60. Typewritten original on the form of the cipher telegram of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). The stamp confirming that the document belongs to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 5, item 7 of May 4, 1922 (No. 23-40). Stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with an inventory number. Incoming number of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) with the date "29 / IV.22". Formulas of secrecy and about the transfer to the archive in stamps. Notes and Comments:
The case contains a cover letter on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to these two documents, sent on May 2, 1922 on behalf of I.V. Stalin for conclusion to L.D. Trotsky, signed by A.M. Nazaretyan. On the letter by hand of L. D. Trotsky there is a resolution: “To the Politburo. Trotsky. " A stamp and a handwritten note on the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 5, item 7 of May 4, 1922 (No. 2340). Stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with an inventory number. (L. 59).
37 Barnabas Vetluzhsky - saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, died in 1445. For the campaign to eliminate the relics of the saints, see comm. 10 to d. 25.
Conclusion of the Deputy People's Commissar of Justice P. A. Krasikov on a cipher telegram from Kostroma about the autopsy of the relics of St. Barnabas Vetluzhsky [Between April 28 - May 2, 1922]
No. 23-39 *
APPENDIX TO PR [OTOCOL] No. 5, clause 7 of the MEETING OF THE POLITBURO of the Central Committee of the RCP dated 4.V.22
The Silver Tomb is subject to confiscation on a common basis. Therefore, disclosure and removal should be done, requiring a local priest or other church person to assist with the operation. The Governmental Executive Committee must appoint a responsible person to the commission, who monitors the correctness of the operation. If there is no inner coffin, then after opening it should be placed in a special box and transported to the Gubmuseum or Moscow. The autopsy must necessarily be calculated for the subsequent removal of the so-called] relics. During the autopsy, only members of the commission [,] the clergy are present in the temple (representatives from local workers' organizations are desirable). If major complications are expected, immediately report to the GPU.
- L. 58. Certified typewritten copy of the 1930s. Dated from No. 23-38 and the date of the cover letter (see note to No. 23-39).
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.274, l. 8 - rev. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Handwritten original, autograph. Top left on l. With the 8th hand of PA Krasikov, the stamp: " In [is] Secret ." Below in his own hand: “To the secret department of Ts. K. R. K. P. Com. Burakova ". At the end of the text on l. 8ob. in his own hand: "Appendix: Cipher telegram No. 804" (No. 23-38). On l. 8 handwritten note stating that the document is an appendix to the Politburo resolution, protocol No. 5 p. 7 of May 4, 1922 (No. 23-40), and a stamp on the document's belonging to the proceedings of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 5, p. 7 dated May 4, 1922 (No. 2340). Stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU
Notes and Comments:
The case contains a cover letter on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to these two documents, sent on May 2, 1922 on behalf of I.V. Stalin for conclusion to L.D. Trotsky, signed by A.M. Nazaretyan. On the letter by hand of L. D. Trotsky there is a resolution: “To the Politburo. Trotsky. " A stamp and a handwritten note on the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 5, item 7 of May 4, 1922 (No. 2340). Stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with an inventory number. (L. 59).
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the relics of the Monk Varnava Vetluzhsky. From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 5, paragraph 7 of May 4, 1922
No. 23-40
7. - A message from Kostroma about the relics of Barnabas .
To approve the conclusion of Comrade Krasikov.
- L. 57. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the 1930s.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.274, l. 7. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Handwritten script on a sheet of lined paper. In the column “Heard” it was mistakenly first written “Conclusion” instead of “Message”, then the first is crossed out, next to it is written the correct word. At the bottom left is an entry about the mailing: "Krasikov". L. 2: “Present: members of the Politburo Comrades. Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Rykov. Candidates: com. Molotov,
Kalinin. Member of the Central Committee: Comrade Frunze. " Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "on assistant to comrade Trotsky in the confiscation of valuables." From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 5, item 8 of May 4, 1922
No. 23-41 *
8. - About the assistant to Comrade Trotsky in the confiscation of valuables .
To instruct the Orgburo within three days to find two assistants to Comrade Trotsky to work on the confiscation of valuables.
- L. 61. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the 1930s. Below are handwritten notes referring to the resolution of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), protocol No. 14, item 2 of May 5, 1922, and to the resolution of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), protocol No. 15, item 4 of May 8, 1922. (see note. to No. 23-41).
