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The defeat of the fascist imperialist bloc in the Second World War led to a sharp change in the balance and disposition of forces on the world stage.
Instead of the six main imperialist powers, only three large countries of monopoly capital remained—the United States of America, Britain and France. Of these countries, England emerged from the war seriously weakened, and France suffered great damage. This situation, of course, now opposes them to each other in the imperialist camp to a greater extent than ever before.
As a result of the defeat of the three imperialist countries and the great weakening of Britain and France, as a result of the failure of the plans of American imperialism to achieve world domination, and as a result of the intensified decay of this imperialism, the entire world capitalist system has sharply weakened.
At the same time, thanks to the accession to the forces of peace and socialism of a number of countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe, as well as China, North Korea, and Vietnam, thanks to the rapid growth of the economic power of the countries of people's democracy and especially the Soviet country, a powerful socialist camp was formed, headed by the Soviet Union. Union.
Such is the post-war alignment of forces in the international arena.
The Second World War aggravated all the contradictions of capitalism even more, it deepened the general crisis of capitalism in the most serious way. Comrade Stalin teaches that the basis of the general crisis of world capitalism "is the ever-increasing disintegration of the world economic system of capitalism, on the one hand, and the growing economic power of the countries that have fallen away from capitalism - the USSR, China and other people's democratic countries, on the other hand" (1) .
As a result of the formation of two world markets, the sphere of application of the forces of the main capitalist countries to world resources began to shrink. At the same time, the cyclical nature of the development of capitalism was preserved. "However, the growth of production in these countries will occur on a narrowed base, because the volume of production in these countries will be reduced" (2) .
These economic processes, characteristic of capitalism at the present stage of its general crisis, must be fully taken into account when analyzing the development of international relations in the system of imperialism.
In considering the post-war aggression of the United States and Britain, their mutual relations and the anti-imperialist struggle of the peoples of the Pacific basin, one must not forget the previous policy of the imperialist countries in the Pacific. Of all the capitalist powers of the world, the United States and England have long since launched their expansion on the largest scale in these parts of the world. The monopolies of these countries acted as the most cruel enemy of the peoples of the colonial and dependent countries. At one time, Japanese zaibatsu tried to challenge the palm in the implementation of imperialist aggression in the Pacific Ocean. At present, the freedom-loving peoples have to fight against the aggression of the City, and especially against the bloody aggression of Wall Street. American imperialism brings terrible suffering, brutal exploitation and slavery to the oppressed peoples.
But the fact that at present the expansion in the Pacific Ocean is carried out mainly by two big imperialist predators (not counting the weaker imperialist powers—France, Holland, Australia, and others that have interests in the Pacific basin) constantly clashes and inevitably aggravates and inflames their contradictions.
The contradictions between the United States and Britain, in particular the contradictions in the Pacific Ocean, have always occupied a very important place in the general complex of international contradictions. The antagonism between the British and American monopolies began to play a particularly large role in the epoch of the general crisis of capitalism. The contradictions between Britain and the United States, temporarily relegated to the background after the Second World War, again became the main contradictions between the imperialist states.
In the first years after the Second World War, these contradictions did not lead to an open aggravation of Anglo-American relations. The aggravation of these relations developed covertly as a result of the great weakening of British imperialism, and also due to the fact that the anti-imperialist, democratic camp of the world, led by the Soviet Union, which the US and British imperialists consider their common enemy, has greatly strengthened. The British and American financial oligarchy strove to create a common imperialist front against the mighty socialist power and against the entire democratic camp of the world, trying to at least partially and at least temporarily muffle their imperialist contradictions by intensifying the struggle against the socialist camp. These attempts were in vain.
The imperialist bloc of the United States and Britain opposes the Soviet Union, the people's democracies, the people's liberation movement all over the world, and also in the Pacific Ocean. This bloc seeks to annex and use as its weapons other countries headed by reactionary governments.
