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Stalin, Soviets and Israeli Question
October 20, 1948
Israel has a League of Friendly Relations with the USSR, which was created in 1946 on the basis of the previously existing "Vi" League of assistance to the Soviet Union. The League's program notes that its main goal is to strengthen friendly relations between the Soviet Union and Palestine. The league is headed by a central committee composed of party representation. This circumstance complicates the work of the League since party disagreements of a different nature are transferred to it. There are constant disputes about who will lead the planned event, who will make a report at any solemn meeting, etc. This principle made it possible for the right-wing elements, i.e. the Mapai Party, to win a dominant position in the League.
Some members of the United Workers' Party, such as the general secretary of the Tarnopoler League, fell under the influence of the Mapai representatives and, in fact, pursue their policy, a policy of sheer demagoguery.
The League has a number of branches in the main cities and some rural areas of the country. There are also disagreements between the Central Committee of the League, on the one hand, and the local committees of Tel Aviv and Haifa, on the other, for the same reasons.
The work of the League was limited all the time to demonstrative events (meetings, rallies). However, at present the League is planning to hold a number of specific measures: it is planned to convene a Congress of the League, at which the central committee is to be re-elected, the new charter of the League is to be approved, and so on. It is planned to publish some collections, organize an exhibition about the Soviet Union, etc.
With the arrival of the Soviet mission to Israel, among the majority the population of the country has seen a great increase in sympathy for the USSR. This gives us ample opportunities for our propaganda, for organizing all kinds of cultural events, despite the well-known opposition from the reactionary elements.
However, given the given composition of the League's leadership, it is difficult to imagine that good work can be done in this area. Therefore, we need to define our attitude towards the League and its future work. First, we can take the path of changing the composition of its leadership. This, naturally, will require a certain amount of pressure from us, indirect or direct, in the re-election of the Central Committee of the League. Secondly, it is possible to create a new "Society for Cultural Relations between Israel and the USSR", but it cannot be ruled out that the Israeli parties will not declare a boycott of this society, as a result of which we will not be able to turn it into a mass organization.
I ask for your instructions.
Appendix: Information on the League of Friendly Relations with the USSR, drawn up by the second secretary of the mission, comrade Fedorin . USSR envoy to Israel P. Ershov
On the paper document: “Comrade Bakulin. Understand and give suggestions. V. Zorin ".
AVP RF, f. 089, op. 1, p. 2, d.21, l. 7-8.