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LEAFLETS during Russian Revolution
A collection of Leaflets 1905 - 1917
partly from “The Voice of the Great Revolution” (in Russian) the book consists of leaflets published by the Bolshevik Party from
February 1917 to November 1920
All power is in the hands of the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies!
May 26, 1917
Comrades soldiers!
The working class, the workers of Petrograd, with the support of peasants dressed in soldiers' greatcoats, overcame the tsar and his servants and brought down the oppression that had been on the shoulders of the Russian people for centuries.
The Russian people immediately became free from a slave within a few days. The tsarist autocracy, which seemed so powerful to millions of Russian people, crumbled to dust from one mighty blow from the workers and soldiers. On the very next day after the victory, the workers and peasants faced new tasks, on the solution of which the entire future of our country depends. The war, which brought the workers and peasants to the resolve, without postponing things, to deal the last blow to the tsar, the same predatory, unprecedented war revealed to the workers and peasants the whole essence of the society in which we live. What was understood by a few becomes clear to everyone. Everyone understood the following provisions:
1. Who started the war? The people or the tsar and the capitalists with the landlords? The tsar and the capitalists started the war with the landlords. The Russian capitalists and landlords have entered into an alliance with the capitalists - French, British, Italian and Romanian - against the German and Austrian capitalists.
2.What is the war for? For the sake of the interests of the people or of rich people, capitalists, landowners? This war is predatory, conquering. It is carried out for the sake of conquest goals, for the sake of the profits of the capitalists and landowners with the aim of forcibly dividing entire nations and defenseless small states between big predators.
3. Should the war continue? The war must be ended if we do not want the final death of Russia and other countries, hunger, suffering and ruin of entire millions of people for the profits of rich people.
4.How to end the war? Whether by sticking a bayonet into the ground and a separate (separate) world? By sticking a bayonet into the ground, by a separate peace, the war cannot be ended; one cannot get out of it alone. The only way is to come to an agreement with the workers and peasants of the whole world and end this slaughter.
5. Who is hindering this and why? The alliance of all workers and peasants of the whole world in order to end the war is hindered by the capitalists and landlords of the whole world, who have concluded secret predatory agreements among themselves, because they know that if the workers and peasants of the whole world unite, this alliance will not only end the predatory war, but will declare a new war — a war of the workers and peasants of the whole world against the capitalists and landlords of the whole world with the aim of taking power into their own hands.
6. What are the Russian and foreign capitalists and landowners doing to prevent the alliance of workers and peasants? They organize all their forces, incite the soldier-peasants against the workers, people who do not understand well who is the defender of their interests, against the socialists, prevent the penetration of the correct news that we are having a great revolution. It is not profitable for the capitalists and the bourgeoisie for the workers and peasants to know the whole truth about the war, who started it, what predatory agreements the Russian capitalists and Nicholas II concluded with the French and British capitalists. In Russia, the capitalists promise the people to convene the Constituent Assembly and do not convene it, promise to provide the peasants with land and do not give land to the peasants, call the seizure of land "arbitrariness", promise to abolish all class restrictions and do not cancel them, They promise to give the soldiers rights and instead of rights they legitimize harmful lawlessness. In a word, there is not a single aspect of life, not a single institution where things go the old way: the same old tsarist officials, landlord capitalists are sitting everywhere - in courts, on railways, in schools and zemstvo councils.
7. What should be done to end the war and improve the condition of the people, workers and peasants?
One thing is necessary - that all power should pass into the hands of the workers and peasants, the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies. Only then can we achieve that the capitalists and landlords will not be able to prevent us from reaching an agreement with the workers and peasants of the whole world about the end of the war, only then we, workers and peasants, will be able to take the whole business of our country into our own hands - both the food business and the land device, and industry, and communication routes.
Now our Provisional Government consists of capitalists, landowners and socialists, who are in the minority there. But because they are in the minority there, they cannot achieve anything important to improve the lives of workers and peasant soldiers. Take at least the land: they forbid the peasants to take the land, and the Minister Kerensky, who calls himself a socialist, signed an order, which still establishes that officers are appointed by the authorities, not soldiers, and that soldiers in a combat situation can be punished without trial or investigation. ...
We, the Bolshevik Social Democrats, stand for the transfer of power as a whole into the hands of the workers and peasants, the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies.
And in order to achieve this, we need to strive for the majority of the peasants to go with the workers. The peasants are now in large numbers called up for military service and are dressed in gray soldier's greatcoats. Therefore, it is necessary now to begin our socialist preaching among the soldiers. Under the Central Committee of our party, from the very beginning of the revolution, a soldier's military organization of Bolshevik soldiers was created. It is working to rally comrade soldiers and workers for a joint struggle for power, for land, for freedom, for socialism. In the rear and at the front, where there are our Bolshevik supporters, we have Bolshevik soldiers' organizations. And it is necessary for representatives of all such organizations to come together and agree on how to conduct common work among the soldiers further. It is necessary to resolve many important issues that cannot be resolved here alone in St. Petersburg - the question of a soldier's newspaper, the question of the peasant newspaper, the question of how to achieve the end of the war, how to achieve the transfer of all power into the hands of the workers and peasants; it is necessary to think over the general plan of the struggle, to contact each other, to select the central (main) committee of all our soldiers' organizations and many other questions. That is why, comrades, our soldier's military organization of the Bolsheviks calls on your elected (from a hundred organized, i.e., participating in the party, Bolshevik soldiers - one delegate, or in general from each organization, if there are less than a hundred members, - one delegate ) for a meeting scheduled for June 15 in Petrograd. elect a central (main) committee of all our soldiers' organizations and many other questions. That is why, comrades, our soldier's military organization of the Bolsheviks calls on your elected (from a hundred organized, i.e., participating in the party, Bolshevik soldiers - one delegate, or in general from each organization, if there are less than a hundred members, - one delegate ) for a meeting scheduled for June 15 in Petrograd. elect a central (main) committee of all our soldiers' organizations and many other questions. That is why, comrades, our soldier's military organization of the Bolsheviks calls on your elected (from a hundred organized, i.e., participating in the party, Bolshevik soldiers - one delegate, or in general from each organization, if there are less than a hundred members, - one delegate ) for a meeting scheduled for June 15 in Petrograd.
We call on all comrades to work together to do the necessary work. We call on all Social-Democratic comrades Bolsheviks - soldiers to choose comrades who, by joint efforts, will create an all-Russian soldier-peasant organization of the Bolsheviks, an organization of soldiers who, together with the workers, will lead the entire peasantry with them to conquer power and to fight the capitalists and landowners.
The order of the day is as follows:
1. The goal, tasks and structure of the All-Russian military organization and its relation to the general working socialdemocratic organization.
2. All-Russian soldier and peasant newspaper.
3. The attitude of the social democratic military organizations to the decisions of the all-Russian conference, which was in Petrograd on April 24-29, p. g.
4. The armament of the people and the workers' guard.
5. Elections.
Military organization under the Central Committee of the RSDLP