Truce and preliminary peace conditions between Russia and Ukraine, on the one hand, and Poland, on the other. 1920

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Truce and preliminary peace conditions between Russia and Ukraine, on the one hand, and Poland, on the other. 1920

Collection of legalizations and orders of the government for 1920. Administration of the Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR M. 1943, pp. 755-763.
Article No. 516.
An armistice and preliminary peace conditions between Russia and Ukraine on the one hand, and Poland on the other.
The Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers', Peasants' Cossacks and Red Army Deputies of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic announces that the plenipotentiaries of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic and the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic and the plenipotentiaries of the Polish Republic concluded and signed in Riga on October 12, 1920 an armistice agreement and the preliminary conditions of peace between Russia and Ukraine, on the one hand, and Polynia, on the other, which from word to word reads as follows:
The Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic and the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic, on the one hand, and the Polish Republic, on the other, driven by the desire to put an end to the bloody war that has arisen between them as soon as possible and to work out the conditions that should form the basis of a lasting, honorable and equally acceptable for both sides of the peace between them, decided to enter into negotiations with the aim of concluding a truce and preliminary peace conditions, for which they elected as their representatives:
Governments of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic and the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic -
Adolf Abramovich Ioffe, and also
Sergei Mironovich Kirov
Dmitry Zakharovich Manuilsky and
Leonid Leonidovich Obolensky,
Government of the Polish Republic -
Jan Dombsky, and
Norbert Barlitsky,
Dr. Stanislav Grabsky,
Dr. Vitold Kamenetsky,
Dr. Vladislav Kernik,
General Mechislav Kulinsky,
Adam Mechkowski,
Leon Vasilevsky,
Leon Vashkevich and
Mikhail Vikhlinsky,
who, after exchanging their full powers, found sufficient and in due course, have agreed as follows:

Article I
Both contracting parties, (according to the principle of self-determination of peoples, recognize the independence of Ukraine and Belarus, and also agree and decide that the eastern border of Poland, i.e. the border between Ukraine and Belarus, on the one hand, and Poland, on the other, is the line:
Along the river Zap. Dvina from the border of Russia with Latvia to the point where the border of the former. Vilna province. converges with the border of the former. Vitebsk province; further along the border of the former. Vilna and Vitebsk provinces. to the village and dor. Art. "Orekhovno", which remain on the Polish side, then again along the eastern border of the former. Vilna province. to the point at which the counties adjoin: Dvinsky, Lepelsky and Borisovsky, then from this point to the village of Mal. Chernitsa, leaving the latter on the side of Belarus, from there southwest across the middle of the lake on the Berezina River to the village of Zarechitsk, remaining on the side of Belarus, then southwest to the Viliya River to a point east of Dolginovo; further along the Viliya River to the tract going south from Dolginovo, further south to the Iliya River (the name of the river is not on the map), along the Iliya River to the junction with the Rynchanka River, moreover, the town of Ilia remains on the side of Poland, further along the Rypchanka River to the south to the railway station. station "Radoshkovichi", and art. and the town remain on the side of Belarus, further east from the villages of Rakovo, Volma and Rubezhevichi to the railway station. line Minsk - Baranovichi near the village of Kolosova, remaining on the side of Poland; further south to the middle of the road from Nesvizh to Tymkovichi, further south to the middle of the road from Kletsk to Tymkovichi, further south to the Moscow-Varshavskoe highway, crossing it west of Filippovich; further along the shortest route to the Lan River near the village of Chudzin, leaving it on the side of Poland; further along the Lan River until it flows into the Pripyat River, then east along the Pripyat River for seven kilometers, from where south to the Stviga River to the point of the river forming a bend to the west, then up the Stviga River to the point where this river crosses the border of the former Minsk and Volyn provinces, from there the border of the same provinces to the border of Rovno and Ovruch districts, then the same border to the intersection of the railway. lines to the west from the railway. station "Okhotnikovo" and the town of Rakitna; further south up the river Lva to its source and from there to the confluence of the river Korchik into the river Sluch, further up the river Korchik, leaving the place Korets on the side of Poland; further southwest, leaving Kilikiev on the Ukrainian side to Milyatin, remaining on the Polish side; then south, crossing the railway. d. Rivne - Shepetovka and the river Goryn to the river Viliya, and the mountains. Ostrog remains on the side of Volhynia; further up the river Viliya to Nov. Stav, remaining on the side of Ukraine, from there generally to the south, crossing the Goryn River at Lanovtsy, leaving this village on the side of Poland, and further to the Zbruch River, leaving the village of Belozerka on the side of Poland.