However, the American-British bloc was built from the very beginning on the basis of the subordination of British monopoly capital to the interests of the financial magnates of Wall Street, in other words, cooperation outside was carried out through a sharp struggle within the bloc and, as a rule, through concessions to British imperialism. Since the beginning of the existence of the bloc, Wall Street has done and is doing more and more damage to the interests of the British monopolies, seizing their positions in various countries, in various spheres of conflict of their interests, subjecting the British imperialists to its dictate. American imperialism, having entered into a bloc with the British, seeks, under the cover of this bloc, to swallow up the entire British Empire, including England itself.
Following the wolfish laws of capitalism, rendering "military assistance" and promising their patronage to the allied reactionary regimes, including the London government, the American monopolies at the same time mercilessly rob allies, turning them into their compradors and clerks. The American oligarchy has spent and is spending billions of dollars from the state budget on "loans" to other countries, on "aid" under the "Marshall Plan", on arming the allies, under the aggressive Atlantic Pact on terms that should weaken and enslave its allies.
And with regard to England, the masters of the American monopolies believe that the time has come when, as a result of victories over British competitors, they will gradually be able to destroy their economic and political power. Moreover, they are trying to use England as a weapon to subjugate the Western European and other capitalist countries and to actively fight against the Soviet Union, and the English people as slaves and cannon fodder.
In the event of an armed action by the imperialist bloc against the Soviet Union and the entire socialist camp of the world, England, as the American imperialists hope, would be completely weakened, and her empire and she herself would fall completely into the hands of the American financial oligarchy without difficulty.
After the First World War, when the Anglo-American contradiction became the main imperialist contradiction, Wall Street strengthened Germany primarily against the USSR, but to a certain extent also against its imperialist rival, England. After World War II, the US financial oligarchy militarizes West Germany and Japan with similar aims.
After the Second World War, the press of American monopolies intimidated the British: "England is virtually powerless in the face of the military might of the Soviet Union, except that she can rely on alliance and cooperation with the United States" (3) .
But the more the American imperialists talk about cooperation and assistance, the more it means that they are trying to satisfy their expansionist appetites at the expense of their weaker allies in the imperialist bloc, and primarily at the expense of England, which still has vast colonies with labor reserves. Participation in the criminal imperialist bloc not only fails to resolve the Anglo-American contradictions that are tearing the bloc apart, but turns the bloc itself into an instrument of inter-imperialist struggle between two insatiable predators. Within the bloc—this conspiratorial organization of the imperialists—the struggle between the two main participants in the conspiracy against world peace is unfolding and intensifying. At the same time, contradictions are growing between all the participants in the aggressive bloc,
After the Second World War, the British big bourgeoisie retreated from many positions under the onslaught of American imperialism, harboring a growing anger against their age-old rivals overseas. It hopes to outsmart Wall Street—buy time, recover from the blows of World War II, and use American loans and "appropriations" to rebuild its economic strength so that it can then take a firmer stand, try to win back what it was forced to cede to American capital, and restore and expand your empire.
In its economic war against the American monopolies, British imperialism in 1948-1950. registered some success, in particular in the Pacific Rim countries. British exports to Australia before the war exceeded American exports by about 2.5 times, and in 1949 they exceeded American exports by 5 times. The share of American exports to India in 1949 fell to 16%, or almost halved compared with 1947. US exports to Malaya fell to 6%, or halved compared to 1948. American exports to all the countries of the sterling zone fell about half between 1947 and 1950, while British exports nearly doubled.
The share of the United States in world exports decreased from 31% in 1947 to 21% in 1950. The share of the countries of the British Empire in world exports increased and amounted to 29% in 1950. England's gold and dollar reserves temporarily increased, increasing from 1,300 million dollars in September 1949 to 2,750 million dollars by the end of September 1950. The volume of shipbuilding in England in 1948-1950. significantly outnumbered US shipbuilding. One could cite a number of other facts showing some temporary successes of British monopoly capital in 1948-1950. in its struggle against its partner and competitor, US imperialism.
