Five-Year Plan for the National Economic Construction of the USSR (First Five-Year Plan) - 1928-1933 - Ukrainian SSR

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Five-Year Plan for the National Economic Construction of the USSR (First Five-Year Plan) - 1928-1933 - Ukrainian SSR

Source: Five-year plan for the national economic construction of the USSR, 
Gosplan of the USSR
Five-Year Plan for the National Economic Construction of the USSR
The general guidelines, presentation and justification of the decisive moments are given in full accordance with the decisions of the Presidium of the State Planning Committee of the USSR on the five-year plan, decisions that have now received the approval of the Government and the XVI All-Union Party Conference.
Third Edition
Publishing House “Planned Economy”
Moscow 1930
Glavlit No. A49632 Order No. 107. Circulation 15,000
“Mospoligraf” 13th type-zincography “Pechatnik’s Thought”, Petrovka 17.

Volume 3. Regional section of the plan
Regional section of the plan

I. Natural resources
The territory of Ukraine covers an area of 451.5 thousand square meters. km.

Having flat frontier areas, Ukraine, however, is not a country with a uniform surface structure. Its heights range from sea level to 350 meters (in the region of the Donetsk Ridge).

With regard to soil and climatic conditions, it should first of all be noted that Ukraine has one of the richest layers in the world in terms of quality - chernozem, which is regarded very highly in agricultural terms. This presence of chernozem is itself a consequence of climatic influences, which over long periods created one or another degree of accumulation of plant humus in the upper soil layer. For Ukraine, one series of climatic factors - the strength of solar energy - is increasingly increasing from north to south, and, conversely, another series - the amount of precipitation - goes in the opposite direction, decreasing in the direction from northwest to southeast. In parallel with these climatic features, there is a gradual increase in the thickness of Ukrainian chernozems and the percentage of humus in them towards the central zone of Ukraine,

These unfavorable moisture conditions are the main defect that greatly devalues ​​the high quality of Ukrainian chernozems, even despite the favorable conditions of temperature and insolation, and sometimes in dry years precisely because of their excess.

II. Living labor and its energy weapons

In the dynamics of natural population growth in Ukraine over a number of previous years, two opposite processes are noticed: a decrease in mortality and a decrease in the birth rate. Together, these processes lead to a gradual decrease in the population growth rate.

The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the change in the social and living conditions of a woman's life and, in particular, in the influence of the city on the life of the village. In the coming years, it is only possible to deepen this social restructuring, as a result of which the population growth in the next five years is expressed in a number of systematically falling indicators.

Population growth per 1,000 people (on average in Ukraine):



The total population, determined on January 1, 1928 at 29.757 thousand people, increases by 1933 to 33.184 thousand people. or by 11.2%.

The second factor influencing the degree of population of Ukraine is the processes of population migration. Differences in climatic and other natural conditions in certain regions of Ukraine - the Steppe and Forest-Steppe - and parts of the latter (the Left Bank and the Right Bank) contributed to the uneven distribution of population density in them. With an average density for Ukraine of 52 people per sq. km The Steppe gives a density index of 38 souls, and the Forest-Steppe - 64, and in the Right Bank this figure rises to 73, bringing this area closer to the most densely populated countries of the West. With the exhaustion of the production possibilities of the region, the population of the Forest-Steppe is constantly forced to move not only to the Steppe, but also beyond the borders of Ukraine. In recent years, under the influence of the general decline of this region and mainly the Right Bank, the emigration of the population has intensified, creating unskilled labor resources on a larger scale than the developing industry and steppe agriculture could use. In view of the exhaustion of intra-Ukrainian colonization funds, the resettlement of the excess population outside Ukraine should proceed at an increased pace. Based on the tentative proposals of the All-Union Committee for Resettlement, it can be assumed that the contingent of migrants in five years will be approximately 910 thousand people.

At the same time, the industrial centers of Ukraine draw in labor from non-Ukrainian regions; according to rough estimates, this contingent is annually determined at 50 thousand people.

As a result of the natural movement and the assumed emigration and immigration processes, the general population growth in the Ukraine by the end of the five years will give a somewhat lower percentage compared to natural growth.

The redistribution of the population occurs not only between districts, but also within districts - between rural and urban centers. The process of urbanization in Ukraine proceeds with great intensity, approaching the pace of urbanization in the USA in 80-90s. last century, overtaking the pace of recent years in America and Germany.

