Fundamentals of copyright

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Fundamentals of copyright



Fast. Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR May 16, 1928 (SZ USSR 1928 No. 27, Art. 246)

1. Copyright to a work, whether it was published (Article 14) on the territory of the USSR, or located on the territory of the USSR in the form of a manuscript, sketch, or in any other objective form, shall be recognized by the author and his legal successors, regardless of their citizenship. .

2. For a work published abroad or located abroad in the form of a manuscript, sketch, or in another objective form, copyright is recognized only if there is a special agreement between the USSR and the corresponding state and only within the limits established by such an agreement.

3. An author who is a citizen of the USSR and his heirs in respect of a work that has been published in a foreign state or is in the form of a manuscript. sketch or in another objective form on the territory of a foreign state, regardless of whether there is an agreement between the USSR and this state under Art. 2 enjoy copyright protection on the territory of the USSR.

The legal successors of the author, with the exception of heirs, do not enjoy the protection of copyright in the works referred to in this article on the territory of the USSR.


4. Copyright extends to any work of literature, science and art, whatever the method and form of its reproduction, as well as its dignity and purpose, such as: oral works (speeches, lectures, reports, etc.); written works (books, articles, collections, etc.); dramatic and musical drama works; translations; works of choreography and pantomime, in relation to the staging of which there are instructions set out in writing or in any other way; cinematic scripts; musical works with or without text; drawings, paintings, sculpture, architecture, and graphic arts, illustrations; geographic Maps; plans, sketches and plastic works relating to the sciences, technology or the staging of a dramatic or musical-dramatic work on stage; films; photographic works or works obtained by means analogous to photography, etc.

5. Copyright in a work composed by the work of two or more co-authors belongs to all co-authors, regardless of whether such a collective work forms one inseparable whole or consists of parts that retain independent scientific, literary or artistic value. The relationship of the co-authors in this case is determined by their agreements.

Each co-author of a collective work retains the copyright to his part of the work if this part has an independent scientific, literary or artistic value and unless otherwise provided by an agreement with other co-authors.

6. Compilers of collections of works that are not the subject of someone else's copyright (works in respect of which the terms of copyright have expired; all kinds of official documents, such as: laws, court decisions, etc.; works of folk art, etc.) e.) - owns, subject to independent processing of these works, the copyright to these collections. The same right belongs to the editors of individual works of the above categories.

This right does not, however, prevent other persons from publishing the same works in independent processing.

The compiler of a collection of works that are the subject of someone else's copyright owns the copyright in such a collection, provided that the collection is compiled in compliance with the rights of the authors. The authors of the works included in the aforementioned collection retain the right to publish these works in other publications, unless otherwise provided in the contract with the compiler of the collection.

7. The author has the exclusive right, under his own name or under a conditional name (pseudonym) or without a name (anonymously), to publish his work and, within the period established by law, reproduce and distribute it by all legal means, as well as extract it by all legal means. property benefits from the said exclusive right.

8. The author of an unpublished dramatic, musical, musical-dramatic, pantomime, choreographic and cinematographic work shall have the exclusive right to public performance of his work.

With respect to unpublished, but at least once publicly performed works of the listed categories, the people's commissariats of education of the respective republics have the right to permit their public performance even without the consent of the author, with the payment of royalties in the manner established by the legislation of the Union republics.

The author of a published work in one of the indicated categories has no right to prohibit its public performance, but has the right, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph “i” of Art. 9, to receive royalties.

9. Not considered copyright infringement:

a) translation of someone else's work into another language;

b) the use of someone else's work to create a new work that differs substantially from it, however, with the fact that the conversion of narrative works into dramatic and film scripts and vice versa, as well as dramatic works into film scripts and vice versa, is allowed only with the consent of the author or his legal successors;

c) placement of small individual extracts and even complete reprinting of literary and other works of insignificant size, as well as of small number of photographs, radiographs, etc. in scientific, political, educational, educational collections and other scientific works, with the obligatory indication of the author and source of borrowing;

d) a room about published works, oral and written, in the field of literature, science and art of reports that convey the essence of the work in an independent form or with reproduction of the original to the extent necessary;

e) the inclusion in the reports of time-based editions of speeches delivered in public meetings;