When determining the boundary in sections passing along rivers, the passage of the boundary is accepted - on navigable rivers along the fairway of the main branch, and on non-navigable rivers along the middle of the main branch.

The above border is determined on the map of the Russian edition on a scale of 25 versts in one English inch, attached to this agreement, and is drawn in red.
(Appendix № 1 card).

In the case of a difference between text and map, the text is decisive.

Russia and Ukraine renounce all rights and claims to the lands located to the west of this border. For its part, Poland renounces in favor of Ukraine and Belarus all rights and claims to the lands located to the east of this border. The detailed establishment and drawing in kind of the above state border, as well as the installation of boundary markers, is entrusted to a special mixed border commission, which will be created immediately after the ratification of this treaty. Both contracting parties agree that since the territory located to the west of the above-established border includes territories disputed between Poland and Lithuania, the question of whether these territories belong to one or another of the named states is subject to resolution between Poland and Lithuania.

Article II
Both contracting parties mutually confirm full respect for their state sovereignty and refraining from any interference in the internal affairs of the other party, and both contracting parties decide to include in the peace treaty an obligation not to create or support organizations that set themselves the goal of armed struggle with the other contracting party, aimed at overthrowing the state or social system of the other side, encroaching on its territorial integrity, as well as organizations that assume the role of the government of the other side.
From the moment of ratification of this treaty, both contracting parties undertake not to support foreign military operations against the other side.

Article III
Both contracting parties undertake to include in the peace treaty a resolution on the free choice (option) of Russian or Ukrainian, as well as Polish citizenship, so that all the rights without exception will be recognized for the optants, which by the peace treaty will be granted to citizens of both parties.

Article IV
Both contracting parties undertake to include in the peace treaty a resolution guaranteeing, on the one hand, to persons of Polish nationality in Russia and Ukraine all those rights that ensure the free development of culture, language and the performance of religious rites, which persons of Russian and Ukrainian nationality in Poland will enjoy, and on the other hand, to persons of Russian and Ukrainian nationality in Poland all those rights that ensure the free development of culture, language and the performance of religious rites, which persons of Polish nationality in Russia and Ukraine will enjoy.

Article V

Both contracting parties mutually renounce compensation for their military expenses, that is, state expenses for waging war between them, as well as compensation for military losses, that is, for losses caused both to them and their citizens in the area military action for the time, this war is military action and activities.

Article VI

Both contracting parties undertake to include in the peace treaty provisions concerning the exchange of prisoners of war and compensation for the actual costs of their maintenance.

Article VII.

Immediately after the signing of this treaty: Mixed commissions will be formed for the purpose of issuing hostages without delay and the immediate exchange of civilian prisoners, internees, and, as far as possible, also prisoners of war and organizing the return of refugees and emigrants.

The aforementioned mixed commissions are given the right to protect the interests and provide assistance to civilian prisoners and prisoners of war, internees, hostages, refugees and emigrants.

In order to settle issues related to the immediate return of hostages, civilian prisoners, internees, refugees and emigrants, as well as prisoners of war, both parties undertake to immediately conclude a special agreement on this subject after signing this treaty.

Article VIII.

Both contracting parties undertake immediately after the signing of this treaty to issue appropriate orders to suspend judicial, administrative, disciplinary and all other prosecutions against civilian prisoners, internees, hostages, refugees, emigrants and prisoners of war, as well as to immediately suspend the enforcement of penalties imposed on these persons in any order.

Suspension of the execution of punishments may not result in release from imprisonment, but in this case such persons must be immediately extradited to the authorities of their state with all the paperwork.

However, if this person declares his unwillingness to return to his homeland, or if the domestic authorities refuse to accept him, then such a person may be subject to imprisonment.

Article IX

Both contracting parties undertake to include amnesty provisions in the peace treaty: Poland for Russian and Ukrainian citizens in Poland, Russia and Ukraine for Polish citizens in Russia and Ukraine.

Article X

Both contracting parties undertake to include in the peace treaty provisions concerning mutual settlements and liquidation, and to build them on the following foundations:

1. From the former belonging of a part of the lands of the Republic of Poland to the former Russian Empire, no obligations and encumbrances arise for Poland in relation to Russia.

2. Both contracting parties mutually renounce all rights to state property connected with the territory of the other country.

