Selected Secret Documents from Soviet Foreign Policy Documents Archives - 1919 to 1941

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  Selected Secret Documents from Soviet Foreign Policy Documents Archives - 1919 to 1941
Concentrated on 1st and  2nd WW Correspondence and Meetings related to Turkey, Balkans and Iran, with some additions from Afghanistan and India.

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Note from the representative of the peopleʹs commissariat of foreign affairs of the RSFSR in Turkey to the commissioner for foreign affairs of the government of the grand national assembly of Turkey Ahmed Mukhtar.

April 6, 1921 no. 317

Mr. Commissioner,

I hasten to inform you of the translation of the telegram I have just received, comrade Chicherin, peopleʹs commissariat of the RSFSR:

“formally convey to the Turkish government our congratulations, lively joy and the friendliest feelings on the occasion of the signing of the treaty between Russia and Turkey, which is the cornerstone of the friendly relations between our peoples so necessary for the entire east.”

Please accept, Mr. Commissioner, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Representative of the peopleʹs commissariat of the RSFSR

P. Mdivani

Print. By architect.

This note was sent in connection with the following note by Ahmet

Mukhtar to Chicherin dated March 21, 1921:

ʺMr. Commissioner,

We have just received the Russian text of the treaty of friendship and brotherhood, signed on March 16 in Moscow by delegates from both sides. Although we received this text with large gaps and significant distortions during transmission, I want to express without further expectation the joy that I feel on the occasion of this first and important step taken by the peoples of Russia and Turkey towards the necessary unity for the realization of their common ideal of justice and freedom. I am confident that with the receipt of the full text of the treaty, our sense of satisfaction will only increase.

The working people of Russia, who are trying to free the world from the dominance of capitalism, and the working people of Turkey, who are trying to free it from the dominance of imperialism, will gladly welcome the new era of success and achievements that is opening up before them thanks to the coordination of their efforts and the good agreement between their leaders.

Greeting you as one of the leading figures in this field, I ask you, Mr. Commissioner, to accept, along with my congratulations, the assurances of my highest consideration. ʺ