f) reprinting by time editions of messages that appeared in newspapers, as well as articles that do not have a fictional character, not earlier than the next day, and in relation to the reprinted articles, it is obligatory to indicate the source of the borrowing and the name of the author;

g) reprinting by time editions of reproductions from works of fine arts, drawings, illustrations, photographs, drawings, etc. in compliance with the same conditions and procedures that are established for the reprint of articles (paragraph “e” of this article);

h) the use by a composer for his musical work of a text borrowed from someone else's literary work, in the absence of a prohibition on this, declared by the author of the latter on each copy of his work;

i) public performance of other people's works specified in Art. 8, in institutions of a cultural and educational nature, subject to no payment from visitors;

j) depiction of works of art by means of sculpture and, conversely, works of sculpture by means of painting;

k) reproduction of works of art located on the streets and squares, with the exception of cases of copying sculptural works by mechanical-contact method;

l) the placement of any kind of works at a public exhibition, with the exception of those works whose public exhibition is prohibited by the author;

m) the production of buildings and structures according to architectural, engineering and other technical plans, drawings and drawings published by the author, unless the author, at the time of publication, stipulated that he reserves such a right exclusively for himself;

o) making copies from someone else's work exclusively for personal consumption and without placing on copies of an artistic or photographic work a signature or monogram, the author of the original, and making such copies from works of sculpture by means of mechanical-contact copying is not allowed;

o) the use of artistic and photographic works in products of the factory, handicraft and handicraft industry, subject to the payment of a fee to the author in the amount and in the manner established by the legislation of the Union republics.

Note 1 . In exceptional cases, when the consent of the author to remake a narrative work into a drama or a screenplay and vice versa, or a dramatic work into a screenplay and vice versa (paragraph “b” of this article) is not received, permission to remake may be given by the People's Commissariat of Education of the Republic, on the territory of which it is supposed to release the alteration. The procedure for paying fees in these cases is determined by the laws of the Union republics.

Note 2 . The legislation of the Union republics determines the maximum size of excerpts and works, the reprinting of which is allowed in accordance with paragraph "c" of this article.

10. Copyright, with the exceptions established in Art. 11, 12 and 13, belong to the author for life, and to his heirs - within the time limits provided for in Art. fifteen.

11. The period of use of copyright in choreographic works, pantomimes, cinematographic scripts and films shall be ten years.

12. The period of use of copyright in photographic works and in works obtained by methods analogous to photography shall be five years for individual photographs and ten years for collections of photographs.

In order for the photographer to retain copyright in photographic images, a mark on each copy is required: the company or name, surname, and place of residence of the photographer, as well as the year the photographic work was published.

13. The publishers of magazines and other temporary publications, as well as encyclopedic dictionaries, are recognized as copyright in these publications as a whole for ten years from the time of their publication.

Employees of the aforementioned publications retain copyright in their individual works, unless otherwise provided in the contract.

14. Any work is considered to have appeared on January 1 of the year during which it was first legally published in the appropriate technical way.

The following are equated to publication in terms of the calculation of terms: the public performance of a dramatic and musical-dramatic work, the public performance of a musical work, the public exhibition of works of fine arts, photographs, as well as works obtained by methods analogous to photography, the construction of works of architecture.

Note. The time of publication of a work may be registered by the author in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Union republics.

15. After the death of the author, copyright passes to his heirs for fifteen years, counting from January 1 of the year of the author's death, except for the cases provided for in Art. 11, 12 and 13, when copyright passes to heirs only for the remainder of the period established by law that has not expired by the day of the death of the author.

The monetary valuation of copyright passing to the heirs of the author is not included in the total valuation of the estate property when calculating the inheritance tax.

16. Copyright in part or in whole may be alienated by publishing agreement, will or other legal means.

The copyright assignment agreement must be in writing and contain a precise indication of the nature and conditions of the use of copyright.

Failure to comply with the written form established for the contract deprives the parties of the right in the event of a dispute to refer to evidence of the contract to witness testimony but does not deprive them of the right to provide written evidence.

Note. Written form is not obligatory for an agreement on the alienation of copyright in works to be printed in time editions and encyclopedic dictionaries.