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.274, l. 7. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Handwritten script on a sheet of lined paper. At the bottom left is an entry about the mailing: “Orgburo. Trotsky ". For the list of those present, see No. 23-40.
Notes and Comments:
The file contains two documents on the execution of this decision:
1) Certified by Assistant Secretary of the Politburo Sh. N. Manucharyants, an extract of the resolution of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), minutes No. 14, item 2 of May 5, 1922, according to the report of I. V. Stalin: “To appoint Comrades. Bubnov and Pashkevich, having recalled the latter from the Petrograd organization of the RCP ”. On the document there is a stamp and a handwritten note about belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 5, item 8 of May 4, 1922 (No. 23-41). Below is a stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) with an inventory number. (L. 63).
2) Certified by Assistant Secretary of the Politburo Sh. N. Manucharyants, an extract of the resolution of the Organizational Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), minutes No. 15, clause 4 of May 8, 1922, according to V. V. Kuibyshev: / Ѵ s / go Comrade Bubnov, to send Comrade NN Popov to the disposal of Comrade Trotsky instead of him to work as an assistant to Comrade. Trotsky in the commission for the confiscation of valuables. " Above is the stamp on the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 5, item 8 of May 4, 1922 (No. 23-41). (L. 64).
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the course of the campaign to confiscate church valuables. From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 5, paragraph
15 of May 4, 1922
No. 23-42
15. - About the campaign to confiscate church valuables .
(Comrade Trotsky).
Having heard the news on the progress of the campaign to confiscate valuables, the Politburo notes the extreme slowness and sluggishness of its implementation and puts it on the surface of all its participants.
- L. 62. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the 1930s.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.274, l. 14. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Handwritten script on a sheet of lined paper. At the bottom left is a mailing record: “Members of the Commission? t. Trotsky, Sapronov, Yakovlev, Unshlikht, Beloborodov, Kalinin. " For the list of those present, see No. 23-40.
A post-telegram from L. D. Trotsky to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) with proposals for agitation for the seizure of church property, adopted by the Politburo. May 6, 1922
No. 23-43
Top secret
Central Committee of the RCP.
The Commission for the Confiscation of Valuables considers it necessary to draw the attention of the Central Committee to the fact that agitation in connection with values, etc., in the Soviet and Party press has again become extremely weakened and deprived of the necessary leadership. It is necessary to instruct Rosta, in the person of its quite trusted and competent employee, to give a daily summary of the most important and successful articles and notes of the Moscow press on the issue of values and the church for the provincial press, while instructing the latter to devote a significant part of its columns to this extremely important moment question.
The commission asks the Central Committee to indicate which of Rosta's workers will be given this instruction in order to establish direct and correct relations with him.
May 6, 1922
- L. 66. Certified typewritten copy made on April 25, 1958
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.275, l. 28. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten original, signature - facsimile. In the second line of text "etc." inserted by hand. The second stamp, "urgently, " is written under the "Top Secret" stamp . Instead of the typewritten line "ANNEX TO THE PROTOCOL OF THE POLITBURO No. 6 of
11.V.22, p. 19" written in pencil "Appendix] p / b No. 6, p. 19". Below is a stamp about the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 6, item 19 of May 11, 1922 (No. 23-46).
Resolution of the Bureau of the Central Commission for the Seizure of Church Valuables "on the delay in the confiscation". From the minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Central
Commission No. 14, item 1. May 8, 1922
No. 23-44 38
May 8, 1922
C. secret
About the delay in the seizure works in the RSFSR.
To state that the most convenient time for the seizure before Easter was missed due to the telegram from Ts.K .; during Easter, the seizure work was suspended. The pace of seizures in a number of places is being delayed by the ongoing agricultural campaign, but in a number of provinces there is a slow campaign, laxity and inaccurate implementation of instructions.
Suggest Ts.K. to take measures against the provincial committees detaining the campaign for withdrawal.
To instruct Comrade BELOBORODOV to present to the Central Committee. list of provinces [,] lagging behind in the work on the withdrawal.
to comrade YAKOVLEV to provide information on the number of published agitational literature on confiscation and also on the literature sent out in the field.
To state that the campaign was detained in the press in connection with the Genoa conference.