Embittered by this, the American imperialists informed the British government at the beginning of 1951 that "aid" to Britain under the "Marshall Plan" was ending. Of course, this step, like the entire American blackmail with “military assistance”, also pursued military-political goals. The position of the British monopolies, which sought to shift the main burden on the United States in the aggressive imperialist war in the Far East, aroused great indignation among the American bourgeoisie, who were accustomed to raking in the heat with the wrong hands. Meanwhile, the British imperialists, having sent several thousand soldiers to Korea, tried to temporarily limit themselves to this and evade immediate direct participation in the war against China, at the same time pushing the United States towards the speediest expansion of the war in the Far East with the help of the resources and troops of the United States itself. Taking this position,
The position taken by the governments of Attlee and Churchill in matters of Far Eastern policy is a position conditioned by the desire to fight, if possible, by proxy. The militarization of England, which the Labor lackeys of the financial oligarchy began with particular zeal from the beginning of 1951, after the Truman-Atlee conference, the entire policy of the Labor government and the Conservative government that replaced it in 1951 shows that the British rulers are ready to draw the British people into a new world war that the British government is one of the active warmongers.
Comrade Stalin, in a conversation with a Pravda correspondent published on February 17, 1951, emphasized this circumstance.
"It is clear," he declared, "that Premier Attlee stands not for the preservation of peace, but for unleashing a new world war of aggression."
The British imperialists, who turned out to be completely incapable of learning the lessons of history, continuing after the Second World War, as in the days of Munich, to carry out vile and insidious plans to kindle an anti-Soviet war, however, became victims of their own criminal projects and machinations. Using the North Atlantic Pact, acting sometimes with a whip and sometimes with a dollar, the American financial oligarchy is increasingly turning the United Kingdom into its military foothold and dependent country. Under the pretext of "defending" England, the United States took possession of the air bases in the British Isles, stationed troops in England, enjoying extraterritoriality and being, in fact, occupying troops, exerting military-political pressure on the London government.
As the British bourgeois press admits, the American militarists have long been unashamedly declaring that, in the role of an aircraft carrier for American aviation, "England will prove useful to the United States, although London and most of England will be destroyed" (4) .
The agreements on "military assistance" concluded between Britain and the United States actually led to the establishment of control by the American financial oligarchy over the heavy industry of England, and consequently over all industry. After the removal of the English General Montgomery from the post of head of the headquarters of the "European army" and the appointment of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the Atlantic aggressive bloc, the American general Eisenhower, and then the plague general - Ridgway, as well as the appointment of the American admiral as the commander of the naval forces of the aggressor bloc, the military system of England also turned out to be in 1951 under the control of the US General Staff.
The facts more and more convincingly confirm how deeply right the Soviet government was when it declared in its note dated February 24, 1951, addressed to the London government: because without it she could not have received the so-called Marshall Plan assistance” (5) .
The English lords, the London magnates of capital and their clerks from the ranks of the social opportunists, trembling with fear of the proletariat, sell the independence of their country for miserable handouts thrown at them under enslaving "military aid" agreements, but they forget the most important thing - the English people. and of the peoples of the British Empire. And the masses of the people have their own opinion, the masses of the people proclaim more and more loudly: "Down with the war, long live peace and independence!" Even people who are far from politics began, as American bourgeois journalists themselves testify, to declare: “Let America wage her own wars!” English soldiers and sailors, just like American ones, show no zeal to die for a wrong cause, for increasing the profits of the capitalists, for imperialist conquests, for the enslavement of other peoples, no matter how hard the propagandists try to fool them, paid by the monopolies. In 1950, only 23 thousand people deserted from the navy of England, of which only 1,500 were detained, 700 people returned on their own, and the rest were not found. The unreliability of the troops is one of the reasons why the imperialists are trying to rely on each other to pull the chestnuts out of the fire.
The British imperialists were forced to cede to American imperialism many important positions in Greece, Iran, Italy, West Germany, Austria, as well as in Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and other countries of the Pacific Ocean. They did this as a result of their weakness, but at the same time they also hoped to draw their main imperialist rival into the most active struggle against the people's liberation movement and against the stronghold of democratic forces - the Soviet Union, to shift the economic, moral and political costs of this struggle onto the shoulders of this rival. to get a temporary respite and get stronger.
In the presence of such mutual calculations and sharply opposed imperialist interests, the British and American plutocrats between them did not stop friction, skirmishes, disputes and dissensions, which were intensified and aggravated, in particular in connection with the problems of the Pacific basin. The union between them is fragile. Within the American-British bloc, monopolistic groups that increasingly hate each other are constantly fighting.