17. The legislation of the Union republics establishes:

a) the rules governing a publishing contract for literary works, in particular: the mandatory content of the contract, the deadline for its validity, the minimum amount of the fee for a certain circulation, as well as the deadline and within which the entire publication stipulated by the contract must be issued (at a time or in parts) ;

b) the mandatory content of a publishing agreement for musical works, as well as for works of fine arts, photographs and works obtained by methods similar to photographs;

c) the rules governing an agreement on the assignment of rights to public performance of works, in particular the mandatory content of the agreement, the deadline for the validity of an agreement on the assignment of rights to public performance of a dramatic, musical and musical-dramatic work, the maximum number of public performances allowed under one agreement and the deadline, during which the setting should be carried out.

18. The publisher and the entertainment company do not have the right, at their own discretion, to make during the lifetime of the author without his consent any additions, reductions, and in general changes either to the work itself, or to its title, or to the designation of the author's name on it. The publisher also has no right during the life of the author without his consent to supply his works with illustrations.

19. Losses caused by copyright infringement are subject to compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Union republics.

20. The copyright in any work may be bought out by force by the government of the USSR or the government of the union republic in whose territory the given work was first published or is in the form of a manuscript, sketch, or in another objective form.


Fast. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR October 8, 1928

On the basis of the resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council, the People's Commissars of the USSR of May 16, 1928 on the introduction into force of the Fundamentals of Copyright in a new edition (Sobr. Zak. 1928 No. 27, Art. 245) and on the abolition of the resolution of the All-Russian Central of the Executive Committee and Council, People's Commissars of the RSFSR of October 11, 1926 on copyright (Sobr. Uzak. 1926 No. 72, Art. 567) and an additional resolution to it of January 23, 1928 (Coll. Uzak. 1928 No. 14, item 112). The All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR decide:

1. All relations under copyright, in particular, relations arising from publishing and production contracts, are regulated by this resolution from January 1, 1929.

2. Questions about royalties, as well as all other legal relations and disputes arising from copyright prior to the entry into force of this resolution, are resolved on the basis of previously issued laws.

Note. The resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of May 16, 1928, on the Fundamentals of Copyright and the present resolution shall apply to publishing and production agreements concluded after July 17, 1928.

3. The copyright for films shall be recognized by the film production enterprise that releases them. The author of the screenplay retains the right to receive remuneration for the public demonstration of the film.

4. The rates of royalties due to the author in the cases provided for by Parts 2 and 3 of Article 8, as well as Note 1 to Article 9 of the Fundamentals of Copyright dated May 16, 1928, as well as the procedure for paying royalties in the above cases, are established by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR and the people's commissariats of education of the autonomous republics according to their affiliation.

5. Small excerpts, the reprinting of which is not considered, on the basis of the Fundamentals of Copyright Law, an infringement of the exclusive right of the author, are understood only as those that, in terms of the amount of borrowing from the works of the same author, do not exceed a total of 10,000 typographic characters in a work under one title for prose and 40 lines for poetry.

From capital scientific works, reprinting up to 40,000 typographic characters is allowed. Capital scientific works, in the sense of this article, are considered to consist of at least 30 printed sheets.

In the event that a reprint was made in excess of the norms specified in this decision, then the author has in any case the right to receive royalties for the entire reprint as a whole, and in the event that such a reprint was made without his consent, he retains the right to compensation losses on a general basis.

6. The right to remuneration for the performance of artistic, as well as photographic and similar works in products of the factory, handicraft and handicraft industries, in accordance with paragraph “p” of Art. 9 of the Fundamentals of Copyright, are used by those authors of the named works who have not registered their works in accordance with the law on industrial designs and do not enjoy the exclusive right to works in the manner of the said law.

The rates of remuneration due to the author of these works are determined by a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR.

The procedure for collecting the remuneration referred to in part two of this article is determined by the instructions issued by the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the RSFSR, in agreement with the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

7. The period of copyright for a cinematographic script specified in Article 14 of the Fundamentals of Copyright of May 16, 1928, shall be calculated from the day of the first public demonstration of a film made according to such a script.

For the purposes of Article 14 of the Fundamentals of Copyright dated May 16, 1928, the appearance of a screenplay and a film is considered to be the day of the first public demonstration of the film; okay.

The so-called public screening of a film is not considered to be a public demonstration of a film, provided no payment is made to the audience.