- L. 68. Typewritten extract made on May 9, 1922 and certified by A. G. Beloborodov's secretary V. Litsis. In the upper right corner there is a handwritten note: “t. Stalin. " Freehand secrecy formula.
Notes and Comments:
38 V GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d. 59 there are the following minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Central Commission for the seizure of church valuables.
Minutes No. 1 dated March 21, 1922 (sheet 32).
Minutes No. 2 dated March 24, 1922 (sheet 33).
Minutes No. 3 dated March 27, 1922 (fol. 34-rev.) (Original).
Minutes No. 4 of March 29, 1922 (fol. 35-rev.) (Original).
Minutes No. 5 dated March 31, 1922 (fol. 36-ob.) (Original).
Minutes No. 6 dated April 3, 1922 (fol. 37) (original).
Minutes No. 7 dated April 6, 1922 (fol. 38-rev.) (Original).
Minutes No. 8 dated April 10, 1922 (fol. 39-ob.).
Minutes No. 9 dated April 12, 1922 (sheet 40).
Minutes No. 10 dated April 20, 1922 (fol. 40-rev.) (Original).
Minutes No. 11 dated April 22, 1922 (sheet 42).
Minutes No. 12 dated April 26, 1922 (fol. 43) (original).
Minutes No. 13 dated May 4, 1922 (sheet 44).
Minutes No. 14 dated May 8, 1922 (fol. 45).
Minutes No. 15 dated May 10, 1922 (fol. 46).
Minutes No. 16 dated May 12, 1922 (fol. 47).
39 For the text of the full protocol No. 14 of the Bureau of the Central CICC see: GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 45.
Summary of the Bureau of the Central Commission for the Seizure of Church Valuables in the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the progress of the seizure. May 10, 1922
No. 23-45
May 10, 1922
In Ts.K. R.K.P.
In addition to the excerpt from the minutes No. 14 of the meeting of the Bureau of the Central Commission dated 8 / V-22, a list of provinces is provided where the confiscation of church valuables is slow:
Belarus - seizure is hesitant. This results in a small amount of collected material assets and large thefts.
Yekaterinburg province - the seizure began much later [,] than in other provinces, joint meetings with the clergy and believers were arranged. Until now, the collected values are insignificant.
Vologda province - seizures are extremely sluggish. Despite the large number of churches, few valuables have been collected. The Bureau's repeated telegrams had no effect.
Vitebsk province - the seizure is carried out hesitantly. There were cases of meetings with clergy and believers. This resulted in excesses and small collection of valuables.
Gomel province - the seizure is also hesitant. There was no sufficient preparation for the seizure. Few values have been collected.
Kazan province - the seizure is carried out sluggishly, despite the fact that the starving population is sympathetic to the seizure of valuables. No inventory books and inventories were found. Values are hidden by priests.
Mari region - seizures are extremely weak.
Tambov province - the seizure is carried out in chaotic disorder, massive thefts have been carried out on a large scale. Such actions caused excesses. Of the numerous churches in the Tambov province, few valuables have been withdrawn.
Ryazan province - withdrawal is slow. Few values have been collected. Thefts are allowed.
Penza province - the seizure is carried out unacceptably sluggishly. From fifty churches, only six pounds of silver have been collected.
Ufa province - seizure is poorly conducted. Meetings are arranged with the clergy, at which the priests oppose the seizure. The favorable mood of the starving population is not used.
Ukraine - according to the information collected only 160 poods of silver. Withdrawal is slow.
Mountain Republic - no information at all.
North Caucasus and Don - is going slowly. On the Don there were large thefts from temples.
Armenia 1 * - a statement was received that, in the opinion of the Council of People's Commissars, it is impossible to make an exemption due to local conditions 1 *.
A. Beloborodov
- L. 69. Typewritten original, signature and date - autograph. In the lower right corner there is a stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) with an inventory number.
- GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 59. Another copy of the same typewritten bookmark; signature and date - autograph. The last handwritten paragraph is missing.
- Ibid, d. 60, l. 946-rev. Handwritten rough script; signature and date missing. The last paragraph is missing. Three paragraphs before him are inscribed instead of the crossed out one: "Ukraine, Siberia, Turkestan, the Caucasus - they do not yet know their work at all." In the penultimate paragraph of the original instead of "big" it was written: "large".
Notes and Comments:
1 * Written by hand by A.G. Beloborodov.