As a result of China's falling away from the system of imperialism, the economic base of the imperialist world has once again been sharply reduced; the number of people exploited by monopoly capital has also sharply declined. The intensification of the struggle against imperialism in other countries hinders the exploitation of these countries and peoples. But this enormous reduction in the sphere of imperialism's dominion, this disintegration of the world capitalist market leads to increased competition and to the sharpening and deepening of intra-imperialist contradictions, especially to the sharpening of the main Anglo-American contradiction in that part of the globe which still remains under the dominion of imperialism. Contradictions are again developing between the defeated but resurgent German (West Germany) and Japanese monopolies, on the one hand, and the British,
According to the teachings of Comrade Stalin, the disintegration of the single world market into two parallel world markets is the most important economic result of the Second World War and its economic consequences.
At the same time, as Comrade Stalin points out, the main thing in strengthening the new world market is that the USSR, China and the European people's democratic countries in the period after the war “broke together economically and established economic cooperation and mutual assistance. The experience of this cooperation shows that not a single capitalist country could render such real and technically qualified assistance to the people's democratic countries as the Soviet Union renders to them. Comrade Stalin emphasizes the fact that, with the existing high rates of industrial development, “things will soon come to the point that these countries will not only not need to import goods from the capitalist countries, but will themselves feel the need to sell the excess goods of their production to the side.”
Under such conditions, Comrade Stalin teaches, the sphere of application of the forces of the main capitalist countries to world resources will shrink, the underutilization of enterprises in these countries will increase, and the difficulties for the capitalist economy will increase. Comrade Stalin shows that the capitalists “are trying to overcome these difficulties with the Marshall Plan, the war in Korea, the arms race, and the militarization of industry. But,” says Comrade Stalin, “it is very much like drowning people clutching at straws” (6) .
Under such conditions, the contradictions that are tearing apart the imperialist camp can only intensify, and indeed we see with our own eyes how they intensify from month to month. The entire economic policy of US imperialism is contributing in the most serious way to the strengthening of these contradictions. “The chief of them,” says Comrade M. Malenkov in his report to the 19th Congress of the CPSU(b), “contradictions remain between the USA and England” (7) .
In the hands of the British financial oligarchy there are still huge sources of raw materials, vast markets and investments of capital, extremely important strategic positions. There are still hundreds of millions of colonial slaves under its rule.
The American financial oligarchy, which, by virtue of the law of uneven development, has far surpassed the City and has become much richer than the English financial oligarchy, cannot reconcile itself to the fact that Wall Street is not the monopoly lord and monopoly exploiter of these people and these riches.
It would be a profound mistake to assume that the very important concessions and extensive maneuvering of England signify the readiness of the British monopolies voluntarily, without the most bitter struggle, to cede the British Empire to the financial magnates of Wall Street. The more they talk about. "joint action" between the British and American financial oligarchy, the more they conclude mutual pacts and agreements, the more the dependence of British imperialism on American imperialism grows, the more sharply their internal contradictions clash, the more disagreements arise between them.
“The external unity of the front of imperialism cannot hide its profound internal contradictions, connected mainly with the struggle for raw materials, markets and spheres of investment of capital. These contradictions are intertwined, embracing all the countries of the camp of imperialism, but the main of them remain the contradictions “between the USA and Britain, both in Europe and in Asia.
There can hardly be any doubt that the contradictions in the imperialist camp will deepen more and more” (8) .
And now the significant words of V. I. Lenin remain in force: “The experience of world politics has shown that an alliance against Soviet Russia is inevitably doomed to failure, because it is an imperialist alliance, an alliance of predators who are not united, and real interest, lasting, connecting them , They don't have " (9).
The American-British aggressive imperialist bloc is undoubtedly condemned to failure.
First of all, it is condemned to failure because the power of the socialist camp has increased immeasurably, and especially the power of the main force of this camp—the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics—the invincible fortress of socialism.