8. The term of copyright for encyclopedic dictionaries published in separate volumes is calculated from the time of the publication of the last volume if the interval between the publication of individual volumes does not exceed six months. In cases where the mentioned interval exceeds six months, the term of copyright is calculated from the time of publication of each individual volume.

The term of copyright for temporary publications that come out in separate issues or books is calculated on a general basis, that is, separately for each issue or book.

9. The author, as well as his heirs, is granted the right to register the time of publication of the work, or its first public performance, or the first exhibition of the work at a public exhibition, by making an appropriate application and entering into the register maintained by the bodies of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR or the people's commissariats of education of the corresponding autonomous republics, by affiliation, in the manner determined by a special instruction issued by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR in agreement with the People's Commissariat of Finance of the RSFSR and the People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection of the RSFSR.

The registration authorities' refusal to register a work does not deprive the interested persons of the right to determine, in necessary cases, the time of publication of the work by other means.

Registration of a work in accordance with this article serves, unless otherwise proven in court, as evidence of the initial moment of the copyright term but cannot serve as an obstacle to contesting copyright in a registered work by third parties.

10. Losses caused by copyright infringement are subject to compensation in accordance with the rules of Chapter XIII of the Compulsory Law of the Civil Code of the RSFSR.

The author has the right, however, in return for compensation for the losses incurred, to demand payment of a fee to him at the rates determined in the manner prescribed by Art. 4 of this resolution. In particular this right belongs to the author even if the losses incurred by him from copyright infringement cannot be substantiated.

11. Copyright is also subject to protection from infringement in cases where certain proprietary interests are not associated with its infringement.

Regardless of compensation for damages, the author has the right to demand such actions as are necessary to satisfy the violated legitimate interests of the author.

12. After the death of the author, copyright, in the absence of heirs by law or will, ceases.

13. Copyright in any work may be bought out by force on the basis of a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, if this work was first published in the territory of the RSFSR or is located in the designated territory in the form of a manuscript, sketch or in another objective form. The amount of remuneration payable in these cases to the author or his legal successors is determined by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, or the People's Commissariat of Education of the corresponding Autonomous Republic by agreement with the People's Commissariat of Finance of the RSFSR.

14. Works in respect of which copyright has expired, with the exception of works declared on the basis of special resolutions of legislative bodies as the property of the state, may be reproduced, published, distributed and performed by all persons without restrictions arising from the decision of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of May 16, 1928 on the Fundamentals of Copyright and from this resolution.

15. Public performance of works, the copyright for which has been bought out by the Government of the RSFSR in accordance with Art. 13 of this resolution, is allowed only with the special permission of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR or the People's Commissariat of Education of the autonomous republics according to their affiliation, regardless of whether such works have been previously published or publicly performed (Article 8 of the Fundamentals of Copyright) and with the payment of the established copyright fee for their public performance within the term of copyright.

Funds received under the procedure of this article shall be converted into state revenue from the state budget of the RSFSR.

16. The right to translate, as well as the translation itself into Russian, of literary works that have appeared in foreign languages ​​both within the RSFSR and outside it, may be declared by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR the monopoly of the Republic.

17. Alienation to publishing houses of the powers arising from copyright is allowed only under a publishing agreement.

A publishing contract is a contract by virtue of which the author assigns for a certain period of time the exclusive right to publish a work in an objective form, and the publisher undertakes to publish and take all measures in his power to distribute this work.

It is allowed to conclude a publishing contract for works that have not yet been clothed in the appropriate objective form at the time of the conclusion of the contract (literary order).

In the publication of the complete collection of his works, the author has the right to include works, the right to publish which has been assigned to other persons.

18. The publishing agreement must precisely define the nature and conditions for the use of the alienated copyright, in particular, it must indicate: the circulation of the first edition, and if there are several, then the subsequent ones, the period for the publication of the work, the amount of the copyright fee and the term of the publishing agreement, subject to the restrictions established in subsequent articles of this regulation.

If the publishing agreement does not provide for the right of the publishing house to republish the work, then the publishing house may carry out republishing only with the written consent of the author for each next reprint.

19. A publishing contract may be concluded for a period not exceeding four years.

The said period is calculated from the date of the conclusion of the contract or the acceptance of the manuscript, if this happened later, or the expiration of the deadlines established for the acceptance of the manuscript, if the acceptance occurred with a missed deadline.