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "on agitation to confiscate church valuables." From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 6, item 19 of May 11, 1922
No. 23-46 [2]
By a poll of PB members from 8.V.22 .
19. - On agitation for the confiscation of church valuables .
(Proposal] Comrade Trotsky No. 44 / p) 41
Comrade Trotsky's proposal to accept, entrusting the execution to the chief of] Rost, Comrade Daletsky.
- L. 65. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the 1930s.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.275, l. 27. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten extract of that time on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (Bolsheviks), signed by J.V. Stalin. Instead of the line "By a survey of PB members from 8.Ѵ.22." printed “Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee. RCP from 8 / Ѵ-22, No. b ". At the bottom left is the mailing record: “t. Trotsky, comrade Daletsky. " Item number in pencil. L. 2: “Present: members of the Politburo Comrades. Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Kamenev, Rykov, Tomsky. Candidates Comrades Molotov, Kalinin. With an advisory] voice of comrade Tsyurup. "
Notes and Comments:
the hand of LB Kamenev there is a note: “I agree. Kamenev ". A stamp confirming that the document belongs to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 6, clause 19 of May 11, 1922 (No. 23-46).
In the draft minutes of this meeting of the Politburo (ibid., Fol. 29) there is also a sheet with the record of the results of the poll with the texts of JV Stalin and LB Kamenev reproduced in typescript. Below is a typewritten record of the results of the survey of VM Molotov and GE Zinoviev: “6 / Ѵ. Comrade Molotov agree. 7 / Ѵ. Comrade Zinoviev agree. " A. I. Rykov's hand under her: “A. I. Rykov "; by the hand of M. E. Tomsky: “M. Tomsk ". A stamp and a handwritten note about the document's belonging to the proceedings of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 6, item 19 of May 11, 1922 (No. 2346). Stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
In the draft minutes of this meeting of the Politburo (ibid., Fol. 38) there is also a document on the poll of the members of the Politburo conducted on May 9, 1922 regarding the proposal of I. V. Stalin “to use the favorable case presented by the session of the Central Executive Committee of the to appoint the Plenum of the Central Committee earlier than the deadline, say, on May 16. " In the agenda of the Plenary Session proposed by Stalin, item 4 - "Campaign to extract values". The poll was conducted by telephone, the results of which were recorded by the secretary on the same sheet. 38 below Stalin's autograph: "Lenin for, Kamenev for, Rykov for, Zinoviev agree, Comrade Tomsky for, Trotsky for." The results of the poll were formalized by the resolution of the Politburo, protocol No. 6, item 22 (ibid., Fol. 37).
41 See # 23-43.
Supplement to the summary of the Bureau of the Central Commission for the confiscation of church valuables in the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the progress of the confiscation. May 16, 1922
No. 23-47
In addition to our relationship No. 1 * dated May 10 this year. about the provinces in which the work on the confiscation of church valuables is proceeding weakly [,] I inform you that in the PERM province confiscation proceeds weakly. Collected only about a hundred pounds of silver. The wealthy districts of Sarapul, Kungur and Osinsky gave an insignificant amount of collected valuables. The commission did not start work for a long time. In the province there are places rich in churches: Solikamsk, Cherdyn, monasteries and others.
ASTRAKHAN GOVERNMENT : - seizure is carried out sluggishly, the amount collected is small. There were cases of agreement with the priests.
TYUMEN province : - withdrawal is going badly. Meetings with the priests were arranged. There are few valuables collected. There are enough rich churches in the province.
TSARITSINSKAYA Governorate : - The withdrawal is proceeding slowly, despite the fact that the starving population is sympathetic to the campaign. A. Beloborodov.
- L. 67. Typewritten original, signature and date - autograph. In the upper left corner there is a handwritten note: " Arch [iv] p [oolit] b
[yuro] ". Stamp of the Bureau of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) with handwritten date "May 18, 1922" and the incoming number. Secrecy formula stamped.
- GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 80. Another copy of the same typewritten bookmark (vacation); signature and date missing.
- In the same place, d. 60, l. 957. Handwritten clerk's original; signature and date missing.
Notes and Comments:
1 * Further space is left for a number.