The American-British imperialist bloc is doomed to failure both because of the general weakening of the capitalist camp, which is incomparably weaker now than it was at the time of the Second World War, and also because of its internal contradictions, which are becoming more and more deepened and sharpened throughout the world, and in particular in the Pacific. ocean. Both participants in the block already do not trust each other; they make all sorts of conjectures and put forward all sorts of assumptions about how one and the other will behave at critical moments. The experience of the Second World War, in particular the experience of the war in the Pacific, shows that even under military conditions the Anglo-American imperialist contradictions to no small extent hindered the effective conduct of the war.
The Second World War began not with a war with the USSR, but with a war between capitalist countries. This happened, firstly, because “a war with the USSR, as a country of socialism, is more dangerous for capitalism than a war between capitalist countries, because if a war between capitalist countries raises only the question of the predominance of such and such capitalist countries over other capitalist countries, then a war with the USSR must necessarily raise the question of the existence of capitalism itself. Because, secondly, the capitalists, although they make noise for the purpose of "propaganda" about the aggressiveness of the Soviet Union, do not themselves believe in its aggressiveness, since they take into account the peaceful policy of the Soviet Union and know that the Soviet Union itself will not attack the capitalist countries. (10) .
The pacts are concluded by the imperialist governments and their puppets, and the peoples loudly declare that they hate pacts of war and destruction, pacts that pursue the aim of imperialist plunder and the establishment of world domination by American billionaires. Like a mighty rock against which all and all plans of aggression and the creation of slave-owning empires, embodied in imperialist blocs, are shattered, the country of socialism stands unshakably.
"The very existence of the Soviet state with its growing power and international prestige, as well as the Mighty support provided to it by the Democratic forces in other countries, are an insurmountable obstacle in the way of any and all plans for establishing world domination ..." (11) .
At the same time, it must be remembered that “the more hopeless the cause of imperialist reaction, the more it rages, the more the danger of military adventures increases.
Only the greatest vigilance of the peoples, their firm determination to actively fight for peace with all their strength and means, will lead to the collapse of the criminal designs of the instigators of a new war” (12) .
Nor can the imperialists count on the fact that the disintegration of the colonial system of imperialism at this stage will be limited to China, North Korea and Vietnam falling away from imperialism. In the Pacific, a breakthrough of new links in the imperialist chain is certainly possible and is already taking place. This is evidenced by the unrelenting anti-imperialist armed struggle of the oppressed peoples of a number of Asian countries. The great victory of the Chinese people contributes to the expansion and deepening of the people's liberation movement in the oppressed Asian countries. The wise Stalin, in a brilliant forecast made a quarter of a century ago, declared: “... in the course of the further development of the international revolution and international reaction, two world-scale centers will take shape: a socialist center, drawing to itself countries gravitating towards socialism, and a capitalist center, which draws in countries that gravitate towards capitalism. The struggle between these two camps will decide the fate of capitalism and socialism throughout the world."(13) .
The socialist centre, which has taken shape in full accordance with Comrade Stalin's foresight, is fighting for peace, for progress. The number of his supporters is growing day by day. The capitalist center - the United States - has created the criminal North Atlantic bloc, and is putting together Middle Eastern and Far Eastern military blocs auxiliary to it, the task of which is to kindle the fire of a world war unprecedented in its scale. It is not surprising that the American reactionaries themselves in the press and speeches acknowledge the growth of "hostility and hatred" towards the United States throughout the world. "'World domination' is, to put it briefly, the content of the imperialist policy, the continuation of which is the imperialist war" (14) .
Obsessed with the crazy bloody idea of creating a world slave empire, the thirst for maximum military profits, in 1950 the financial magnates threw the United States into a war of conquest in the Far East and engaged in a feverish arms race and militarization of the country. The US Congress approved in the spring of 1951 a law on conscription for military service of young men of 18 years of age, on bringing the size of the armed forces to 4-6 million people. A new bloody slaughter is longed for by "billionaires and millionaires who view the war as a profitable item that yields colossal profits" (15) .