3. During mutual settlements and liquidation, the active participation of the lands of the Polish Republic in the economic life of the former Russian Empire will be taken into account.

4. Both contracting parties mutually undertake, at the request of the owners, to re-evacuate and return in kind or in the corresponding equivalent the movable property of the state associated with the economic and cultural life of the country, self-government bodies, institutions, individuals and legal entities, taken or evacuated by force or voluntarily, starting from the first of August of the new style of 1914, with the exception of war booty.

5. An obligation will be established to return to Poland archives, libraries, objects of art, military-historical trophies, antiquities and similar objects of cultural heritage taken from Poland to Russia since the partitions of the Polish Republic.

6. Mutual regulation of claims based on legal titles of individuals and legal entities of both parties, claims that arose before the signing of this agreement, against the Government and institutions of the other side will be established.

7. The peace treaty will establish the obligation of Russia and Ukraine to recognize for Poland and its citizens the greatest favor in the field of restitution of property and compensation for losses during the revolution and civil war in Russia and Ukraine.

Both contracting parties agree that the above paragraphs do not exhaust all the details of settlement and liquidation.

Article XI

Both contracting parties undertake immediately after the signing of the peace treaty to begin negotiations on conventions: trade and navigation, sanitary, means of communication and postal and telegraph, as well as on compensatory barter.

Article XII

Both contracting parties agree to include in the peace treaty provisions on granting transit for Russia and Ukraine through Polish territory and for Poland through Russian and Ukrainian territories.

Article XIII.

Both contracting parties conclude at the same time a special armistice agreement, which is an integral part of this agreement and. has the same binding force.

(Appendix No. 2 - "True Treaty").

Article XIV

Russia and Ukraine declare that all obligations assumed by them in relation to Poland, as well as the rights acquired by them on the basis of this agreement, apply to all territories located to the east of the border line specified in Art. 1 of this agreement, which were part of the former. Russian Empire and at the conclusion of this agreement were provided by Russia and Ukraine.

Article XV

Both contracting parties undertake immediately after the signing of this treaty to enter into negotiations on the conclusion of a peace treaty.

Article XV I.

This agreement is drawn up in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish languages ​​in two copies.

In interpreting the treaty, all three texts are considered authentic.

Article XVII.

This Treaty is subject to ratification and comes into force from the moment of the exchange of instruments of ratification, unless otherwise specified in the Treaty itself or its annexes.

The exchange of instruments of ratification and the drawing up of a corresponding protocol will take place in Libava.

Both contracting parties undertake to ratify this treaty not later than fifteen days from the date of its signing.

The exchange of instruments of ratification and the drawing up of the minutes must take place not later than six days after the expiration of the time limit for ratification.

Both contracting parties stipulate that the armistice agreement (Article 13) loses its binding force if these actions do not take place for any reason within the period provided for the exchange of instruments of ratification and the drawing up of the corresponding protocol.

The resumption of hostilities cannot, however, in this case take place earlier than forty-eight hours after the said period.

Wherever in the present treaty the moment of ratification of the treaty is mentioned as a time limit, this means the moment of exchange of instruments of ratification.

In witness thereof, the plenipotentiaries of both parties have signed this treaty, and have affixed their seals to it.

Compiled and signed in Riga.

On the twelfth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and twenty.

A. Ioffe.
Jan Dombsky.
S. Kirov.
Norbert Barditsky.
D. Manuilsky.
Stanislav Grabsky.
L. Obolensky.
Witold Kamenetsky.
Vladislav Kernik.
Mechislav Kulinsky.
Adam Mechkovsky.
Leon Vasilevsky.
Ludwig Vashkevich.
Mikhail Vikhlinsky.
Appendix № 2.

Armistice agreement.

According to Art. XIII of the Preliminary Peace Treaty, the following armistice treaty is concluded:

§ 1.After 144 hours have elapsed from the moment of signing the agreement on preliminary peace conditions, that is, at 24 hours Central European Time on October 18, 1920, both contracting parties are obliged to cease all hostilities on land, water and in the air.

§ 2.The troops of both contracting parties remain in the positions they occupied by the time of the cessation of hostilities, in accordance with § 1, with the condition, however, that the Russian-Ukrainian troops be located no closer than 15 kilometers from the Polish front fixed at the time of the cessation of hostilities.

§ 3.The 15-kilometer-wide strip thus formed between the two fronts is a militarily neutral zone and is under the administrative control of the country to which this territory should belong according to the preliminary treaty.