Letter from L. D. Trotsky to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) with proposals on policy towards the church, adopted by the Politburo. May 24, 1922
No. 23-48
C. secret
The internal struggle in the church became widespread. After the removal of Tikhon, a group of elements of the "center"
(Anthony) 42 and the left (several young priests) became the head of the church .
The movement is proceeding mainly under the banner of the church council [.] The new church government can be defined in three directions:
1) the preservation of the patriarchate and the election of a loyal patriarch.
2) the destruction of the patriarchate and the creation of a collegium (loyal synod).
3) complete decentralization, the absence of any central government (the church, as an "ideal" set of communities of 1 * believers).
I believe that there is no need for us to engage in any of these directions (even unofficially). It is much more profitable if a serious struggle flares up between these three orientations. For this purpose, it is better to delay the convocation of a church council. Make the final choice later, if you need to make a choice at all.
A centralized church under a loyal and virtually powerless patriarch has certain advantages. Full decentralization can be accompanied by a deeper penetration of the church into the masses by adapting to local conditions. Finally, it is possible, and even quite probable, such a combination, when a part of the church retains a loyal patriarch, who is not recognized by the other part of the church, organizing under the banner of a synod or full autonomy of communities. In the end, such a combination would be perhaps the most beneficial. Are there any objections:
a) against delaying the Council for two months or more;
b) against a wait-and-see policy in relation to the indicated orientations in the church?
May 24, 1922
- L. 71-72. Certified typewritten copy.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.277, l. 19. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Typewritten original, signature - facsimile. On the last line of text, the originally typed "orientations" were handwritten to "orientations". Instead of the typewritten line "APPENDIX TO PROTOCOL No. 8 TO ITEM 11", written in pencil "Appendix,] 11". At the top is the stamp of the Bureau of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) with the handwritten date "27 / V 1922" and the incoming number. Below is a stamp about the document's belonging to the office work of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 8, item 11 of May 26, 1922 (No. 23-49). Here is the stamp of the Secret Archives of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b.).
Notes and Comments:
1 * Fixed in general document .
42 This refers to Bishop Antonin Granovsky.
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on policy towards the church and on the "inadmissibility of red tape" in the execution of execution sentences. From the minutes of the meeting of the Politburo No. 8, paragraph 11 of May 26, 1922
No. 23-49
11. - About the church . (Comrade Trotsky's proposal) [3] .
a) Accept Comrade Trotsky's proposal (see the materials of the
Central Committee)
b) Indicate com. Kalinin and Yenukidze to the inadmissibility of the red tape they showed in implementing the PB decision of 18.VC. g. (pr [log] 7, p. 13) 44 and invite them to complete it during the day.
- L. 70. Typewritten copy of a later extract on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - RCP (b) of the 1930s.
- APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d.277, l. 17. Draft minutes of the Politburo meeting. Handwritten script on a sheet of lined paper. The item number in the left and right columns has been changed to "11" from "10". In the right-
hand column in point a) the words "materials of the Central Committee" are written at the top instead of the crossed out "appendix". At the beginning of point b), a note enclosed in an oval: " Do not attach to the protocol ." At the bottom left is a record about the mailing: “Trotsky, p. = Kalinin, Yenukidze. " L. 2: “Present: members of the Politburo Comrades. Kamenev, Trotsky, Stalin, Tomsky, Rykov. Candidates: com. Molotov, Kalinin. With an advisory] voice of comrade Tsyurup. "
Notes and Comments:
44 Resolution of the Politburo of May 18, 1922 (minutes No. 7, item 13) see: No. 24-25. The highest state officials - the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee M. I. Kalinin and the secretary of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee A. S. Yenukidze - thus, according to the decision of the Politburo, from the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic L. D. Trotsky and the Politburo, for their slow order ”of the conclusion of the Politburo commission on the execution of the verdict of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal on the trial of the Moscow clergy and believers (No. 24-20). The guilty comrades now had to duplicate the secret decision of the supreme party authority, making it public and available within one day - May 26, 1922.
Nevertheless, the official press organ of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Izvestia newspaper, continued to act on the given topic until June 2, 1922, when there was a mention of the five who had been shot. On May 31, 1922, the following article appeared on its pages under the heading "Judicial Department" under the heading "Confirmation of the verdict in the case of confiscation of church property": who was sentenced on May 8 by the Moscow tribunal.
The speaker was Comrade Nekhamkin. The defenders of Kommodov, Schwartz, Durasov and Ryazansky also spoke.