The lackeys of the American monopolies in the US government, having sharply increased the state budget for 1951/52, threw 89% of this budget into the insatiable jaws of the monopolies, allocating huge sums (more than 80 billion dollars) for direct and indirect military spending. But this unprecedented increase in military spending led to an increase in inflation and an extraordinary increase in the taxation of the masses.
In 1952 taxes in the United States were about twelve times higher than before World War II! “Imperialism cannot live without violence and robbery, without blood and shots” (Stalin). These robberies and shootings immediately affect the standard of living of the masses of the people of the United States itself. These shots are affecting many American families as they lose their loved ones, whose blood is pumped in the form of looted dollars into Wall Street vaults. The British and French working people and the masses of almost the entire capitalist world, whom the American financial oligarchy intends to throw into the abyss of a new world war, are also subjected to inflation and increased tax robbery.
All this policy of monopolies stems from the basic economic law of modern capitalism. Monopoly capitalism demands maximum profit. Therefore, the plundering of the majority of the population, the enslavement and ruin of entire nations, the organization of new wars, attempts to win world domination—all this takes place as long as monopoly capitalism exists. The continuous action and development of imperialist contradictions is also inevitable. Consequently, even after the Second World War "the inevitability of wars between capitalist countries remains in force" (16) .
The most rabid enemies of peace, civilization and the independence of peoples after the Second World War are American millionaires and billionaires, who gorged themselves on gold, but yearned for more and more maximum profits.
"... in the capitalist world," Comrade Malenkov, “a new center of reaction and aggression has emerged in the face of the United States, from where the main threat now comes to the cause of peace, the cause of freedom and national independence of peoples” (17) . Tov. Malenkov noted that US politicians, including Truman, had repeatedly expressed their claims to "world leadership" quite openly. "This line towards the conquest of world domination, towards the subjugation of all other countries to itself, is the main motive for the entire policy of the American imperialist elite" (18) .
However, here the Achilles' heel of imperialism in the modern era was revealed. As the World Peace Congresses have shown, as the sessions of the World Peace Council have shown, as the protests of the popular masses of all countries in defense of peace have shown, ordinary people do not want to be robbed to the skin by bandits of monopoly capital, do not want to shed blood to satisfy their predatory appetites, do not want to become a tool destruction of civilization. "Down with warmongers!" - this exclamation is heard in all countries, on all continents.
The democratic forces of the United States, Britain and other imperialist countries led by the Communist Parties are stubbornly and unwaveringly fighting US imperialist aggression.
The fascist laws passed by the US Congress are powerless to prevent the advanced workers, intelligentsia, and farmers from speaking out for peace and against the aggressive policy. Shortly after the beginning of the American intervention in Korea, the Secretary of the National Committee of the US Communist Party, Hess Hall, in his report to the plenum of the National Committee, stated:
"We must consistently emphasize and show that the war in Korea is an unjust, aggressive, imperialist war" (19) .
At the Fifteenth Congress of the US Communist Party (at the end of December 1950), the speakers reaffirmed their determination to fight relentlessly against the striving of the American monopolies to enslave the world.
In 1950, the supporters of peace in Britain intensified their struggle significantly against the imperialist colonial policy of the British government and against London's support for American aggression. Even the British bourgeois press is forced to admit that the fighters for peace have achieved very significant successes, that the common people of England are expressing great dissatisfaction with the subservience of the Conservatives and Labor leaders to the American financial magnates, in particular in the question of sending British troops as cannon fodder to Korea.
The Communist Party of Great Britain, in its program adopted on January 13, 1951, states: “The plans for a third world war, openly prepared by the imperialists of America and their adherents in Britain - the Churchills and the Attlees - turn Britain into the main military base for an aggressive nuclear war against socialism in Europe and Asia." The program states: "Britain's subjection to American imperialism is a betrayal of the British people...", the program notes that "the country has lost its independence and freedom of action in the field of foreign, economic and military policy by submitting to a foreign power - the United States of America". Demanding the creation of a people's government in England and exposing the national betrayal committed by the big bourgeoisie and its henchmen, the Communist Party points out: "Leaders of the Labor and Conservative parties became spokesmen for the interests of a foreign power." Declaring that a third world war could only end in a terrible catastrophe for the British people, the program points out:
"A lasting peace is a vital necessity for all peoples and the main goal set by the Communist Party" (20) .
