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Selected Secret Documents from Soviet Foreign Policy Documents Archives - 1919 to 1941Concentrated on 1st and 2nd WW Correspondence and Meetings related to Turkey, Balkans and Iran, with some additions from Afghanistan and India.
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Note from the plenipotentiary representative of the RSFSR in Turkey to the commissioner for foreign affairs of the government of the grand national assembly of Turkey, Yusuf Kemal.
September 18, 1921 no. 957‐a
Mr. Commissioner,
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your venerable letters of the number 2874, the content of whose were not slow to inform my government, and I thank you on behalf of my government and the Russian people, the warmest gratitude for the generous gift of grain and bean products 1 , made by the government of the grand national assembly to help victims of hunger in our country.
You can be sure, Mr. Commissar, that this assistance coming from the fraternal Turkish people will be highly appreciated by the Russian people and will not fail to further strengthen the bonds of friendship and brotherhood that already exist between our two peoples, and will increase sympathy for the Turkish people in his heroic struggle.
I take this opportunity to express to you, lord commissioner, the assurance of my utmost respect.
In the mentioned letter of Yusuf Kemal no. 2874 dated September 18, 1921 it was said: “Mr. Plenipotentiary representative.
I have the pleasure to inform you that in addition to 30 tons of corn located near Heraclea and of which I informed you earlier, my government decided to deliver to Soviet Russia, after tax collection, about 800 tons of grain and legumes, loading them in various ports of the black sea for assistance victims of famine in Russia.
Please accept, Mr. Plenipotentiary representative, the assurance of my highest consideration. ʺ
1 at the end of 1921, a consignment of corn came from Turkey to help the hungry.
Note from the plenipotentiary representative of the RSFSR in Turkey to the commissioner for foreign affairs of the government of the grand national assembly of Turkey, Yusuf Kemal.
September 22, 1921 no. 974‐a
Mr. Commissioner,
I have the pleasure of transmitting at the same time the translation of a telegram which I have just received from comrade Chicherin, peopleʹs commissar for foreign affairs of the RSFSR.
“convey to the government of the Turkish grand national assembly our warmest congratulations on the Turkish victories [1] and our wishes to the Turkish people for continued success in their struggle against the imperialist invasion. No. 6137/4135 Chicherin ʺ.
Joining the congratulations of my government, I hope to soon congratulate you on the complete and final victory of the Turkish people, which will ensure, along with political, economic independence, which is the basis of the true independence of every people.
Please accept, Mr. Commissioner, the assurance of my highest consideration.
In response to this note, the following note by Yusuf Kemal dated September 27, 1921 was sent to the plenipotentiary representative of the RSFSR in Turkey:
“Mr. Plenipotentiary representative,
I would be grateful if you deigned to convey to the government of the RSFSR and Mr. Chicherin, peopleʹs commissar for foreign affairs, the gratitude of the government of the grand national assembly of Turkey, as well as my personal gratitude for the congratulations sent on the occasion of the victory at Sakarya and for the expressed wishes of our future success.
At the same time expressing our gratitude to you for your congratulations and good wishes to Turkey, I ask you to accept, Mr. Plenipotentiary representative, the assurance of my very high esteem. ʺ Note from the peopleʹs commissar for foreign affairs of the RSFSR to the commissar for foreign affairs of the government of the grand national assembly of Turkey Yusuf Kemal
October 3, 1921 no. 7083
In view of the message to the Russian government by its plenipotentiary delegate at the Kars conference of the issue raised by the Turkish delegation on the relationship of the Transcaucasian Soviet republics, I have the honor to explain to you, Mr. The fact that the aforementioned republics are among themselves in close political and economic union, resolving jointly related political and economic issues. Peopleʹs commissariat of the RSFSR
[1] in the course of long and fierce battles that took place from august 23 to September 13, 1921, the Turkish army under the command of Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) defeated the Greek troops advancing on Ankara and threw them back on the left bank of the Sakarya river (central Anatolia).