The content of the cassation complaints filed by the defenders in this process was at one time given in the "News [of] the All-Russian Central Executive Committee", as well as the content of the petitions of the relatives of some defendants sentenced to capital punishment to mitigate their fate.
The cassation board recognized the cassation reasons put forward by the defenders in written complaints and speeches at yesterday's trial as unfounded and ruled to uphold the judgment of the Moscow tribunal. At the same time, the cassation panel decided to send petitions for clemency to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, filed by the relatives of the accused sentenced to capital punishment. "
Consolidated statement of the Central Committee of the Posledgol All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the number of confiscated church valuables [November 4, 1922]
No. 23-50 * 45
number of collected church valuables up to November 1, 1922
1. According to the telegraphic information of the local Commissions for the confiscation of church [church] valuables, the following was seized:
1. Gold
33 p. 32 f.
2. Silver
23.997 p. 23 f.
3. Diamonds
35.670 pcs.
4. Other [precious] stones
71.762 pcs.
5. Pearls
14 p. 32 f.
6. Gold coins
RUB 3.115
7. Silver [oops] coins
RUB 19.155
8. Various [precious] things
52 p. 30 f.
II. From the specified amount, the following was received by Gokhran:
1. Gold
18 p. 16 f.
2. Silver
18.567 p.
3. Pearls
1 p. 25 p.
4. Gold coins
RUB 3.115
5. [Coins] silver [row]
RUB 19.155
6. Diamonds
5.209 ct.
7. Roses
1.712 ct.
8. Colored stones
13.403 ct.
9. Other different things
2.732 pcs.
FROM THEM: a) sold to NKFin:
1. Gold
14 p.
For total cost
In Golden
2. Silver
17.000 p.
RUB 50 k.
b) Sorted and graded gems:
1. Diamonds
5.209 ct.
The whole batch is priced in evil
[otch] rubles [s]
132.886 RUB 57
2. Roses
1.712 ct.
3. Colored
13.403 ct.
4. Pearls
1.076 angry
c) Remains in Gokhran not realized according to the assessment of the exchange rate of the day in gold rubles:
1. Gold
4 p. 32 f.
31.948 RUB 40 k.
2. Silver
1.567 p.
271.240 RUB
3. Pearls
1 p. 12 f.
19.968 p.
4. Coins of evil [ooi]
3.115 p.
5. Silver change coins
19.155 p. 1 *
4.631 p.
330.902 RUB 40 k.
III. Remained in place according to the rate of the day:
1. Gold
15 p. [4]8 f.
for the amount
RUB 121.274 60 k.
2. Silver
7.430 [5] *
947.781 RUB 60 k.
3. Pearls
13 poods 7 lb.
202.368 p.
1.271.424 RUB 20 k.
Total seized at an approximate amount of
4,650,810 RUB 67 r.
In addition to the indicated ecclesiastical values, 964 antiques were selected for a special assessment.
Central Committee Postgol All-Russian Central Executive Committee: A. Vinokurov
- L. 76-77. Typewritten original, signature - autograph. Dated from a cover letter (see note to No. 23-50).
- GARF, f. 1065, op. 4, d.182, l. 125. Typewritten copy of that time. The text has been preserved until the line "TOTAL ..." of point II. In subparagraph a) the line “In gold rubles” is written by hand. In subparagraph c) in the line “3. Pearls ... " printed: " 4 rubles. for the spool ", in the line " 5. Silver] ... "-" in angry [otykh] rub. " At the top of the document there is a handwritten note: "45 II".
Notes and Comments:
The file contains a cover letter on the letterhead of the Postgol Central Committee, sent on November 4, 1922, signed by the Deputy Chairman of the Postgol Central Committee of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee AN Vinokurov “to the Central Committee of the RCP in the Bureau of the Secretariat”. On the letter, the stamp: “S. Secret. " (L. 75).
A copy of the GARF contains the same cover letter (vacation) with the same date and signature. Top of the litter: "45 II". (L. 126).
