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Politburo And The Church, Kremlin ArchivesN. Petrovsky, S.G. Petrov
The cipher telegram of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Central Committee of the RCP (b) to the gubernial executive committees and the provincial committees of the RCP (b) on the complete confiscation of church valuables. March 30, 1922
No. 23-32 30 31 [March 30, 1922]
Top secret.
In many places, the Commission, in order to "peacefully" confiscate church values, will take away an insignificant part, leaving the main values. Similarly, in many places, seizure is suspended due to an offer from believers to buy out church valuables. It is proposed to seize valuables in accordance with the exact meaning of the VTsIK decree and instructions. Incomplete confiscation of church [ecclesiastical] valuables] will be viewed as negligence of local authorities. Where an incomplete withdrawal has been made, an additional one must be made immediately in accordance with the decree and instructions. Petitions to leave part of the valuables do not suspend the seizures and, with the conclusion of the commission, are sent to the Central Committee of the Pomgol AllRussian Central Executive Committee.
- L. 56. Typewritten copy of that time, certified by the deputy head of the cipher bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) S.F. Chechulin. Below is a handwritten note about the mailing: "from No. 1957 / sh to No. 2026 / sh inclusive]". Dated by the date and number of the distribution of the document L6 23-31.
- GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 18. Typewritten copy of that time, signed by A. G. Beloborodov. His hand at the bottom of the litter: “Signed on March 30th and handed over personally to the Central Committee duty officer at the congress, comrade Ikonnikov. A. B [Eloborodov] ". There is no formula "SHIFROM" .
- Published as the text of a single cipher telegram with number 23-31 with the date of March 30, 1922: Badelin V.I. Gold of the Church ... p. 161.
Notes and Comments:
30 V GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 29-rev. there is a document without a date sent by the deputy head of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) SF Chechulin to the Central Committee of the RCP, a copy of Comrade Kamenev ", indicating that these secret circulars" were sent [s] in one cipher message ". Here is a complete list of all seventy outgoing numbers (from No. 1957 / sh to No. 2026 / sh) with the address of each (from Tver to Petrograd).
31 In the GARF case, f. 1235, op. 140, d.59, l. 34 contains minutes No. 3 of the meeting of the Bureau of the Central Commission for the confiscation of church valuables dated March 27, 1922, with a decision implementing Trotsky's proposal on this matter (see No. 23-28). The text of the encryption code of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), according to this decision of the Bureau, was compiled by Vinokurov (GARF, f. 1235, op. 140, d. 59, l. 18), this text literally coincides with text No. 23-32, but in the text Vinokurov there are no spelling errors.