For works consisting of two or more volumes, titles, the period is calculated from the date of submission to the publisher of the manuscript of the last volume.

The terms of the publishing contract specified in this article does not apply to contracts concluded for the publication of works of music, musical drama, works of fine arts, as well as photographs and the like.

20. The amount of remuneration paid to the author for the alienation in favor of the publishing house of the right to publish and distribute works of fiction, poetry, drama, children's literature, criticism and translated fiction (prose, poetry, and drama) cannot be lower than the rates established by the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR.

21. The maximum number of copies (circulation) of one publication, allowed for the calculation of the fee, may not exceed the norms established in the manner specified in the preceding article of this resolution.

The rule of this article does not prevent a publisher from publishing several publications at the same time.

22. The publisher is obliged to publish the work within the period determined by the contract, and this may not exceed, in any case, the following periods:

a) for periodicals, as well as for books up to five printed sheets - six months;

b) for other literary works up to ten printed sheets - one year;

c) for literary: works that do not fall under paragraphs "a" and "b" of this article - no later than two years.

These terms are calculated from the date of conclusion of the contract or acceptance of the manuscript, if this happened later, or from the day of exclusion of the deadlines established for the acceptance of the manuscript, if the acceptance occurred with a missed deadline.

For periodicals and books with a volume of at least five sheets issued by national publishing houses, it is allowed to extend the period specified in this article, by way of a contractual agreement, not more than one year.

23. If the publication does not follow within the period established by the contract or the law, the publishing house is obliged to immediately pay the author the fee in full (100%) for the volume of the manuscript approved by the publishing house for publication.

Upon the expiration of the term specified in the preceding (22) article, the publishing house shall be granted a grace period in the amount of half of each of the terms referred to in the said article for the publication of a work, so that after the expiration of the said grace periods, the contract, in the event of non-publication of the work, unilaterally the author's application is terminated and the manuscript must be returned to the author.

24. Assignment of the right acquired by a publishing house to publish a work to another person is allowed only with the written consent of the author or, in the event of the death of the author, his legal successors.

25. Articles 18, 23 and 24 of this resolution apply to publishing contracts that have as their subject both literary and musical, musical and dramatic works, works of fine arts, as well as photographs and the like.

26. A standard (normal) publishing contract for literary works is approved by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR in agreement with the People's Commissariat of Trade of the RSFSR. The aforementioned standard contract is applicable, in particular, to scientific, publicistic works, etc.

The publishing agreement may contain conditions that are not provided for or do not coincide with the model agreement. However, the conditions and clauses that tend to worsen the position of the authors compared to the terms of the model contract are recognized as invalid, and the rights and obligations of the parties established by them in these cases are determined in relation to the relevant articles of the model contract.

27. The mandatory content of a publishing contract for musical works is determined on the basis of this law by an instruction issued by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR together with the People's Commissariat of Trade of the RSFSR in agreement with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

28. After the death of the author, the publisher shall not have the right to make any additions, abbreviations and, in general, changes in the work itself, the title, the designation of the author's name on it, as well as supply works with illustrations without the consent of the author's heirs, until the expiration of the copyright rights.

In case of failure to reach an agreement on this issue with the heirs of the author, the publisher may apply for such permission to the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR or the corresponding autonomous republic of affiliation.

29. After the expiration of the copyright term, the changes provided for in the preceding (28) article of this resolution may be made with the permission of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR or the subject autonomous republic of the affiliation.

30. Alienation of copyright in the staging and public performance of an unpublished dramatic, musical-dramatic, musical, pantomime, choreographic or cinematographic work is allowed only under a staging agreement.

A staging contract is a contract by virtue of which the author cedes the right to public performance of his work, and the stage director (entertainment enterprise) undertakes to stage (publicly perform it) within a certain period of time.

It is allowed to conclude a staged contract for works that have not yet been clothed in an objective form by the day the contract is concluded.

31. The transfer by an author of the exclusive right to staging an unpublished work to a theater does not deprive the author of the right to transfer a staging of the same work to workers' and Red Army clubs, even if only in the city where the staging has been ceded to theaters and other entertainment enterprises.

32. In the staging agreement, the nature, scope and conditions for the use of the alienated right must be precisely stipulated, in particular: the territorial boundaries of its use, the term of the agreement, the period for the first public performance, the amount of the author's remuneration and the number of public performances (performances, concerts), subject to the restrictions specified in the subsequent articles of this resolution.