45 V GARF, f. 1065, op. 4, d.182, l. 139 is a letter on the letterhead of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), sent on November 1, 1922 “on behalf of Comrade MOLOTOV "" In the Postgol Central Committee of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, comrade. KALININ "signed by the assistant secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) GA Tikhomirnov with a request" to send to the Central Committee a report on the amount of collected church valuables with an estimate of the value of the collected in gold rubles. " Initially, the date was set: "October 31, 1922". On the letter there is a handwritten note: "urgently send to the destination." Under her hand MI Kalinin another litter: “t. Vinokurov. M. K [alinin] ". Below AN Vinokurov's hand is the third litter: “<Zashchippko (?)>. Secret. A. Vinokurov] ". Above, there is a stamp: " TOTALLY] SECRET ."
Letter from the People's Commissariat of Finance of the Ukrainian SSR to the Currency Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR on the secondment of a commissioner to negotiate the implementation of the values found in the KievPechersk Lavra. February 2, 1925
No. 23-51 46 February 2, 1925
By urgent mail.
Top secret.
Comrade KARKLIN.
The Politburo of the Center [al] Committee of the CP (6) U made a decision to transfer the values of the Central Committee of Aid to the Children of Ukraine discovered in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. As a result, we ask you to order MYuT to send its authorized representative to Kiev to negotiate their implementation.
Narkomfin U.S..S.R. (Kuznetsov)
Head of the Foreign Exchange Office (Kapitanovsky) - L. 78. Certified typewritten copy made on February 7, 1925. In the upper left corner, the typewritten form of the Secret Department of the People's Commissariat for Finance of the Ukrainian SSR with the date "2 / 11-1925" is reproduced. In the upper right corner there is a stamp stating that the document belongs to the proceedings of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 48, item 12 of February 12, 1925 (No. 23-53). On the left is a mailing stamp with handwritten date "11/10/1925" (the number "10" has been corrected from the previously written number "7") and the outgoing number. Below is a stamp of the Bureau of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) with a handwritten date "11/13/25" and an incoming number.
Notes and Comments:
46O. Yu. Vasilieva and PN Knyshevsky, relying on the publication in the émigré newspaper Dni (Berlin) of January 6, 1925, interpret the “repeated 'cleaning' of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" as follows. in its basements, several pounds of gold and 110 pounds of silver artwork were found, sheltered from the evil eyes of property managers in 1922. Church jewelry with 360 diamonds, several bags of old interest-bearing papers worth several million rubles and "counterrevolutionary" correspondence of Tikhonov's persuasion were also found ". See: Vasilyeva O. Yu., Knyshevsky P. N. Red conquistadors. S. 191-192. Apparently, the source of information for the émigré newspaper was the Soviet press, which was quite actively discussing this story. So, for example, in the newspaper "Izvestia" (1925 January 6), a note was published, aimed at discrediting Patriarch Tikhon, who, in the opinion of its author, not only concealed the discovered values, but also sent "intelligence information" abroad through the "monastic agents". On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation (Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). in the opinion of its author, he not only concealed the discovered values, but also sent “intelligence information” abroad through the “monastic agents”. On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation
(Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). in the opinion of its author, he not only concealed the discovered values, but also sent “intelligence information” abroad through the “monastic agents”. On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation (Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation (Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation (Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). after the Soviet regime deprived the "de facto possibility of government" of the Ukrainian archpastors. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counterrevolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). after the Soviet regime deprived the "de facto possibility of government" of the Ukrainian archpastors. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350).
Letter from the USSR People's Commissariat of Finance to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) regarding the implementation of the values found in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. 7 February 1925
No. 23-52 46
7 February 1925
IN THE POLITBURO of the Central Committee of the RCP (b)
By decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine 1 * various metal and currency values found in the former. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra are transferred to strengthen the funds of the Ukrainian Central Commission for Assistance to Children.
The NKF of the USSR, which has set itself the task of accumulating the largest possible gold reserve of the USSR, as an instrument for regulating the country's monetary circulation and as a necessary foundation for restoring the exchange of chervonets, upon the occurrence of the appropriate conditions, cannot agree with the aforementioned resolution.