The reasons for this lie not only in the growing attraction of cities as industrial and cultural centers, but also in the very age structure of the population, which in the planning period gives an increased and gradually increasing coefficient of the population of working ages. In relation to 1927, in 1932 the working resources of Ukraine will increase by 16.9%, increasing more intensively in the countryside (by 19%).

Summing up the emerging trends in the growth and distribution of the bulk of the population in Ukraine, it should be noted that with a slower growth rate, which weakens somewhat the severity of overpopulation, there will be an increased increase in the working-age population. This circumstance sets before the national economy the task of increased use of living energy resources in production processes.

The prospects for the use of human labor in Ukraine in the next five years are as follows (in thousands of people):

1932/33 in %
by 1927/28
Working age population
Number of employed persons
a) in industry
b) in agriculture
Number of unemployed

The number of employed persons in Ukraine is growing in parallel with the growth of the working-age population; Of the individual sectors of the national economy, industry stands out in particular, in which the number of employed persons has increased by 38% over the five years. The number of unemployed is growing in absolute terms, but the growth rate lags behind the growth rate of employed persons, which indicates the emerging process of easing unemployment.

As regards wage labor, by the end of the five-year period the number of employed persons will increase from 2,219,100 to 2,806,300 people, i.e., by 26.5%. The number of hired workers is growing especially sharply in industry: from 765.3 thousand people. to 1,036.1 thousand people, thus increasing by 35.4% over the five-year period.


III. Economic complex of the region

Ultimately, three circumstances are currently decisive in determining the nature of the development of the Ukrainian national economy: the presence in the bowels of Ukraine of the richest deposits of coal and high-quality iron and manganese ore, located at a relatively close distance from each other, the presence of a developed industry based on these minerals and having significant fixed assets and labor force and, finally, a commercial type of agriculture, fixed by its connection with the industry for processing agricultural raw materials and ensuring the nature of the export region for Ukraine.

The relative proximity of powerful deposits of coking coal and iron ore and proximity to the main industrial and commercial centers put forward Ukraine to the position of the main iron-making center of the Union. For a period of no more than thirty years in all areas of heavy industry, the Donetsk Basin emerged from its primeval state of industrial insignificance and far pushed aside other metallurgical regions, concentrating 87% (in relation to the modern territory of the Union) of coal mining, more than 70% of ore mining and up to 74% of iron smelting.

The combination of the above favorable conditions for the development of heavy industry in the Ukraine should become one of the main factors determining our industrial policy in the near future.

The systematically carried out combination of huge coal and ore mining, with the corresponding development of ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and the chemical industry - this is the path for the development of heavy industry in Ukraine, dictated by the current economic situation of the Union. The connection of the mining and mining center with the major development of railway and water transport (the transformation of the Dnieper into a continuous waterway) and the emergence of an energy center of exceptional size - the Dnieper station - determined by industrial construction, characterizes Ukraine as one of the largest and most important centers of the Union for the creation of means of production.

At the same time, within the Ukrainian SSR, the Donetsk Basin (in the broad sense of the term) stands out as a single production entity, all elements of which are in a specific combination, forming a single industrial complex.

The conditions stimulating the development of this plant can be summarized schematically as follows:

a) proximity to the main economic centers of the country and huge reserves of minerals;

b) the possibility of a territorially limited concentration of mutually connected industries appears to be a powerful lever of technical, economic and social progress, because it is associated with broad opportunities for improving the technical type of enterprises;

c) the mutual combination of industries with their far-reaching specialization, the possibility of organizing mass standardized and large-scale production in a number of areas, as a result of which a favorable environment is created for a very large reduction in production costs;

d) the inseparable connection of coal, ore and iron, which creates the best conditions for the internal isolation of the production process that puts the finished product on the market, and for attracting a number of processing industries. The internal attraction of coal, ore and iron spreads over time to an incomparably wider area of ​​production, drawing in machine building, which gravitates towards metal and is a major consumer of fuel, and through the coke-benzene industry almost the entire sphere of the chemical industry;

e) the geographical position of the Donbass, which seems to be very favorable in terms of supplying the Union and turning the Donbass and its industry into one of the strongholds of the Union for entering the markets of the Middle East, which seems to be a completely realistic task in conditions where there are objective opportunities for a radical technical improvement of heavy industry and reduce its costs to the European level.