33. A staging contract may be concluded for a period not exceeding three years from the date of the first public performance of the work.

34. The entertainment enterprise is obliged to stage the performance no later than the expiration of the following terms, calculated from the day the author handed over the manuscript of the work to it:

two years - for staging musical drama (opera, operetta) and choreographic works;

one year for other works.

35. Under one staging agreement, a public performance of a work is allowed only within one city and not more than 150 times. The presence of a staging agreement concluded by the author of an unpublished work with one entertainment enterprise does not deprive him of the right to conclude an agreement for the staging of the same work with other entertainment enterprises if this production is to be performed in other cities.

The limit on the number of performances specified in this article does not include public dress rehearsals, so-called public screenings, performed without paying a fee to visitors.

36. The entertainment company has the right to perform the public performance of the works a smaller number of times than stipulated in the contract, as well as to remove it from the repertoire altogether, subject, however, to the rules on the payment of royalties (Article 39).

37. In an exception to the rules of Article 30 of this Decree, the purchaser of the script, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, is not obliged to put the picture.

Rules Art. 32 of this Decree on the indication in the contract of the number of public performances, as well as the restrictions set forth in Articles 33, 34 and 35, do not apply to the staging contract for cinematographic works.

38. The amount of remuneration established by the production agreement for the author for the public performance of his work cannot be lower than the norms of royalties determined by the rates for the public performance of published works (Article 4).

39. If the staging and public performance do not follow the time stipulated in the staging contract or within the time specified by law, then the contract is terminated at the request of the author and the entertainment company is obliged to pay the agreed fee to the author in full.

In cases where the staging agreement provides for the per-performance calculation of the royalties, the entertainment enterprise is obliged, in accordance with this article, to pay the author a royalty based on the number of performances established by the instructions of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR as a guaranteed minimum for calculating the royalties for the assignment of the right to public performance.

40. If the production of a cinematographic work is not committed within the period determined by the agreement, which period cannot exceed two years from the date of submission of the script, then the agreement is terminated upon the unilateral application of the author, and the author has the right to receive a conditional lump-sum remuneration but does not have rights to a performance fee.

41. If the author of a dramatic or other literary work grants a film production enterprise the right to remake his work into a film script, the right to use such a literary (dramatic) work may not be granted to the enterprise for more than a three-year period.

In the case of the aforementioned alteration, the film production enterprise is not entitled to make such deviations and changes in the plot of the work used, against which the author will file an objection.

42. The author of a screenplay, the staging of which has been assigned to a film production company, shall have the right to remake it into another cinematographic work and the right to publish the screenplay only after the release of the relevant film within the period stipulated by the contract.

43. Compliance with the rules of Art. 30-42 is mandatory for the staging of published works only in cases where this is provided for by the contract.

Unpublished works can be the subject of performance in cultural and educational institutions (Article 9, paragraph “i” of the Fundamentals of Copyright of May 16, 1928) only if there is a staging agreement, which is subject to the rules of Art. 30-42.

44. The transfer by entertainment companies of the powers arising from the staging contract to other companies is allowed only with the written consent of the author.

 On the protection of copyright in the Union republics

Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR June 14, 1929 (SZ USSR 1929 No. 40, Art. 355)

Recognize that each society of dramatic writers and composers established in one of the Union republics, or any other society with the aim of protecting the interests of authors, may open branches and agencies throughout the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, have authorized representatives and perform all actions necessary to ensure and protect the rights of its members.

On the rights of customers to architectural, engineering, and other technical plans,

Source: Collection of laws and orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the USSR for 1930, p. 1126.

Article number 613.

Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars.

On the rights of customers to architectural, engineering and other technical plans, drawings and drawings made to their orders.

The Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decide:

Under agreements with authors on the delivery of works on the preparation of any kind of projects, architectural, engineering, and other technical plans, illustrations and drawings, customers have the right, unless otherwise specified in the agreement, without additional remuneration, to use these projects, plans-drawings, and drawings for your own needs, as well as assign them to third parties and reproduce them in print.

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR M. Kalinin.

Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V. Schmidt.

Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR A. Yenukidze.

Moscow Kremlin.

November 28, 1930

No. 49/627.