Found values in b. The Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is not the property of the Lavra, but is the property of the bourgeoisie who fled from the USSR and hid it in the Lavra. Therefore, the aforementioned property, whatever it may be, is subject to turning into the ownership of the Union, in accordance with clause 1 of the Decree] SNK of 19 / XI-20 (Collection [of] Legislation] 1921, No. 18, Art. III). Regardless of this, the disposal of the aforementioned values, without agreement with the NKF of the USSR, would not comply with paragraph 1 of Art. 5 Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of October 29, 1924 on the budgetary rights of the USSR and its constituent union republics, according to which all non-tax revenues are included in the revenue side of the all-union budget; the values found in the Lavra are random incomes of the united department of the USSR-NKF-in. -
On the basis of the above considerations, the NKF asks the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to enter into the consideration of the aforementioned issue and cancel the decision of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Ukraine with a proposal to urgently send all these values with a detailed description of them to the center. (USSR Gokhran. Nastasinsky lane [eulok] 3) .-
Considering the existence of this resolution [,] the NKF of the USSR recognizes it possible, upon the final assessment of metal and other property valuables in Gokhran, to allocate 25% of their estimated value to the CEC of Ukraine for the transfer of the Ukrainian Central Commission for Assistance to Children. -
7 / II-25 g.
- L. 80 — rev. Typewritten original on the letterhead of the USSR People's Commissariat of Finance Currency Department, signatures - autographs. Date on the form "February 9, 1925": date - by hand, month and the last digit of the year - typed. In the upper left corner there is a handwritten note: "Size [knife] S. Ch [echulin]". In the upper right corner there is a stamp stating that the document belongs to the proceedings of the Politburo meeting, minutes No. 48, item 12 of February 12, 1925 (No. 23-53). Below is a stamp of the Bureau of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) with a handwritten date "11/13/25" and an incoming number. On the left there is a calendar-hour stamp: RECEIVED. 9.I.1925. Secretariat Bureau] Ts.K. R.K.P. (b) ". There is also a mailing stamp with a handwritten date “7.II. 1925 " and outgoing number.
Notes and Comments:
1 * Further crossed out by hand (see appendix).
46O. Yu. Vasilieva and PN Knyshevsky, relying on the publication in the émigré newspaper Dni (Berlin) of January 6, 1925, interpret the
“repeated 'cleaning' of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra" as follows. in its basements, several pounds of gold and 110 pounds of silver artwork were found, sheltered from the evil eyes of property managers in 1922. Church jewelry with 360 diamonds, several bags of old interest-bearing papers worth several million rubles and "counterrevolutionary" correspondence of Tikhonov's persuasion were also found ". See: Vasilyeva O. Yu., Knyshevsky P. N. Red conquistadors. S. 191-192. Apparently, the source of information for the émigré newspaper was the Soviet press, which was quite actively discussing this story. So, for example, in the newspaper "Izvestia" (1925 January 6), a note was published, aimed at discrediting Patriarch Tikhon, who, in the opinion of its author, not only concealed the discovered values, but also sent "intelligence information" abroad through the "monastic agents". On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation (Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). in the opinion of its author, he not only concealed the discovered values, but also sent “intelligence information” abroad through the “monastic agents”. On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation (Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). in the opinion of its author, he not only concealed the discovered values, but also sent “intelligence information” abroad through the “monastic agents”. On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation
(Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation (Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). On this occasion, Patriarch Tikhon was forced to contact the editorial office of the newspaper on January 10, 1925, with a request to publish his refutation (Izvestia. 1925, January 18). In his letter, the head of the Russian Church announced that he took over the management of the monastery at the beginning of 1924 after the Soviet regime deprived the Ukrainian archpastors of the “actual opportunity to govern”. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). after the Soviet regime deprived the "de facto possibility of government" of the Ukrainian archpastors. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counterrevolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350). after the Soviet regime deprived the "de facto possibility of government" of the Ukrainian archpastors. Therefore, he could not make an order to conceal valuables in the Lavra, and even more so to communicate through monks with "foreign counter-revolution" and with "counter-revolutionary groups within the USSR." (See: Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ... p. 350).
[1] Trotsky's proposals - see No. 23-29.
[2] In the draft minutes of this Politburo meeting (APRF, f. 3, op. 1, d. 275, l. 30) there is a sheet with a record of the results of the poll. Above, by the hand of JV Stalin, the wording of the resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) is given: “The proposal of Comrade. Trotsky to accept, entrusting the execution of the Chief] Rosta comrade. Daletsky. Stalin ". Below in
[3] See # 23-48.
[4] * So in the document instead of a weight measure.
[5] * The measure of weight is not indicated in the document, it follows, apparently, poods.