A completely new factor in the economy of Ukraine, and at the same time a factor of great importance, is the creation of the Dnieper hydropower plant. The whole set of questions of economic development, which is part of the problem of Dneprostroy, must be considered from a single point of view of the reconstruction of the national economy and its transfer to another level. From this point of view, the most significant thing in the Dnieper hydropower plant is not that it is the largest source of cheap energy in the Union in terms of its concentration, but that this source is the basis, incentive, leading start for new economic creativity, for the creation of a new complex industrial enterprises, giving a different direction to the industrial development of the region. The construction of the hydropower plant is the starting point for the development of economic processes, either did not take place at all until that time, or proceeded extremely slowly. In this regard, a radical change in the conditions for the development of mechanical engineering and, to some extent, the chemical industry comes to the fore.

Here, the closest interdependence of Dneprostroy and the future heavy industry of Ukraine is already looming. If the exceptional proximity of the hydropower plant to the natural centers of the ore, coal and metallurgical industries is of the utmost importance for the choice of industries that are naturally centralized at the station, on the other hand, Ukrainian metallurgy, and especially mechanical engineering (and the chemical industry), acquire completely new ways and directions for of its development. After the creation of Dneprostroy, Ukraine became the largest producer of not only elementary mass metal, but also high-quality ferrous and non-ferrous metals, the production of which was either very limited (ferrous metal) or completely absent (non-ferrous metals).

Describing the importance of Ukraine as a center of heavy industry, however, it would be completely wrong to imagine that Ukraine has optimal conditions only for the development of heavy industry. The conditions for the development of light industry, especially those processing agricultural raw materials, are no less favorable here. It is quite characteristic that experiments in planting the beet-sugar industry in pre-war Russia (at the beginning quite numerous) were carried out outside the Ukraine, while Ukraine was one of the most suitable regions for this area of ​​production. This is explained not only by soil and climatic conditions - beets of no less sugar content can be cultivated in some other regions of the Union - but also by the specific conditions of Ukrainian agriculture: its agrarian overpopulation and the inevitability, because of this, replacement of an extensive economy by an intensive one. Similar conditions exist in the Ukraine for other branches of industry for the processing of agricultural products - distillery, shag, flour-grinding and, to some extent, leather.

It must be said that the agriculture of Ukraine, despite its relatively small territory, does not seem to be homogeneous. Features of climate, soil and economic conditions - population density, industrial development, the availability of markets and their proximity, the development of transport - leave their mark on the structure of agriculture in individual regions, which have both their own special features in the past and unequal ways of development in the future, and at the same time require unequal measures for the maximum development of their productive forces.

Comparative expanse of land, rich soil in an arid and unstable steppe climate, and consequently the difficulty of maintaining labor-intensive crops here, as well as poorly tolerated drought crops, proximity to ports and relatively good grain prices led to the development of a monotonous grain crop and hence - as a consequence - a strong clogging of the soil, falling crops and their instability, which led, with the monotony of crops, to frequent crop failures and even hunger strikes. The significance of Steppe agriculture in relation to Ukraine and the entire Union is determined by its role as one of the largest export regions, supplying grain abroad, mainly wheat.

Comparatively favorable soil and especially climatic conditions, a significant population density and a large supply of labor created prerequisites in the Forest-Steppe for the development of more labor-intensive industrial crops - sugar beets, potatoes, shag, hops, hemp, as well as productive animal husbandry. Due to such natural and economic conditions, the Forest-Steppe has long been the base for the development of light industry, working on  raw materials.

Further growth and the planned reconstruction of agriculture should to a large extent determine the direction of development of industry and, above all, the industry that processes raw materials. As an unconditional principle that determines the direction and dimensions of the development of industry, this third industrial complex of Ukraine, the following provision should be put forward:
As an unconditional principle that determines the direction and dimensions of the development of industry, this third industrial complex of Ukraine, the following provision should be put forward:

Ukraine's industry must process everything that the developing intensive agriculture can give it. Since the overwhelming majority of products can be economically rationally transferred only over insignificant distances, their processing can be, basically, the business of Ukrainian industry alone. The growth of industry must be large in comparison with the growth in the production of raw materials. This is necessary not only because it is necessary to ensure a certain reserve of production capacity and create the possibility of complete processing of raw materials in the event of a particularly plentiful harvest, but also in order to stimulate the growth of industrial crops in areas where they already have a significant distribution and create incentives for the emergence of these crops in areas where they are absent or poorly developed, but where there are sufficiently favorable natural and socio-economic prerequisites for their development.