§ 4.In the section from the Nesvizh region to the Dvina River, Polish troops are deployed on the state border line established in Art. 1 of the preliminary agreement, Russian-Ukrainian troops are 15 kilometers east of this line.

§ 5.All troop movements caused by the implementation of §§ 2 and 4 must take place at a speed of at least 20 kilometers per day and begin no later than 24 hours after the cessation of hostilities, i.e. no later than 24 hours CET on the nineteenth October thousand; nine hundred twenty.

§ 6.After the ratification of the preliminary peace treaty, the troops of both contracting parties are withdrawn within their state territory at a speed of at least 20 kilometers per day and are located no closer than 15 kilometers on both sides of the state border.

The 30-kilometer-wide strip thus formed is a militarily neutral zone and remains in the administrative administration of the country to which this territory belongs.

§ 7.In the zone which must be neutral according to § 3 and 6, the presence of armed forces is prohibited, with the exception of detachments of the Polish army necessary for the occupation of territories in accordance with § 4. The number and location of these detachments must be brought to the attention of the Polish military command by the Polish military command to the other side.

§ 8.Detailed instructions required for the implementation of this treaty are given by the commands of both sides (not lower than the command of divisions), if necessary by mutual agreement.

For this purpose, immediately after the signing of the armistice agreement and preliminary peace conditions, they send liaison officers with the necessary personnel to the divisions and armies of the opposite side. These officers, as well as their personnel and baggage, are guaranteed by both sides diplomatic immunity, personal security, freedom of movement and communication with their authorities.

In order to control the implementation of this agreement, as well as to resolve misunderstandings that may arise and regulate necessary issues, a Mixed Military Conciliation Commission is formed, the composition of which, location, competence and executive bodies are determined by the high military command of both parties, by their mutual agreement.

§ 9.When leaving, in accordance with §§ 4 and 6, the occupied areas, the troops leave in complete inviolability all property located on the site, such as: state, public and private buildings, g. d. with everything in place railway. rolling stock, bridges, station buildings, telegraphs, telephones and other means of communication that do not constitute the military property of a given army, warehouses, grain in the fields and barns, living and dead industrial and agricultural equipment, all raw materials, etc. etc., both being the property of the state or local governments, as well as legal entities and individuals. When the troops withdraw, it is forbidden to take hostages or evacuate the civilian population. In relation to this population, it is forbidden to apply any repressions: to alienate, requisition or forcibly redeem their property.

§ 10.For the duration of the armistice, all movement on land, by water and by air from one side to the other is stopped. Exceptions in individual cases are established by the Mixed Military Conciliation Commission, created on the basis of § 8.

§ 11.Detachments and military persons violating the provisions of this treaty shall be considered prisoners of war.

§ 12.This truce is established for a period of 21 days, however, each of the parties has the right to refuse a truce with a 48-hour warning. If before the expiration of the truce neither of the parties refuses it, then it automatically continues until the ratification of the final peace treaty and each of the parties has the right to refuse the truce with a 14-day warning.

Regardless of the above provisions and in accordance with Art. XVII of the Treaty on Preliminary Peace Conditions, this armistice loses its binding force if, for any reason, these actions do not take place within the period provided for the exchange of instruments of ratification and the drawing up of the corresponding protocol. However, hostilities may not be resumed earlier than 48 hours after the deadline set for the exchange of instruments of ratification.

§ 13.This agreement is an integral part of the preliminary peace agreement and has equal force with it.

In witness of this, the representatives of both parties signed it with their own hands.

Compiled and signed in Riga. October twelfth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty.

A. Ioffe.
Jan Dombsky.
S. Kirov.
Norbert Barditsky.
D. Manuilsky.
Stanislav Grabsky.
L. Obolensky.
Witold Kamenetsky.
Vladislav Kernik.
Mechislav Kulinsky.
Adam Mechkovsky.
Leon Vasilevsky.
Ludwig Vashkevich.
Mikhail Vikhlinsky.

After considering this treaty, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets of Workers', Peasants', Cossacks' and Red Army Deputies confirmed it and ratified it in its entirety, promising that everything stated in the above act would be observed inviolably. In witness whereof, the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, having signed this instrument of ratification, has approved it with the state seal.

Moscow, October 23, 1920.

For the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers, Peasants, Cossacks and Red Army Deputies Yu. Lutovinov .
Secretary A. Yenukidze .
The exchange of instruments of ratification took place in Libau on November 2, 1920.