Responding to the American aggressors who shouted that "the twentieth century is the century of America," the leader of the British Communist Party, Harry Pollit, declared with unshakable confidence: "This century will never be the century of America, but will be the century of communism."
The peoples of the colonial world are entering the struggle with unshakable determination against American and other aggressors, warmongers, colonial robbers and slave owners. The struggle for peace and the struggle for national liberation are closely linked. For the colonial peoples, this struggle is vital, holy and just. They know that only an armed struggle against the imperialist bandits and the feudal comprador reaction can ensure national independence, peace and the very existence of the peoples now enslaved.
The policy of the fascist Truman regime, the sadistic extermination of the Korean people, thousands of facts from the predatory practices of the American imperialist savages warn the peoples of the world against the false speeches and inhuman deeds of the modern builders of the American "world empire". Mohanlal Atal, India's representative to the First Session of the World Peace Council, speaking of the sentiments of his people, said: "The people say with a shudder that if America succeeds in its sinister plans, the world will be a place in which the colored peoples will not live. ". And Atal added: "Hatred of America is growing more and more in proportion to the reports of cruelties and atrocities committed by robbers under the command of General MacArthur."
It is not surprising that in such a mood of the Indian people, even Indian Prime Minister Nehru, at the conference of prime ministers of the countries of the British Empire in 1950, came up with a program demanding the recognition of China and the admission of its representatives to the Security Council, an end to the war in Korea and the withdrawal of all foreign troops, the return of Taiwan to the People's Republic of China, the withdrawal of French troops from Indo-China and the British army from Malaya.
At the head of mighty detachments of fighters against aggression and oppression, communist or workers' and peasants' parties march everywhere, raising high the banner of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin. The communist ideology triumphantly seizes the minds of mankind, for it brings deliverance from the horrors of the era of decaying capitalism, brings progress and life.
Comrade Stalin, in his speech at the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, pointed out that the bourgeoisie, the main enemy of the liberation movement, had changed, had become more reactionary, had lost ties with the people, and thereby weakened itself. “There is no longer the so-called “freedom of the individual,” says Comrade Stalin, “the rights of the individual are now recognized only for those who have capital, and all other citizens are considered raw human material, suitable only for exploitation The principle of equality of people and nations has been trampled underfoot, it has been replaced by the principle of full rights for the exploiting minority and lack of rights for the exploited majority of citizens. The banner of bourgeois-democratic freedoms has been thrown overboard. I think that you, the representatives of the communist and democratic parties, will have to raise this banner and carry it forward, if you want to gather the majority of the people around you. There is no one else to pick it up.
Previously, the bourgeoisie was considered the head of the nation, it defended the rights and independence of the nation, putting them "above all." Now not a trace of the "national principle" remains. Now the bourgeoisie is selling the rights and independence of the nation for dollars. The banner of national independence and national sovereignty has been thrown overboard. There is no doubt that you, the representatives of the communist and democratic parties, will have to raise this banner and carry it forward if you want to be patriots of your country, if you want to become the leading force of the nation.
Pointing out that the fraternal parties and groups in the capitalist countries can now learn from the struggles and successes of the Soviet Union and the people's democracies, that the bourgeoisie has lost contact with the people and weakened itself, and other circumstances that facilitate the work of the communist and democratic parties, Comrade Stalin concludes:
"Consequently, there is every reason to count on the success and victory of the fraternal parties in the countries dominated by capital" (21) .
The aggressive policy of US imperialism has already received very tangible blows in the Far East since the Second World War; she fails after failure.
This does not mean, however, that the American invaders are ready to accept the verdict of history. No, they are committing ever new maneuvers and provocations, they are viciously launching ever new attacks against the peoples, trying to create ever new centers of "war," trying to kindle the fire of a new world war and suppress the liberation movement of the colonial and dependent peoples in the most cruel way. The facts show that that "the American-British bloc has taken the path of preparing and unleashing a new war" (22) .