IV. Reconstruction tasks

A sharp increase by the end of the five-year period in the volume of production of the main branches of industry, projected by the latest version of the five-year plan, and a 35% increase in the yield of grain crops can be achieved only on the basis of a radical reconstruction of production processes and the production apparatus and a comprehensive rationalization of all elements of production.

Reconstructive tasks are all the more important because during the five years not only a significant quantitative increase in output should be achieved, but also a major change in the qualitative indicators of production, which in the final result should be expressed in a large reduction in production costs with a significant increase in wages. Thus, we should not only be talking about a simple expansion of the production apparatus, but also about profound changes in the methods of work, about improving the technical methods currently used, about setting up completely new processes based on the latest scientific achievements.

As more or less conscious ideas in this direction in the line of industry, the following should be noted.

In the field of metallurgy , during the reconstruction of existing plants, the first place should be given to the desire to produce by the plant itself all the energy necessary for the plant, reducing the amount of fuel required to a minimum, established by the experience of the best modern plants in the West. This presupposes a closed, energy economy of the plant, a completely complete gasification of it with the most favorable heat balance for it, which seems achievable if the burning of all the amount of coke necessary for blast furnace smelting occurs at the plant itself .

However, the idea of ​​such a closed energy plant economy is modified when it becomes possible to use gases to extract chemical products from them, provided that the preliminary use of gases for chemical purposes is more profitable than burning them directly in furnaces.


In order to fulfill the planned plan for the extraction of metal, further reconstruction of the metallurgical industry must inevitably proceed through the construction in Ukraine within a five-year period of two new large metallurgical plants (Krivorozhsky and Zaporozhye), a ferroalloy plant and 1 electric steel plant (both in Zaporozhye). Since according to the project, the development of which is already being completed, the Kryvyi Rih plant must satisfy the demand for ordinary market metal, the industrial design assignment for the large Zaporozhye plant must take into account the acute shortage in the country of ferrous metal of high and low quality for the needs of various branches of engineering and transport.

A serious moment in the reconstruction of metallurgy in Ukraine, which could also influence the choice of a place for new plants, is the question of the utilization of Kryvyi Rih quartzites, the reserves of which are colossal in this region. In connection with this, it is planned to build in the Krivoy Rog region, first a small concentrating factory, and then, within the next five years, a factory with an annual output of more than 1 million tons of concentrate.

In order to carry out the planned program for the extraction of coal, it is necessary, in addition to the 13 new mines currently in the tunneling and equipment along the Donugl and 5 along the Yugostal, to begin geological exploration in the summer of 1928/29, and at the beginning of 1929/30 to sink a series the latest large mines in order to obtain from these mines in 1932/33 a production of about 4 million tons, which seems to be an extremely difficult task even with the most intense work.

The basis of the new Donbass is the type of large-scale mine construction, since only in this way, in modern conditions, is it possible to fundamentally resolve the issue of labor productivity and cost.

Rationalization of the coal industry is achieved mainly through the mechanization of mining, sorting, mechanization of surface and storage operations, reconstruction of the intra-Donbass railway transport.

In order to make the best use of possible surpluses of electricity in some areas of the Donbass in other areas where, for one reason or another, there is a shortage of it, it is necessary to create a unified energy sector of Donbass in the near future, building for this a common high-voltage network covering all the main regions by the end of the current five years - Northern, Almazno-Maryevsky with Lugansk, Krindachevsky, Stalino-Makeevsky and Central.

For the proper development of the Donets Basin after 1933, already during the current five years, it is necessary to start geological exploration and start sinking a whole series of new mines with a production capacity of 25-30 million tons, i.e., exceeding the entire production of the Donets Basin in 1927/28 G.

In the field of organization, the problem of the organizational unity of the entire heavy industry of the Donets Basin must be studied and solved during the current five years, with its implementation in concrete organizational forms.

The tasks of the reconstruction of mechanical engineering are mainly determined by: a) the need to ensure, by delimiting (specializing) production between individual plants, that the manufacture of identical pieces of equipment for all branches of industry (in order to reduce the cost of products and improve their quality) is concentrated, if possible, on one or, if it is required for reasons of zoning, at a few factories and produced in large batches, and b) the extreme need for the wide production of a number of items of equipment, which are now obtained through imports, while their production at our own factories is quite possible according to the level of technical qualification achieved by our machine-building industry.

