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Other Transcripts not in the booksEnergy resources of Ukraine- 1925
Materials on the revision of the electrification plan (GOELRO). Publication of the State Planning Committee of the Ukrainian SSR Kharkov-1925. pp. 69-79.
Energy resources of Ukraine
(Report by Eng. EK Kosheleva).
The importance of energy resources in the general cycle of the national economy is extremely high and gives reason to assert that in the near future, not only the reserves of its energy resources, but also their ratio with those in neighboring countries will be a strong factor affecting the welfare and power of the country.
Therefore, it is extremely important to navigate the quality and quantity of those energy resources that Ukraine has, and to identify their significance in the overall complex of the world.
For orientation, it is necessary to establish how much energy the earth receives from the sun, as the primary source of all energy - what part of this energy is spent usefully and how much of it the earth has managed to accumulate over the many centuries of its geological existence.
Only one 2,200,000,000 part of the solar energy hits the earth's surface, and the annual radiation of the sun to the earth, according to the calculations of Arrhenius and Klossovsky, gives a value of 1.68 × 10 24 gram-calories.
The amount of heat transferred from the sun to the surface of one square centimeter placed perpendicular to its rays, that is, the solar constant, according to Arrhenius' calculations, is about 2.5 gram calories per minute. If we accept this figure, then one square meter of the earth's surface with an atmosphere transparency coefficient of 0.75 receives 314 gram calories in one second.
If it were possible to convert all the heat received from the sun into mechanical energy, then each meter of heated surface would develop 1.8 horsepower.
These figures show how large the amount of thermal energy received by the earth from the sun, but a significant part of the solar heat is wasted completely unproductively.
According to prof. Ramzin's land, over hundreds of millions of geological years, has managed to accumulate fuel reserves less than one month's radiation of the sun on the earth's surface.
Energy sources of importance to humans can be classified as follows:
1. Energy sent by the sun to the earth in the form of radiant heat.
2. The energy of combustible substances: coal, oil, natural gases, peat, as well as vegetable fibers and oils, wood, alcohol and agricultural waste, a constant supply of which is provided by natural growth conditions.
3. Thermal energy accumulated in the earth due to the high temperature of its inner core.
4. Energy of falling and rising waters.
5. Kinetic energy acquired by the earth during daily rotation around its axis, which determines the tides of the sea.
6. Energy of sea waves.
7. Wind energy.
8. Interatomic energy.
Only those species that are currently amenable to industrial use are subject to accounting, namely:
a) thermal energy of combustible materials of various fuels;
b) hydraulic energy;
c) wind energy.
These forms of energy generally fall into two main categories:
1) non-renewable energy reserves,
2) renewable energy reserves.
The former include reserves of fossil coals, oil, natural gases and part of peat, and the latter include wind energy, water, annual growth of wood, peat, straw, etc.
Ukraine has 0.9% of all energy resources in the world. The ratio between non-renewable and renewable species is less favorable than for the whole world and for the entire USSR, its main resources are concentrated in fossil coals.
Hard coal . The main data for individual countries in the field of coal reserves are given in table No. 3, compiled on the basis of the work of the 13th Geological Congress in Canada, with prof. Ramzin made corrections to these figures, in accordance with the new borders established after the war. Appropriate miscalculations have been made for Ukraine.
Ukraine is in more favorable conditions in terms of the density of coal reserves, its density is approximately 7 times higher than the density of the USSR, but its per capita supply is small - only 2.1 thousand tons per person, with a maximum in S.-A. N.Sh., reaching up to 25.4 thousand tons per capita. Fossil coal resources of Ukraine are equal to 1.05% of the global ones with an area of 0.32% of the world and a population of 1.7%, i.e., the supply of coal in Ukraine can be considered sufficient.
Reserves of hydraulic energy possible for rational exploitation in Ukraine are given by prof. Oppokov in the following figures:
Table. № 5
Avg. energy 9 months average year Max. energy 6 months average year in horsepower Dnieper rapids 300 000 650 000 R. Dnieper (out of date) 500 000 1 000 000 Sev. Donets 40 000 60 000 Pripyat 70 000 140 000 Desna (in the upper river) 68 000 130 000 Sejm 10 700 20 000 Goryn (all courses) 21 000 40 000 black grouse 18 000 30 000 Southern Bug 30 000 60 000 Southern Case. (all tech.) 14 000 20 000 Dniester 150 000 220 000 Ros (all current) 15 400 19 000 Other rivers 69 900 121 000 TOTAL 1 307 000 2 510 000
Conclusion. It is safe to say that in the near future, even if the technique of using low-potential energy is so advanced that it makes its use profitable for Ukraine, these types of energy cannot be of great importance. Therefore, all attention should be fixed on those types of energy that are already of practical importance. Despite the fact that there are few renewable energy reserves in Ukraine, only 6% of the total amount of resources, it is necessary to pay attention to their most complete and rational use and thereby preserve non-renewable energy resources for as long as possible. First of all, it is necessary, wherever possible, to use the energy of water. The reserves of water energy in Ukraine, as already mentioned, are expressed in the figure of 1,307 thousand losh. strength, of which only 40,000 losh are currently in use. forces, i.e. 3%. The field of activity in the direction of the further use of water energy is still very large. Firewood and straw, in the amount in which they are accepted when calculating the energy resources of Ukraine, are completely consumed mainly by the rural population.
Further expansion of renewable energy consumption should come from the use of wind. Wind energy provides 40% of all renewable energy at the disposal of Ukraine, and therefore its use is of great interest, but at the moment it is hampered by the lack of uses that would economically compete with the use of other types of energy. The amount of use of this energy is currently characterized by the following table:
Table. № 6.
provinces Total number of wind turbines Density of wind turbines per 1000 sq. miles Probable power setting. in l. With.Volyn 1583 25,2 5 270Chernihiv 13 365 290,0 44 700Podolskaya 1 348 36,5 4 470Kyiv 6 380 143,0 21 250Poltava 29 400 672,0 169 500Kharkiv 9 500 296,0 61 400Kherson 19 480 313,0 117 000Yekaterinoslavskaya 9 110 164,0 52 000Tauride 2 310 43,5 13 100Total in Ukraine 92 478 — 483 690
Taking the work of this installed capacity at 1,000 hours per year and estimating the fuel consumption per 1 horsepower at 1 pood, we obtain an annual fuel saving of 484 thousand tons of standard fuel, i.e. approximately 6% of the current consumption of don fuel in Ukraine.
Possible to use wind power in Ukraine is 15 million liters. s., that is, only 3% is currently used.
Peat has now lost its importance as a fuel, and little attention is paid to its development, but given that the share of peat in the total amount of renewable reserves is equal to the share of water energy, it is necessary to pay more attention to its use. Rationalizing the general arrangement of its use, placing on it, where possible, central electric stations, it is necessary to increase its consumption and thereby preserve a more valuable type of energy - the energy of fossil coals.
In the future, in view of the need not to exhaust the reserves of energy contained in fossil coals for as long as possible, the efforts of technology must be directed towards the rationalization of the use of fossil coals and towards the fullest use of renewable energy resources.