The bloody adventures, the imperialist aggression of both Britain and the United States are ultimately condemned to complete failure both in the Pacific and throughout the world. This is a historical pattern. In particular, the study of the development of the economic and political expansion of the United States and Britain in the Pacific Ocean, their policy and their contradictions in this area of the globe, the liberation struggle of the oppressed peoples of the Pacific basin, the struggle of the Soviet Union and the democratic forces for peace, against the imperialist aggression.
The successes of socialism, the successes of the democratic forces in our time cannot be blocked by cannons, or by bombers, or by spells, or by the threat of using the atomic bomb! One of the irrefutable evidence of this is the People's Republic of China, whose flags, painted in the color of joy and happiness, flutter over the vast expanses of Asia - from the tropical island of Hainan to the mountain ranges of Central Asia.
The People's Republic of China entered the international arena as an integral part of the great democratic camp of the world, and therefore its position immediately became firm and unshakable. The fraternal friendship of the Soviet and Chinese peoples, cemented by the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance, opened a new era in international relations.
It is obvious to all peoples that the friendship of the countries of the socialist camp is the cornerstone of the building of peace and security in modern conditions, when American predatory imperialism is madly rushing towards a new world war, when its hirelings are already trying to exterminate one of the peoples of Asia with the same cannibalistic composure; with which the American "civilizers" exterminated the Indian tribes in the Western Hemisphere at one time.
The fraternal union of 800 million people, pursuing the most noble goals, is already exerting an enormous beneficial influence on the course of world history. Its impact on the historical development of mankind will be ever stronger.
The fraternal friendship of peoples - fighters for international peace, for progress and democracy - is strengthened in the process of daily struggle for a better future for the masses, in the process of continuous systematic mutual assistance. This friendship, for the benefit of the working people of the whole world, is strengthened in the course of the resolute struggle against imperialist aggression and against the aggressive policy of the American monopolies. The friendship between the Soviet Union and China, the friendship between all the countries of the mighty socialist camp, is a great achievement of the democratic forces of the world. Such friendship among all the peoples of the world, in which aggression would be buried and peace would become the unconditional law of international relations, such friendship is the dream of progressive people of all countries.
By a resolute struggle against the forces of aggression and reaction, the masses of the people of all countries and all continents are striving to hasten the time when modern cannibals will not be able to threaten the well-being and the very life of millions of people. By that time, the peoples of the Pacific countries, and especially the oppressed peoples of Asia, are also paving the way.
The Pacific Ocean has become an ocean of mighty revolutionary storms and hurricanes. Through the wide openings in the storm clouds, the sun of freedom is already illuminating the peoples of the Pacific countries, and no pygmies of reaction and imperialism are able to deprive the masses of the people advancing towards a new life of its life-giving light.
(1) J. V. Stalin, Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR, p. 57.
(2) Ibid., p. 56.
(3) Atlantic Monthly, November 1947.
(4) New Statesman and Nation, March 27, 1948.
(5) Izvestiya, February 25, 1951.
(6) I. V. Stalin, Economic problems of socialism in the USSR, pp. 30, 31, 32.
(7) G. Malenkov, Report to the 19th Party Congress on the work of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, p. 13.
(8) L. P. Beria, 34th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, pp. 27-28.
(9) V. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 31, p. 300.
(10) I. V. Stalin, Economic problems of socialism in the USSR, p
11. -Atlantic Pact”, Gospolitizdat, 1949, p. 18.
(12) “Conference of the Information Bureau of the Communist Parties”, Gospolitizdat, 1949, pp. 9-10.
(13) I. V. Stalin, Works, vol. 10, p. 135.
(14) V. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 23, p. 24. (15) J. V. Stalin , Conversation with a Pravda correspondent, p.
problems of socialism in the USSR, p. 35.
(17) G. Malenkov, Report to the 19th Party Congress on the work of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, p. 6.
(18) Ibid., pp. 19-20.
(19) "For a lasting peace, for people's democracy!", September 1, 1950
(20) Bolshevik, No. 3, February 1951, pp. 52-54.
(21) I. V. Stalin, Speech at the 19th Party Congress, Gospolitizdat, 1952, pp. 11-13.
(22) L.P. Beria, 34th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, p. 22.