In the sugar industry, the central reconstructive problem is the organization of beet drying, which should rather dramatically change the entire system of sugar production, primarily the nature of its links with the raw material base.

However, it must be borne in mind that a more or less widespread use of beet drying is possible not earlier than in 2 or even 3 years, since the first experiments with drying in the Union were made at the beginning of 1929, and literary data force one to refer to existing drying methods. carefully. Therefore, the reconstruction and expansion of factories designed for the old system, scheduled for completion in 1929 and even in 1930, must be carried out. Later works in this category are subject to change depending on the results of experiments with beet drying.

As for the construction of new factories, most of them should be built regardless of the results of drying the beets, since, firstly, the presence of these factories in the designated areas is necessary in order to stimulate sugar beet planting in them, and secondly, the transfer of even dried beets over very long distances, it significantly increases the cost of it and, consequently, the cost of sugar.

In order to process the annually increasing harvest of sugar beets, in addition to building new plants and lengthening the production period, it is planned to expand 25 existing plants and put into operation 12 canned plants.

With the introduction of beet drying in production processes and the installation of drying units in 1932 at 11 plants, and in 1933 at 17 plants, it will be necessary to abandon the expansion of 25 existing plants and the mothballed plants Borovsky, Kiselevsky and Severinovsky should be adapted only for drying beets.

In view of the fact that questions of the scope of the chemical industry cannot be adequately elucidated without a direct presentation of the moments of the fundamental reconstruction of this industry, where a number of industries arise completely anew, and in others technological methods change dramatically, the tasks of reconstructing the chemical industry are revealed by us later in the presentation of the plan for chemical industry.

In the field of agriculture, ensuring the planned rate of increase in productivity reduces the tasks of reconstructing and rationalizing agricultural production to a task of a double order: 1) finding technical, organizational and production methods for increasing productivity per unit area, and 2) possibly wide introduction of these methods among the masses of the economic population.

The measures for the introduction of which there are reasons to count on the introduction of mass peasant farming include: clean and busy pairs, ordinary and timely sowing, variety change, manure mineral and green fertilizers and their consequences, ploughing, stubble plowing, seed dressing and the fight against ground squirrels . These measures do not require significant organizational restructuring of the modern system in field farming for their implementation and, on the basis of relatively small investments from the state, can provide the necessary increase in productivity at the appropriate pace of their implementation in the Ukrainian field economy.

However, the introduction of the agrotechnical methods and measures indicated above into mass peasant farming will give a significant effect in terms of increasing productivity, provided that, along with the work of introducing them into peasant farming, special attention is paid to creating the necessary prerequisites for this, such as: the supply of the population with improved means of production, the correct organization of the land area and the comprehensive socialization of the fragmented individual peasant economy.



With the main focus on collectivist construction in the matter of reorganizing small-scale peasant farming, the paths along which the development of production co-operation will proceed will become of great importance. These paths should ensure the mass unification of small producers into large mechanized, rationally built socialized agricultural enterprises. enterprises at the lowest cost from the state and with the maximum mobilization of their own peasant funds for the maintenance of the technical base of the socialized agricultural. production.

The group method of collectivization that exists to this day, based on the selective amalgamation of peasant farms, in most cases territorially dispersed and requiring, when they are organized into collective farms, the existing forms of land use to be broken, does not ensure mass collectivization of peasant farms in the short term.

Because of this, in addition to modern methods of group collectivization, a course is being taken towards mass forms and methods of socialization.

It must be said that at present the Ukraine is a colossal laboratory of new forms of socio-economic and industrial-technical reconstruction of agriculture for the entire Soviet Union. Here we have a greater scope and variety of forms of the cooperative movement than anywhere else, both along the consumer side and cooperation especially along the agricultural side. Here, in recent years, collectivization has developed at a much faster pace than in other parts of the Union, and in its development at the present time completely new paths and forms have been outlined. They consist in the so-called mass collectivization, i.e., in drawing into the collective production of entire agricultural land, societies on the basis of collective ownership of the means of production and on the basis of the destruction of boundary lines (the introduction of social crop rotation). Finally, in Ukraine in recent years, that form of large-scale agricultural production has also been born, production which in the literature was called "machine-tractor stations".

Its organizational essence is as follows.

