LEAFLETS during Russian Revolution

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  LEAFLETS during  Russian Revolution 
A collection of Leaflets 1905 - 1917
partly from “The Voice of the Great Revolution” (in Russian) the book consists of leaflets published by the Bolshevik Party from
February 1917 to November 1920

Regulations of the Workers' Combat Company of the Moscow Committee of the RSDLP

     RUSSIAN         SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC         LABOR         PARTY


#1. The MC RSDLP imposes the following tasks on its combat company.

First, it must protect all gatherings of organized workers from encroachments by the Black Hundreds, police, and Cossacks. 

Second, it must take upon itself the protection of all citizens against the pogroms and lawlessness organized by the police. 

Finally, third, it must help the conscious proletariat organize itself for the armed uprising and at the very moment of the uprising must take its place in the front ranks of the proletariat in order to repel the last forces of the autocracy. 

One joining the company should calculate his abilities strictly.

He should remember that in all conflicts he will be in the forefront and that he will always be threatened by death. A member of the company must be selfless and brave. 

#2 Only those persons may be members of the combat company who are well-known by some party organizations and are recommended by it as unconditionally conspiratorial, determined, and devoted to the party.

#3. The company is divided into the active and the reserve components.

#4. The members or the active company are those who have learned to use weapons well, are acquainted with the necessary methods of combat operations , and are possessed of a spirit of strict discipline. 

#5. In the reserve are included those persons with preliminary training who wish to join the company but do not meet the requirements of #4. 

Note. All local party workers possessing weapons may be included in the reserve. 

#6. The active part of the company, constituting the main combat strength of the organization, is divided by districts into details headed by organizers designated by the Committee and approved by the detail. Each detail is composed. of several tens made up, if possible, of those working on one plant or living close to each other, and including an elected " Desiatskii" approved by the organizer, a courier, and a scout. 

Note. Each new ten or a detachment is recruited from the district reserve under the strict control of the foreman and the organizer. 

#7. The responsibility  to concern oneself with the prudent growth of the detachment, correct distribution of weapons within the detachment, the correct procedure of military exercises, and so on, falls on the organizer.

At times when the detachment is acting or is performing some service, the organizer is the commander to whose orders all members unconditionally submit themselves. 

Note. For the combat training of each detachment a special instructor may be designated; At the time when the entire company' takes the field, the instructor may receive command of the detachment. This fact is to be announced to the detachment by the organizer who from that moment places himself under his command in the role of his closest assistant. 

Note. 2. The gathering of organizers, under the presidency of a representative of the Committee constitutes the council of the company, managing its internal affairs. 

#8. The district organizer can be removed by the demand of a twothirds majority of a general assembly of the detachment, called together by the representative of the Committee based on the demand of one fourth of the detachment. 

#9. It is the responsibility of the "Desiatskii" to supervise the distribution of weapons. The responsibility of the distribution of weapons within the ten, the strict account of bullets and their distribution, the supervision of the conditions of the weapons of each member, the calling together of the entire ten on the demand of the organizer, and so on, falls on the "Desiatskii." During a period when the ten has taken the field, for example in protecting plant meetings, the "Desiatskii," in the absence of the organizer commands the ten, and consequently, the entire ten is to submit to his orders. 

#10. Weapons, given by the organization belong to the organization and not to the individual members. Therefore, 

1)                  No member has the right to arbitrarily dispose of the weapon given to him, to transfer it to other hands, or exchange it with other comrades or give it away for repairs without permission, and so on. 

2)                  Leaving the organization, even temporarily, each is obliged, without fail, to transfer the weapon to the organization, through the "desiatskii" .

#11. The right to carry weapons constantly is given only to the active company. Members of the reserve may only have them during target practice and during the fulfillment of some task, if necessary. 

#12. In the handling of the weapons, each member is obliged to strictly follow particular instructions and all the directives of the leaders: otherwise, the weapon may be taken away from him by the "desiatski" or organizer. 

#13. To preserve comradely relations members must conform to strict discipline, by the force of which each member is obliged to:

1)  To show up in the designated place and time at the first call. 

2)  During periods of combat activity and service, the company is to 

submit unconditionally to all the dispositions of the leaders, even if they should seem to be incorrect. 

3)  Departing from the city for a time, it is obligatory to obtain leave from the "desiatskii"   or the organizer, and leave the weapons with him.

#4. Each member must hold the internal affairs of the company in strictest secrecy, not speaking about them needlessly to even the closest comrades.

#15. For a more or less serious breech of the regulations a member may be excluded from the company and this exclusion is possible only by a decree of the comradely court. 

Note. Each Desiatskii or organizer may temporarily remove a member from the detachment.

Printing Department of the Moscow Committee.

Vysshii Pod'em Revoliutsii. I, PP 600-601