1. The main element of the organization is the power machine-tractor station, which is a source of mechanical motive energy for the agricultural sector. production. The mechanical armament is modern machine and, first of all, a tractor.

2. The machine and tractor station must serve the optimal area, and this area, depending on the region, is over 20 (from 40 to 60) thousand hectares of arable land; therefore, the service radius of the station is 12‑15 km.

3. Such a large unit of agricultural x. production is created by combining thousands of individual small farms on the basis of an agreement with the machine and tractor station on the socialized cultivation of the land. This is the essence of organization, since it lays the foundation for the separation of the peasantry from the individual farmer. production.

4. The model agreement with the machine and tractor station is based on the peasantry's renunciation of individual boundaries and the introduction of a social crop rotation. The significance of these prerequisites for the production and technical reconstruction of agriculture does not need any special explanation.

5. The creation of a machine and tractor station is a natural prerequisite for collectivization, since joint social cultivation of the land on the basis of an agreement with a machine and tractor station almost inevitably leads to the adoption of the charter of the simplest collective association: a society for the joint cultivation of the land arises. In this case, collectivization takes on the character of a mass collectivization, since villages are drawn into collective associations, either entirely, or with the exception of a part of households - usually kulak ones.

Agronomic and organizational services for the collective farms are concentrated in cluster associations of collective farms, which are cooperative combines of collective farms.

V. Plans for individual industries
1. Electrification
2. Fuel use
3. Industry
4. Industrial plant at the Dnepropetrovsk hydroelectric power station
5. Agriculture
6. Forestry
7. Transport
8. Labor
9. General results of the national economic development of the Ukrainian SSR

Summing up a brief review of the general paths and rates of economic development of Ukraine for the five years, we can draw the following general conclusions.

The national economy of the Ukraine, as well as the economy of other regions of the USSR, will develop in the next five years at an extremely high pace, which the history of the development of other countries does not know, passing through the same stage of industrialization in a different socio-economic situation, under a different system of the national economy. Industry is developing especially rapidly, and industrialization, under the natural and economic conditions of Ukraine, takes a decisive bias towards the development of heavy industry, which produces the means of production. Reconstructive lines of development of the country (electrification, metallization, mechanization, chemicalization) find extremely favorable conditions in Ukraine and will penetrate into the structure of the national economy, changing its current economic, technical and social shape. The socio-economic and production-technical structure of agriculture is also undergoing extremely large changes, which is determined by the projected rates of cooperation, collectivization, the rates of mechanization, mineralization and other reconstructive transformations in agriculture. The general social reconstruction of the country, characterized by the growth of socialized elements, will develop at an extremely fast pace, and the proportion of socialized elements by the end of the five years will be high not only in industry, transport and trade, but also in agriculture. By the end of the five-year period, the significance of the Ukraine as one of the industrial centers producing the means of production for the entire Soviet Union will increase. In the same way, its importance as a supplier of agricultural products increases. products,

In general, Ukraine will grow as a rapidly industrializing part of the Union, at an extremely high pace, changing its current agrarian-industrial image to an industrial-agrarian one.

But, despite all these extremely favorable indicators, the next five years is only a transitional five-year period in which the foundation for a new socio-economic order is only being laid. The new construction projected, especially the large new giant plants (metallurgical, machine-building) will not yet give their full effect in this five-year period, since they enter into the national economy only a part of their production capacity.

It should be noted that in the next five years the process of industrialization will be directed mainly along the line of development of the old industrial regions of Ukraine with large historical fixed assets. These regions are joined first of all by the region of Dneprostroy, which has enormous prospects for growth, the reconstructive role of which extends far beyond the limits of the national economy of Ukraine, and the region of Krivoy Rog. In view of the above, industrialization will strongly affect the eastern part of Ukraine and, to a much lesser extent, the western part (Right Bank and especially Polissya), which will play a role mainly in agriculture. area with a fairly rapidly developing industry for the processing of agricultural x. raw materials. Such a division of labor between the eastern and western parts of Ukraine, based on the existing natural conditions, cannot be changed significantly in the near future. However, it seems necessary to find opportunities for further industrialization of the right-bank part of Ukraine, especially along the lines of the development of light industry, in particular the industry that processes agricultural products. raw materials, and ancillary industries. A study of this question must be carried out in the next few years in order to realize its results not only during the period of the general plan, but, possibly, also in the coming five years.